3M Service Principle
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
At Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), our mission is to ensure that the movement of people, goods and conveyances through our checkpoints is legitimate and lawful. We also administer and uphold our laws on immigration, citizenship and national registration fairly and effectively. Together, we uphold Singapore’s homefront security. As with most organisations, ICA has to deal with the challenges of rising public expectations, increasing workload, infrastructural constraints and manpower crunch. ICA is in fact, one of the most visible public organisations in Singapore, handling over 450,000 customers daily from all age groups, genders, races and nationalities of people who travel through Checkpoints or seek services for immigration documents from Services Centres at HQ. In order to take on these challenges, ICA has introduced the 3M Service Principle of “Multiple Channels, Minimum Visits and Many Benefits” across its three Services Centres for Singapore citizens, Singapore permanent residents and visitors. In summary, “Multiple Channels” means offering customers with choices beyond the traditional channels; “Minimum Visits” means reducing the number of trips by customers to ICA’s Services Centres; and “Many Benefits” refers to the enrichment of customers’ experiences with ICA when they enjoy convenience in our service offerings. The customer-centric 3M service principle has led ICA to develop many world-first game-changers and services. In this paper, we will be using the Singapore Passport journey as an illustration of the deployment of 3M which has resulted in a win-win outcome for both ICA and our customers. It will be elaborated subsequently on how ICA has leapt boundaries to offer greater public convenience with enhanced security, through a host of innovative solutions for the Singapore travel document. Amidst the challenges, ICA has not failed to deliver innovative solutions. For example, when the passport validity period was reduced from 10 years to 5 years from 1 Apr 2005, the Passports Unit of ICA experienced a tremendous surge in passport workload throughout 2010 due to the convergence of the 10-year and 5-year passport renewal cycles. ICA had also expected further rises in passport applications because more Singaporeans are now travelling overseas more frequently in view of lower airfares offered by budget airlines. This spike in workload not only stretched our manpower resources, but we also anticipated that it would put a strain on our physical premises resulting in safety and security concerns. Despite the unfavourable circumstances, ICA has taken them as positive motivating forces towards improving our application and collection modes to reduce the pressures on our limited manpower and space. With this in mind, the idea to outsource the collection of ICA documents to trusted partners was mooted in Oct 2010. Not being one to rest on our laurels, ICA continuously strives to create positive experiences for our large customer base through deploying the 3M Service Principle by introducing on-line application submission, self help or alternate site collection of documents. This virtuous cycle of goodwill is reinforced when we actively incorporate citizens’ inputs and feedback regarding public service delivery satisfaction into all our service delivery initiatives.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Today, the 3M Service Principle forms the backbone of ICA’s key strategy in redefining the service delivery in our Services Centres. ICA, as a border control agency also offering registration functions, recognizes that improving public service delivery is an ongoing march, and the 3M Service Principle is in sync with this direction. Over the years, our zest to bring service delivery to greater heights has propelled us to push innovation frontiers for public convenience with zero compromise to security. With 3M, ICA has always challenged conventional wisdom and created new paradigms. Being a proactive and forward looking organization, ICA has recognised in the early advent of the Internet of the rising population of tech-savvy customers and online services to be the trend of the future. To this end, ICA introduced an online e-service for passport application, known as Application for Passport Online Electronic System (APPLES) in 2002. More laudably, APPLES was the first e-service in the world to allow photo submission and payment for passport application online. Over the years, more e-services were gradually introduced, fulfilling the 3M promise of Multiple channels, Minimum visits and Many benefits. There has been significantly less crowding at ICA Building since customers needed to make less physical visits. The e-Appointment, an online appointment system which was launched in 2008, has enabled customers to be served within 15 minutes of their appointment slots thus reducing unnecessary waiting time, while helping ICA to manage and spread the daily work load better. With e-Appointment, ICA extended the appointment concept to collection of Singapore passports outside the premises of ICA, and eventually in a self-service manner. In Oct 2010, the Alternate Site Collection (ASC) for Singapore passports was rolled out in partnership with our national postal agent - Singapore Post Limited (SingPost). ASC is an added option for successful Singapore passport applicants to collect their passports, at a service fee payable to SingPost, from any of the 20 designated SingPost outlets strategically located across the island. Subsequently in Apr 2013, the