Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The Project focuses on the deficit in implementation of the preschool education system. When Turkey general and Eskişehir is considered, it was understood that the number of children who benefited from preschool education did not reach to desired level although understanding the importance of preschool education and continuing the studies for generalizing it. According to availed information from Eskişehir National Education Management; preschool education foundations get intense at the city center and at the regions where the people with medium and high income level and education level; they become rare at the regions where far from city center and there is no at some of the regions. Under the light of demographic data of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality City Information System, it is attractive that the income and education level is low at the regions where are far from city center especially focusing to children of families with limited economical possibilities. Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality is close witness the economical difficulties of families during education of their children. Those economical difficulties occur in different ways in different sections. When social aid applications to Social Services Office are examined it was understood that 75% application belongs to families whose children are at the school age and when education expenses of the children is added, it was seen that they live those difficulties intensively. Also it is obstacle for the women at the families which have children at preschool age, lacking of sending their children to preschool education foundations, to participate economical life. In those families, while the low income that arrives to home from single source cannot cover the basic requirements, the needs of school age children are tried to be covered difficultly and the preschool education of children at preschool age is obligatorily ignored. So a limited cycle is lived. Among applications to Metropolitan Municipality, families who has lack of even above mentioned single income source and they live above mentioned matters in very different dimensions. Unemployed people and the families whose fathers are imprisoned compose this group. While selecting preferential group among the applications we tend to this group in which aggrieved and complaints are the most intensive in our city. Or Project is to establish a preschool institution. Our target group in the project is 20 children whose fathers are in prison and who are 36 – 60 month old and 20 children whose families are economically disadvantageous, who are same age and who are thought as combining group; considering the economical difficulties of the families, it will be the group with no chance to get benefit from preschool education. Hence, additional to socio-economically disadvantaged children at preschool age who are the main target group, the poor and mostly immigrant people (families) who are in difficulty to have educational social services of municipalities will be satisfied. Beside, women (mothers) are given a free day time to find job and work to sustain life on herself and her child own.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The projects department of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality is working for the social Services Department. In particular as Social Services Department of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality, our directed segments are especially disadvantegeous segments in majority of our done activities. Due to the necessity of the preschool education according to the data of the low social economic families, Projects Department of Metropolitan Municipality prepared a Project named as ES-KIDS’ HOME and applied for getting a grant for the mentioned Project. The Project was found succesfull and was implemented succesfully. The main action in the Project is to establish a preschool education institution. Final Beneficiaries in the Project are, Ministry of Education, mothers and other family members of the children whose fathers are in prison, fathers in prison who have children in the age group of 36–60 months, socio-economically disadvantageous families. Targeted Groups in the Project are, 20 children aged 36–60 months deprived of preschool education whose fathers are in prison, 20 children aged 36–60 months deprived of preschool education coming from socio-economically disadvantageous families and Parents of students enrolled in ES-KIDS’ HOME.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Equal opportunities provided to 40 children not having the chance of receiving preschool education by making them to benefit from preschool education under the same terms and condition with their own age group in fully equipped ES-KIDS’ HOME without any payment. Contribution is made to schooling rate of our city, which is as low as 40%. The application is implemented for the first time in Turkey supporting the children and their families having their fathers in prison. Assistance is provided for the development of women whose husbands in prison, obliged to fighting a running battle alone by themselves, and also obliged to meet the needs of their children during this process, and the families living in the surrounding subdistricts of the city, struggling with the problems such as lack of education, financial difficulties, social exclusion, and having hard times in terms of socio-economic aspects.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1-Study Tour to Daytime Community Home belonging to Şişli Municipality in İstanbul with Project Preparation Team: Study Tour to Daytime Community Home belonging to Istanbul City Şişli Municipality was carried out by project coordinator Dr. Jale Nur SÜLLÜ and the alderman of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality Nuray AKÇASOY in September 2010. Project coordinator Dr. Jale Nur SÜLLÜ, project administrative officer Dr. Seyhan CUBUKCU and project financial officer Bülent YALIMAN also visited Cankaya Municipality on 23 December 2010. It has been a productive visit in terms of gaining insight about probable problems that may be encountered prior to establishment of a daytime Nursery and in terms of solution offers. 