Agency of Population and Civil Registration
The City of Surakarta

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
In 2009, 45 % of Citizens of the City of Surakarta ans 40 % children do not have cild birth certificate. 60% (28.292 children) of 40 % children in the City of Surakarta who do not have Birth Certificate are group of the poor, comers, orphans, abandoned children, and children birth without legal marriage relationship. From the five Sub-District existed in the City of Surakarta, the lowest ownership level of Birth Certificate is Pasar Kliwon Sub-District and the highest is Jebres Sub-District. Age group of 7-15 years are the most community members who do not have Birth Certificate, and the rest 55% are girls. Several causes why community members do not have Birth Certificate are due to: a. The lack of community awareness upon benefit to have Birth Certificate. b. The lack of adequate information/socialization/information access. c. Vagueness of operational system and procedure of Birth Certificate arrangement. d. There is community fear in child birth arrangement, due to too bureaucratic impression and expensive cost. If it is late more than 1 year, they must manage it to court. (Before the issuance of Decree of Supreme Constitution (MK) Number 18 /PUU-XI/2013). Whereas since 2003 it has been stipulated that child birth arrangement is free of charge, in accordance with Perda (Regional Regulation) No 2 of 2003 regarding Service of Population and Civil Registration. However in implementation there is still constraint, supposedly due to brokering practice. e. Ineffectiveness of Birth Registration System in Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta. There are still citizens/children who do not have Birth Certificate make such citizens/children has no certainty in law, and childrens’ right are not warrantied. In other word, such children have no citizenship status, have no law position and have no basic right. A child who has no Birth Certificate will be faced with a number of risks. A child whose identity is not registered and has no Birth Certificate, its identity is very possible to be falsified for various interests. This may occur because normally they do not have knowledge upon benefit and lost of child birth ownership, among others are; as basis in the making of self identity, population administration, Residential Identity Card, Family Card, for school interest, for marriage registration, to register on job, requirement of passport making, heirs right arrrangement, insurance arrangement, pension right arrangement, family allowance arrangement, to carry out Hajj, etc. From here we can see that so many benefits of such birth certificate.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta prepares strategy to increase community’s interest to register Birth Certificate both the long born and the newly born through Program of Child Insentive Card (KIA). This program was initiated since December 2009 based on Regulation of Surakarta Mayor number 21 of 2009 regarding KIA service. Child Incentive Card is a card which constitutes a reward for a child who has Birth Certificate, where the card can be functioned as child identity card (which its data content is similar to Residential Identity Card) and also have other interesting function for a child’s needs, namely as discount card / special facility for goods purchasing and or service. KIA was issued free of charge and the use is to provide welfare for children in the City of Surakarta. This program is designed to ensure children’s right and welfare improvement for all children of aged 0-18 years in the City of Surakarta Ultimate goal of KIA program is so that all children in the City of Surakarta have Birth Certificate and to increase prevalence of ownership coverage of Birth Certificate and improvement of child’s right and welfare. KIA Program uses two approaches namely are: 1. To prepare SOP ( Standard Operational Procedure) concerning the making of child birth which is faster and free of charge. 2. To provide addition benefit / Incentive for child who has KIA, as Child Identity Card and discount card for primary and tertiary needs of children aged 0-18 years. To increase ownership prevalence of child birth new mechanism of birth certificate making and KIA is implemented. Through new mechanism, service becomes faster and free of charge. Dissemination implementation is carried out through cooperation with city stakeholders such as several Non-Governmental Organizations (LSM) such as: KAKAK Foundation, KIPPAS (Independent Commission of Women and Children Protection of Surakarta), SPEKHAM ( Women Solidarity for Humanity and Human Rights), PKK (Family Empowerment and Welfare), and the related institution namely Hospital, Maternity House, Independent Midwife and city health agency. Dissemination uses printed media, electronic and involvement of NGO and health institution will accelerate dissemination process, and ensure information will be delivered to the right target appropriately. In addition to such matter, Population Administration Agency (Dinas Adminduk) undertakes active process namely cooperation of proactive service with: a. Hospital and regular service with Maternity House (RB), Clinic, Independent Midwife. b. Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK) of both City or at Village level and POKDAWIS (Ten Houses Group), through activity of birth certificate completion collectively. Another key stakeholder is private party. Private party involvement is performed by a win win solution principal. In KIA program, private party will increase market segment and promotion facility of their product and service. While for child of KIA owner will receive benefit in form of discount and facility in obtaining certain services. Child Birth ownership is not only as child identity, but also has other function which is also important in order for child’s welfare improvement in the City of Surakarta. KIA Program currently is developed in activity which is integrated between proactive in hospital, entry data online system in Hospital / Maternity House and Village and Agency. Program is developed to become Relation System of Birth Registration which is connected to education service, Health and Social. A child’s data is completed with 34 items for the interest of further analysis of Incentive providing policy for child. For child’s scholarship with the name of BPMKS (Education Support of Community of the City of Surakarta) and Health Assurance with the name of PKMS (Health Service of Community of the City of Surakarta). This data has been connected to City Health Agency and City Education Agency of Surakarta. KIA Program is not only a program which involves all of city stakeholders such as involvement of several government institutions (agency of population and civil registration, health agency, Board of Women and Children Empowerment, Religious Affairs Office, Religious Court) NGO, state and private health institution (hospital, Maternity House, Independent Midwife) as well as private sector as goods and service provider.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
By issuing KIA which provides additional directly benefit for children (in form of discount and facility of goods and service purchasing) and connected to service of education scholarship and health assurance, it encourages parents and children to register themselves/their children to have birth certificate and become participant of KIA program. By having birth certificate, child will have child assurance right in accordance with the law, by having KIA card will provide facility for a chil which is indirectly also improve child’s welfare This program is not only useful to children, but also provides benefit for private sectors who participate, because KIA can be a promotion facility. NGO involvement will increase citizens awareness upon the important of birth certificate ownership. NGO is also very effective in performing dissemination process and program socialization as well as partner in carrying out program monitoring and evaluation. This KIA program has been developed by proactive and online system in health institution and Birth Registration System related to Education, Health and Social. Application and database program of KIA has been integrated to Population Administration Information System (SIAK) which is also integrated to Ministry of Home Affairs.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Implementation of KIA activity is carried out through several phases namely are: Preparation Phase, in this phase, the matters performed are to inventory target groups: 1. Children target group (aged 0 ≤ 18th). 2. Work partner target group which consists of business actors. Planning Phase; a. To design the mechanism of birth certificate making which is efficient and effective as well as action plan preparation. On this planning stage, Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta invites public/business actor’s participation as many as 20 (twenty) stakeholders. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the City of Surakarta whose chosen to support/willing to provide support to agency program developed to provide facility to child’s needs, the candidates of work partner is given explanation concerning background, aim and objective as well as commitment jointly built to provide public service especially for children, b. To build cooperation with Non-Governmental Organization and private work partner who are willing to support and give their contribution for child needs service. On the initiate stage, cooperation established with 11 private parties, several NGOs, Hospitals, maternity clinics and Independent midwife. c. To prepare legal protection/founding of operational activity both in form of regulation of Mayor, Cooperation Agreement which principally regulates regarding rights and obligation of both parties. Subsequently so that child Insentive card (KIA) able to be faster recognized by community of the City of Surakarta especially in Banjarsari Sub-District (as testing model of KIA application) so the signing of joint agreement MoU in December 2009. Pilot project phase, In 2009 it was performed pilot project in Banjarsari Sub-District for ± 6 (six) months. Based on monitoring and evaluating result that effectiveness of KIA issuance in Banjarsari Sub-District for ± 6 (six) months evidently bring an encouraging result by many parents manage Birth Certificate for their children and also for child wh has Birth Certificate to be promptly obtain such KIA. Scaling UP Phase, Based on evaluation result on pilot project, in 2010 such KIA program was expanded to 4 (four) other Sub-Districts in the City of Surakarta, namely in Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon and Jebres Sub-Districts, within less than 1 year, KIA started to be recognized by community members. Then in 2010 made serious effort to increase public participation by continue of striving to invite work partners o business