A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Situation before the initiative The sex ratio in the state of Madhya Pradesh during 2001 census showed declining trends. Technological facilitation by a series of pre-natal diagnostic tools to identify and cure any potential birth defects and associated conditions was being misused. The female foetus were selectively aborted after such pre-natal sex determination, in spite of a massive influx of legal regulations banning the same. Girls were being discriminated against in every sphere of life viz.:- in being born, getting food, going to school, accessing health services, getting work, receiving remuneration for work, accessing resources or influencing socio-political-community decisions, in getting equal opportunities, freedom of choice, support from family and society, access to a secure environment. The birth of a girl child was viewed as a calamity. In order to have a boy parents would have a number of children. IMR and MMR were high since mothers had to undergo multiple pregnancies for want of a boy. Enrollment of girls in schools was much less than boys. Girl drop out in classes 6th, 9th and 11th was high. Girls were kept at home to do household work, to be married off early. Girls were not self reliant and did not enjoy a respectable status in society. Some of the most violent crimes against this ‘gentler’ breed of humanity, starting from female infanticide and female foeticide going up to child marriages and dowry deaths were on the rise. This phenomenon was prevalent across all religions, castes, communities and classes. To attain MDG's it was necessary to ensure primary education for girls, reduce child mortality, reduce maternal mortality and provide a conducive environment for gender equality and women empowerment. To encourage community enabled love, care and affection to the girl child so that she feels wanted in society, it was necessary to bring about a change in the mindset of people. To allow a girl to be born, to send her to school, to let her complete her education and become self reliant, to marry her at the right age, to give her respect and care, it was necessary to start an initiative functioning on life cycle approach which would empower the girl child holistically, linking benefits of other existing schemes also. The state government was keen to address gender inequalities and increase women's capabilities as a precondition for achieving the goal of community development by mainstreaming women in development. The challenge was to formulate such a scheme that would not only prevent sex election and female infanticide but would also create a positive environment for the birth of a girl child and provide spaces and opportunities for them to grow.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Who proposed the solution The initiative “Ladli Laxmi” was proposed by Women & Child Development Department. Concerned with the declining child sex ratio in the state, the Department in 2006, came up with the idea to initiate a scheme which would create an enabling environment for the birth of a girl child, ensure her survival and well being, bring about attitudinal change as a key input to safeguarding the interests of girl children in the long run. The initiative Eligibility Every 1st and 2nd girl child born on or after 1st January 2006. Parents : Domicile of Madhya Pradesh. Have undergone sterilization operation Not Income Tax Payers. Investment for Ladli NSCs (Rs : 30000/-) in 5 instalments Financial incentives Class 6th Rs : 2000/- Year Class 9th Rs : 4000/- Year Class 11th Rs : 7500/- Year Class 11th and Class 12th Rs : 200/- per month scholarship. After 18 – 21 years : Rs:119000/- (cumulative) How did the initiative solve the problem The initiative has created a positive environment towards the girl child in society. Financial incentives have enabled families to educate and provide health services to their girls, not possible earlier due to inadequate finances. The initiative has not only helped in arresting the declining sex ratio but has also created safe spaces for girl children. Families are now taking their girl children to Aanganwadis for health checkup and nutritional food. Ladlis registered with the scheme in 2006 are now enrolled in schools. Many families are opting for family planning after one/two girl children. Target Audience The target audience was the community and parents in general and girl children in particular. Objectives of the initiative • To bring a positive change in attitude towards the birth of the girl child. • To discourage child marriages and encourage marriages at or after the legally prescribed minimum age • To improve girl's education and health • To encourage family planning. • To prevent female infanticide/foeticide. • To improve health status of those mothers who have to undergo multiple pregnancies for want of a boy, thus reducing MMR and increasing the use of family planning • Positive changes in sex ratio • Enabling women to become self-reliant Description of strategies  Since innovative scheme, utmost care exercised while designing & implementing the initiative.  Transparency, ease of access and flexibility the key.  Detailed statistical analysis done to set the criteria for selection of beneficiaries.  Actively involved various stakeholders in every process of designing and implementation of scheme.  A core team functioning on participatory approaches comprising senior officials from the department to ensure good practices makes the scheme beneficiary oriented, for rectification of all sorts of queries, suggestions and complaints received from the grassroots.  Monthly review of performance of scheme to ensure smooth implementation, resolve issues arising during implementation.  Frequent changes in scheme guidelines and eligibility criteria to extend outreach.  Issuing timely guidelines to field functionaries on changes made to ensure wide coverage  IEC campaign for creating positive environment favouring girl child: mass contact for better and optimum coverage.  Coordinating with Line Departments for support.  Coordinating with Department of Posts for timely preparation/delivery of NSCs.  Regular visits by core team for random checks.  Since scheme involved huge population & financial incentives, suitable MIS required for monitoring & supervision, online concurrent monitoring of each beneficiary to ensure effective delivery of services, enrollment in schools and healthy living of the girl child.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
