4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Note: The GANNT Chart of the process is in the attachment.
The process of developing the system began with the foundation of the East Marmara Development Agency of Turkey in 2009. In the beginning, the staff and methodology and the work plan was developed in the second half of the first year (2011), which took a longer period then expected as the time limits to spare and legal issues. However, the data gathering process took much longer time, which included visiting, collaborating and data producing along with Provincial Directorates of Real Estate, OIZ, Municipality, relevant Ministries, Real Estate Agencies and Landholders. Also, ensuring the sustainability and confidentiality of data were important and took some months to achieve. There was an ongoing regional GIS database and system project, which also completed without any expenditure similar to YATBIS, in order to make spatial analyses for the Regional Plan. The data of potential investment sites for different sectors were integrated to the GIS and the required infrastructure was established for this purpose. The attribute data was integrated with spatial data in order to make both spatial and quantitative and qualitative queries. Then, tag graphics were produced for each parcel (example: http://www.dogumarmarabolgeplani.gov.tr/yua/TR42KGEBSA0013.jpg) to be shown in Google Earth while presenting to potential investors according to their needs.
Important Note 2: The example of how the system works can be found within the .rar file (http://www.dogumarmarabolgeplani.gov.tr/yua/YATBIS_example.rar)
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
• Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality (Planning authority)
• District Municipalities (provided information on some land lots viable for tourism and commercial investments)
• Land owners (natural persons, companies)
• Real Estate agents (representatives of land owners)
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Infrastructure and software available to the Development Agency (computers, ArcGIS, Google Earth, MsExcel for inventory, Survemonkey and MSWord forms for data collection)
ArcGIS was used to feed data into the system and making queries. Google Earth was used for the display on different computers by converting ArcGIS files to ‘kmz’ file format. FTP server was used to keep the data online.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• Over the last 3 and a half years, Kocaeli Investment Promotion Office assisted 97 investors . 94 of them were in search of a potential investment site. Last 4 of the international companies (Raywaver, Tri-Wall, Reynaers, Hung A), which were interested in launching business in Kocaeli, received assistance with the full using of GIS map. All four investors
• The initiative gained unofficial recognition, as a best practice, by the Coordination Board for Amelioration of Investment Climate in Turkey (YOİKK), which is the supreme platform for discussing measures to facilitate investment inflows in Turkey.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
• All the staff of Kocaeli Investment Promotion Office collects and validates the information related to available land (data integrity, updates, coherence etc.)
• Planning Unit cross-checks the land lots with the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality’s zoning plans.
• Kocaeli Investment Promotion Office keeps up a log of all investor relations, and maintains it in an Excel file for reporting.
• After reaching a critical mass, Kocaeli Investment Promotion Office will conduct a survey about the investor satisfaction on service delivery.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Data provided by the Real Estate owners are sometimes incoherent and lacks geo-location information:
The information provided by the Real Estate agents were cross-referenced with already existing land lot information, and locations were identified on GIS-map based on the GIS pictures provided by the agent. Furthermore, due to complimentary and prudent service provision by the Agency, Real Estate agents do not get cold feet with geo-location related data provision. Agency do not eliminate Real Estate agents while assisting investors, unless the information about the land is already provided by the owner him/herself.
Zoning plan was changed in Kocaeli:
Old geo-location data is invalid in some parts of Kocaeli, due to changed zoning plan. Nonwithstanding information has been corrected by consultation with the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Zoning Department.