alternate site collection concept was further extended to become ICA’s latest innovation - iCollect - a world’s first innovation for the automated self collection of ICA secured documents. iCollect is a jukebox concept combined with biometrics verification, RFID technology and robotic arm mechanics. In particular, the unprecedented features of applying two-factor biometrics in authenticating the identity of customers collecting passports as well as accurately locating and retrieving the right passport to be collected by the customers have played a key role in the security of iCollect’s unmanned service delivery. Through iCollect, ICA had introduced a unique idea and a distinctively new approach to problem solution for accountability and responsiveness in the Singapore public service. Since its launch, iCollect has garnered recognitions from national level organisations such as Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation, Singapore Public Service Division, and the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs. Regionally, the ASEAN Infocomm and Technology Award is another testament to our world’s first innovation. For the fruitful deployment of 3M, we needed to achieve buy-in from internal customers – our staff. When the benefits started to realize in the form of reduced strain on infrastructure, and less physical counter transactions which allowed officers to focus on backend processing functions, the 3M culture then permeated and boosted ICA to challenge conventional knowledge and attain new milestones. A positive reinforcing loop was then observed as the 3M benefits led to motivating forces for our staff to improve application and collection modes for secured documents, which in turn further reduced the pressures on our limited manpower and infrastructural resources.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The power of 3M lies in its very nature that it is a service principle that is not constrained in the form of a single product or service, i.e. it is a concept which is adopted as an organizational culture. As described earlier, ICA has adopted the 3M Service Principle to leap boundaries by creating multiple application modes and more channels of collection for not only the Singapore passport, but also other secured documents issued by ICA. At ICA, we also recognise that our customers are diverse and a one-size-fits-all approach is not tenable. We therefore segmentise them according to their ability and attitude towards various service delivery options. Coupled with the 3M Service Principle, it has allowed ICA to provide compatible service delivery channels to suit customers as well as incentivising our customers to take up varied options. Leveraged with technological advancements and the passion of ICA officers, the 3M Service Principle has created a host of innovative solutions, such as APPLES, e-Appointment, ASC and iCollect. The service offerings of convenience empower our customers, which build social capital and goodwill for ICA as well as the Singapore Public Service.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
By keeping pace with technology and building up a holistic customer-centric infrastructure, ICA has made it possible for customers to enjoy an enriching and seamless experience when transacting with ICA – from submitting passport applications for Singapore Passport either by post or deposit box, to on-line applications via Application for Passport On-line Electronic System (APPLES), to checking status of application (iEnquiry) and booking an appointment on-line for passport collection (e-Appointment) by their preferred choice of collection channel (counter, Alternate Site or iCollect). Way back in 1994, customers had preferred face-to-face service encounters with service organizations. However, we had shifted the paradigms of traditional over-the-counter applications, and sparked the idea that passport applications could be sent to us by post, or dropped into deposit boxes at ICA Building. Through educating Singapore citizens on this hassle-free manner of submitting their passport applications, customers were motivated by the convenience brought about by these alternative modes of submission. The success of this initiative was outstanding- by year 2000, five years following the implementation, close to three-quarters of passport applicants were using these application modes instead of submitting their applications over ICA counters. With the advent of the Internet in the early 2000s, ICA observed a growing size of internet-savvy Singapore citizens and worked out another alternative means for Singapore citizens to submit their passport applications - APPLES, the first e-service in the world to allow photo submission and payment for passport application online. Available 24/7, the online system gives Singapore citizens added flexibility and choice when applying or renewing their passports. It also allows applicants to submit and enquire on their passport applications online, bringing convenience to customers without compromising on our security. With the take-up rate at two per cent when it first started in Mar 2002, APPLES has since won over more than half of the local population applying for Singapore passports. Not one to be fettered by the norms of passport collection at immigration authorities’ premises, ICA officers broke new ground in redefining conventional wisdom once again, in mid-October 2010, by introducing the option for successful Singapore passport applicants to collect their passports, at a nominal service fee payable to SingPost, from designated SingPost outlets strategically located across the island. Today, the number of participating SingPost outlets offering the collection service has grown from 20 in October 2010 to 30. With the official launch of iCollect on 01 April 2013, ICA does not see this as the end of the journey for our 3M Service Principle. In fact, there are plans to improve iCollect such as off-site deployment and 24 by 7 operations. Additionally, a downsized version can also be placed at the premises of trusted partners to further enhance the public convenience for collection. ICA will also come up with new initiatives and innovative solutions to further augment our application and collection process.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
