Smart Creative City
Anyang City

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
1. Anyang Opens New Dimension of ICT innovation: Smart Creative City (1) S.O.S.-App Suri is a 25 year old lady, living in Anyang City, Korea. She is walking through a dark alley, heading home from the subway station. She is reminded of a horrible kidnap and murder which was committed years ago in this area. But she is not afraid anymore. Suri turns on her smart phone and activates an application named S.O.S.-App. Then, all CCTVs on her path begin to track her location. As she walks by, CCTVs follow her footsteps. Minutes later, a patrol car equipped with a Tablet PC comes to escort her. (2) Cinderella Start-up Yangnam manages a start-up in a smart plaza which was established by the city. He creates applications for digital books. Last year his company was chosen as a platform provider by Oxford University Press, beating the Goliath competitor, Apple. (3) Smart Learning, Smart Art, Smart Library, Smart Traffic Control, etc. In Anyang nowadays, smart technologies are integrated into every aspect of the public life. Municipal librarians prepare e-synopses of newly arrived books. Anyang citizens access them via smart phones. Its economy is transforming from bricks and mortar to one based on smart technology. Aspects of the urban environment such as traffic flow and water quality of creeks is also monitored electronically. Public schools provide smart learning. You can also see a new type of artistic activity on the streets of Anyang, which utilizes smart phones as a medium. 2. Old Anyang: Ugly Duckling Anyang was a depressed satellite city of metropolitan Seoul, capitol of Korea. Residents of Anyang had been characterized as low income, blue collar, and sometimes second-class citizens in comparison to Seoulites. In recent days, Anyang, home of 620,000 people, began to transform itself into a brighter and cleaner city. Polluting industries are leaving the city, creeks and forests are restoring the ecosystem, and many new roads are being constructed. The physical environment of Anyang is much better than before. However, residents do not have pride on their whereabouts. They still do not have confidence whether they are living in a good locale. 3. New Anyang: Swan, the Smart Swan To change the city innovatively, Anyang took initiative for a creative city using smart technology. The city provides residents with smart services such as smart learning, smart library, smart safety, smart healing, smart traffic control, and so on. Anyang puts utmost efforts into establishing a smart creative city at the local government level. Beneficiaries of this initiative are diverse, for the city provides whole-of-government services. Young ladies and foreign immigrants are protected by a smart monitoring system, college graduates are employed by the many start-up companies, students are assisted by smart learning, the aged receive help through smart healing programs, and so on. The greatest benefit of this initiative is, however, providing Anyang people with the pride of living in an advanced city. They are no more ugly ducklings. They are swans, the smart swans.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
1. Commitment for Smart Creative City: Mayoral Election Pledge Old Anyang needed changes with the advent of the age of smart technology. The idea of a smart creative city first came to citizens during the mayoral election pledge in 2010. The mayor initiated the idea, putting top priority on transforming the city into a smart, creative one. 2. Departments and Agencies Propose Innovative but Implementable Ideas Each department and agency contemplated what they wanted to do and what they could do in making Anyang a new smart city. After brainstorming and conducting action studies, each of them made useful suggestions for the smart creative city initiative. For example, the Municipal Library suggested providing citizens with synopses of new books via smart devices. Dept. of Taxation proposed to develop a local tax guide in the form of an e-book. Dept. of Labor considered how they would supply adequate human resources for the smart content business. Dept. of Youth studied how to cure and to prevent smartphone addiction among the youth. These ideas were embodied into the initiative and programs as follows. 3. Initiative of Smart Creative City with Four Programs Anyang set up a whole-of-local-government initiative which comprises four programs: Smart Economy, Smart Urban Environment and Protection, Smart Public Services, and Smart Culture. The first three have been implemented and provided successful achievements, and the last one is awaiting implementation soon. The utmost goal is to transform Anyang into a smart creative city in which residents live with new lifestyle in the age of smart technology. (1) Smart Economy Program: Incubate 3 Start-ups This program aims to incubate start-ups and ventures. The city established the Smart Content Center. It selected 50 qualified companies out of 147 applicants as residents in 2012. The number has grown to 117 in 2013. The numerical objective is to host 300 start-ups and ventures in the Content Center, employing up to 3,000 young people in a short period of time. It is a very small number compared with the total size of Anyang’s economy. However, it is a sprout which will burgeon in the foreseeable future. Experts evaluate Anyang’s smart economy plan to induce $2.2 billion dollars in revenue to the local economy sooner