Ministry of Public Works

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Every year, the needs for bidding implementation at the Ministry of Public Works are very high. Around 70 percent of the ministry’s fund allocation are tendered. Between 2011 and 2013, the ministry’s average budget being put for bidding were Rp 47 trillion (US$ . . .). The allocation of this funds are for financing building construction, bridges, and highways. The ministry’s budget covers the whole Indonesian territory, both at central and regional levels through a number of 1000 Technical Executing Units/Work Units that spread throughout Indonesia. The implementation of bidding process that spread throughout Indonesian territory has its constrains. Indonesia, being an archipelagic country, has a number of access problems either in terms of transportation or communication. Therefore, the bidding process implemented by many regional governments, particularly in remote regions can not be easily monitored by the central government. Apart from that, the ministry’s previous bidding process has been negatively stigmatized by the public for not being trans-parent, fair, honest, effective and efficient. As an illustration, previously, there was a possibility of changing procurement or bidding documents after the the bidding was closed for the benefit of certain parties. But through e-Procurement, the uploaded documents cannot be changed after the closing of the bid. As an effort to solve the above prolemss, there is a need for a system that can motivate effectiveness and efficiency and enhance transparency and accountability in the implementation of bidding processes. On the other hand, the many parties involved and the number of work packages and values in the implementa-tion of the e-Procurement in the Ministry of Public Works has caused constrains and challenges to undertake improvements.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
In order to solve the various problems in goods and bidding procurements, in 2002, the Ministry of Public Works made an innovation by implementing an e-Procurement. It’s a system in procuring goods/services using information technology and electronic transaction in accordance with regulations. Beginning that year, for the purpose of transparency in procuring goods/services, information regarding procurement of the goods/services should be through internet media. Initially, proposals on the use of the e-government in the ministry started from the intention to enhance transparency process on goods/services procurement by utilizing electronic technology which has, lately, become an icon, internet. During its implementation, from 2002 up to 2013, the ministry has made an improvement and adjustment, and in its application, it’s in line with the organization’s conditions and needs in acordance with the other information system. The application of this e-Procurement is most useful both for the implementing agency of the bidding procurement as well as for the would-be bidding participants. For the implementing agency, the Ministry of Public Works, the e-Procurment is able to shorten the procurement process that it could press the needed cost. On the other hand, For t he would-be bidding participants , the open possibility is greater so that they are able to engange in a healthy business competition. For the management meanwile, it makes the process of bidding monitoring and auditing easier and altogether, it meets the need of a real-time access to information.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Dissemination of information through the internet media as an obligation in the application of the e-Procurement, at that time was an innovative action. Before the application, bidding announcement was made through the printed media, and the results were written on the announcement boards with its limit in space and time of information access. Through the internet media, the information access is easier and not prevented by space and time. This e-Procurement is a breakthrough to restore public trust to the government in its efforts to undertake good governance practices. Initially, the implementation of the e-procurement in the ministry was to enhance budgeting transparency as a result of public demand, and up till now, it has become the need for monitoring and evaluation for smooth and fast implementation of public works infrastructre development. The faster the bidding process, the faster the works that can be completed and then utilized and felt by the public in general.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