2-On–Site Study Tour in order to be informed of different applications of education/training programmes and logic/functioning of nursery school/kindergarten of Reggio Emilia Municipality:A Study Tour was made to Italy’s Reggio Emilia city with the participation of project administrative officer Dr. Seyhan ÇUBUKCU, project financial officer Bülent YALIMAN and Prof Dr. Gülten SEBER from ESOGU psychiatry department between 31 May 2011 and 3 June 2011. The tour was very effective in sharing information about Reggio Emilia administration and Reggio Emilia system far from traditional education structure. 3- Required repairs and arrangements of furnishing at the service offered building were completed. 4- Purchasing required supplies for interior hardware and decoration and locating in the building at service offered building and purchasing required training/education materials for preschool educational service were completed. 5- Staff selection and hiring to be charged in the project: With the collaboration of the academicians of Anadolu University Preschool Education Department, Directorate of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Social Services Department, Directorate of Human Resources Training Department; selection of 2 classroom teachers, 2 assistant teachers, school master and secretary was made their employment within Municipality’s ensurement. 6- Organizing educational seminars on importance of preschool education, child development and training/education subjects to Es–Kıd’ s Home guardians: A four session “Family Education” seminar was organized between 17 October and 14 November 2011 for the parents, to ensure that the families communicate better with their children, and also show sensitivity for the mental health of the children. Family Education seminar was organized with the collaboration of Eskişehir metropolitan Municipality Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Centre, clinic psychologist Prof. Dr. Gülten Seber, Özge Arduç and Anadolu University in four sessions as: The importance of preschool and family / Development Characteristics, Behavior Problems / Communication with Child, Communication with Child / Attitudes of Parents, Rights of the Child / Violence in Family. 7- Student subscriptions were taken and education got started. 8- Evaluation of development characteristics of children with different measurement instruments: Under this extent three tests were applied to students of ES – KID’ S HOME. These tests are; 1) ADSI (Ankara Development Screening Inventory) : ADSI is a valuation instrument obtaining thoroughly and systematic information regarding infants and children development. 2) PeaBody Picture and Vocabulary Recognition Test : A test to measure the age of the recipient’ s language. 3) Drawing a Good Enough Person Test : Performed via Picture/image description, open to interpretation test demonstrates pictorial descriptions of children’ s regarding perceptions of themselves and others. 9- Carrying Out Interviews with Mothers: FIF (Family Interview Form) were developed within the scope of the project, and was used to obtain information about the family structure of the children, their communication with the members of their families, their development, health status, relations with their friends, participation in social activities, and their positive, negative and problematic behaviours.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
-The Partner in the Project is, Anadolu University Department of Preschool Education (Depatment of Early Childhood Education). -Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU), who is stakeholder of the Project, has taken part in the project with regards to providing psychological support to target group in an extremely devoted manner. Within the scope of ES-KIDS’ HOME, works have been carried out in a harmonious manner in collaboration with Anadolu University Preschool Teaching Department. Project partner played an important role in making up the lack of experience of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality in preschool education sector. Anadolu University in return benefited from the continuous contacts of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality with various segments. A.U. Education Consultants took place in the below activities: At the stage of requiring repairs and arrangements furnishing at service offered building, pilot projects drawn by the Municipality were examined by Anadolu University team, and opinions are exchanged by visiting the building of the institution. Purchasing required supplies for interior hardware and decoration and locating in the building at service offered building and purchasing required education materials for preschool educational service was also done with cooperation. In Staff selection and hiring to be charged in the Project; both the applications submitted to the Municipality and the applications received at the end of the announcements made by the Anadolu University consultants with regards to working in ES-KIDS’ HOME are compiled by the project administrative officer, assessment in staff selection is made meticulously as the targeted group being strategical. Family Education seminar was organized with the collaboration of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Centre, consultants of Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU), namely clinic psychologist Prof. Dr. Gülten Seber, Özge Arduç and consultants of Anadolu University, namely teaching assistant Dr.Berrin Dinç, Associate Prof. Dr. Serap Erdoğan and Assistant Prof Dr. Meral Ören. 1. Session ; The importance of preschool and family / Development Characteristics (Instructor Berrin Dinç) (17 October 2011) 2. Session ; Behavior Problems / Communication with Child (Prof. Gülten Seber) (26 October 2011) 3. Session ; Communication with Child / Attitudes of Parents (Asst. Prof. Meral ÖREN, Dr. Serap Erdoğan) (02 November 2011) 4. Session ; Rights of the Child / Violence in Family (Prof. Gülten SEBER ) (14 November 2011) dir. Evaluation of development characteristics of children with different measurement instruments was also carried out with the A.U. Education Consultants ESOGÜ Psychiatry Department put also very high effort in the evaluation of development characteristics of children with different measurement instruments.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
