Extra School Support Programme (ESSP)
Gauteng Department of Education

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The South African Government has pledged to ‘improve quality education and eliminate disparities’. In practice this requires that special attention must be given to ensure that provision is made for all learners to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives during the schooling years. This is especially necessary to their right to quality education and development. There is a general demand from different quarters of community for quality education in the form of constructive engagement of learners in constructive activities including Sports, Arts & Culture. Learners from low to middle income families face challenges regarding receiving support on engagement on Homework & Sporting activities from home thus putting them one step behind those from higher socio-economic families. Most of the learners are not physically active therefore there is a need for Gauteng Department of Education to embark on programmes that will elevate the concept of Care and Support for all school activities. Numerous reports on research conducted in all sectors of the department indicated: • Lack / inadequate support for learners on Homework & Sports, Arts & Culture due to multiplicity of factors such as socio-economic conditions, parent’s levels of literacy, child headed families, lack of involvement of parents in their children’s learning etc. • The vulnerability of learners who are orphans / child headed, emotional instability, poverty, lack of parental guidance etc. and thus need a variety of support to help them overcome a number of challenges. • That access to our schools is not controlled • There is a great need to extend the school time to allow learners to participate in a number of activities and remain safe. • Lack of Sports, Arts & Culture facilities for the learners in township areas. In order to address most of these issues, the need to come up with Extra School Support Programme (ESSP) which will provide support to learners in the targeted 1237 no-fee paying Schools becomes inevitable. The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) had in June 2011 received Annual National Assessment (ANA) result for grade 3 and 6 and this indicated that learners in the foundation phase and the intermediate phase were illiterate and innumerate. This report also indicated that the hard hit learners were from the disadvantaged areas. This posed serious challenges for the Education Department. During the same period the minister of sports & recreation announced the importance of learners participating in Sports and also wanted to implement Sports on Wednesdays in Schools. By then the Gauteng Education Department was running the Gauteng on Line Project which focused on the supply of Information CommunicationTechnologies to schools. This was done in phases but there were challenges around the security of this equipment. In some cases the equipment would be installed during the day and the very evening would be stolen. The President Mr. Jacob Zuma announced the importance of all the departments participating in the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) he highlighted that the South African Communities should focus on Poverty Alleviation and Reduction of unemployment of youth and women. The GDE saw an opportunity to initiate the Extra School Support Programme whose objectives were five fold.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The MEC for the Gauteng Education Department, Ms. Barbara Creecy proposed that we have a comprehensive programme to address all the issues highlighted in paragraph one.The Programme was also initiated because of the call by the President to create job opportunities for the unemployed Youth and Women. To give these unemployed citizens work experience and develop skills that are needed in the particular field. The employment of the above mentioned workers is done based on the Ministerial Determination Schedule 4 of 2012 (see the attached copy) This has also led to the consideration of payment of a stipend to alleviate poverty. The Extra School Support Programme (ESSP) was initiated to make GDE schools more effective as it promotes school safety, learners are also participating in Sports, Arts & Culture activities and most importantly this supports learners when doing homework. The introduction of ESSP in schools had the following benefits: 1. The Programme led to the initial employment of +/-15 000 workers. These are categorised as a) Homework Assistants b) Sports Arts and Culture Assistants c) General Supervisors d) Admin Assistants and e) Patrollers. 2. Due to continuous reporting on the WEB-BASE System the Project received Incentive Grant of R25 Million (see the attached document from the National Department of Labour and the Business Plan). Presently the total number of workers employed is +/-17 000(see the database of all workers.)The increase was because of the receipt of the Incentive Grant. 3. The implementation of the programme through the employment of Patrollers has led to a drastic reduction of crime in schools for example Vandalism and prevention of dangerous weapons and drugs entering school premises 4. More learners are participating in Sports, Arts and Culture through mass participation programmes and tournaments. The revival of the Sports Wednesday is taking root. 5. Primary schools learners are presently doing their homework under supervision and therefore ANA results improved and this led to reduction of educators stress levels. 6. Training Programmes; both accredited and in-house, were done in collaboration with Further Education & Training Colleges, Gauteng City Region Agency (GCRA), Gauteng Primary Maths and Literacy Strategy (GPLMS) and Sectorial Education and Training Authorities (SETA).This led to the strengthening of relations with different partners including different National Departments. E.g. South African National Defence Force (SANDF) , Department of Public Works (DPW) and Department of Labour(DoL). (see the summery of skills development plan) 7. Many learners were offered bursaries to further their studies in different fields. (lists bursary holders attached) 8. This programme is promoting partnerships with different stakeholders especially for skills development and placement of learners for permanent jobs. The organisation of the JOB FAIR /CAREER EXPO has forged collaboration with many partners