In order to make the e-Procurement implementation faster, a strategy has been set covering: 1. Regulations The issuance of internal regulation from the ministry to regulate and support the implementation of the e-procurement in the form of Ministerial Regulation and Decree as well as a Circular. The regulations arrange among other things the basic order in the application of the e-procurement including its area coverage and its sort of system used by certain areas. The issuance of these regulations is a reflection of commitment from the ministry’s management to implement the procurement system. 2. In-stages implementation In its implementation, e-procurement is carried out in- stages. There are two points in the ministry’s in-stages implementation namely: from its electronic process and from the coverage of implementing region/areas of the e-procurement system. The objectives of the in-stages electronic process are to reduce the level of resistance on the one hand, and to enhance the acceptability and participatory levels on the other. In its initial step, the implementation of the e-procurement, the internet was a newly and relatively known by the people. Therefore, if the system was, at that time, fully implemented, the involving parties in the e-procurement would be unprepared and would hamper and slowdown the procurement process which would, eventually, cause the postponement of public works’ infrastructure project implementation. From time to time, the coverage areas of the e-procurement implementation is extended according to the internet’s network infrastructure and human resources. The network infrastructure’s preparedness is obtainable from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, and also from the field visit to the regions. 3. Socialization The high levels of knowledge and understanding of the e-procurement system from the government officials and service providers are the key to success in implementing the e-procurement, and therefore, there is a need for gradual socialization. 4. Division of tasks There are division of tasks amongst the echelon I within the ministry regarding the implementation of the e-procurement. 5. Filling process of data The filling process of the e-procurement data is started from the filling of general information (in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 54/2010 regarding the general plan of procurement) up to the appointment of the winner. The general information data is integrated into the bidding data, and it becomes the basic data to undertake tendering or bidding. The filling process of general information data is carried out after the state budget (APBN) is approved by the parliament. It’s usually carried out around the month of October, so that the bidding process can be carried out in November. 6. Access code registry For the purpose of effectiveness and effectivity, the process of access code registry for committee/working group and service providers is carried out online. It could save cost and time because both the committee/working group and service providers do not need to come to Jakarta only to get the access code. 7. Monitoring and evaluation The bidding process carried out by the Ministry of Public Works is periodically monitored in order that the public can obtain the maximum results in the form of real time public works’s infrastructure availability. The process can be monitored, at any time, by the decision makers within the ministry (at Echelon I level). 8. User friendly and safe system The utilization of security feature such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and also an inscription to guarantee data secrecy, so that the system is trusted by users. e-Procurement Flowchart The Ministry of Public Works e-Procurement system can be accessed through the URL address http://www.pu.go.id or http://eproc.pu.go.id Socialization or training of the system is carried out continuously every year. The following is the system’s socialization during the 2013 period: Table 1. The e-Procurement Socialization for the 2013 Bidding I Procurement Service Unit Working Group Place/City Participants Time of Socialization Directorate General of Highways (Bina Marga) 1..Eastern Region Makassar 100 Oct. – 12 2..Middle Region Bali 100 Nov – 12 3. Western Region Bandung 100 Nov – 12 4.North Maluku’s Bina Marga Working Unit Ternate 30 Nov – 12 Directorate General of Water Resources 1. Eastern Region Batam 100 Nov – 12 2. Middle Region Surabaya 100 Dec – 12 3. Western Region Solo 100 Dec – 12 Directorate General of Sanitary Development 1.Eastern Region Batam 100 Oct – 12 2.Middle Region Surabaya 100 Nov – 12 3. Western Jakarta 100 Nov – 12 Directorate General of Spatial Planning 1. Central Jakarta 30 Jan – 13 2. Region Bandung 60 Jul – 13 Construction Nurturement Agency 1. Central and Region Bandung 40 Jan – 13 Agency for Research and Development 1.Central and Regions Jakarta 30 Dec – 12 Secretariate General 1.Central and Regions Jakarta 60 Dec – 12 Regional Working Units 1.South Kalimantan Banjarmasin 30 Feb – 13 2. West Sumatra Bukittinggi 30 Mar – 13 II Service Providers Construction Nurturement Agency 1. West Sumatra Padang 50 Jan – 13 2. Banten Serang 50 Feb – 13 3. West Nusa Tenggara MataramNTB 50 Feb – 13 4. East Java Surabaya 50 Mar – 13 5. South Kalimantan Banjarmasin 50 Jun – 13

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
