The Mobile Driving License Service Unit
Directorate of Traffic, Jakarta Police Station

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The Special Capital Province of Jakarta (DKI) has wide territory as 664,01 km2 and its population 9,809,857 (2010). This situation of the public demands on the improvement of public service becomes significantly high which is one of public’ demands and expectations namely the mechanism of renewal on Driving license in DKI Jakarta area. The location of Driving License Renewal locates only at the office of SATPAS DAAN MOGOT POLDA METRO JAYA. This location is less effective and far for the people who live in DKI Jakarta area. The time for Driving License renewal is significantly consumed time namely around 1-2 hours at Daan Mogot office. The capacity of Driving license renewal is centralized in one place before SIM Keliling (Mobile Driving License Service Unit) at SATPAS DAAN MOGOT with the total applicants approximately 200. In future, it is improper compared with the owner of driving license and renewal process.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Through the policy of Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya based on the complaints and inputs from the members of society regarding the mechanism of Driving License Renewal which centralized in one public service office is considered inefficient from location and time of service. In 2005, the innovation of SIM KELILING Service Unit was released by using a special vehicle i.e a modified truck type which equipped with the tools for driving license service and this vehicles were available at 5 (five) locations/areas in DKI Jakarta (North, Centre, East, South and West Jakarta) besides mobile truck provided for renewal of Driving license “A” /4 wheels (cars) and Driving license “C” for 2 wheels (motorcycles).