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
1. Recruitment and section of workers was a joint venture between Government and Communities. 2. The management of the workers led to the draft of the Disciplinary Code & Procedures and the Code of Conduct for ESSP Document which were discussed and approved by the Provincial Bargaining Chamber.(see attached the Disciplinary Code & Procedures & Code of conduct for ESSP. 3. Link with GPLMS and the Curriculum Directorate (see the attached Curriculum and GPLMS Documents. 4. Training Programmes linked to the Jobs to be performed by different categories of workers (see the attached Training programme) and the Materials used for Training. 5. Implementation of the Exit Strategy which includes provision of Bursaries through the FET Colleges and other Higher Education Institutions (HEI). (Some of the lists of workers who received bursaries) 6. Planning for the JOB FAIR which is planned to take place on 25th September 2013 to 01st October 2013 is in progress. The main objective is to get permanent placements for the workers.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The above led to the development of the following strategy documents and/or plans;  ESSP Concept Document.( copy attached), and  Management Plan For The Extra school Support Programme (see attached copy)

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Schools (Principals & School Governing Bodies) especial for recruitment and selection of ESSP workers. FET’s Colleges( for Training and Development and provision of bursaries) Labour formations & the Education Labour Relations Council (for discussions on conditions of service of workers) SETAs ( for accreditation of courses conducted for all the workers and provision of bursaries Universities ( for provision of tuition and bursaries for the exit strategy) Private Companies.e.g. ABSA, Standard Bank, Clientel Life Other Government Departments e.g. Department of Infracture Development (DiD), Health, Social Development, Community Safety etc. GDE Districts
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
• Stipend for the Workers • Stationery & Office Furniture (GDE Budget) • First Aid Kits for all the schools (GDE Budget) • Modified Sports Equipment (GDE Budget) • ICTs for use in the offices • Training budget • Sports Arts & Culture Facilities • Human Resources and Monitoring resource The GDE contributed R 250 000 000 towards the Project and DPW contributed R 25 000 000 as an Incentive grant