or later. (2) Urban Environment and Smart Protection Program: Lower Crime Rate by 18.7% Anyang City was very susceptible to crimes and natural hazards such as floods. This program is to protect people from accidents, incidents, and crimes by utilizing smart technology. The city established the Ubiquitous Integrated Center, or UIC, which controls all CCTVs in the jurisdiction at one headquarter. Decreasing the crime rate by 18.7% on average, UIC received the Presidential Award for Excellent Administrative Innovation in 2012. (3) Smart Public Services Program: Warm Tech for the Disadvantaged Smart technology can also be integrated into public policies and services. Anyang city pays all-around efforts toward such integration, but the most prominent cases which enhance convenience of citizens are Voice Activated Request for Civil Affair Documents, Smart Healing Services via Smartphone, and the Anyang Smart TV, a social network broadcasting for political participation and transparency. • A Problem Solving Unit The mayor formed a task force team, called Policy Propulsion Group, which coordinates and monitors collective efforts among departments. The Group is a special team independent from line administrators. On behalf of the mayor, the Group addresses itself to harmonizing the efforts of individual departments at the whole-of-government level. It sets up mid-term plans for the initiative and programs. It monitors implementation. When obstacles are found, the Group seeks to suggest solutions to the mayor.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
1. Uniqueness of the Goal: World’s First Smart Creative City There are many creative cities, i.e., Sheffield, Yokohama, and Boulder. They try to regenerate old quarters through arts and design. However, none of them utilize smart technology as a medium for change. Anyang is the first smart creative city in the world. 2. Innovative Utilization of ICT in Public Life Anyang developed applications to help the disadvantaged. The application “Letter From Alzheimer” provides a brain game designed to prevent dementia. The city developed “Voice Activated Request for Civil Affair Documents” which lowers difficulty in filling out official forms. 3. Innovative Incubating System The Smart Economy Program is to incubate start-ups. Unlike other municipalities, Anyang established the Smart Content Center in a department store at the heart of the business area. The Center provides “a creation ground” which is similar to a playground. 4. UIC Represents New Way to Use Information Synergically The UIC controls all CCTVs in the city at one headquarter. Many departments share the information collected. If they collect information individually, they would not be able to gather as much information. The UIC clearly shows the synergy of collective information gathering and collective use of it.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1. Comprehensive Planning for the Initiative Anyang’s transition toward a smart creative city started in the late 1990s when the city decided to foster small knowledge-based ventures. In 2001, the city was chosen as a venture promotion zone by the central government, and became the third largest IT valley in Korea by 2009. The city installed optical communication networks for the UIC by 2008, but did not know how to fully utilize it. Despite such evolution toward a smart creative city, Anyang did not have any comprehensive plan until 2011. In 2011, the city made a proposal regarding the Smart Content Center to the Ministry of Culture, and won a grant from the Ministry. The city finally set up a comprehensive initiative with four main programs including eighteen major projects in 2012. 2. Smart Economy Program: Co-financing Vitalizes Incubation To make Anyang’s economy fit for the smart age, the city decided to establish the Smart Content Center which required substantial amounts of financial resources. Through co-financing by the Ministry of Culture and the Prefectural Office, Anyang City selected qualified start-ups and ventures as the first residents of the Center. The following is the strategy for this project: a prep entrepreneur begins his own business in the Creative Ground. Anyang city supports his idea and creativity through grants. The rent and utility charges for the office space is virtually zero. He can access various facilities such as a 3D Studio. He presents his business model to others during the Thursday Network Meetings. If his idea is plausible and brilliant, other developers join him to form a kind of company. In case the company is matured in the Ground, it graduates and is advanced to the Smart Content Center which provides greater support. 3. Smart Protection Program: Transition From Protection to Prevention The UIC is the key point of smart protection. During the years 2008 to 2011, UIC integrated the intelligent traffic system, bus information system, and security CCTV system into one. In order to do so, 15 municipal departments and agencies had to co-operate with each other. Integrating the systems through the UIC had the effect of lowering operation costs and saving input of human resources while maximizing the use of facilities. Since 2012, the UIC upgraded its services to include U-traffic control, U-security, U-disaster prevention, and U-communication, all provided at one headquarter. For example, the UIC expanded the horizons of crime prevention education by utilizing VOD including actual crime scenes collected by the center. It also educates youngsters to drive safely by showing scenes of actual traffic accidents. These preventative activities had the effect of decreasing crime and accident rates to a much lower level. 4. Public Service Program: Changing High Tech to Warm Tech Success of this program is dependent on the possibility of developing new applications for the disadvantaged. Anyang city, however, does not worry about feasibility, for it has many creative ventures in the Smart Content Center. Ventures in the center are eager to supply applications for new smart public services.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
