4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
On the 30th November 2011 the City of Joburg (COJ) region E employees held an Imbizo “a Community Dialogue” on the Rats Cages Roll-out project at “Number 3 Square” with the ward 76 residents of Alexandra Township. Thereafter, there were other meetings with the community to ensure that almost all residents of Ward 76 knew about the rats’ cages project and were supporting its implementation prior to its actual implementation. The community also got to know about the project through the media namely, Alex Times and Alex radio station.Presentations of the project to senior management of the City of Joburg (COJ) were also done in order to get their buy-in.A pest control official shall issue the house hold member with a registration form to complete during the collection of a cage. A household member will fill in their Name, House number, Time of collection, Cage number and their ID number. Each cage will be numbered for tracking purposes.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
1. Siyakhona Hilside digital, (capturing moments) 2. City of Joburg
4. Waste Removal Company 5. Lifeline (Private Company) 6. SPCA
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
• The Health Department (City of Joburg) ensured that funds are available for the purchasing of Rat Cages and the Carbon Monoxide Machine,
• The Department of Development Planning and Urban Management (DPUM) in region E, assisted with the procurement of extra Rat Cages, when the demand was more.
• PIKITUP (Waste Removal) provided refuse bags and also ensured the availability a special Skip Bin for the collection and disposal of dead rats.
• The Human Resource made the availability of Pest Controllers.
• Siyakhona Hillside Digital was there to capture all activities of the project before the beginning and during the course of the project.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
What were the most successful outputs?
• The community showed much interest from the first day of the project. All the departments invited came to kick-off the project.
• Ward Governance Department played a vital role in mobilising the community and continuing to do so. These helps in strengthened community participation.
• SPCA advised on a proper method in eradicating rats and they were happy with the introduction of the Rats Cages Innovation. In the previous methods, rats were beaten by sticks and killed in a manner that was condemned by SPCA.
• A strong partnership with the media has been established. There is an ongoing communication strategy through various media, both print and electronic media. Several of the media houses shown keen interest in the project.
• Strong partnership between Private – lifeline Cell phone company and Public Stakeholders CoJ Region E and Alexandra Ward 76 Residents
• Replication –Project started in Ward 76 but now people from other Wards also participate actively
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
What systems were put in place to monitor progress and to evaluate the activities?
• Continuous monitoring, recording and reporting of hot-spot areas by the Pest control team helps in making sure of the treatment and control of hot-spots
• Daily record/stats are kept on site (Three square) to can monitor the progress of the project and where to improve.
• Health talks and door- to- door campaigns were conducted to try and create awareness on rodent breeding, possible diseases as well as to get a buy-in and active participation of the communities combating this epidemic.
• More cages have been procured and are to be allocated to community members on the waiting list.
• A good relationship has been established with the National Institute for Communicable Diseases to analyse rat species for any communicable diseases that they might be carrying.
• Monthly stats of rat bites are communicated with the Municipal Clinics in and Around Alexandra Township.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
• Residents of the other wards outside ward 76 in Alexandra Township are still practising improper waste disposal which becomes sources of rodents breeding places.
• Illegal dumping by residents becomes breeding places for rodents; this becomes food access for the rats.
• Alexandra Township residents residing in informal dwellings (Shacks) due to inadequate infrastructure such as toilet facilities and etc.
• There is a need to expand the number of rat cages as well as Pest Controllers to additional receiving sites besides number Three square. Unemployed youth to be employed in the community workers programs to clean the rats cages on their return by community prior to handling them back to the community again. Some community members retain unused rats cages given to them. There is also a waiting list for people requesting cages.
1. Waiting List for cages
• The Pest Control team are continuously monitoring the hot spot areas to ensure that all rats breeding areas are monitored and controlled. Clean up campaigns are held on regular bases to reduce feeding and breeding areas.