actor to joint in providing service facility especially for child’s welfare, so at that time we succeed to increase work partner/stakeholders as many as 20 (twenty) business actors who commit to their CSR, so that in a quite short time, our work partner increased to be 31 (thirty-one) business actors, which are mostly supported by private party, in addition to also Business Entity owned by Government of the City of Surakarta. Due to such time was coincided with National Children’s Memorial Day in the City of Surakarta, so in line with the increased of such work partner, launching of KIA issuance was carried out on level of the City of Surakarta, attended by 2000 children of PAUD (Early Childhood Education), TK (Kindergarten), SD (Elementary School, SLTP (Junior High School) and SLTA (Senoir High School) as well as stakeholders as KIA supporter. On that activity it was marked by the signing of joint agreement between work partner and Government of the City of Surakarta, in this case carried out by Surakarta Mayor and witnessed by Minister of Women Empowerment Ibu Linda Amalia Gumelar, Ministry of Home Affairs and UNICEF which has provided support marked by giving of free spectacles to 150 (one hundred and fifty) children who have problem with their eyes (minus) by one work partner CSR of “Optik Pranoto” and obtained support in form of 5000 (five thousands) leaflets and plaque of appreciations for 31 (thirty-one) nursing actors of KIA supporter from Ministry of Women Empowerment. Work partner continues to increase, in 2012/2013 increased another 12 (twelve), it means within less than 3 years, stakeholders who supports KIA existence are as many as 45(forty-five) work partners (CSR).

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Process of program design, firstly carried out by Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta by involving stakeholders. Stakeholders in KIA implementation consist of various of community elements namely are : - Government Institution 1) Agency of Regional Planning and Development 2) Agency of People’s Welfare, Women Empowerment and Family Planning 3) BUMD (Regional Owned Business Agency) 4) Manpower Office 5) Department of Youth Education and Sport 6) Department of Health 7) Department of Legal and Human Right 8) Cooperation Section 9) Sub District (5 Sub-Districts) : Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon, Jebres and Banjarsari 10) Village (51 Villages) 11) Religious Court 12) Religious Affairs Office 13) Community Institution: 1) KAKAK Foundation 2) KIPAS (Independent Commission of Women and Child’s Protection of Surakarta) 3) SPEKHAM (Women Solidarity For Humanity and Human Right) 4) PKK (Family Empowerment and Welfare) 5) Birth attendants which consist of • 2 State Hospitals • 7 Private Hospitals • 2 Clinics • 6 Maternity Houses • 6 Independent Midwives 6) RT (Neighborhood Association), RW (Community Association) and LPMK 7) Parents and children of the City of Surakarta - Private institution/work partner of business actors as many as 45 CSR 1) Education partner :20 business actors 2) Health partner :5 business actors 3) Sport partner :5 business actors 4) Boga/culinary partner:7 business actors 5) Garment partner :6 business actors. The stakeholders we have mentioned above are stakeholders who actively participate to provide theirs commitments to cooperate since the initiation process of KIA making until the settlement of distribution and socialization as well as its implementation. These stakeholders meet in monitoring and evaluating activities each three months. In addition, quarterly routine meeting is carried out for online operators in Health Agency, Department of Health, Department of Education/School and Village to evaluate online program and interconnection. In 2013 there has carried out training for operator officer whch was organized by Computer Center of Sebelas Maret University dan Salatiga. In relation to soured used to the existence of such initiative, we can explain that internal source are staff/employee of Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta. While external sources consist of elements of PKK, Sub-District and Village as well as Community in RT (Neighborhood Association)/RW (Community Association), Non-Governmental Organization and the other Related Institution.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
To support the existence of this KIA so that remains exist and sustainable and remain useful for children, fund support for such interest is very required. As for fund source used for this interest is sourced from: 1) Local Budget of the City of Surakarta, Local Budget is various each year. In 2013 with fund of IDR 230,000,000,- for field supportive activity. 2) Support from UNICEF. (UNICEF Fund is various in each year depends on the activity submitted and agreed by Unicef. In 2012 obtained fund amounting to IDR 95,890,000,-. from Unicef in form of development of Birth Registration System which is related to education, health and social. In 2013/2014 budget amounting to IDR 250,000,000,- is submitted to UNICEF. 