1. Mayor’s Role in the Implementation The mayor is the key to implementation as well as policymaking of the initiative. He is responsible of persuading line administrators to sympathize with the transition of Anyang on the one hand. He has to bring outside resources to the city on the other hand. 2. Line Departments, Task Force Team, and Experts from Private Sector Public servants created ideas for the initiative on the one hand. They have to implement what they proposed on the other hand. The task force team, Policy Propulsion Group, coordinates the ideas and forms them into a roadmap for implementation. Experts are recruited from the private sector. The city recruited 24 specialists. 3. Citizen Participation Committee Suggestions made by line departments are screened by the Citizen Participation Committee. About 30 citizens are chosen for the committee. They monitor and evaluate the implementation process. They are free to make comments on budget allocation as well. 3. City Assembly In the beginning stage, Anyang City Assembly, under a multiparty system, was very skeptical about the feasibility of the initiative. As the policies resulted in successful achievements, they finally turned out to be supportive. 4. NGOs and Ordinary Citizens Some NGOs such as YMCA and the Federation for Environmental Protection are eager to participate in certain programs of the initiative. They financed, built and currently operate “the Citizen Solar Power Plant” where operation is monitored by smart devices. Some NGOs made voluntary investments in the citizen fund for smart healing contents. 5. Help from Other Governments The Central Government and Prefecture Office financially support Anyang’s initiative. National Electronics and Telecommunication Research provides technological support to startups and ventures.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. Financial Resources Come From Many Sources Establishment and operation of the Smart Content Center is costly. The city made an outstanding proposal to the Ministry of Culture, winning a grant of $6 million USD a year for a three year period. This grant may be extended according to the evaluation result. The Prefecture Office matches the grant by providing $2 million USD a year to the Center. Anyang City itself allocates $2 million USD a year from its own budget. The Center can spend a total of $10 million USD on incubation and development of new applications. Anyang City utilizes resources in the private sector. For purposes of developing smart healing services, it created a joint fund in 2012 along with private companies, venture capitals and individuals. The Private sector made an investment of $2 million USD. The fund will grow to $10 million in the foreseeable future. Some NGOs made contributions to the construction of a pilot project such as “Citizen Solar Plant.” By doing so, they are now able to participate in the management and operation processes. The medium of participation is mostly smart devices. 2. Technical Support: Help from Outside and In-House (1) Support from Outside National Electronics and Telecommunication Research Center, or ETRI, is a world renowned research institute in the smart tech area. ETRI stations a branch unit called Technovation in the Smart Content Center. The unit transfers leading edge techniques to the start-ups and ventures. The companies resident in the Center are able to receive help from outside organizations. For example, Anyang arranges the cooperative networks between developers for smart healing and expert groups such as Hanyang University Hospital or Doctor's Association for Dementia. (2) Support from Inside Most active support, however, comes from inside in the form of self-help. Application developers have a network meeting every Thursday. They share information and skills when they form consortia for new business opportunities. 3. Human Resources: Experts and Skilled Workers The city recruited 24 experts from the private sector by 2013. Smart business, however, requires skillful workers as well as experts. To provide such high skilled labor sustainably, the city formed a consortium with a local college and the central government. This consortium is to spend 7.7 million USD over the period of 2013 to 2015. Yonsung University and other higher education institutions supply 80 to 100 college graduates every year to the Center.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. UIC Lowers Crime Rates: Robbery by 55.3%, Kidnapping by 63.6%, Burglary by 32.6% The UIC monitors streets with 2,362 surveillance cameras, 218 traffic CCTVs, 81 intelligent traffic lights, and 271 terminals in bus stops. It decreased crime rates of robbery by 55.3%, kidnapping by 63.6%, and burglary by 32.6% in the years 2009 and 2010. Fraud not monitorable decreased by only 4.2% in the same period. Though issues regarding privacy intrusion exist, overall, Anyang citizens were satisfied with the enhanced security conditions. 