4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Implementation of KIA activity is carried out through several phases namely are:
Preparation Phase, in this phase, the matters performed are to inventory target groups:
1. Children target group (aged 0 ≤ 18th).
2. Work partner target group which consists of business actors.
Planning Phase;
a. To design the mechanism of birth certificate making which is efficient and effective as well as action plan preparation. On this planning stage, Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta invites public/business actor’s participation as many as 20 (twenty) stakeholders. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the City of Surakarta whose chosen to support/willing to provide support to agency program developed to provide facility to child’s needs, the candidates of work partner is given explanation concerning background, aim and objective as well as commitment jointly built to provide public service especially for children,
b. To build cooperation with Non-Governmental Organization and private work partner who are willing to support and give their contribution for child needs service. On the initiate stage, cooperation established with 11 private parties, several NGOs, Hospitals, maternity clinics and Independent midwife.
c. To prepare legal protection/founding of operational activity both in form of regulation of Mayor, Cooperation Agreement which principally regulates regarding rights and obligation of both parties. Subsequently so that child Insentive card (KIA) able to be faster recognized by community of the City of Surakarta especially in Banjarsari Sub-District (as testing model of KIA application) so the signing of joint agreement MoU in December 2009.
Pilot project phase, In 2009 it was performed pilot project in Banjarsari Sub-District for ± 6 (six) months. Based on monitoring and evaluating result that effectiveness of KIA issuance in Banjarsari Sub-District for ± 6 (six) months evidently bring an encouraging result by many parents manage Birth Certificate for their children and also for child wh has Birth Certificate to be promptly obtain such KIA.
Scaling UP Phase, Based on evaluation result on pilot project, in 2010 such KIA program was expanded to 4 (four) other Sub-Districts in the City of Surakarta, namely in Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon and Jebres Sub-Districts, within less than 1 year, KIA started to be recognized by community members. Then in 2010 made serious effort to increase public participation by continue of striving to invite work partners o business actor to joint in providing service facility especially for child’s welfare, so at that time we succeed to increase work partner/stakeholders as many as 20 (twenty) business actors who commit to their CSR, so that in a quite short time, our work partner increased to be 31 (thirty-one) business actors, which are mostly supported by private party, in addition to also Business Entity owned by Government of the City of Surakarta. Due to such time was coincided with National Children’s Memorial Day in the City of Surakarta, so in line with the increased of such work partner, launching of KIA issuance was carried out on level of the City of Surakarta, attended by 2000 children of PAUD (Early Childhood Education), TK (Kindergarten), SD (Elementary School, SLTP (Junior High School) and SLTA (Senoir High School) as well as stakeholders as KIA supporter.
On that activity it was marked by the signing of joint agreement between work partner and Government of the City of Surakarta, in this case carried out by Surakarta Mayor and witnessed by Minister of Women Empowerment Ibu Linda Amalia Gumelar, Ministry of Home Affairs and UNICEF which has provided support marked by giving of free spectacles to 150 (one hundred and fifty) children who have problem with their eyes (minus) by one work partner CSR of “Optik Pranoto” and obtained support in form of 5000 (five thousands) leaflets and plaque of appreciations for 31 (thirty-one) nursing actors of KIA supporter from Ministry of Women Empowerment.
Work partner continues to increase, in 2012/2013 increased another 12 (twelve), it means within less than 3 years, stakeholders who supports KIA existence are as many as 45(forty-five) work partners (CSR).
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Process of program design, firstly carried out by Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta by involving stakeholders. Stakeholders in KIA implementation consist of various of community elements namely are :
- Government Institution
1) Agency of Regional Planning and Development
2) Agency of People’s Welfare, Women Empowerment and Family Planning
3) BUMD (Regional Owned Business Agency)
4) Manpower Office
5) Department of Youth Education and Sport
6) Department of Health
7) Department of Legal and Human Right
8) Cooperation Section
9) Sub District (5 Sub-Districts) : Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon, Jebres and Banjarsari
10) Village (51 Villages)
11) Religious Court
12) Religious Affairs Office
13) Community Institution:
1) KAKAK Foundation
2) KIPAS (Independent Commission of Women and Child’s Protection of Surakarta)
3) SPEKHAM (Women Solidarity For Humanity and Human Right)
4) PKK (Family Empowerment and Welfare)
5) Birth attendants which consist of
• 2 State Hospitals
• 7 Private Hospitals
• 2 Clinics
• 6 Maternity Houses
• 6 Independent Midwives
6) RT (Neighborhood Association), RW (Community Association) and LPMK
7) Parents and children of the City of Surakarta
- Private institution/work partner of business actors as many as 45 CSR
1) Education partner :20 business actors
2) Health partner :5 business actors
3) Sport partner :5 business actors
4) Boga/culinary partner:7 business actors
5) Garment partner :6 business actors.
The stakeholders we have mentioned above are stakeholders who actively participate to provide theirs commitments to cooperate since the initiation process of KIA making until the settlement of distribution and socialization as well as its implementation.
These stakeholders meet in monitoring and evaluating activities each three months.
In addition, quarterly routine meeting is carried out for online operators in Health Agency, Department of Health, Department of Education/School and Village to evaluate online program and interconnection. In 2013 there has carried out training for operator officer whch was organized by Computer Center of Sebelas Maret University dan Salatiga.