• Ladli Laxmi Yojna which began as a scheme for holistic empowerment has in six years become a movement for women empowerment. • Functions on life cycle approach by linking benefits of other schemes for holistic women empowerment. No other scheme has such long term goals for women empowerment. Audience Intervention Support Objective Family Janani Suraksha Yojana Institutional Delivery Reduce MMR Family Planning Encourage Family planning Positive sex ratio Ladli (Year) 1 &2 Immunisation All vaccinations Improved health 1-6 Nutrition Do 6 onwards Education Financial support Improved education Free Uniform, education Do 12 onwards Education Free education, uniform Do Financial support 15 onwards Education Free education, Bicycle Do Financial support 18 onwards CM Kanyadan Yojana Financial support Improved education, prevention of child marriage, dowry • Systematically inter-relates different departments:- Health, WCD, Education, Registrar General for births and deaths. • Revitalized importance of government certificates i.e. birth registration, immunization card, school enrolment, green card, marriage certificate. • Provide National Savings Certificates at doorstep of Ladli. • Strengthening ICDS, Aanganwadi. • Selection of proper instrument the key. • Universal coverage of all eligible girl children of all religions, castes and communities. • Making scheme responsible to public under Lok Sewa Guarantee Act and Samadhan online.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
 The issue of unwanted girl child was raised in women conference (Mahila Panchayat) on 30th July 2006. State government also was keen to address the declining sex ratio and gender inequalities.  Department of Women & Child Development decided to formulate a scheme that would create a positive environment for the birth, survival and well being of girl children. Health and education were also linked to the scheme to ensure holistic empowerment of women.  Detailed statistical and financial analysis done to calculate number of girls likely to be benefited by the scheme and to set the criteria for selection of beneficiaries, for allocation of funds & expenditure prospectively to make the scheme sustainable  Critical to ensure transparency and ease of access since huge volume of financial incentives was involved so that it should be used for the purpose for which it is given.  Selection of suitable agency with largest outreach covering even the remotest places for preparation of secured instrument was critical. In this light the selection of Postal Department NSC was made and a Memorandum of Understanding was made with the Postal Department.  A year of several rounds of discussions held with senior officials of state govt., various departments and stakeholders to formulate the scheme (From July 2006 to January 2007).  Draft scheme was sent to District Collectors, Zila Panchayat, field level functionaries, various institutions working for women empowerment and eminent persons for suggestions to make the scheme transparent and easy to access.  The scheme has been formulated by actively involving and incorporating appropriate suggestions of each stakeholder in every process of designing and implementation of scheme.  Draft on ‘Ladli Laxmi Yojna (LLY)’ shared at various forums with all stakeholders  Post approval from State Cabinet in Feb. 2007, the full and final draft of LLY implemented from 1st April, 2007  Smart democratic/ participatory leadership skills experienced during the implementation of scheme.  Constitution of core team comprising of senior officials from the department for timely guidance & support to ensure good practices, to make the scheme beneficiary oriented, to rectify queries, suggestions and complaints received from the grassroots.  Monthly review of the performance on the scheme has been undertaken to ensure smooth implementation and resolving the issues if any arise during the course of implementation.  The changes in the scheme guidelines and eligibility criteria to extend the possible outreach have taken place frequently:- • Registration of girl child up to five years of birth in case of families where one or both the parents are dead. • If two or more girl children are born at a time in case of first & second delivery, then all the girls are eligible for the scheme. • Such families who have not registered within one year or due to medical reasons may be considered as special cases by the District Collectors. • Eligible girl child of women prisoners.  Issuing timely guidelines to field functionaries on changes made to ensure wide coverage  Detailed MIS, developed for on line tracking of each beneficiary on development indicators (health & education) till 18 years, data compilation, storage, analysis and management, collating with department of Post for NSC preparation and renewal and with Lok sewa guarantee Kendra for increased outreach and transparency. It has inbuilt SMS facilities with mobile android applications, hindi font readability, google analytics.  