3) CSR Stakeholder / community participation; realized in form of incentive for children. As for the method to mobilize source in this activity is by driving all stakeholders who support and actively participate to increase birth certificate coverage, business actors of KIA service supporter as well as various of community elements and government elements from Village level to City level. The mechanism is by carrying out routine meeting and sustainably with RT chieves in the City of Surakarta as many as 2708 RT, 602 RW chieves, 51 Village’s registration officers, 23 birth attendant officers which consist of 7 hospitals, 16 Maternity Houses, clinics and independent midwives, 5 officers of religious affairs office and 1 officer of religious court carried out once in 3 months and or in accordance with Agency needs by providing incentive in accordance with standardization stipulated by Government of the City of Surakarta. KIA dissemination and socialization is carried out in schools and also in Neighborhood Association (RT) level throughout the City of Surakarta, so that KIA are able to be made collectively, both coordinated by RT, Family Welfare Development (PKK) and by school or other community group.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
This program is very succeed and considered positive by community and stakeholders. The actual result able to be achieved are: 1. Increased occurrence of ownership coverage of child birth certificate. The last data of 2012, children aged 0-1 year of the City of Surakarta who have birth certificate have reached 100 %. While for children aged 0 - 18 years who have birth certificate have reached 93.64 %. Children who do not have birth certificate the number is evenly in the age group level. 2. Children have identity card before having residential identity card (KTP). Ownership of Child Incentive Card in is 40 thousand children. 3. Children can utilize child incentive card (KIA) as discount card/special service at CSR of work partner of business actor which have bound in cooperation agreement. 4. Existence of improvement of public participation in supporting children welfare. The City of Surakarta has declared itself as child-friendly city in 2015. Child-Friendly City, which subsequently abbreviated as KLA is a city which has development system on basis of child right through commitment integration and government source, community and business world planned comprehensively and sustainable in policy, program and activity to ensure the fulfillment of child’s right.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
As for the system applied to monitor and evaluate this activity is by: 1. Performing monitoring and evaluating to all work partners of business actor with purpose to recognize how far the children of KIA owners use it as discount card in various facilities provided by stakeholders. We carry out this activity twice in a year, this is in accordance with substance of regulation of mayor of Surakarta no 21 of 2009 regarding service of child incentive card, as for the implementation technic is we distribute a kind of simple form to the work partners to be filled with importang things in relation to fulfillment of a part of child needs in the field of goods and service purchasing. 2. Invites work partners of business actor to jointly discuss by sharing their experiences in providing KIA service. 3. The existence of discussion related to concerning on what is the best method to maximize work partner’s role in providing/complying with child’s right especially the matters agreed in joint agreement between Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta and partner of business actors. To recognize the effectiveness of utilization of Child Incentive Card at business partner of discount provider, such matter is not fully we implement by integrated system considering many limitation in case of human resources, time and other facilities In the implementation of this activity, primarily in socializing KIA for child’s needs in Surakarta is not easy. Socialization to various segments of community must be carried out continuously regardless to time. On the initiation phase, dissemination process was only designed by the related agency, so that sometimes dissemination and socialization model carried out are not effective. To overcome such matter, each time formal activity is being carried out by Agency, then such problem must be communicated with KIA users including parents and community figures and in generally they will fully support the KIA existence to comply with chld’s needs.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
It is not easy to establish communication with KIA benefits which are generally still 0-18 years, and at the same time also require to establish relationship with private partner who has much different communication language. To overcome such matter, Agency of Population and Civil Registration makes effort to make several breakthroughs, namely: 1. To make social network by forming facebook group. 2. To carry our routine meeting with work partner of business actor in schedule or once in 2 months. 3. To carry out joint campaign between Agency and stakeholder in order to dissemination and socialization in open places which are visited/attended by many children such as in car free day which is performed once in a week, on Sundays. 4. To put on standing banner that the store/company joint KIA program. Other constraint is integration of child data to other institution. To overcome such matter, it has been developed integrated network to the related institution. Application can be accessed by web application system where inherent capacity in Agency is 10 Mpbs to upload- download. This is so can be easily accessed by stakeholder’s operator. Network is also strengthened by cable intranet system and through transmitter tower.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
