Wmap 9.12 GIS Application for Pipeline Mapping
Provincial Waterworks Authority

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
“Wmap 9.12 GIS Application for Pipeline Mapping” The Provincial Waterworks Authority of Thailand (PWA) has a major mission in providing water supply to Thailand’s regional population in 74 provinces except Bangkok and 2 adjacent provinces. PWA’s administrative structure is divided into 5 regions and 10 regional offices, with the headquarters located in Bangkok, responsible for supervising and supporting an operation of 233 PWA branches conducting water supply business across the country, with 3.6 million households (Connections) of consumers covering over 10.0 million people. Out of the total 22.7 million Thai households, only 18.8 million households, or 82.7 %, gain access to the water supply service, while the other 3.9 million households, or 17.3 %, do not. There are 3 main agencies providing the water supply service in Thailand, namely, the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA), PWA and an inordinate number of local governments. For PWA, it has 233 branches scattering in all regions of the country, with a myriad of water supply systems to take care of, particularly in respect of the quantity and quality of water produced. So far, PWA’s non-revenue water (NRW) is rather high, coupled with a change in the global climate, causing the existing limited water resources to have an insufficient trend for Thai population. Thus, with the previous mapping pattern of water supply system information management, which was manually carried out on paper, development of service provision can’t be made efficiently. After the world has stepped into the information and data era, both the government and the private sector’s agencies have to adapt themselves by introducing information technology (IT) to be widely used as a tool of management or services. PWA is no exception and has to adapt itself to a new challenge to enhance its potential in providing services to the public. Based on a survey on PWA’s customers’ service satisfaction in 1998, it reveals that the first ranking is customers’ giving priority to the water supply quality 24.54 %, followed by water quantity (22.45 %), staff providing services (16.26 %), public relations (13.70 %), place of services (12.78 %), and others (10.27 %). In addition, the customers surveyed also gave suggestions with respect to PWA’s products and services in terms of quantity and quality, PWA’s constant monitoring of the quality and quantity of its water supply, PWA’s extension of service area, and PWA’s campaign on efficient and economical water use. As a consequence, it is very significant for PWA to respond to customers’ demand through management of its data on the production and distribution system.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
For a solution to the problem mentioned earlier, in 2002, PWA had given importance to its geographic information system (GIS), which could be used to effectively manage the area data, by changing its pipeline mapping, formally done on paper, to a mapping prepared based on the GIS principle. Nonetheless, the introduction of new knowledge body into the agency had generated such problems as a lack of experts in specific fields. Though PWA tried to increase more staff for GIS in 2003, it still could not disseminate the knowledge in this field as it had anticipated since PWA had numerous branches, while its GIS staff lacked knowledge of the water supply system. Meanwhile, most branch staff taking charge of customer service and non-revenue water control already had an over workload, preventing them from paying much attention to learning and practicing skills necessary to the preparation of pipeline mapping in GIS as PWA had hoped for. Furthermore, the Mapinfo program used to do the pipeline mapping was not supportive to staff’s performance and learning because it was an extraordinary program of which users had to have sound fundamental knowledge of GIS in order to be able to do the pipeline mapping accurately in line with its principle. This, of course, has hampered PWA from fulfilling its goal in efficiently providing services to the public in an amount adequate to their demand. In 2004, PWA’s management, specialists and GIS technicians had collectively taken into consideration a guideline for problem solution and concluded that a computer program had to be developed for use in pipeline mapping and utilized as a tool providing services to the public, with an aim to develop an application which is easy to use and appropriate for work on the water supply system so that staff can apply it to their service performance aimed at higher efficiency. The application developed must possess the following properties. 1. It must be user friendly or easy to learn and use. 2. It must have a Thai-language user interface. 3. It must have basic functions for inputting data on the water supply system. 4. It must have a function of data validation for completeness of data before storing in database. 5. It must have support functions for use as a tool providing services to the public and maintaining the distribution water supply system. 6. It must have reporting functions of continuously following up and evaluating mapping data. For an operating guideline of the new application, it will be implemented in compliance with a system/software development life cycle (SDLC) comprising 5 stages, namely, 1. Requirement analysis, 2. Design, 3. Implementation, 4. Testing, and 5. Evolution and Maintenance. The introduced application was intended for problem solution between 2004 and 2008.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