MIS also includes helpdesk management for responses to each query of users within 24 hours.  IEC campaigning (pamphlets, posters, books, news, advertisements, audio-visual materials,hoardings, wall writing, cinema slides, trainings, workshops) for creating positive environment.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Stakeholders Contribution A. Government of Madhya Pradesh Full support in implementing the scheme. Sanctioning of special cases. Framing policies for making scheme more beneficiaries oriented. Enhancing criteria to cover eligible beneficiaries. B. Directorate of Women Empowerment Designing, Implementation, Monitoring & supervision of the scheme. Issuing timely guidelines to field functionaries on changes made in scheme to ensure wide coverage. Effective IEC campaigning for creating positive environment favoring girl child. Designing, developing & printing of communication materials like brochures, pamphlets, hoardings and audio-visual materials for mass campaigning. Involving opinion makers, institutions and other eminent people for suggestion and support. On line tracking of each beneficiary to ensure effective delivery of services for better health & education. Coordinating with Department of Health & family welfare for timely vaccination and other support services and with Department of Education for enrollment of girls in school. Coordinating with Department of Posts for timely preparation of NSCs and ensuring that it is delivered in time. Regular visits by the core team for random checks to zero down the instances of corruption if any. C. Department of Posts & Telegraph Preparation/ Renewal & timely delivery of instruments. D. Department of Health & Family Welfare, Education and Panchayat & Rural Development Health: - Providing all support services. Ensuring vaccination, routine health checks, referral if required. Education:- Enrollment in school, free educational kits, nutritional meals, motivating families to check drop outs. E. Girl Child Registration, immunization, nutrition and school enrollment
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Ladli Laxmi, the flagship scheme of the state government was designed especially to tackle declining child sex ratio, a critical developmental indicator in most of the developed and developing countries. The initiative has been taken by the state on priority and involves huge financial, technical and human resources. The following resources were used:- a. Financial Resources The scheme is financially supported by the state government. The budget allocation is made every year for the initiative. At the time of inception, provision of INR 26 crores was made to implement the initiative, but increasing awareness among the public and the benefits the scheme had, has created a huge demand. Accordingly, every year substantial provision has been made to implement the initiative. At the start of this financial year, a total of INR2324.87 crores has been spent. The year wise expenditure is as follows:- Year Sanctioned Outlay Investments (Rs. In Crs) ( Rs. In Crs) On Beneficiaries Overheads 2007-08 26.00 24.55 1.55 2008-09 135.00 119.33 15.67 2009-10 250.36 248.97 1.39 2010-11 323.60 322.08 - 2011-12 694.60 694.09 - 2012-13 897.24 897.24 - Total 2326.66 2306.26 18.61 The scheme is so beautifully designed that over 98% of the total outlay would be spent directly on the beneficiaries. Only 2% is kept to meet overheads which make the scheme highly cost effective. b. Human Resources The state has a wide geographical outreach. It has 51 district headquarters, 313 blocks and over 80000 villages. Hence a huge number of human resources were required to implement the initiative. This also required huge volumes of financial resources in the form of Administrative overheads. The department had decided to implement the initiative with the existing manpower available with it without increasing the burden on the outlay of the scheme so that the administrative costs may be reduced and maximum benefits would be given to beneficiaries. A series of trainings were provided to staff at all levels for their capacity building. The intricacies of the scheme were also discussed and shared during the training to get maximum results. Regular workshops and meetings were also conducted to ensure optimum involvement of functionaries involved with the scheme. c. Technical Resources The scheme caters to a huge population. The responses received from the public and eligible families have tremendously increased the coverage since inception. It was becoming difficult to track each and every family and ladli on all development indicators. Even the data compilation and managing records manually was tough. There was no back up data support in case if data was lost. ICT tools were designed for data compilation and management. A team of professionals were inducted to handle the data management. Proper data backup has been established. A help desk has also been developed to get feedback from the public on the scheme. Everything was brought under one click to ease the process. The scheme has also been brought under the purview of Lok Sewa Guarantee Act to ensure timely delivery of the services and for ensuring transparency.