ICA’s innovations have always been conceived with our customers as our main stakeholders. For example, with regard to ASC, ICA embarked on a three-month survey with customers applying passport applications and positive feedback was received from satisfied customers on the accessibility of these alternative collection centres and extended operating hour, including Sundays before ASC was officially launched. Akin to the introduction of ASC, ICA conducted focus group discussions with more than 20 participants from the various work units within ICA. The passport collection cycle on iCollect was simulated for every participant. Thereafter, they immediately filled up a feedback form on their thoughts and suggestions. At the end of the day, a big group discussion was held, where participants actively shared their thoughts and discussed suggestions made. Much constructive feedback was gathered and conveyed to vendor for fine-tuning of the system user interface and the collection process. Finally, a soft launch was introduced to allow the collection of passports at iCollect by eligible ICA officers and Ministry of Home Affairs’ officers who were applying for passports from 15 May 2012. At the end of the soft launch, over 100 officers and their family members had successfully collected their Singapore passports at iCollect. The efforts in engaging our partners to roll out these 3M-led initiatives were far-ranging and wide. For instance, ASC was developed in partnership with SingPost. iCollect was developed in close collaboration with our contracted vendor, NEC, and their sub-contractors, Walta Technologies Pte Ltd and an institution of higher learning, i.e. Singapore Polytechnic. Our 3M initiatives therefore promotes partnerships between the public sector, civil society such as the Disabled People’s Association in Singapore (in designing iCollect) as well as the private sector, which is in line with the Singapore government’s directive of promoting the Public and Private Partnership Programme.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
ASC was perceived as a long-term investment to mark the key milestone for 3M Service Principle. With this in mind, ICA bore the set-up costs of the systems/equipment such as passport readers and fingerprint scanners, which was the same set-up of counter system configuration in ICA, for SingPost. ICA’s existing systems were also enhanced to receive real-time status of passport collection processed at ASC outlets. The capital cost incurred was estimated to be S$0.4m per year, and ICA opted to bear the costs to avoid potential exorbitant public fees that private entities might charge if they bore the overheads. In terms of investment in human resources, ICA set aside dedicated manpower to handle the management of off-site passport collection function for ASC. At the same time, training was conducted for SingPost officers to familiarise them with passport collection procedures. Regular tests and on-site visits were also conducted to ensure that equipment and systems were in running order and requisite security measures were implemented. The espirit-de-corps and aligned goals between the ICA and SingPost ensured that ASC was rolled out smoothly, and well ahead of schedule. For iCollect, the project was awarded to NEC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd in 2011 at a capital cost of about $1.18 million. This included the design of the machine, in terms of both software and hardware. Similarly to ASC, ICA also dedicated manpower resources to handle the management of passport collection function for iCollect which includes the stringent checks of passports to be loaded into iCollect, daily loading/unloading of passports into/out of iCollect and the tracking of the movement of these passports, including unsuccessful collections.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Overcoming the legal challenges Prior to the introduction of ASC, the legislations did not allow non-government entities to provide the service for the collection of ICA documents. As the ASC trial would entail the collection of passports, national Identity Cards (IC) and Long Term Pass (LTP) at alternate venues, the relevant legal provisions, namely the Passports Regulations and National Registration Regulations (for ICs) were revised to give ICA greater operational latitude to allow document collection service offered by non-government entities. Conducting a battery of tests Many test scenarios such as Factory Acceptance, Site Acceptance, System Integration and User Acceptance Tests that were applied to check the robustness, security and reliability of our innovations contributed to the success and public acceptance of our innovation. As an illustration, iCollect was one of the many innovations which went through the rigorous tests. In addidtion, iCollect was also subjected to possible impersonation attempts such as gummy fingers, twin, and