As to the development of the application initiated in 2004, PWA’s technicians were divided into 2 groups. The first group was responsible for analyzing application need and designing data structure and database, while the second group took charge of the program language to be used to develop the program, the design of user interface, and program development and test. In 2008, the first version of the application called PWA_GIS2008 was developed using the Map Basic Language, which was freeware, and applied at PWA branches which had already prepared their GIS. It had proved usable to a certain extent. However, from a survey of user data, it was found that there were still some problems. Subsequently in 2012, the second version of the application called Wmap 9.12, further developed from PWA_GIS2008, was successfully developed and improved to possess higher efficiency in inputting data. Similarly, the functions supportive to a service provision process were added, which included the reception of customers’ request for water supply system installation, and functions supportive to a process of distribution system maintenance, for instance, non-revenue water detection, which could well support users in their performance in response to the public’s demand for services.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
In pushing forward its pipe mapping preparation in GIS through the Wmap 9.12 application, PWA has formulated strategies in each volume of its master plan on GIS development project, from volume 1 to 3 (2002 – 2011), by defining such significant factors leading to an implementation as a work plan, budget, workforce, including the transfer of strategy to implementation through the balanced scorecard (BSC) system. PWA has started its pipeline mapping project in the geographic information system (GIS) since fiscal year 2002. In this regard, all 233 PWA branches’ staff concerned have been assigned to prepare the pipeline mapping, while staff of PWA Regional Offices 1 – 10, through their Pipeline Map Section, have been assigned to support, monitor and provide training on how to use the application to all the branches’ staff so that the latter can apply knowledge gained from the training to an improvement of pipeline maps. In the implementation plan, GIS data has been collected and the system installed, while the training on how to use the new application has been offered to PWA branches’ staff across the country, beginning with 1 branch per PWA regional office in the first year to 2 branches per regional office in the second year. From then on, staff of more branches have been trained until all 233 PWA branches have been covered. Nevertheless, due to a constant review and revision of PWA GIS master plan, an implementation and installation of the system (Application) was fully covered in 2009, including an introduction of the modern management strategy that is popular worldwide like the balanced scorecard (BSC), which is the management and assessment system for an entire agency, not only an evaluation system but the determination of an agency’s vision and strategic plan prior to a transfer to all its departments for an implementation, making each staff member of all departments have an obvious operating direction and the same goal. Concerning the determination of key performance index (KPI) for an evaluation of PWA branches’ accurate and real-time GIS data preparation, there are 3 indicators, namely, 1.distribution pipelines, 2.water consumers (Customers) and 3.pipe repair points, apart from a monthly and quarterly report on data preparation consequences submitted to PWA regional offices 1-10 and PWA geographic information division at the headquarters as defined so that the GIS data collected will be used to develop and modify the application, aimed at an accurate and real-time preparation of pipeline mapping, as defined in the project objective.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
As for the project’s stakeholders, there are many people involved, both inside and outside PWA, which include the following. Stakeholders in PWA 1. PWA’s top management, as ones who define PWA vision and strategies in the balanced scorecard to cover all aspects of implementation, whether they are finance, customers, internal work processes as well as learning and growth. 2. The geographic information division at PWA headquarters is the central work unit responsible for supervising and controlling the overall operation so that it goes in compliance with the defined plan, through an allocation of budget to PWA regional offices in order to procure necessary tools and equipment for PWA branches under their supervision, besides making an analysis of appropriate workforce for the project to fulfill its goal. 3. PWA regional offices 1 – 10, through their pipeline map section and geographic information technicians, take charge of arranging for and installing the system, apart from transferring knowledge by providing training on how to use the application to PWA branches’ staff throughout the country. 4. 233 PWA’s branches, through their service and non-revenue water control section, arrange for their staff for the training on how to use the application with respect to pipeline mapping and an application of their knowledge to the customer service process. Stakeholders outside PWA 1. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. is a company developing the MapBasic language program, which is a freeware used by PWA to develop the application. 2. Service users/customers/communities obtain a better service owing to accurate data and higher service standard. 3. The government and private agencies/industries concerned may apply the concept derived from this project to their missions. 4. Society/country has a better quality of life due to higher quality of infrastructure.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