As mentioned in Part B, question 2, ES KIDs’s HOME was a grant Project partially (80%), funded by EU, with a planned budget of 99.541 Euro (80%, 80.000 € app.) In the project, construction works are met from the Municipality budget, and part of the fittings and educational materials met from EU fund. All food needs in ES-KIDS’ HOME are met by the Support Services Department of the Municipality. Also, transport services of the students are met with the means of the Municipality for a period of two months following the commencement date of the project, and whereas it was met from the EU Grant from July until Project end date. Went out to tender for purchasing of student transport service in New Year to ensure the sustainability of the project, and the service shall be continued to be met from the Municipality budget. Salaries of the personnel recruited by the Municipality within the scope of the project were met from the EU Grant, and the contracts of the personnel in question were renewed as of project end date. ES-KIDS’ HOME Project ended as of 23 December 2011, and EU support is concluded. All kinds of financial need at the next stage İS met from the budget of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Social Services Department. Additional to the planned budget of 99.541 Euro (80%, 80.000 app.), the Municipality expenditures from its own sources 20.000 € + 70.000 €= 90.000 € , app. while the project continued, that was almost threefold of the value planned in the budget of 2011.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Eskişehir Metropolitan Monicipality has a preschool named as ES-KIDS’ HOME. Ensuring children of 36-60 months of age, not having the opportunity to benefit from preschool educational services, receive preschool education. With an approach to results from a wider angle, number of students receiving preschool education in Eskisehir increased by 52 in the first year of the Project. The actual number of students beneficiary of ES KIDS’ has now reached to 108. Raising awareness with regards to preschool education among the mothers of the children to be enrolled to our ES-KIDS’ HOME institution. Contract Authority has regularly arranged training for the project personnel with regards to project management. These trainings have been very beneficial and provided great experiences for the personnel on duty in ES-KIDS’ HOME project of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Project Documents (PD) are the documents created within the scope of the project throughout the project and are listed below. By the mentioned documents the Project was monitored and evaluated. ● Project Preliminary Information Form: Prepared by ES-KIDS’ HOME project executive competent. Within the project activity plan, prior to matriculation and start to education activity; together with participant foundation and Eskişehir Greater City Municipality Women’ s Counseling Center psychologist, Eskişehir Greater City Municipality project executive staff, teachers to work at ES-KIDS’ HOME, by performing home visits to student candidates, information was given relating to going to be opened ES-KIDS’ HOME with the support of EU Grant. Project Preliminary Information Form placed to outer doors of the owners who cannot found in order to obtain their flashback and informing objective. ● Family Information Form: During the visits performed to student candidates of ES-KIDS’ HOME, informations are taken from the families in the Family Information who think positive in the enrollment subject. ● ES-KIDS’ HOME Application Form: Prepared by ES-KIDS’ HOME staff. Petition and information for ES-KIDS’ HOME Application Form from their parents for the students whose permanent enrolments are taken. ● Report of the Meeting Results done with ES-KIDS’ HOME and A.U. Educational Consultantas – Psychologist ● Parent General Meeting Reports ● Family Interview Form Prepared by psychologists of our municipality. Used for taking information relevant with family structure, communication with family members, development, health structure, relations with friends, social activity participation, positive-negative and problemmatic behaviors of the children. Applied to 48 parents. ● Reggio Emilia Loris Malaguzzi International Centre Visit Observation Report under coverage of ES-KIDS’ HOME Project ● Observation Reports – 1 and 2 ● Evaluation of development characteristics of children with different measurement instruments ● Satisfaction Surveys – 1,2 and 3 ● ES-KIDS’ HOME -A.U. Education Consultants Meeting Report ● 28 / 09 / 2011 Family Education Programme Planning : ● Family Education Seminar Report A.U. Project Report about the monitored results ● Project Rechnical and Financial Reports to be submitted to EU about the proper implementation of the Project with all supportive financial and technical documents.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Loss of time was experienced in accessing the information about our target group during the project design stage. Information indicating that adequate database relating to parents being in prison could not been taken from related institutions in Eskişehir due to the lack of the database. Reluctance of the families to enrol was also regarded as a risk. Both risks were eliminated by briefing made during family visits implemented by the Municipality. The addresses for the family visits were listed by the database of the social Services Department of the Municipality of the low social level families in need of support and by the formal letters to the Office Of The Public Prosecuter. The number of enrolled students and actual waiting list is an indicator of the risk that has been overcame. Although the possibility of social exclusion and discremination faced by the twenty (20) children in social life, having their fathers in prison considered as a risk; this probable isolation risk was eliminated by enrolling 20 socio-economically disadvantegeous children to ES-KIDS’ HOME as commingling group. Due to not having any previous experience in the field of preschool education; Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality considered this being non experienced as a risk in the implementation of the projec. This risk disappeared automatically during the management of the project by working in collaboration along with the partner and participating institutions which are very qualified in this field.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