look-alike impersonation attempts. This forged the confidence that the 3M products were capable of delivering the intended service while upholding security. Garnering public awareness and acceptance ICA recognises that the success of a new product/service stems from the public awareness level, and the media was actively engaged to gain public acceptance. Coupled with the media publicity efforts, ICA would constantly push the relevant information on the initiatives through our service outreach by including updated information on our website, as well as in other collaterals such as the passport notifications sent out to applicants. It does not come as a surprise, hence, that our 3M services have been viewed favourably in enhancing customers’ delight by its users, as depicted by the rising usage rates and compliments received. Incentivising customers Further to capturing public awareness of our service offerings, ICA realised the need to create motivation factors to encourage customer usage. The success equation is therefore a combination of the push factor of convenience of these alternative application modes, coupled with the pull factor of monetary rebates of S$10 for applying by post, by deposit box or by APPLES. For instance, following our introduction of multiple application modes for the Singapore passport, passport applications submitted over the counters stands at less than 3% as of end-2010. This is a remarkable drop from about 70% of counter applications in year 1994 before the commencement of journey for 3M Service Principle.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
For each of the initiatives or systems implemented under the 3M Service Principle, a series of intensive meetings would be conducted with the relevant parties on the design of the system. Following that, User Acceptance Tests (UAT) would be conducted and soft launches would be considered to test the robustness of the new systems. For ASC, the vendor was selected based on ICA’s Trusted Partner Programme. Under this Programme, SingPost has been ICA’s trusted partner of choice given its track record and established credibility in handling secure items, wide distribution network islandwide and recognised security procedures already in place. Before moving into full ASC roll-out, ICA took a calibrated approach towards this unprecedented initiative. The team embarked on a trial from February to May 2009 at five designated SingPost outlets to test the ASC concept. The trial was to assess the capacity of a private trusted entity in carrying out an extension of ICA’s function, and to address any security, technical or operational concerns. It also allowed ICA to market test the service take-up rates and demand. The trial ended successfully with positive feedback from both participating customers (Singapore citizens), as well as SingPost. In terms of iCollect, apart from UATs, stress tests were also conducted. The tests included loading of up to 1,500 passports which are meant for daily collection by requested customers, without any occurrence of hardware or system failure. We took the testing a step further with simulated impersonation attempts for collection of documents during the Site Acceptance Testing. The in-built security checks at iCollect were proven to be able in detecting cases of impersonation. In order to improve the system from the customer perspective, focus group discussions were conducted with ICA work units to streamline the operational workflow and collection process at iCollect. The passport collection cycle on iCollect was simulated for every participant. Thereafter, they completed feedback forms, as well as shared their opinions in a big group discussion. Much constructive feedback was gathered for fine-tuning of the system user interface and the collection process. Finally, to ensure the system functionalities to be properly tested before its official launch, a soft launch was introduced to allow the collection of passports at iCollect by eligible officers under the Ministry of Home Affairs. At the end of the soft launch, over 100 officers and their family members had successfully collected their Singapore passports at iCollect.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The issuance of passports is one of ICA’s critical functions with regard to the identification and registration of persons. The integrity of the document issuance process, as well as the preserved confidentiality of the personal particulars on the documents is to be upheld during the offsite issuance of documents. The underlying security considerations necessitated the compulsory fingerprint verification of an applicant during document collection at the trusted partner’s premises or at iCollect to ensure that the document was issued to the rightful person. To allay public concerns that document collection at alternate sites apart from ICA counters was less secure, the system and procedures for passport collection at ICAB were replicated at SingPost and iCollect. ICA thus has worked on the premise that an applicant intending to collect his document at an alternate site must be present to have his identity authenticated through fingerprint verification witnessed by SingPost Staff and for iCollect, there is an additional facial verification function besides the fingerprint to ensure the identity of the customers collecting the passports. Apart from security expectations, a main obstacle also lay in the shaping of mental models for public to accept our 3M innovations. Our customers were accustomed to face-to-face transactions. From the launch of ASC and iCollect, ICA rode on public communications platforms to illustrate the ease of passport collection process at alternate sites. This painted a positive picture for citizens and shaped their mental model of collecting the passports at ICAB. With the pull motivation of the service offering of convenience, as well as the push factors of their hectic lifestyles, a paradigm shift was observed among the populace through the submission and collection of passport.