For the development of this project, PWA has spent its financial, technical and personnel resources, which are described below. Financial resources As to the development of both versions of the application, there have been no expenses on the application development (Additional to staff’s salary) because PWA’s work teams are people responsible for a study and development of the project through PWA’s support on budget, tools and equipment required, in conformity with its policy of promoting and inventing innovations within the agency and developing it toward a learning organization to develop staff’s potential, for instance, offering training courses both inside and outside PWA. This stems from the fact that PWA’s water service is mostly carried out in rural areas while the scope of work is across the country. PWA thus focuses on supporting a simple invention or innovation but truly useful for an implementation, which is mostly found to have a low investment cost and help develop PWA’ s staff’s service performance. Technical resources 1. Domestic materials and instruments such as 10 sets of computers and accessories. 2. Materials and instruments outside the country such as MapBasic language program (Freeware of Pitney Bowes Software Inc.) Personnel resources 1. 3 PWA’s programmers. 2. 7 PWA’s program testers.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Apart from fulfilling its major goal in using the application to do pipeline mapping and raising the potential of the service quality generation process living up to customers’ expectation, there are 5 other factors pushing the project toward its defined target, as listed below. 1. PWA’ management’s strategic formulation aimed at efficient achievements through an apparent work system and work process allowing for a transfer to an implementation. 2. PWA’s staff’s concerted effort, which has a clear division of duties, creating the development of staff skills in each part and their higher capability. 3. There has been commitment of all PWA’s project stakeholders throughout the project implementation period, contributing to a strong collaboration in pushing forward the project and stakeholders’ pride in taking part in organizational development. 4. Steps of performance in GIS data inputting can be reduced, for example, data calculated by the number of mouse clicks per record to create a pipe map in GIS, decrease on overage to 72 times per record inputting. 5. PWA’s operators have more knowledge and understanding of their operation of pipeline mapping in GIS. Based on a survey in 2013, it is found that 88.52 % of PWA’s staff are satisfied with the pipeline mapping using the Wmap 9.12 application for their operation.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Since the properties of the application have been defined to cover all aspects, whether they are system/software development life cycle (SDLC) or the transfer of project operation to continuous operation as a regular work, in the pipeline mapping, the application has therefore been designed to be able to make a monthly and quarterly report in order to follow up the consequence of PWA branches’ GIS data preparation in line with the key performance index (KPI) defined. The evaluation criteria of GIS data have been defined in 3 areas listed below. 1.1 Distribution pipelines – The real-time data amount is derived from fixed assets incurred by pipe installation for water sale area extension project or installation of new pipes to replace old ones project. 1.2 Water consumers (Customers) - The real-time data amount is received from a report on a monthly increase in the number of people requesting for water supply service whose water meters have been newly installed, in customer database. 1.3 Pipe repair points - The real-time data amount is obtained from a report on a pipe repair. Samples of quarterly reports on operation consequence from PWA branches’ GIS system. 2.1 The amount of inputting pipeline data (Meter) quarters 1 – 4 = 28,043 37,264 37,225 and 28,850 meters, respectively. 2.2 The amount of inputting water meter data (Set) quarters 1 – 4 = 274 637 1,071 and 1,230, respectively. 2.3 The amount of inputting pipe repair point data (Point) quarters 1- 4 = 381, 340 280 and 387, respectively. For a comparison to assess the inputting of GIS data to find whether it is accurate and real-time or not, a comparison between the amount of data input in the GIS system in all 3 aspects and the real-time data based on a report on 3 aspects of evaluation criteria referred to above is made. The evaluation result will be presented as a GIS operation report to PWA’s management as defined. Based on previous statistics in 2013, it reveals that the average value, in each quarter, of the number of PWA branches that can input accurate and real-time GIS data has steadily risen to 95.61% of the total branches.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
PWA has started GIS pipeline mapping project since 2002, which is a new knowledge body. It is also a transfer of pipeline mapping role and duty of PWA regional office’s pipeline map section to 233 PWA branches’ service and NRW control section because the latter’s staff operate in water distribution areas and thus are well and swiftly informed of changing GIS data and are more appropriate to the job of revising pipeline map data so that it is accurate, complete and real-time. However, due to the branches’ staff lack of basic knowledge of GIS and computer skills, apart from having regular heavy duties in providing services to water consumers, making the branches’ staff unable to fully and continuously learn and practice the skills of pipeline mapping, resulting in GIS data’s incoherence with the data structure designed and accumulated outstanding workload that has not been input to the system. To overcome the impediments referred to above, PWA has expanded its workforce who has knowledge of GIS, in the position of geographic information technicians, and is assigned to disseminate knowledge of as well as take care and maintain the GIS system. As far as this matter is concerned, PWA allocates the workforce to its geographic information division (A central unit for GIS at PWA headquarters), the pipeline map sections at PWA regional offices and PWA large-scale branches which have a large number of customers and spacious service areas. Subsequently, PWA’s geographic information technicians have played a significant role in development of the application, and design of the curriculum for training of civil engineers or technicians of branches’ staff, including follow-up plan for work system and suggestions for problem solution, both technically and academically, so that all PWA branches are able to do the accurate, consistent and real-time pipeline mapping.