By ensuring that our special target group 20 children with their fathers being in prison, and commingling group formed by twenty (20) children of socio-economicall disdvantagous families have received this education. Fifty two (52) students benefited from the education provided by ES-KIDS’ HOME until the expiry of the project. Most significant success indicators of this project are positive feedbacks received from the parents and the waiting list of 35 students awaiting in the queue as our capacity is full in the first year. Thus, presence of the potential to increase the capacity of ES-KIDS’ HOME can easily be seen. Raising awareness with regards to preschool education among the mothers of the children to be enrolled to our ES-KIDS’ HOME institution is another one of our targets being achived. “Family Education Seminars” organized with the participation of twenty eight (28) parents. All our parents and students were observed and supported by our psychologists; and all our parents benefit from the support of Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Centre of our Municipality. Evaluation of development characteristics of children with different measurement instruments were completed. These documents were prepared Prepared by Project executive competent and psychologists of our municipality, distribution is obtained to A.U. Preschool Education Department education consultants and project coordinator. By Satisfaction Surveys the feed backs are obtained from families of the students having education at ES-KIDS’ HOME.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Sustainability of ES-KIDS’ HOME is compulsory as it is an important public and educational service. ES-KIDS’ HOME project currently ended, and all kinds of sustainability with the means of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality is under the guarantee of Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality. All kinds of expenditure made for ES-KIDS’ HOME are met from the budget of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality up to now. Required financing for the purpose of ensuring sustainability in terms of finance is guaranteed by including in the budget plannings of Social Services Department for the following years. Sustainability in means of administration is also considered. For example the qualified staff of ES KIDS’ Home are charged with being the manager in a rotation to give the chance to each staff working both with the students and also as an administrator. The education quality level is delicately kept as the first implementation year of the Project. Development Reports of the students and Development Charts of the Students are periodically produced by the teachers in ES KIDS’ Home and the Development Reports are send twice a year to the parents of the students. The Project got the Local Governments Awards in Private Secretary Journal 4TH which took an important role to be announced about its existance.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
ES-KIDS’ HOME building, its sections, equipment and supplies, selection and training of teachers, administrator and other personnel, curriculum to be applied at the institution and creation of activities, works oriented towards acquainting with the children and assessment and the detailed and meticulous works with regards to family education have provided significant experience for educational counsellors of the project project owner Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality and the partner Anadolu University. Through the ES-KIDS’ HOME Project, Anadolu University Preschool Teaching Department had the opportunity to work with the children and families living in this disadvantageous region. They gained important experience with regards to lives and needs of children and families forming the target group of the project, and having one of their parents in prison. Furthermore they had the opportunity to observe closely the changes and development occurred in these children with the preschool education process. They gained experience about the opening and maintaining process of a preschool education institution for the application and research nursery school/kindergarten planned to be opened within Anadolu University. Anadolu University Preschool Teaching Department has gained experience with regards to running stage of European Community Projects and also with regards to the points to be considered in works that might be carried out in collaboration with different institutions in the future. With the family education seminars organized within the scope of the project, requirement for this kind of family education in our country and Eskisehir is identified. The need for organizing more studies and seminars especially oriented towards the families disadvantageous in terms of socio-economic aspects is identified. Holland Research Institution visited ES-KIDS’ HOME in May 2011under the leadership of NIHA with a team of 20 people, formed from International Child Development Initiative (ICDI), SARDES, non-governmental organization on penal systems (CISST) and academic members of various universities; Information about ES-KIDS’ HOME project is shared, and it is ensured that the team made on-site investigations. They noted all kinds of information relating to this project, and stated that it should be taken as a model.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Seyhan Cubukcu Soukup
Title:   Dr.  
Telephone/ Fax:   00902222115500/00902222204235
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   İkieylul Cd No:53
Postal Code:   26010
City:   Eskisehir

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