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Growing registration of Ladlis (Girl children) :- Contributing to positive sex ratio The Ladli Laxmi scheme came into existence due to declining Child Sex Ratio in the state. The scheme has resulted in good responses from different castes and communities. In the first year of implementation only 40854 Girls were registered under the scheme. These girls are not only living a healthy life but as of now over 16, 00,000 girls are duly registered and availing benefits of the scheme. The scheme is able to provide financial strengths to the girls and will ensuring self reliance once they attain 18 years of age. b. Improved health The scheme has an inbuilt component of providing health intervention to all Ladlis. It was ensured that each girl child has undergone all important vaccines like Polio, BCG, Khasra, Hepatitis B etc. so that their health status may improve. It was observed that the ladlis covered under the scheme have been immunized properly. As of now over 1.4 million ladlis are fully immunized. The ladlis are availing nutritional supplements in aanganwadis as a result of which, a number of girls have come out of malnutrition. c. Family Planning The scheme also envisages adoption of family planning methods for overall population control. The ladli families are willingly adopting family planning methods. There are instances where families are adopting family planning methods after the birth of two girl children only. Such instances show growing importance of the girl children and change in attitudes of their respective families towards the birth of girl children. Even families with one girl child have undergone family planning. d. School enrollment The ladlis enrollment is almost 100%. The ladlis registered in 2006 and 2007 are now enrolled in schools for their education. Total 372590 ladlis are now getting formal education. e. Environment building The scheme has created an enabling environment for girls in the society. Mass campaigning has impacted on proliferation of the scheme. It has helped in breaking traditional mindset of society where only the birth of a baby boy was celebrated. The families from all across the state are now proactively accessing the benefits of the scheme, and now the birth of a girl child is also being celebrated. The scheme has now become a movement for holistic empowerment of women.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Monitoring M.P. is hugely populated with a vast geographical outreach. Capturing information on selected development indicators like health, education, family planning etc, tracking of Ladlis till 18 years of age, consolidation of data, response to queries and renewal of instruments, monitoring manually was difficult. In order to ease the process of tracking, provide access to beneficiary and to ensure transparency, the Department in 2009 thought of establishing a strong, viable and easy to handle online computerised Management Information System. Centers No Extent of services State Data Centre 1 All kind of network support, security, compilation, consolidation, report generation, sorting discrepancies, training and capacity building, help desk management, suitability checks of the system etc. Divisional Data Centre 10 Data compilation & management, system support District Data Centre 50 Data validation, compilation, progress report system support, etc. Project Data Centre 453 Data feeding & data management, system support, transparency checks etc. Access Centers Over 3000 All information for users, help desk Centers through Lok All Seva Guarantee Act Monitoring Methods a. Activity monitoring Physical and financial progress, beneficiary/village/project/district wise progress is monitored through online management system. b. Process monitoring Process monitoring by organizing workshops with field functionaries and other stakeholders, has helped in making the scheme more flexible and demand driven. Regular visits conducted to obtain feedback from the families on outputs. Online help desk has helped in fine-tuning the scheme as per the need of families. c. Outcome monitoring The targets achieved on various development indicators, number of families covered under the scheme and number of National Savings Certificates issued/ renewed etc. are monitored regularly. Evaluation The scheme is regularly been evaluated to assess the impact of the scheme. Physical and financial evaluation is done through online management system. Various studies have also been conducted through independent agencies to assess the impact. The evaluation process is as under:- a. Physical and financial evaluation (in house) The physical and financial performance in the scheme is regularly evaluated at various levels. The discrepancies if any, are also rectified timely. b. Financial evaluation The financial evaluation of the scheme is also done by the Auditor General to assess the utilization of funds on yearly basis. c. Impact assessment Impact assessments has also been conducted by external agencies to get third party view on the scheme. The scheme has been rated high in all the studies conducted.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The initiative has made an impact on the survival of girl children in a patriarchal society. Even families traditionally prone to patriarchy have shown changed mindset due to the initiative. This has resulted in considerable increase in the registration of ladlis. Main obstacles encountered were as follows:- a. Rigorous and time consuming procedure. At the time of design the powers of sanction was kept with headquarters. Prior to sanction, the application had to be routed through various functionaries at the village, block and district level. At every stage the application form and relevant documents were verified and then recommended to headquarter for sanction. The process was time consuming and at times it was difficult to resolve the cases timely. b. Data compilation and management The ladli laxmi scheme has extended its outreach to over 50000 populated villages. Sanction of cases was initially accorded from the state