In its initial stage, this system was developed by the Application Development Sub-Division at the ministry’s Data Management Center (Pusdata) in 2002. The application was developed, using self-management system, by the sub-division programmers. The ministry’s officials and staff involved were: 1. The ministry’s management who gave an approval and supported the e-procurement’s implementation and then issued regulation related to its implementation. 2. Secretariate General, namely The Data Management Center (Pusdata) as the developer and the institution in-charge of the system. 3. The Construction Nurturement Agency (Bapekon) that nurtures and executes the socialization and training of the e-procurement for service providers. 4. Each Echelon I Organizational Unit that nurtures the socialization and training of the e-Procurement for committee/procurement working units. 5. Inspectorate General as the implementation controller. 6. All the Working Unit Heads by assigning their staff to enter the General Planning of Procurement data into the e-procurement system. 7. Procurement Committee/Working Group that undertake the bidding process through e-Procurement. 8. Service providers that take part in the procurement of goods and services electronically. 9. Non-govermental organizations (NGOs) that keep watching the bidding process electronically. 10. The public or community who keep watching the bidding process electronically.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. Financing The e-Procurement implementation is financed through the state budget (APBN) without foreign assistance. Below is the 2013 implementation cost: No. Activity Cost (in Rupiah) 1 System Nurturement 300.000.000 2 System E nhancement 400.000.000 3 Bandwidth Internet Subscription (450 MB) 4.600.000.000 4 Training for LPSE staff 30.000.000 5 Training for committee (16 times @Rp 200.000.000) by each Echelon I 6 Construction Nurturement Total amount 9.730.000.000 2. Technicality For safety reason, the technology which is being used is prepaid technology through self-management development of the core system. Hardware Server 4 Server (2 Web Server, 2 DB Server) HD Server Capacity : @10TB Processor : 32 core Network Bandwidth 450 MB Software Operating System : Windows Server 2008 R2 DataBase : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 3. Human Resources The Data Management Center (Pusdata), Secretariate General of the Ministry are responsible for the e-procurement’s development, implementation and services. The organization of the ministry’s e-procurement (LPSE) is divided into the following : 1. Advisory Team The tasks are a.o.: to provide general advises regarding the implementation of the LPSE. 2. The Headf of LPSE The tasks are a.o. : to lead the implementation of the LPSE. 3. Secretariate Unit The tasks are a.o. : in charge of the LPSE’s secretarial affairs. 4. Technical Unit The tasks are a.o. : to carry out the LPSE’s implementation technically under four Sub Units, namely : a. System I Administration Sub Unit with the tasks a.o. to be responsible for the software; b. System II Administration Sub Unit with the tasks a.o. to be responsible for the hardware and network; c. Registration and Verification Sub Unit with the tasks a.o. to be responsible for registration and verification of users; d. User Services Sub Unit with the tasks a.o. to be responsible for the whole users’ complaints handling process as well as users’ training process.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
A number of successes in the e-procurement implementation at the Ministry of Public Works: a. The Number and Value of Packages In the past three years, the ministry’s e-procurement has, every year, offered biddings no less than 8.000 package with the value of more than Rp 17 trillion (US$......). The following is the detailed number of packages and value announced every year : Table 1. The number of package and ceiling value put on the bid through e-procurement system. Year Number of Packages Bidding Ceiling (in trillions of rupiah) 2002-2004 4.617 7 2005 4.545 11,5 2006 6.278 15,59 2007 7.127 23,32 2008 6.737 18,25 2009 8.153 14,41 2010 8.393 17,57 2011 11.934 37,12 2012 12.735 51,19 2013 13.613 53,17 Total 51.070 212,1 b. The Number of Users The ministry’s e-procurement system is, every year, accessed by more than 20.000 users with the number of visitors during the peak period (in December and January) reaching approximately one million visitors. Besides, the number of companies registered are getting bigger and bigger in number. In 2013, the total number of companies registered are 79.674 companies Consisting of construction services, non-construction and consulting companies. The following are the registered service provider in the e-procurement system. Table 2. The number of registered service providers Type of Servives Number of Companies Construction 58,630 Consultancy 5,389 Non-Construction 15,655 Total 79,674 The following is the number of users from the procurement committee and number of bidding participants during the 2009-2013 period. Table 3. The number of bidding committee and participants : Year Number of Committee/Working Group Number of Participants 2009 1.090 26.768 2010 1.158 23.091 2011 1.566 26.351 2012 1.825 25.884 2013 2.589 21.139 *26 November 2013 status c. Efficiency 1) Time Efficiency The number of time efficiency that can be done are : a) Completion of bidding process. The e-procurement data shows that the number of bidding completed within less than 45 days are around 37 percents; the number of bidding completed between 45-60 days are 25 percents; while more than 60 days are 37 percents. We can see here that 62 percents of bidding process are completed less than or equal to 60 days, which means that if the bidding was undertaken in November, then in February, the physical works should have been started with maximum completion. b) Time saving With the existence of e-procurement, service providers only need a computer