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The benefits derived from the 3M approach are both tangible and intangible for ICA and our customers. Many Singapore citizens collecting their passports at ICA after using the online appointment system (e-Appointment) have marvelled at the efficiency of collecting their passports. Introduced since 1 May 2008, the implementation of e-Appointment has helped reduce the time taken to collect their travel document by more than 75%, from two or three hours previously to the current 15-minute commitment. Overall, the lead time for passport collection including waiting time was reduced from 2 weeks to 3 days and the collection time at the counters was limited from more than 2 hours to 3 minutes. This customer-friendly move swept the customers off their feet. A polytechnic student, Ms Eunice Toh said, “… I hardly waited. I didn’t really get a chance to sit down.” And just this March, ICA received a raving compliment from a Mr Teoh Leng Hui, who was pleasantly surprised that “the waiting time for passport collection was less than two minutes while his entire visit to ICA lasted less than five minutes.” He said that “It takes the combination of hardware and software (i.e. system and people) to provide excellent customer service…” and concluded that from his experience, “…ICA has excelled in both.” Such positive feedback has effectively translated to increased morale among our staff. The e-Appointment is also different from other usual e-appointment systems implemented outside of ICA. Different categories of customers are defined based on their arrival timings i.e. a shorter waiting of 15 minutes for those on time or a 30 minute wait for early and late comers. This system had effectively encouraged the customers to come on time. iCollect, a convenient self-service secure document collection facility introduced on 1 Apr 2013, has also yielded similar positive results. The iCollect enables the public to collect important identification documents through the innovative use of biometrics security, RFID technology and intelligent robotic arm mechanics. A total cost avoidance of S$1 million was derived from the implementation of iCollect, including the manpower avoidance of building and staffing 12 counters, since the public can now collect their documents from the iCollect instead of at manned counters. Thus, iCollects adds value to ICA by ensuring that staff can now be re-deployed from manned counters to other higher value-added areas of work. And all these were achieved while still upholding the security for issuance of ICA documents. ICA has adopted the 3M Service Principle by giving the public the choice to choose various options for passport submission and collection. The result is that regardless of the mode of application submission ICA undertakes to process passports, the passport will be ready for collection after 3 working days, upon receipt of the applications, without compromising the identification of customers and security. The 3M Service Principle has also clinched Champion in the 2nd International Best Practices Competition 2013 championed by the Centre for Organizational Excellence Research (COER) and supported by SPRING Singapore and the Singapore Productivity Association. In essence, 3M had led to innovations which provide timeliness, access and client-orientation in public service delivery. ICA services are made convenient to the public with speedy processing of applications or collection, reduction in the amount of paperwork and other activities citizens must perform in order to demonstrate compliance. 3M has also resulted in the transformation of ICA within a larger framework rather than incremental improvements.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Since the conception of the Application for Singapore Passport by post in 1994 or deposit box in 1999 followed by APPLES in 2002, 3M-led innovations have been the staple for annual study visits to ICA for other countries to learn more about our planning, design and implementation for the application and collection of the Singapore biometric travel document. Some of the foreign counterparts who embark on these visits include first-world countries like New Zealand, Hong Kong and Australia. To say the least, these top-notch countries were in Singapore to pick up some of the key features of Singapore’s 3M-led innovations for their reference in enhancing their passport design systems. Internationally, we also shared our expert knowledge on passports at the New Technologies Working Group (NTWG) under International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) auspices. ICA Team has been sharing the concept, operation process and full implementation of APPLES with the representatives of Passport Issuing Authorities from many countries attending the meetings. It is the understanding that countries like the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand , Australia and others developed countries have generally adopted the Singapore APPLES model when developing their on-line passport application submission. Countries visiting ICA such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, to learn about Singapore