2. A Start-up Beats Apple at Bidding for Oxford University Press “I-portfolio” is a start-up residing in the Smart Content Center. In 2012, the company was chosen as a platform provider for Oxford University Press, beating the Goliath competitor Apple. It collects a license fee of $10 million USD per year. Companies supported by the government have intangible assets such as credibility and reliance. Oxford University Press decided to sign a contract with “i-portfolio” not only because it offered excellent technology but also because the company was strongly supported by Anyang City. 3. “Net-Casting” System: Intelligent Surveilling System to Predict Crimes The UIC integrated the Traffic CCTV system with the Security CCTV system. When the system detects a sign of crime occurrence, it starts to apply the Net-Casting system. As a fisher casts his net, the UIC initiates surveillance activities through CCTVs. In case the scene under surveillance matches a crime pattern, all CCTVs nearby focus on the case. Real time video files are transmitted to police stations and patrol. In 2010, 103 criminals were arrested at the scene. The greatest benefit of the system is crime prevention as potential criminals become aware of it. The S.O.S.-App for protecting home returning women at night time is another application of this net-casting system. 4. Start-Ups Growing at a Surprising Rate Puble-Studio sold an App-book to Rovio Entertainment of Angry Birds. Bison-Contents is backed by angel investors. Mcookie recorded number one in the sticker booth of Apple Appstore and ranked 1st in its category in Google Play. Plum, another start-up, recorded 50,000 cases of paid downloads in 2012. The sales volume of Night Worker exceeded $100,000 in March of 2013. Companies in the Center participated in 2013 Communic Asia, the largest Asian Pacific Fair held in Singapore. Ten companies signed an export contract worth $2 million USD.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Anyang City has a three-tier monitoring and evaluation system. First, bureaucrats monitor project operators, mostly grantees of the initiative. Second, bureaucrats themselves are the target of performance evaluation. Third, the Citizen Participation Committee monitors and evaluates the implementation of the initiative. 1. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Grantees by bureaucrats Most projects of this initiative are carried out by a grant system. Anyang city provides subsidies to start-ups and ventures, while the UIC is directly operated on the budget of the city. Departments and agencies of Anyang monitor the grantee’s performance according to a pre-planned schedule. They pay the balance after evaluation of the grantee’s performance. If the grantee has not met the requirements, departments and agencies are able to order the grantee to make up. 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Bureaucrats: PPG on Constant Alert The Korean government has a well defined evaluation system for public servants and the units of organization. The Balanced Score Cards system is an example. As for the initiative, however, Anyang City is equipped with an additional monitoring and evaluation system. It is the special task force team, Policy Propulsion Group, or PPG. PPG closely monitors implementation on a daily and weekly basis. It is called a guard post on constant alert. In addition to detecting the problems in the implementation process, it also proposes alternatives when necessary. In case additional resources are needed, PPG suggests reallocation of city budgets or draws funds from outside sources such as other governments or private companies. 3. Monitoring and Evaluation by Citizen Participation Committee PPGs action is also monitored and evaluated by the Citizen Participation Committee. About 30 committee members monitor the implementation of the initiative from the perspective of outsiders or ordinary citizens. They do not apply any specialized techniques of evaluation, but they present holistic opinions regarding the initiative, which may include changes in the priority among projects. The committee holds meetings quarterly.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1. Political Obstacles: City Assembly Becomes Partner after Heated Debates In the early stage of the initiative, there were many opposing opinions in the City Assembly, for Anyang did not have prior experience in implementing such an ambitious plan. Many assembly persons casted doubts. Ordinary citizens, however, strongly wanted innovative changes. The City Assembly finally decided to back the city’s movement after many rounds of heated debate. 2. Financial Obstacles: Audacious Attempt Succeeded The establishment of the Smart Content Center required substantial amounts of financial resources. Anyang made an audacious attempt to get funded. The city presented the comprehensive plan to the Ministry of Culture. It was a rare case in Korea for the local government to request multi-year support from the central government. Most such attempts were rejected. Exceptionally Anyang was able to secure funds from the Ministry of Culture, for the ministry was looking for a new model for the smart age. Once Anyang won the grant from the central government, the Prefecture Office and private companies joined. They are now co-founders of the Smart Content Center. 