Development Planning Board of Surabaya

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Public aspirations regarding to development planning from hamlet to city level are submitted in hard copy form. Afterward, Surabaya City Planning Board recapitulates those proposals using office software application. The proposals are the documents of Planning Consultative Forum (musrenbang) in sub- district level and district level. From the documents submitted, the Planning Board as an institution that embodies the proposed plan of development experienced problems, including: 1. Validation of data accuracy (proposed location); 2. Difficulties in grouping the type of work proposed; 3. Require a long time in the data summary; 4. The residents get difficulties in ensuring that their proposal has been verified by Musrenbang team; 5. The absence of budget needs estimation.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The problems concerning Musrenbang implementation are solved by Development Planning Board through intense and in-depth discussion. The problem solving is certainly contributed/ influenced considerably on the implementation of Musrenbang. The presence of Musrenbang system that have been made online via the website www.musrenbang.surabaya.go.id since 2009, both Development Planning Board that embodies the public proposal and the community as a participant then obtained: 1. Data Accuracy; 2. Simplify in grouping type of work proposed; 3. Time efficiency in recapitulating the data; 4. Citizens can check out that their proposal has been verified by Musrenbang team, with enclosed photo of the proposals; 5. Development Planning Board or the city government able to estimate the budget needed to fund the public activity proposal quickly through the application.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Utilization of information technology in solving the above problems is an innovation undertaken by Surabaya City Government as a part of the development planning process. By utilizing information technology, city government can provide maximum service to the community regarding participatory development so that the interaction between the community and government work in harmony and balance. Public can access the website of www.musrenbang.surabaya.go.id via the internet connected in some RW (hamlet) in the city of Surabaya. It is also accessible via the Broadband Learning Center (BLC) located in 7 locations that are easy to reach by the communities. Now, BLCs are being developed further to all corners of the city of Surabaya. Broadband Learning Center (BLC) is an information technology-based learning tool built by Surabaya City Government in cooperation with the telecommunications provider with aims to provide access for the community including the RW (hamlet level) to learn about the development of information technology. Thus, innovation in the development planning initiated by Surabaya City Government is a massive innovation in terms of this innovations have a large impact and large scale, covering the entire territory of hamlet in Surabaya City. Creativity of Surabaya City Government in the website www.musrenbang.surabaya.go.id among other: 1. Able to determine the priority ceiling of the sub- district level based on the number of RT, RW, area, and poor families. This predetermined ceiling will automatically limit the entered proposal to not exceed the ceiling. 2. Able to direct the proposed work according to the priorities of development; 3. Could show the proposed work enclosed with an accurate photo of the location based on survey results; 4. Could show the proposed work point on spatial data -based map. This application can also display the locations that have been constructed/ intervented by the city government each year through Musrenbang and other channel of development proposals; 5. Able to verify the proposals in parallel between technical departments related directly to the proposal with the Development Planning Board as city development planners; 6. Able to facilitate the reserves proposal as replacement proposal if there are proposals that do not pass the verification; 7. Able to print the minutes in accordance with the applied regulations format. This minutes signed by communities representative and authorized employees of the City Government so the proposal’s accountability in the application is maintained.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1. Developing e- musrenbang website. This process is done by noticing the musrenbang implementation mechanism in accordance with applied regulations; 2. Creating online systematic implementation of musrenbang; 3. Installing internet connection in the entire RW of Surabaya City as many as 1,721 point to access the website of musrenbang; 4. Optimizing the function of Broadband Learning Center (BLC) scattered in strategic points in Surabaya as an IT- based learning center of participatory planning process for surrounding hamlet. More details can be seen in the figure below. In addition to being an electronic- based learning tools, BLC will also functioned as a center for technical assistance and facilities for the community to participate actively in the development process by submitting proposals, suggestions, and complaints to the application of e-Musrenbang. 5. Socializing and provide technical guidance on the procedures to use the musrenbang website for the city departments and society; 6. Evaluating the result of musrenbang implementation online.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