After this program was running for 3 years, there are primary impacts namely: a. Ownership of child birth certificate between 2009 - 2012 is increased as much as 33.64 %. To the year of 2012, children aged 0-1 year who have birth certificate is reached 100 %. While for children aged 0 - 18 years who has birth certificate has reached 93.64 %. Children who do not have birth certificate the number is evenly in the age group level. b. It occurs quality improvement of birth certificate making, which is previously takes 30 days, now it is maximum 14 days and based on standard of ISO 9001/2008 becomes 10 days, and no charge/free unless its late to report, will be imposed by penalty gradually. c. Children who have identity card before have residential identity card (KTP) d. Occurrence of improvement balance of KIA issuance with increased Birth Certificate issuance, this can be monitored by Information Technology System namely connected between Birth Certificate service, KIA Service and data entry of new birth which has been connected to Hospitals/Maternity Houses. e. There is increased of community awareness to manage birth certificate for their child and to bring more closer Agency service to community, transparency in public service. f. Birth certificate data is developed into complete data with 36 items of child’s data. Such data is used for basis of facility providing such as contra requirement for school entry, scholarship, child’s Health Assurance in Relation System of birth registration. g. Occurrence of participation increase of private sector, at the time this program was initiated there were 11 (eleven) private partners who participate, in the third year has been increased by 45 (forty-five) partners. And will be more increase for the next year. h. Monitoring carried out is not only by looking at the progress of birth certificate ownership number and KIA issuance, but also KIA Utilization by child. Below is one of the evidence of mass media response concerning Child Incentive Card: Title: One of Jokowi’s Legacies HL | 08th March 2013 | 00:23 Read: 2131 Comment: 0 19 Illustration/Admin (Shutterstock) That afternoon in 2011 Stadion Maladi (stadion Sriwedari) was filled with children. From TK (Kindergarten) to SMP (Junior High School). They wear traditional costumes including wayang costume. Children who are participants of Solo Batik Carnical are also there. Based on children carnical of that year with topic of “Surakarta, A Child-Friendly City”, this card is made. KIA (Child Insentive Card). carnival in the content of child day of 2011 from stadion maladi to ngarsopuro It is better late than never, seems a very appropriate idiom for us (I and husband). Even that is no more than defense to ourselves. How not ? Actually that card is already exist since a long time, but we just made it yesterday. That was just because of legalize of our child birth certificate the other day. As we knew the requirement is easy, the idea just showed up. Just by filling the form provided by Dispendukcapil (Agency of Population and Civil Registration) of the City of Surakarta and attached by photocopy of child birth certificate, child’s photo sized 2×3 (2 sheets), photocopy of Family Card and photocopy of parent’s marriage certificate. Tidak sampai seminggu kartu tersebut sudah jadi. Husband submitted such requirements on Friday (1st of March 2013), Monday (3rd of March 2013) is done. This card is like e-KTP, but should be renewed once in 3 years with child age limit of 18 years and yet married. “KIA Program is an effort to ensure and to protect child’s rights so can live, grow, develop and participate optimally in line with human dignity heading to Surakarta as a Child-Friendly City” (Quote from KIA brochure). And it is true that KIA has many primary benefits for us. Due to some stakeholders who cooperate, among others are: 1. 1. Education Partner consists of several reputable book stores in Solo, several art studios both music or dance, English courses, education institutions and computer stores. 2.2. Health Partner which consists of PT ASKES, and several optic stores 3. 3. Sport partner which consists of several star hotels in the City of Solo (in this case for swimming activity), PDAM (Local Water Company) of Surakarta and UPTD of sport infrastructure. 4.4.Catering/culinary partner which consists of seven (7) restaurants and one (1) bakery in the City of Solo. 5. 5. Garment Partner which consists of six (6) batik stores, ehich one of them is PT Danar Hadi, and the last is 6. 6. Tour Partner which consists of Amusement Park Sriwedari (THR) and animal Park Taru Jurug (TSTJ). If a child visit such places and able to show KIA, he/she will obtain discount from 5% - 50 %. Due to KIA benefit is for discount card. And in Thursday afternoon I have proven it by taking my child to several book stores. Why didn’t I make KIA since a long time ya…? Hehehe.