office, resulting in storage of huge volume of data in the form of documents and involvement of manpower for sequencing and managing the data. Manual storage often causes errors and delays in resolving cases. Timely response to numerous queries was also a challenge. Manual tracking of data and issuance of instruments was difficult. These obstacles were overcome by adopting the following measures:- a. Decentralisation of powers With time, Directorate decentralized powers to the districts. Now Project officer is the key person for sanctioning/rejection of all cases. In case of any difficulty, Collector is the hearing and sanctioning authority. Special cases are referred to Principal Secretary for decision. b. Online management system A web enabled online management system is now in place to monitor all aspects of the scheme. This has resulted in expeditious disposal of cases/queries. The data can be generated in time for analysis and reports.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Impact of the initiative In its seventh year Ladli laxmi Yojana has set off a movement for women empowerment. The scheme has ensured the survival, health and education of the girl child. Ladlis are regularly visiting Aanganwadis for timely immunization and supplementary nutritional foods for improvement in their health status. Directorate of women empowerment keeps a vigil on all Ladlis and their families. The scheme was initiated in 2007 and 40854 Ladlis were benefitted that year, almost all the Ladlis of 2007 are now enrolled in schools. Thus Ladlis are not only safeguarded from early deaths but also there is also a change in mindset of the community towards the birth of girl child. The scheme has impacted on family planning and delay in the marriage age. It has been observed that beneficiary families that have two children one of which is girl have adopted family planning methods. There are instances in which even families with one girl child have undergone family planning. The child marriage has also been reduced due to the fact that the benefits will be given to the families when the girl attains 18 years of age. Measurable impact The impact of the scheme has been measured vide census, annual health survey, NFHS and various third party studies conducted from time to time to assess the performance of the scheme. • At the time of inception of the scheme in 2007 a total of 40854 Ladlis were registered. This has now increased to 16, 00,000 Ladlis till date (an increase of 3916%). • All the families which fulfill the eligibility conditions under the scheme have been covered ensuring 100% achievement. • Over 16 lacs families are now Ladli Families. • Effective campaigning has created an environment for making space for girl child in new families. • The cases of family planning have increased after the birth of one or two girl children. • Over 40000 Ladlis covered in 2007 under the scheme are now enrolled in schools. • Over 98% Ladlis are benefitted by ICDS and are healthy. • More importantly the sex ratio also has considerably improved. According to Census 2011, the sex ratio has now reached to 930 as compared to 919 in 2001. The population growth comparison also shows positive trends in terms of increased women population. During the decade the female population has increased by 21% as compared to male population increase of 19.6%. Considerable increase in Sex ratio observed in 47 districts. Top five and Bottom five districts according to sex ratio - 2001-2011 Districts Cencus % increase 2011 2001 / decrease Top 5 district Balaghat 1,021 1,022 - 0.10% Alirajpur 1,009 995 + 1.40% Mandla 1,005 996 + 0.90% Dindori 1,004 991 + 1.31% Jhabua 989 980 + 0.92% Bottom 5 district Bhind 838 829 + 1.08% Morena 839 822 + 2.07% Gwalior 862 848 + 1.65% Datia 875 856 +2.21% Shivpuri 877 859 + 2.09% • According to Annual Health Survey report the child sex ratio (0-4 years) has gone up to 915 in 2011-12 from 911 in 2010-11. • The child marriage rate has now come down to 33.10% according to Annual Health Survey report 2010-11. This was 53.70 during 2007-08. • The uniqueness of Ladli Laxmi scheme is that it focuses on all eligible girl children of all religion, castes and /or communities, ensuring universal coverage. • Financial incentives of the progress achieved so far would be Rs. 1, 48,987.5 Crs as against the actual investments of Rs. 2357 Crs. • The districts with high death rate in case of girl child also shown growth in girl’s population due to the scheme. • Scheme has impacted upon changing the mindset of people even in the feudal dominant districts. Improving the delivery of public services • Functioning on life cycle approach, the scheme links benefits of other schemes for wholistic empowerment. It has revitalized and stressed the importance of government certificates & documents i.e. birth registration, ICDS register, immunization card, school enrolment, green card, marriage certificate. It has systematically inter-related different departments i.e. Health, WCD, Education, Registrar General for births and deaths as LLY assimilates the objectives of all these departments. It has strengthened the ICDS and Aanganwadis.