passport journey also have also adopted the similar APPLES concept. Domestically, our concept for island-wide distribution through offsite roll-out at trusted partners’ premises as practised by ASC is a best practice which has been emulated by most private and public organizations in Singapore. The success of the ASC initiative sets the foundation to adopt alternate site issuance of other documents to residents and foreigners. The ASC concept was subsequently expanded to offer collection of ICA documents via iCollect, the self-help automated collection machine. Other ICA documents will be added in the next phases. Smaller iCollect machines can be installed at trusted partners’ premises if there is demand. However, the journey of expanding the collection options for ICA documents is far from over. Conceptually, the idea of alternate site and self-collection as evidenced by ASC and iCollect is applicable for other Singapore government departments issuing secured identification documents, e.g. work passes etc, to re-look at their own mental models and explore similar possibilities for their customers. This includes public agencies which Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower with regard to the issuance of their Work Passes. Interest has also been expressed by Singapore’s private sector for the issuance of Credit Cards and SIM card collection. In the 40-year-old history of the Singapore passport, passport collection had never been performed beyond the authority’s counters as a matter of practice, policy and security concerns. With the review of policies governing the issuance of ICA documents as well as amendments to relevant laws, the pioneering alternate site collection projects has challenged the traditional paradigm of document collection at ICA counters and created a new social thinking. Evidently, our investments in innovation and the shift in mental models created synergies that enable the continuity of the 3M Service Principle.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
ICA believes that a model public organisation has to be forward-looking in anticipating future customer and operational demands. In executing the 3M approach, ICA officers have displayed the “Can-Do” attitude, and persevered with the belief that the unprecedented project is possible. To create buy-in from officers, the team communicated to them the potential benefits of 3M. On the customer front, ICA did not neglect the mental model that citizens would cling to – secure application and collection of passports at immigration authority’s premises – and undertook the difficult task of shifting paradigms and shaping public behaviour towards accepting added channels of application and collection. As an illustration, where there were only over-the-counter applications in 1994, we broke out of the traditional paradigms of face-to-face applications, and encouraged applicants to drop their forms into deposit boxes at ICA Building or mail them in. Within five years, close to three-quarters of the passport applicants were using these new modes of applications. Since the introduction of APPLES in 2002, the Internet has become the most popular medium of applying for a passport. Today, less than 5% of passport applicants apply for a passport over-the-counter at ICA building while more than half of the passports were submitted via APPLES. This change happened because we sought to understand our customers’ mental model and concerns. Through customer feedback, we found that because the passport is an important document, customers want to ensure that we receive their applications. Assurance of receiving passport applications has undoubtedly motivated customers to submit their applications via APPLES. Speedy acknowledgement of the receipt on passport applications by post informing them of the passport collection date as well as real-time confirmation of receipt of passport applications via APPLES have pushed up the take-up rate of non-counter application mode. Customers are also receptive to monetary incentives by a $10/- rebate for passport applications submitted by Post or Deposit Box, or via APPLES. . From 3M, ICA has also learnt that to achieve a win-win situation, we must engage the customers and the trusted partners from private sector. The reality is that the success of a public service requires the cooperation of the stakeholders involved. When customers and our vendors recognised the benefits of the innovations that were being introduced, they collaborated actively with ICA. Apart from these direct parties, indirect collaborations were also forged with other working partners on 3M products, such as financial institutions and institutions of higher learning, etc. This has generated positive reputation and added confidence for ICA. Today’s market demands for speed and flexibility, and public organisations need to recognise that they are not spared from this expectation as well. From our continuous drive in delivering value-adding innovations for stakeholders, ICA has demonstrated an understanding of this operating landscape. The 3M Service Principle is thus a glowing validation of our relentless commitment to promote public service excellence in an anticipative and agile manner.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Tan Kok Guan
Title:   Director (Citizen Services)  
Telephone/ Fax:   (65) 6391 6010
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   marie_mathews@ica.gov.sg  
Address:   ICA Building, 10 Kallang Road, #08-00
Postal Code:   Singapore 208718
City:   Singapore
State/Province:   Singapore

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