4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
here are 3 (three) buses totally equipped with computers, movable ramps for access for people with physical disabilities and material to do the attendences. These buses are prepared for the operation of "PROCON MÓVEL", aiming to provide guidance and assistance services to consumers residing in municipalities. The Micro - buses will feature four (04) service counters, each having as initial target hold 380 (three hundred and eighty) calls per month in each location. There are made reports, which should contain information about the activities realized and places visited, also containing numerical and statistical data on treatment made individually (Extraprocon, Primary treatment, etc..) Or collectively (community meetings to discuss a collective demand), among others that may be considered necessary.
Depending on the nature of the claim presented, such action may be undertaken individually or collectively. Thus, the event that we identify a problem even referring to the same product or service, is common to many consumers, we will contact with associations and neighborhood leaders aiming hold meetings with the community in order to provide guidance to all, collectively.
This project will support, although the other two are also being presented (citizen monitoring and conscious generation), and that allow the mapping and statistical analysis of data, the elaboration of public policies and consumer protection that locality, and actions education aimed to clarify the rights and duties of consumers and suppliers in consumer relations at greatest indicators of litigation.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
PROCON MÓVEL is an agreement with the UNION, represented by the Ministério da Justiça (ministry of justice), through the Secretaria de direito Econômico (Secretariat for Economic law), the Departamento de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (Department of Defense and Consumer Protection), having as object the implementation of the action "CANAL COMUNIDADE" under the Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania (National Public Security and Citizenship) - PRONASCI.
The Procon Móvel also counts with the support of municipal governments and the police.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
In 2008, PROCON / BA conducted 41,595 consultations in the four stations located in Salvador, representing an increase of 20.76% over the 2007 figure (34,444). Such figures gave us the third place among the 23 integrated SINDEC states in 2008, and have reached an index of resolvable above 90% of the claims until the moment of reconciliation. Therefore, knowing that PRONASCI aims to institute a policy of public security citizenship constructed in accordance with the characteristics and needs of each locality, PROCON / BA intervenes directly in the community, reaching one of the territories of the state social decohesion in Bahia, offering a quick and efficient service through a mobile attendance.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
This project supports, although the other, citizen monitoring and conscious generation, and that allows the mapping and statistical analysis of data, the elaboration of public policies and consumer protection that locality, and actions education aimed to clarify the rights and duties of consumers and suppliers in consumer relations at greatest indicators of litigation.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
PROCON / BA is responsible for executing the action , will submit regular reports to the Department of Justice , Citizenship and Human Rights - SJCDH and the Ministry of Justice , through the National Department of protection and Consumer Protection - DPDC . These reports should contain information about the activities and places visited , still containing numerical and statistical information on calls made individually (extraprocon , primary care , etc) or collective (community meetings to address a collective demand ), among others that may consider necessary .
The Contractor entity undertakes to provide all information necessary for monitoring and supervision of the project , in the form as provided in Chapter V , Art. 51 and following Ordinance No. 127 / 08 of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management , which regulates the Federal Decree No. 6.170/07 .
Also, PROCON BA has a on line System called SINDEC, a database in which is registrated all the progress and activities that happens in Procon Móvel. The SINDEC also registrates the consumer complaints and has an extensive recording channel, where the attendants can have all the basic information about the companies, to initialize the preliminary care.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
During the implementation of the program, we have some problems involving the security of the place and also, places to the employeers of PROCON supply their basic needs (like going to the bathroom, eat and etc). Some places are very remote and do not offer those basic structure.
To solve these problems, we get in contact with the town halls to make available chemical toilets for the attendants and also, policing. Soon, there will have fridges in the buses to the employees conserve their meal.