3. Bureaucratic Obstacles: Experts and Dreamers Supplied Skepticism was widespread among public servants in the early stage of the initiative. They lacked knowledge and skills required in the smart age. They were in need not only of experts but also of dreamers. The city organized the Policy Propulsion Group which recruited experts from the private sector. The PPG created an atmosphere of confidence that Anyang could successfully implement the initiative if bureaucracy followed the guidelines of the PPG. 4. Technological Obstacles The UIC has to process huge amounts of information at a very high speed. Anyang installed optical cables solely for the use of UIC in 2008. And the penetration rate of smart devices reaches about 87 percent in Anyang.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Since the initiative of smart creative city is a whole-of-local-government effort, beneficiaries are diverse due to the nature of the projects. 1. Main Beneficiaries of the Smart Economy Program: Jobless Young People with Strong Entrepreneurship The new economy, like the smart business, is quite different from the traditional one. The major difference is that it is creative, independent, and experimental. The Smart Content Center encompasses such characteristics providing a Creative Ground which is similar to a playground. The Center selected 50 companies out of 147 applicants in 2012 as residents. The number grew to 117 in 2013, and is expected to reach 300 by 2015, employing 3,000. Most of the companies are developers for Android Market and/or Apple Store. They will induce an economic effect of $2.2 billion USD sooner or later, according to economic analysts. 2. Main Beneficiaries of the Smart Protection Program: (1) Women, Immigrants, Kids, and the Aged Protected People susceptible to crimes can be protected by smart technology. The UIC controls all the CCTVs in the city at one headquarter. In 2013, the UIC introduced a new smart prevention system, called SOS-App. It is a customized global positioning system. When a citizen, usually a female, requests protection, she uploads her path by using the S.O.S.-App in her smart phone. Then UIC begins to track her movement real time. When she goes off course, UIC immediately orders a patrol car to drive to her location. Policemen receive GPS information about her whereabouts via a tablet PC. This system can protect kids, immigrants, and the aged, too. Anyang citizens are certainly living in a much safer place. More than 10,000 domestic and foreign people visited the UIC. They are astonished by the achievement made by Anyang. (2) UIC Lowers Administrative Cost by 30% The UIC is not simply a CCTV monitoring system. It is an integrated prevention system, as the name itself suggests. The UIC plays many roles for civil services such as traffic control, forest fire watch, monitoring of rivers, etc. Staffs from police stations, fire departments, departments of traffics and river conservation, and even national guards work together at the UIC. They represent different authorities and missions, but they share the information gathered by UIC. Without the UIC, individual departments and agencies would have to spend much more resources to obtain much less information respectively. Each department and agency requires much less human resources due to the UIC, and the UIC also decreases the cost of purchasing high-end equipments. The UIC lowers administrative cost by 30%, or $3.5 million USD per year. (3) Ordinary Citizens Protected from Natural Disasters When the dry season of spring comes, many CCTVs turn their directions toward mountains and hills to monitor possible fires. Likewise, during the rainy season, a lot of CCTVs are turned to the riverside. The UIC allows for the detection of natural disasters as early as possible. In such a case, the UIC warns civil servants in charge of the protection via smart media, providing real-time images with exact location information. 3. Beneficiaries of the Smart Public Service Program: High Tech for “Children of Lesser God” Nowadays smartphones and smart devices penetrate our daily lives. Anyang City expands the usage of high tech for the disadvantaged. The city subsidizes ventures to develop healing applications for the elderly and the mentally depressed. Some companies are developing an application to prevent and cure addiction to smartphones. This kind of healing service is at the frontier of the utilization of smart tech. 4. Greatest Beneficiaries of the Initiative: Pride for Locale The greatest benefit of this initiative is not measurable, for it targets the changes in the minds of citizens. The greatest problem of Anyang citizens is the damaged pride on their whereabouts.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