1. Activities Stakeholder Department (Development Planning Board) 2. Sub-district and Sub-district Department as the representative of the community 3. Technical Departments as the verifier of city government development proposals. 4. Surabaya citizen represented by the RT and RW as activities proposer. 5. Surabaya City Council.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1. Technical infrastructures supporting Musrenbang application, including Server, Computer in each RW, Sub- district, and District along with its internet connection. 2. Human Resources from Development Planning Board in charge of the system includes main programmer, number of staff and structural official. 3. Human Resources in technical department and development planning board as proposal verifier and supervisor of musrenbang implementation in each district. 4. Human Resources in District and Sub- district as in charge of conduct socializing and technical guidance to the public as city stakeholders. 5. The overall activity is financed by Surabaya City Government Budget. 6. Assistance from telecommunication provider in building the BLC.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. Real time report that can be seen online by public thus the accountability are maintained; 2. Budget allocation for the proposals that have passed the verification in City Development Work Plan (RKPD) and budgeting related documents; 3. Minutes in the level of Sub-district and District as evidence that the implementation of Musrenbang process is in accordance with applicable regulations.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
One of the goals in developing this online application is to simplify supervision. With open access for the public, monitoring can be done not only by the authorities, but also by all employees and the community who are willing to assist the process of supervision. In addition, this application also provides channels for the public to deliver complaints and suggestions that can be addressed by the Development Planning Board resulting in a healthy dialectic process.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1. Change in mechanism, from manual to online. The problem has gradually been able to overcome by doing socialization and intensive technical assistance. Moreover, improvement to make this application more user friendly is also maintained. 2. Dissemination to the public regarding proposals submission. The gap in reality on the ground between the officers from Development Planning Board and technical departments and the society has been minimized by involving the districts and sub- district as a mediator. 3. Socialization to 31 districts and 160 sub- districts opens opportunities for the occurence of horizontal friction. This has been overcame by doing intensive approach via coordination meetings and administrative approach by issuing a circular regarding the procedures for the implementation of musrenbang. 4. Coordination with the technical departments regarding the feasibility of proposals. This has been overcame by inviting personnel from technical departments to conduct a proposal survey and verification together with a team of Development Planning Board.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
1. Data processing becomes faster and more efficient in time management because administrative process can be trimmed. This process also automatically cut unnecessary costs; 2. Data can be displayed in real- time so the progress of musrenbang implementation can be monitored by all of the stakeholders. 3. Mistakes in reports required by the regulations can be minimized because those are uniformly printed by the system.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Yes, because this system can be applied in other local governments and the mechanism of musrenbang implementation is the same in local governments throughout Indonesia refers to Law No. 25 Year 2004 on National Development Planning System and Permendagri 54 of 2010 on the Implementation of Government Regulation No. 8 of 2008 on Stage, Procedures for Organization, Control, and Evaluation of Regional Development Plan. This system was also developed openly and not using technology that has a patent or copyright.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
From the overall implementation of Musrenbang, it can be concluded that the needs of people around the city are essentially the same and most of them have been able to be mapped. Despite, the diversity and dynamics in community cause the view, the delivery, as well as their attitude towards participatory development process is different. Therefore, the role of city government is to be a facilitatator in bridging the cultural diversity of society. Online application of these system have been able to assist the process of unification of the community needs and help them to be able to submit proposals so that it can be accommodated by Surabaya City Government in accordance with applicable Laws. Utilization of Information Technology in this process have also been able to create budget, administrative and time efficiency so that the quality of the resulted plans is improving. In the future this process should be developed so it becomes more friendly to all users .

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Development Planning Board of Surabaya
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Agus Imam Sonhaji
Title:   Head of Development Planning Board of Surabaya  
Telephone/ Fax:   +6231-5312144 ext.548
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   nvmcc05@gmail.com  
Address:   Pacar Street 8
Postal Code:   60272
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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