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Sustainability of the initiative The Ladli Laxmi scheme that came into existence due to declining Child Sex Ratio in the state, has resulted in good responses from different castes and communities. In the first year, only 40854 Girls were registered under the scheme. As of now over 16, 00,000 Ladlis are living a healthy life. The scheme provides financial strengths to girls by ensuring self reliance once they are 18 years. Ladlis born in 2006 are now enrolled in schools. Mass campaigning has impacted on proliferation of the scheme. The scheme has created a revolution by changing the mindset of the people and building a positive environment favoring the girl child. Financial sustainability The scheme being a priority area is financially sustainable with the state government making sufficient provisions in its state budget. Almost 98% of the total allocation is being utilized for the purpose of scheme and only 2% is being used for administrative purposes. Institutional and regulatory sustainability A department of Women Empowerment has been created to run the scheme. Decentralisation of powers have been made to ensure timely sanction eligible cases. There is a successful partnership with the Postal Department, with largest outreach for preparation of secured instruments. The scheme focuses on transparency and has brought the scheme under the ambit of Lok Sewa Guarantee act. Active involvement of various stakeholders has been ensured for extending optimum support. Social Sustainability The scheme has been able to set a milestone in changing the mindset of the public. The families and the society now understand the need and importance of girl children in the overall well being of the society. The scheme has been able to create safe spaces for the girl children within the society. Economic Sustainability The scheme is economically self sustainable in due course of time. It is linked with the provision of conditional cash transfer in the name of girl child ensuring their safe and healthy upbringing. The girl children at the age of 18 years shall be receiving huge financial benefits in their name and will be in a position to become self dependent. Replicability The scheme has been acknowledged widely across the country and has been replicated in many other states. Representatives of many other states visited Madhya Pradesh to study Ladli Laxmi Scheme and replicated the same with some alterations as per the need of the respective state. The scheme was modified and named Dhanlaxmi launched by Government of India. Other states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Bihar have also implemented the Ladli scheme with some modifications. Jharkhand has also implemented the Ladli scheme in toto. This pioneer initiative of Madhya Pradesh has set a milestone for other states to emulate.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
A number of schemes for the girl child have been formulated in the past. However none of them have been as all inclusive in terms of holistic empowerment of women. Ladli Laxmi Yojna which began as a scheme for holistic empowerment has in six years become a movement for women empowerment. The huge financial benefits, credibility of instruments (NSC) with maximum outreach, and easy accessibility of Ladli Laxmi Yojna are perhaps the reasons why it has sustained and been replicated in so many other states and not the other schemes. Lessons Learned • The scheme that focuses on life cycle approach with long term developmental goals will be successful. • The success of any scheme lies in proper planning, systematic implementation and focused monitoring. • Induction of dedicated and gender sensitive staff is critical, the success or failure depends on it. • Proper planning is critical in terms of optimizing financial, technical and human resources. • Participatory planning and effective liaison with stakeholders would be critical in implementation. • Investing in women could lead to overall development of family and society. • Transparency, ease of access and flexibility is the key. • Active involvement of various stakeholders in every process of designing and implementation of scheme is critical. • A core team functioning on participatory approaches comprising senior officials to ensure good practices to make the scheme beneficiary oriented, for rectification of all sorts of queries, suggestions and complaints received from the grassroots is imperative. • Monthly review of performance of scheme to ensure smooth implementation, resolve issues arising during implementation. • Changes in scheme guidelines and eligibility criteria to extend outreach on the basis of feedback received. • Issuing timely guidelines to field functionaries on changes made to ensure wide coverage • IEC campaign for better and optimum coverage. • Coordinating with Line Departments for support. • Regular field visits for random checks. • Suitable MIS required for monitoring & supervision to ensure effective delivery of services. • Strengthening of institutions (ICDS, Aanganwadis) at the grassroot a key to success. • Selection of proper instrument with largest outreach (National Savings Certiicate) the key. • Universal coverage of all eligible girl children of all religions, castes and communities. • Making scheme responsible to public under Lok Sewa Guarantee Act and Samadhan online. Recommendation for future The huge response from people to Ladli laxmi Yojana will ensure linking of eligible families in the years to come. The need now is to focus on impact analysis of all indicators and work out future strategies accordingly. Though the scheme has created an enabling environment for the girl children efforts are still required to change the mindset of people in certain pockets. The challenge is now to carry out effective campaigning for changing mindset of the public in those pockets where resistance to change persists.

Contact Information

Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Kalpana Srivastava
Title:   Ms.  
Telephone/ Fax:   919425012310
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Block - II, 4th Floor, Paryawas Bhavan, Jail Road
Postal Code:   462011
City:   BHOPAL
State/Province:   M.P.

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