with the internet linkage in search of information, undertake registration and sending of documents without physically coming to the bidding site which is manually undertaken. c) Cost efficiency A number of cost efficiency to be taken: • Transportation budget for service providers once they want to register and take or see bidding documents on the procurement process as the processes are carried out through a system. • Cost for photocopying of bidding documents. The documents no longer need any photocpying as they can be uploaded and then downloaded by service providers. • Cost for photocopying of tender documents. The documents do not need to be photocopied in triplicate as it’s sufficient to download one tender document into the system. d) Appreciations from Outsiders • From 2004 up to 2011, appreciations received in the form of e-Government Awards for the Ministry of Public Works’ website (PU-NET) from daily Warta Ekonomi. One of the reasons, transparency as shown in its e-Procurement. • From an NGO, Masyarakat Transparansi Indonesia (MTI) which appreciated the PU-NET as the best Ministerial website in applying budget transparency as compared to 40 ministries/institutions of other countries. e) Low Resistance Level From the 11-year-experience of the e-Procurement implementation in the ministry, there was only single service provider in one province that refused to implement the e-Procurement. It’s because of in stage application of the system that the service provider could adapt easily from the manual to the electronic ways.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The real time monitoring system has been used to monitor the daily progress of e-Procurement implementation. This system presents an executive summary for the ministry’s management that can be accessed through the internet. The real time system indirectly provides psychological effect to the executing staff in the field that their works are directly monitored by the management. Gradually the ministry’s management undertakes monitoring and evaluation through a monthly as well as yearly management meetings. At every moment, decision makers within the ministry’s Echelon I level monitor the process. Information regarding the e-Procurement implementation that can be monitored are : a) The number of packages (tender) announced b) Percentages of each system of the above announcement c) Number of packages under contract d) The last three-year tender partnering data e) The announced packages based on fund ceiling f) Number of packages under contract based on duration of tender implementation. The following is the monitoring system feature

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
A number of obstacles in the e-Procurement implementation : 1. Human Resources. There are three kinds of human resources involved in the e-Procurement process namely from the Procurement Committee/Procurement Working Group, Service Providers, and the LPSE managers. Constraints on human resources are solved through a continuous socialization and training namely : a. Human resources of Procurement Committee/ULP Working Group. Every year, as many as 16 times training for procurement committee members held in various cities. b. Human resources for Service Providers. Every year, approximately six times training for service providers held in various cities. c. Human resources for LPSE managers. Every year, approximately six times training for the LPSE managers to improve their skill in programming, database, security, etc. 2. The TIK Infrastructure at Service Center. Constraints in this field cover a.o. the bandwidth size, store capacity, backup server, and security. These contstraints are overcome through the development of hardware and software infrastuctures every year. Several steps taken are : a. Improvement of bandwidth size to 450 MB b. Purchase of Hardware Server (3 servers) c. Purchase of approximately 20 Terabyte Harddisk d. Development of data center backup. 3. Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE) Organization. The LPSE organization was handled in an adhoc model under Pusdata (Data Center) with its task and function were not clearly defined. This constraints were overcome by the establishment of the LPSE Team through a Ministerial Decree No. 306/M/KPTS/2013 regarding the Establishment of LPSE Management Team, Ministry of Public Works.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
1. To ensure that all parties related to the Ministry of Public Works’ goods/services procurement all over Indonesia are served. These are parties who benefit from the e-procurement: a. Service Providers Service providers obtain a transparent, fair, effective and efficient procurement process. Only with computer facility linked to the Internet, the service providers can follow all packages of bidding process in the Ministry of Public Works throughout Indonesia. b. Procurement Committee/ULP Working Group can hold a transparent, fair, effective and efficient procurement process. By utilizing e-procurement the committee may be hindered from being involved in corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), and obtain bidding participants who are willing to engage in a fair competition. c. Budget User Authority/Commitment Maker get benefit in the form of the best service providers (as a result of a fair fair tender process) to complete the job. It’s expected that the best service provider would produce the best result. d. Ministry of Public Works Management The Ministry’s management get benefit in the form of easiness in conducting monitoring and evaluation of the infrastructure development in Indonesia through a transparent, and fair process. e. Community The community can directly get benefit in the form of budget transparency and also indirectly they can benefit from e-procurement implementation in the form of good infrastructure (roads, bridges, clean water, etc) completed on time. 2. Transportation Cost Saving As the majority of the procvess are carried out online, the cost for transportation can be significantly pressed. A number of processes which are usually done face to face but now replaced by an online system, namely: 1) searching of tender package information 2) registration 3) withdrawal of addendum document 4) submission of qualification document 5) submission of bidding document 6) submission of denial To illustrate, for instance a service provider in Jakarta takes part in a package of bidding in Bali. To fulfill the above six processes, he has to make a round trip to Bali (6 x 2 equals to 12 times). If one trip to Bali costs Rp 1.000.000,- it means that he has to spend Rp 12 millions before becoming the winner. Imagine if he takes part in 10 packages, the cost for transportation will be 10 times higher. With e-procurement implemented, all the transportation cost would be zero (0). 3. Cost Saving of Printing Document In manually implemented bidding process, Procurement Committee/ULP Working Group or service providers had to print or photocopy all documents to the amount of the service providers or bidding participants taking part in the bidding process, two times as many. As an illustration, for instance in one package participated in by 10 service providers, the committee and the ULP working group then print the procurement documents 10 times, and followed by service providers print again 20 times (10 x 2). Assuming the cost of printing of each document is Rp 50.000 (100 pieces) then, for each tender package it would cost Rp 1.500.000 (50.000x10+20). Every year, the ministry’s e-procurement bids around 12.000 packages. Cumulatively, the cost documents printing reaches Rp 18 billions (1.500.000 x 12.000). Using e-procurement, the cost of documents printing becomes zero (0) as the documents are submitted online. 4. Green Procurement Paper consumption in bidding processes has been reduced significantly thanks to the distribution of procurement and bidding documents carried out electronically. As an illustration for instance in one package of bidding participated in by 10 service providers, the ULP working group would print the documents 10 times and the service providers would print them 20 times (10 x 2). Assuming the number of pages of each document is 100 pieces, then each package uses 3.000 pieces (100 x 10 + 20). Every year, the ministry’s e-procurement bids around 12.000 packages. Cumulatively then, the number of paper needed every year is 36.000.000 pieces (3.000 x 12.000). By using e-procurement, the need for paper becomes zero (0) as the documents are submitted online. 5. Industrialists in the field of Information and Communication Technology (TIK) especially those involved in the Internet businesses get the benefit in the form of the increase of users because the e-procurement users must use the Internet for an access to information. 6. The average budget saving through tendering is around 9 percents (approximately Rp 4,5 trillion). Generally, this saving (bid leftovers) are used for developing other infrastructures.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Factors that trigger the e-procurement at the Ministry of Public Works. 1. The main factor that triggers the implementation of e-procurement in the ministry is regulation, especially after the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 54/2010 on the Procurement of Government’s Goods/Services that regulates the e-procurement implementation. Based on this regulation, at national level, the e-Procurement implementation was legalized. 2. Management commitment in the form of motivation to implement e-procurement through various internal regulations in the ministry. 3. E-procurement has become a need in the ministry, making it difficult if it’s not implemented. Since 2002 up till now (2013), e-procurement has been very useful in helping implement national infrastructure development through a transparent, fair, effective and efficient bidding process. Regulation and Institution. A number of internal regulations in the Ministry of Public Works have been issued since 2002 up to 2013. All of those regulations are to guarantee the implementation of the ministry’s e-procurement. The following are the regulations : 1. Minister of Kimpraswil Instruction No. 02 INM 2002 On The Information Enhancement of Goods/Services Procurement through the Internet Media in the Ministry of Kimpraswil. 2. Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 207 PRT M 2005 On The Directives of Government Construction Services Procurement Electronically. 3. Minister of Public Works Decree No. 274 KPTS M 2007 On the Determination of Procurement Package of Goods and Services Electronically (e-Procurement) within the Ministry. 