In relation to soured used to the existence of such initiative, we can explain that internal source are staff/employee of Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta. While external sources consist of elements of PKK, Sub-District and Village as well as Community in RT (Neighborhood Association)/RW (Community Association), Non-Governmental Organization and the other Related Institution.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
To support the existence of this KIA so that remains exist and sustainable and remain useful for children, fund support for such interest is very required.
As for fund source used for this interest is sourced from:
1) Local Budget of the City of Surakarta, Local Budget is various each year. In 2013 with fund of IDR 230,000,000,- for field supportive activity.
2) Support from UNICEF. (UNICEF Fund is various in each year depends on the activity submitted and agreed by Unicef. In 2012 obtained fund amounting to IDR 95,890,000,-. from Unicef in form of development of Birth Registration System which is related to education, health and social. In 2013/2014 budget amounting to IDR 250,000,000,- is submitted to UNICEF.
3) CSR Stakeholder / community participation; realized in form of incentive for children.
As for the method to mobilize source in this activity is by driving all stakeholders who support and actively participate to increase birth certificate coverage, business actors of KIA service supporter as well as various of community elements and government elements from Village level to City level.
The mechanism is by carrying out routine meeting and sustainably with RT chieves in the City of Surakarta as many as 2708 RT, 602 RW chieves, 51 Village’s registration officers, 23 birth attendant officers which consist of 7 hospitals, 16 Maternity Houses, clinics and independent midwives, 5 officers of religious affairs office and 1 officer of religious court carried out once in 3 months and or in accordance with Agency needs by providing incentive in accordance with standardization stipulated by Government of the City of Surakarta.
KIA dissemination and socialization is carried out in schools and also in Neighborhood Association (RT) level throughout the City of Surakarta, so that KIA are able to be made collectively, both coordinated by RT, Family Welfare Development (PKK) and by school or other community group.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
This program is very succeed and considered positive by community and stakeholders. The actual result able to be achieved are:
1. Increased occurrence of ownership coverage of child birth certificate. The last data of 2012, children aged 0-1 year of the City of Surakarta who have birth certificate have reached 100 %. While for children aged 0 - 18 years who have birth certificate have reached 93.64 %. Children who do not have birth certificate the number is evenly in the age group level.
2. Children have identity card before having residential identity card (KTP). Ownership of Child Incentive Card in is 40 thousand children.
3. Children can utilize child incentive card (KIA) as discount card/special service at CSR of work partner of business actor which have bound in cooperation agreement.
4. Existence of improvement of public participation in supporting children welfare.
The City of Surakarta has declared itself as child-friendly city in 2015. Child-Friendly City, which subsequently abbreviated as KLA is a city which has development system on basis of child right through commitment integration and government source, community and business world planned comprehensively and sustainable in policy, program and activity to ensure the fulfillment of child’s right.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
As for the system applied to monitor and evaluate this activity is by:
1. Performing monitoring and evaluating to all work partners of business actor with purpose to recognize how far the children of KIA owners use it as discount card in various facilities provided by stakeholders. We carry out this activity twice in a year, this is in accordance with substance of regulation of mayor of Surakarta no 21 of 2009 regarding service of child incentive card, as for the implementation technic is we distribute a kind of simple form to the work partners to be filled with importang things in relation to fulfillment of a part of child needs in the field of goods and service purchasing.
2. Invites work partners of business actor to jointly discuss by sharing their experiences in providing KIA service.
3. The existence of discussion related to concerning on what is the best method to maximize work partner’s role in providing/complying with child’s right especially the matters agreed in joint agreement between Agency of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Surakarta and partner of business actors.
To recognize the effectiveness of utilization of Child Incentive Card at business partner of discount provider, such matter is not fully we implement by integrated system considering many limitation in case of human resources, time and other facilities
In the implementation of this activity, primarily in socializing KIA for child’s needs in Surakarta is not easy. Socialization to various segments of community must be carried out continuously regardless to time.
On the initiation phase, dissemination process was only designed by the related agency, so that sometimes dissemination and socialization model carried out are not effective. To overcome such matter, each time formal activity is being carried out by Agency, then such problem must be communicated with KIA users including parents and community figures and in generally they will fully support the KIA existence to comply with chld’s needs.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
It is not easy to establish communication with KIA benefits which are generally still 0-18 years, and at the same time also require to establish relationship with private partner who has much different communication language. To overcome such matter, Agency of Population and Civil Registration makes effort to make several breakthroughs, namely:
1. To make social network by forming facebook group.
2. To carry our routine meeting with work partner of business actor in schedule or once in 2 months.
3. To carry out joint campaign between Agency and stakeholder in order to dissemination and socialization in open places which are visited/attended by many children such as in car free day which is performed once in a week, on Sundays.
4. To put on standing banner that the store/company joint KIA program.
Other constraint is integration of child data to other institution. To overcome such matter, it has been developed integrated network to the related institution. Application can be accessed by web application system where inherent capacity in Agency is 10 Mpbs to upload- download. This is so can be easily accessed by stakeholder’s operator.
Network is also strengthened by cable intranet system and through transmitter tower.