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Benefits to PWA In implementing a project on pipeline mapping through the geographic information system (GIS) and a move toward use of GIS through the Wmap 9.12 application which is easy to learn and use, it has been found that the project has encouraged an adaptation of PWA’s staff in applying devised pipeline maps to their service duty, particularly for new customers who request for an installation of a water supply system, which can be done more conveniently and quickly. Additionally, staff also use new pipeline maps for distribution pipe maintenance by replacing old pipes with new ones, and for washing, maintaining or changing water meters so that they function correctly and properly since the application can provide precise data. Similarly, the application can be effectively used to detect leaks in a piping system through geographic information technology, while helping reduce staff’s operating stages of services, enabling PWA to decrease its water production cost and other operating costs such as consultancy fee for hiring consultants to develop the application, and training costs for PWA branches’ staff. The money saved can be used by PWA to extend its service area, in compliance with PWA’s values of “Moving – determined – for – public”. Benefits to the public With the properties of GIS which can be efficiently applied to area data management, coupled with the convenience in staff’s performance with the new application, the public are satisfied with PWA’s performance in respect of pipe maintenance and have more confidence in PWA’s water supply, in both quantity and quality. Based on a survey of customers’ satisfaction conducted by an independent and trustworthy agency in 2013, it is found that PWA’s service satisfaction rises from 71.60 % in 2008 to 75.00 % in 2013. Benefits to society/the environment An unnecessary loss of resources stemming from a former style of operation can be minimized in both time and resources, for instance, non-revenue water amount, and power and chemical costs for water production and distribution, which also affects the environment.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Currently, the Wmap 9.12 application has been applied by all 233 PWA branches across the country, instead of PWA_GIS2008 program, to do the pipeline mapping in GIS, including steadily applying pipeline maps to PWA’s work performance in such fields as reception of new customers’ request for water supply system installation, distribution pipe maintenance and NRW detection. In addition, the new application has been extended for use in other projects, for example, use of GIS as database in transmitting messages to water consumers by the mobile phones short message service (SMS), which is another project helping efficiently develop public relations between PWA and its customers or water consumers. In 2011, PWA had reengineered its organizational structure by upgrading the work unit responsible for PWA GIS at its headquarters from a division in the office of information technology to a department level called the office of geographic information technology, which takes charge of applying GIS knowledge to the development of PWA’s work process and is staffed by more GIS personnel or geographic information technicians, scattering in both PWA regional offices and branches to constantly disseminate GIS knowledge and skills. PWA, as an expert in Thailand’s water supply system but is not the only agency providing water supply service to the public, can therefore share the experience and accomplishments of this project to others and transfer knowledge of the new application by giving suggestions and advices to other agencies both in the government and the private sector, including such local governments as municipalities so that they may develop their service process based on the application and provide quality service to the public as PWA does. Likewise, PWA also offers various training courses and workshops on water production/distribution system development to local governments. The Wmap 9.12 application has been used as a prototype in such private companies as NuMAP Co, Ltd., which is a company providing services on a survey and GIS mapping, and Total Water Co, Ltd., which is a consulting company responsible for PWA’s NRW reduction. Furthermore, PWA’s pipeline mapping data is also acceptable to other agencies that request for it for use in related work, such as a calculation of municipalities’ wastewater treatment fee rates, and a study of impacts on a water supply system located along the high-speed rail tracks.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Since the beginning of the project in 2002 up till now, PWA’s staff have leaned to work as a team and systematically for 11 years, during which PWA has introduced GIS knowledge to its performance. With this starting point, PWA has linked it to other knowledge bodies for project implementation, for instance, performance based on system/software development life cycle (SDLC), which has to take into account a use requirement analysis, which is a significant indicator whether an implemented project will completely succeed or not. For an introduction of the balanced scorecard to its staff’s performance, PWA has learned a change from “Performance to order or based on what has been passed on” to a work process of “An agency’s concerted effort and cooperation”. Over the past 11 years, PWA has fully realized the significance and potential of the geographic information system that can be effectively used to its area management. If all government agencies providing infrastructural services to the public apply this principle to their performance as PWA has done, and if all data is jointly used, resulting in maximum benefits of service development with people truly as the center and based on the experience and lesson obtained, Thailand will possess superior competitiveness, with much higher efficiency of basic infrastructure and public services, while PWA is prepared to collaborate with all agencies on no condition.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Provincial Waterworks Authority
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Ms.Pimolluk Kasetkasem
Title:   Head of Management for Create Value Added Section  
Telephone/ Fax:   +(66) 2-551-8428/ +(66) 2-552-6031
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   pimolluk@gmail.com  
Address:   72 Soi Chaengwattana 1 Chaengwattana Road
Postal Code:   10210
City:   Laksi District
State/Province:   Bangkok

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