4. Minister of Public Works’ Circular Letter from 2006-2013 5. Minister of Public Works Decree No 306/M/KPTS/2013 On the Establishment of Electronic Procurement Services 6. Minister of Public Works Circular Letter No 16 On the Change of Ministerial Circular Letter No, 7/2012 On the Electronic Procurement of Goods and Services in the Ministry. Through the Minister of Public Works’ Decree No. 306/M/KPTS/ 2013, the Ministry of Public Works has an official LPSE (Electronic Procurement Institute). Before that the LPSE function was put under the Ministry’s Data Center (Pusdata) using adhoc model. In term of financing, the LPSE runs through the state budget (APBN), and its budget sticks to Pusdata’s. Beginning in 2014 the LPSE management receive special personnel allowance. E-Procurement Replication Initiative 1. In 2004, the Head of ministry’s Pusdata represented by the Head of Pusdata’s Network and Application System Division became a keynote speaker in the Surabaya City Government on the application of e-Procurement. In his presentation he explained the e-procurement application in the Ministry of Public Works through the issuance of internal regulation, a Ministerial Decree. In 2005, the Surabaya City Government also issued an internal regulation on the application of e-Procurement (Mayor’s Decree) because at the time there was no national legal umbrella on e-Procurement. 2. In 2006, representative of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) saw the implementation of e-Procurement application at the Ministry of Public Works. In the same year, the Kominfo set up an e-government procurement (SePP) by replicating e-Procurement in their ministry. 3. In 2005-2006 the Ministry of Pulic Works e-Procurement team was involved in the discussion on e-procurement implementation at national level coordinated by the Agency for National Planning and Development (Bappenas) being the cornerstone of the Institute for Procurement of Government Goods and Services (LKPP). The team were often asked their opinion and data on the e-procurement application at the Ministry of Public Works. The Ministry of Public Works team was represented by the Head of Pusdata and his divisions and sub-divisons heads. Pusdata also contributed to the Presidential Regulation Draft a substitute to the Presidential Decree No. 80/2010. 4. In 2008 the LKPP started to push for e-Procurement application throughout Indonesia based on Presidential Regulation No. 54/2010 On the Procurement of Government’s Goods and Services. Article 131 of the Presidential Regulation No. 54/2010 states that Ministries, Institutions, and Regions K/L/D/I are obliged to implement electronic procurement for part/whole of work packages in the 2012 Callender Year. 5. The e-Procurement process in the Ministry of Public Works is integrated, covering General Planning System for Procurement, Bidding, Monitoring and Evaluation. These are replicated by LKPP at national level. In 2011 LKPP undertook a comparative study to the Ministry of Pulic Works related to implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation system utilized at national level. In 2012 then, the LKPP issued an Information System on General Planning of Procurement (siRUP) which is integrated into bidding system.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
1. Management commitment is an essential issue in the success of e-Procurement program in the Ministry of Public Works. This commitment was materialized in the issuance of regulations such as ministerial circular letter requiring the implementation of e-Procurement for all packages or works all over Indonesia under the ministry’s coordination. 2. Gradual application of the system ensures the sustainability of learning process for users as the key to the success of its implementation. During the learning process, a transfer of knowledge takes place and beneficial for implementation of a real e-Procurement. 3. Socialization of new programs and provision of sustainable technical guidance as well as involvement of all parties is a must to improve knowledge and understanding of users who will support the implementation of the e-Procurement. 4. Utilization of information technology and electronic transaction in the provision of services can shorten services procedures, make services process easier, and also reduce services cost which eventually leads to improvement of public services. 5. The real time e-procurement implementation data is quite beneficial to implementing monitoring and evaluation by policy makers of the Ministry of Public Works. Monitoring and evaluation can be carried out overall from the General Procurement Plan up to Bidding process through a centralized and integrated system.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Ministry of Public Works
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Kemas Mohammad Nur Asikin
Title:   Head of Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE) Org  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62217392262
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   asikin@pu.go.id  
Address:   Jalan Pattimura No. 20 Kebayoran Baru
Postal Code:   12110
City:   South Jakarta
State/Province:   DKI Jakarta

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