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Generally, viewed from the use of technical aspects/mechanism/procedures and facilities is similar in driving license service delivery between SATPAS office and SIM KELILING Service Unit. Yet, the Unit of SIM KELILING Service Unit is assumed more creative and innovative because public easy to make renewal of their driving licenses from the factor of location is more closer to members of society and can be done mobile based on the crowd in certain places and can shorten the time or process compared with previous service. Previous places only located at SATPAS DAAN MOGOT. Currently can be processed at 5 (five) SIM KELILING Units.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The activities of SIM KELILING Service basically is to implement the mechanism of procedures of “A and C” Driving License renewal is the same procedures of renewal at SATPAS. Some series of activity such as enrolment including the documents of requirement for driving license renewal, verification data in computer database, print fingers identification and photograph until printing or production of driving license. The first step is to design the vehicle which can facilitate the renewal process of driving license with the same process at SATPAS office. This vehicle must be equipped with technology of computer and online internet, the input of data directly connected with the data from police computer server. This vehicle is also equipped with the tools for print finger scanning and online-photograph and printer for driving license cards. The second step is to determine area and schedule of visiting service of SIM KELILING VEHICLE. The place must be strategic and have required facilities (such as back up for electricity resources if required, parking area, etc). Giving information to public about types of service, schedule and area of service using the electronic and printed media.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
1 (one) unit of SIM KELILING Vehicle consists of some officers, namely: -1 (one) officer of police office at registration and verification of document -1 (one) officer of police office at identification and production of Driving License -1 (one) officer of police office as the controller As addition, there are some officers from other units, namely: -1 (one) personnel of health officer from private sector -1 (one) personnel of Bhakti Bhayangkara accident insurance company Also involves local government officers/public sector at the location of SIM KELILING, such as: - apparatus/officers from sub-district to facilitate the integrated service/one stop service program in sub-districts. - The management of Malls/shopping centers
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Tools or equipment of SIM KELILING for issuing or renewal of A and C driving license as follows: - Special vehicle (bus or micro bus); - Air Condition; - Gen set; - Computer for registration; - Photo capture; - Finger print capture; - ID Printer; - Background of photo; - Tends, tables and chairs. The amount price for 1 SIM KELILING vehicle as IDR 433,000,000 (US$ 40,000) The amount price for maintenance and service for 1 SIM KELILING vehicle as IDR 18,000,000 (US$ 1,500) p.a. -The procurement and implementation of operating SIM KELILING service is supported by budget from Traffic Coordinator Polri and Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, both facilities and infrastructures, the materials for issuing driving license, vehicle maintenance and service and other equipment, also honorarium of assigned officers, are fully supported from PNBP (State Revenue Non-Tax) budget.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
-The location of service for driving license renewal is more closely in public’s heart because the coverage of service covers 5 zones in DKI Jakarta (West, East, South, North and Central Jakarta). Previously only 1 service point available to make driving license renewal centralized in SATPAS DAAN MOGOT to cover those areas. -The consumed time for public to access the place of renewal driving license at SIM KELILING becomes efficient (approximately 30 minutes) and more flexible from choice of location. -Time allotted for renewal driving license becomes efficient (approximately 1-2 hours). - Service capacity for driving license renewal service is larger, average number of renewal service for each unit is 100 applicants; with maximum capacity per unit (there are 5 units) is 200 applicants. - Public is easy to monitor the schedule, nearest location of SIM KELILING pool from portal media/website of Traffic Management Center of Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya - SIM KELILING also has function as the center of information for Ditlantas service. Public can access the information regarding other services to the officers of SIM KELILING.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
- From technical aspect, the implementation of SIM KELILING Service Unit uses sophisticated computerization with SIM main database at Satpas Daan Mogot server. - Beside the data on computer basis provided, it also remains manual data which is recorded in register book in order to control requirement and evaluate duty implementation by leader / internal auditor. -Also the portal of complaint and advice from public regarding the mechanism of SIM KELILING service and other Ditlantas services which are able to be directly submitted by community through both online portal on web basis and call centre to TMC of Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Some obstacles were often found during the implantation/operating of SIM KELILING service are: -The unavailability of adequate electricity in accordance with specification of computer system. This can be overcome by equipping SIM KELILING service unit with Generator set. - Situation around location which is sometimes difficult in open place (weather, rains, traffic jam, etc). The solution is to find strategic location and near with closed area (shopping center, mall, parking place, etc) - Service system with computer basis sometimes enables to cause errors/computer device damaged, which leads to service delayed. This is can be resolved by routine checking by technicians/ competent officers in the field of IT.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
-Driving License renewal service becomes easier, with service locations which are many more and closer to community, it is due to each zone of DKI Jakarta area, there is 1 unit of Circular service, with rotation turnover at 10 points / service location once in 2 weeks -The time consumed to access the location of renewal Driving license by using SIM KELILING Service Unit becomes efficient because The Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI) has 5 zone of service points which had been covered by respectively 1 SIM KELILING Service Unit, public also able to monitor the schedule and location of this mobile service through TMC service portal of Ditlantas by online at -Service time for Driving license renewal service at SIM KELILING service unit is also efficient (average 30 minutes) by reducing the queues compared to the previous service that was only centered at service point at Satpas Daan Mogot (time length is 1-2 hours). -Previously the service was held at Daan Mogot office, it was only able to serve 200 driving licenses per day, currently added by 5 SIM Keliling service units, the service number increased from to 700 – 1200 driving licenses per day.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
-SIM KELILING Service Unit of Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya has been operating effectively. It has improved and been adopted by several regions/other police office regions since it was considered to be helpful regarding the implementation of process/mechanism of driving license renewal process particularly for A and C driving license. This SIM KELILING service unit has been developed in 30 POLICE REGIONAL OFFICES (POLDA) throughout Indonesia, with 106 SIM KELILING Service Unit. -This SIM Keliling service unit is the real follow-up Police Department’s initiative particularly Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya in the field of public service. This service concept is considered very effective and innovative to develop -Driving license renewal does not require large and expensive facility supports. Through SIM Keliling Unit Service only requires compact equipments, expenses as IDR 433,000,000 (US$ 40,000) and service of maintenance as IDR 18,000,000 (US$ 1,500) per annum, whereas service is able to be increased by 1 SIM Keliling Unit Service as 100% (1 vehicle maximum 200 driving licenses/day, equals to SATPAS office)

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The service delivery of SIM Keliling Service Unit also can shorten service time from 120 minutes to be 30 minutes. This service also can help driving license applicants get easy to access the location of mobile driving service unit. It can save time and make short distance to renew their driving licenses. Hopefully the presence of SIM Keliling Service Unit can give the service for public faster, appropriate, transparent, effective, accountable and qualified way.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Directorate of Traffic, Jakarta Police Station
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Chrysnanda Dwi Laksana
Title:   Director of Traffic, Jakarta Police Station  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62-21-52960770/+62-21-5275090
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 55
Postal Code:   12190
City:   South Jakarta
State/Province:   Jakarta

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