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The activity which has been carried out has sustainable value considering its positive impact and benefit to community of the City of Surakarta including for children. KIA Program has been strengthened by Regulation of Mayor of Surakarta and has been implemented by Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement, that mater ensures the existence of budget allocation through APBD each year from Government of the City of Surakarta which utilized for work team’s duty and procurement of KIA making. This program also obtain fund supporting from UNICEF which is untilized to evaluate activity and development work partner of business actor of KIA supporters. Increase of KIA issuance in each year is 10 %. This indicates that community is very interested to this program. That happens due to KIA provides utilization for children’s welfare and there is no discrimination in servicing. Incentive providing in form of discount will help cost decreased which is borne by child in performing purchasing transaction of goods and or service. In addition, the children obtain special treatment in service of dance course, art course, music course and others in order of Javanese culture preservation. Since 2010 there are 30 Regions/ Cities Per Year which have learned about the program of KIA Issuance to the City of Surakarta and this KIA Program is in the process of being replicated by other region, facilitated by Director of Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is not difficult to perform KIA program transfer to other city, because generally facility and infrastructure required have been available at all cities in Indonesia such as computer equipment, and birth certificate registration staff. The matter requires to be improved by other city and regency is only SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) improvement of birth certificate, cooperation with stakeholders of the city related to KIA program. This program is also very easy to be adjusted to the respective condition of the region.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Lessons can be taken from this activity are: 1. Community participatory of various elements (NGO, community members and Private) able to improve community awareness to the important of birth certificate as one of the methods to ensure child’s right protection and child’s welfare improvement. 2. High cost and technology are not required to carry out public service improvement, what required is only innovation, the optimalization of facility and infrastructure as well as the role between institution and community and private/business actor. 3. Strategy and innovation are required in public service to provide Insentive for citizens. So that citizens can be well served and active initiative from government. 4. In order to preparation of population administration service, it must be carried out by active system where government must be active in serving community (proactive). Other bureaucracy system where government is passive must be promptly left. 5. Application System of population data must be integrated so that provides more effective public service system. This program give example that integrated application and online between agency and stakeholder can accelerate process and data accuracy in especially a child and population in generally. This program has obtained response from community, other institution and also from media as an innovative program since launched, for example in the following news: Tuesday, 27th of July 2010, 03:09 WIB Child Insentive Card in Will Become a Model REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO--- Child Incentive Card (KIA) Program of Solo, Central Java will become a model in Indonesia. The card which is functioned as a child is considered able to facilitate the fulfillment of a child’s rights. Head of Agency of Population and Civil Registration (Dispendukcapil) Solo, Mamiek Miftahul Hadi, in National Child’s Memorial Day and KIA launching of city level, Monday (26/7), said that the KIA is at once able to encourage the making of birth certificate for children. “Requirement to obtain KIA is Solo birth certificate. Therefore, KIA also encourages parents to be actively make birth certificate if desire to enjoy KIA facilities”, he said. With KIA, children in Solo can obtain discount in enjoying public facilities provided by several parties who have performed cooperation. Currently, Government of the City of Solo has cooperated with around 31 private businessmen which engaged in various field in accordance with child’s needs, such as health, education, and sport. In the City of Solo, KIA program was started to be tested in December 2009 in Banjarsari Sub-District with target of 10.000 cards. Mamiek admitted the KIA enthusiast were still minimum. According to him, this is because during this time KIS submission is still passive, while community was not acknowledged about the program. Until 2010 it was recorded only 1.000 KIA issued from the total children number in Solo as many as 110.000 children. Holders of this card were mostly come from Banjarsari Sub-District which is a pilot project. Such achievement number was also rapidly increased from previous target, namely as many as 10.000 card. Due to that, Mamiek admitted that will perform proactive action so that KIA enthusiast is increased. Meanwhile, Head of Data and Statistic Field of Dispendukcapil, Said Romadhon explained that just 80 percent of children in Solo have birth certificate. "In the coming of year 2011, we targeted all children in Solo will have already had birth certificate, “ he said.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   The City of Surakarta
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Said Romadlon
Title:   Head of Agency Population and Civil Registration  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62271639554 or +62271644808
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jalan Sudirman 02
Postal Code:   574111
City:   Surakarta
State/Province:   Central Java

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