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• Creation of more than 17 000 job opportunities as some people got jobs and others replace them. • Development of documents mentioned in paragraph two. • Schools are resourced • Homework documents are available and learners are monitored when doing it. • All beneficiaries got accredited certificates that can be used for further skills development or job acquisition.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The National Department of Public Works has the Integrated Reporting System in place. This system is used to monitor progress and the actual number of Job Opportunities created. The National Coordinator also does site visits to monitor implementation. All Districts have transversal teams that monitor the day to day running of the activities in schools. Monitoring tools were developed. The Quality Assurance Directorate in the Department assists with the monitoring and Evaluation at school level. Gauteng Department of Education also implemented the GPLMS whose main focus is to help improving teaching and learning and this Programme employed Coaches who also assist in monitoring of the work done by Homework Assistants. The GDE Research Directorate also did the evaluation and Customer satisfaction survey. Presently, the Policy and Planning Directorate is doing an impact assessment and this will be completed soon.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
• Payment of stipend of the workers as the systems used was not efficient. The PERSAL System used to pay all the government employees is presently being used and this has brought a lot of efficiency in the programme. • School Managers saw the programme as and add on and initially did not want to subscribe to it, but with continuous stakeholder consultations, there has been a change of heart. • Time tabling at the schools was a challenge, but this was resolved when different models were drawn and mediated to the Principals. This led to efficiency during the implementation. • Teacher Unions and Public Service Unions were not happy with the Programme but after their engagement at the ELRC, we got the buy-in. • A clearly defined reporting structure was developed • Initially when recruitment was done there was no emphasized system of vetting but this was corrected all workers were vetted.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The introduction of ESSP in schools had the following benefits: • Workers received experience and learned work ethics • The Programme led to the initial employment of +/-15 000 workers. These are categorised as a) Homework Assistants b) Sports Arts and Culture Assistants c) General Supervisors d) Admin Assistants and e) Patrollers. • Due to continuous reporting on the WEB-BASE System the Project received Incentive Grant of R25 Million (see the attached document from the National Department of Labour and the Business Plan). Presently the total number of workers employed is +/-17 000(see the database of all workers.) • The implementation of the programme through the employment of Patrollers has led to a drastic reduction of crime in schools for example Vandalism and prevention of dangerous weapons and drugs entering school premises • More learners are participating in Sports, Arts and Culture through mass participation programmes and tournaments. The revival of the Sports Wednesday is taking root. • Primary schools learners are presently doing their homework under supervision and therefore ANA results improved and this led to reduction of educators stress levels. • Training Programmes; both accredited and in-house, were done in collaboration with Further Education & Training Colleges, GCRA, GPLMS and SETAs. This led to the strengthening of relations with different partners including different National Departments. E.g. SANDF, DPW and DoL (see the summery of skills development plan) • Many learners were offered bursaries to further their studies in different fields. (lists bursary holders attached) • This programme is promoting partnerships with different stakeholders especially for skills development and placement of learners for permanent jobs. The organisation of the JOB FAIR /CAREER EXPO has forged collaboration with many partners. • Reduction of Poverty was evident as many workers could feed their families.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
1. The Programme is linked with existing programmes in the Department like the GPLMS and the Curriculum Directorate (see the attached Curriculum and GPLMS Documents.) 2. To ensure proper implementation at all levels; Guidelines for the implementation of the ESSP were developed. 3. In ensuring appropriate Monitoring and Evaluation, monitoring and reporting tools were developed. 4. Monthly meetings are organised at all the management and implementation levels: • Provincial level ( Provincial Steering Committee) • District level (District Transversal Team) • School level (School Management Team) (see the minutes of some of the meetings) 5. Road Shows with the DDG : Education Support were held to explain the management of the programme and also clarify some of the burning issues with the workers ( see the road show schedule) 6. Formation of Partnerships with other Departments e.g. South African National Defence Force (see attached MOU’s) 7. The Gauteng Department of Education Research Directorate conducted a customer satisfaction survey and this gave both the positives and areas of improvement.( see the report) 8. Received funding from GDE and the Incentive Grant will help sustain the Programme. 9. The beginning of the academic year, many parents in the disadvantaged areas wanted to enrol their children in schools where the programme is being implemented. This led to an influx to ESSP schools. 10. The ESSP schools that have after school centres have shown excellence in delivering service. 11. Disputes and disciplinary matters were amicably The Extra School Support Programme is part of the Extended Public Works Programme initiated by President which called for creation of Job Opportunities. To ensure transferability, the following activities were embarked on: Presentations were done at the following forums: • Provincial ELRC • The National Service Delivery Forum • The Provincial Service Delivery Forum • The national NUMSA Conference ( see the Presentations) The Extra School Support Programme has adopted the slogan: every project is an Extended Public Works Programme and other Directorates are being invited to implement the EPWP. The report compiled by the Provincial Steering Committee has led to other Provinces to visit Gauteng to learn how this Project is being implemented. resolved

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
• Consultation of the stakeholders is very important for any programme to be a success. • Proper planning and piloting is important to identify teething problems and close gaps where possible. Planning for resources is very important. • Continuous monitoring and support must be done. • Training of workers on the work to be performed is key for the success of the programme.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Gauteng Department of Education
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   David Makhado
Title:   Director: Education Research and KM  
Telephone/ Fax:   +27 11355 0560/ +27 86 219 8568
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   david.makhado@gauteng.gov.za  
Address:   P.O. Box 7710
Postal Code:   2000
City:   Johannesburg
State/Province:   Gauteng

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