1. Sustainability (1) Technological Reason: Sustainability of Smart Tech Sustains Dream of Smart Creative City Sometimes technology determines how we live. As long as people use smartphones, the idea of the smart creative city will be sustained. As we are only entering the beginning of the smart age, it can be expected that the initiative holds greater possibilities to expand and opens new horizons. (2) Politico-Economic Reason: Financial Support to be Continued as Central Government Emphasizes Creative Economy The main source of financial support of this initiative is the Ministry of Culture. The Ministry decided to support Anyang for a three year period as a first round. It is highly possible for the Ministry to extend the grant, for the performance of Anyang is excellent so far. Further, the newly elected President of Korea puts first priority on the creative economy which is a similar notion to Anyang’s idea of a smart creative city. (3) 76% of Citizens Support Mayor, the Leader of the Initiative Citizens’ support of the incumbent mayor is very high. An interim poll was carried out in 2012, which showed people supported the mayor’s policy initiative by 76 percent. (4) Awards and Citations Prove the Initiative Worthwhile Anyang’s efforts toward the smart creative city have been acknowledged highly by many governments and institutions. The city was awarded over twelve times, one of which was the Presidential Award of Administrative Reform in 2013. The mayor himself won the grand prix of Forbes Chief Executive Award for smart management. Korean Menifesto Association, a NGO, evaluates election pledges every year. Anyang won the Menifesto Awards three times consecutively. These awards and citations indirectly prove Anyang’s initiative is worthwhile and sustainable. 2. Transferability (1) Over 10,000 People from 75 Countries Made a Study Tour on Anyang The UIC has been visited by more than 10,000 persons from 586 domestic organizations and 177 foreign cities of 75 countries since 2008. The number keeps growing as the city announces to be the world’s first smart creative city. The reason so many people come to visit Anyang is that the initiative itself is attractive to both experts and ordinary people. As an initiative with such popularity, it is unlikely that the initiative would be abolished. (2) Attending Smart City Event 2013 Anyang attempts to diffuse the initiative internationally as well as domestically. For example, the city attended ICT Innovation Section, Smart City Event 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands to introduce Anyang’s case to the world. (3) International Networking Under Formation Anyang City tries to establish an international network of creative cities around the world. For instance, Anyang set up sisterhood relationships with Tempere, a Finnish creative city and Dasmarinas in the Philippines.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
(1) Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves With Strong Vision Old Anyang was in need of innovative change. Change didn’t come by itself, though. People and public servants of Anyang actively sought ways for innovation. Then, they studied existing creative cities carefully. Finally they reached the new concept of a creative city; that of the smart city. When they were in need of resources, they made proposals and requests to other governments such as the Ministry of Culture and the Prefecture Office, although such attempts were unprecedented. Self-help was the main engine toward the new creative city. The premise was that the city must be self reliant in fund-raising, public relations, and effective implementation. Such spirit of self-help rewarded Anyang city. (2) Sail Before the Wind Iphone began service in Korea on November 28, 2009. It has changed our lifestyles in many ways. Anyang noticed the new megatrend very quickly, and began to figure out how to utilize smart technology in aspects of the public life, as well. Old Anyang was not a leader in the industrial age. Neither was it in the information age. This time, however, Anyang grabbed the bangs of Kairos, the Greek god of opportunity. His forehead is hairy, while the back of his head is bold. Once Anyang made a right choice to fit into the megatrend, it was relatively easy to receive support from constituents, bureaucrats, and related governments. (3) Feedback Loop of Successes and Supports Launching a new initiative provokes dissents. When the initiative targets whole-of-governmental changes, it is often under fire of skepticism, criticism, and opposition. Anyang city was able to show a series of successes toward the smart creative city, for example, securing financial support from the Ministry of Culture, remarkable performance of start-ups in the Smart Content Center, outstanding achievements of the UIC, and so on. The more the people begin to observe such visible successes, the more support they gave to the city. Once people’s support increased, local journalism turned to be favorable for the initiative, followed by opponents in the City Assembly. Success and support formed a positive feedback loop for the city. (4) Fundamentals and Long Preparedness It is only four years ago when the iphone appeared. It was still the early stage of seeking ways to utilize it in public areas. However, Anyang had been preparing for it for a much longer period. In the late 1990s, Anyang began to foster ventures and small businesses. In the 2000s, the city had already formed an IT valley which was the third largest in Korea. The Anyang IT valley grows to have 694 ventures, employing 11,490 workers in 2013. The UIC installed optical communications lines underneath all roads in the city in 2008. The UIC integrated related information centers by 2011. Such preparedness worked as precious infrastructure required for the quick adoption and effective implementation of the initiative changing Anyang into a new smart, creative city.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Anyang City
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Dae-ho Choi
Title:   Mayor  
Telephone/ Fax:   +82-10-9757-6585
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   235 Simindae-ro
Postal Code:   431-728
City:   Anyang City
State/Province:   Gyeonggi-do

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