4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1) Setting up Learning Lighthouses based on residents’ consent
Any apartment resident association that desires to start a Learning Lighthouse must submit the association’s consent, agreement to set up a Learning Lighthouse, consent to provide the venue and a program request form. The Learning Lighthouse consent form would specify details such as, the need for the Learning Lighthouse (i.e., expansion of lifelong learning opportunity for residents), the term, commitment to program (location, resident demands, support of volunteer small groups etc.), specifics of city’s supports (subsidize lecturer’s fee, appointment of support managers), Learning Lighthouses’ mandatory requirements (free location support, learning environment), take down of equipment, legal compliance, etc.
Upon receipt of the application, the city administration carefully reviews the intent and reason behind each application, feasibility and validity of the requested program before designating the location as Learning Lighthouse to support the programs and appointment of Learning Managers.
2) Village Specific Programs
Learning Lighthouse program preparations begin with the city’s Learning Manager gathering information alongside the relevant village’s Learning Lighthouse Preparation Committee (made up of representative of resident association, representative of village mother’s association, apartment manager, resident representatives, Learning Manager, etc.) regarding the demand of interested parties. Program adoption is based on the requests from the residents and the administration makes final section of the program from 4-5 available programs, depending on the Citizen Lecturer’s availability. Learning Lighthouse Programs established by the Learning Lighthouse Committee formed of citizen representatives typically relate to health and mind, culture and arts, liberal arts, and basic literacy education. Program target groups are set so that various age groups can all benefit from the Learning Lighthouse Program. Typically, 2 classes for the youth, 1 class for the elders and 2 classes for adults are set. Each Program typically operate 1 class per week for 2 hours, totaling at 12 classes (24 hours) per season and for each program, at least 10 students should sign up for the class to begin operation.
3) Solicitation of Students and Operation
After the learning programs are finalized for the village, the Learning Lighthouse Committee runs its solicitation campaigns for the participants. This can be done by announcement broadcast by the management office, flyers and posters. Learning Lighthouse Program is operated by collaboration between the designated Learning Manager and the Learning Lighthouse Committee. The Learning Manager oversees the entire operation of the Learning Lighthouse Program by deciding on the lecturer for the program, location, materials for the classes, operation and management of classes.
4) Evaluation and Feedback
Evaluation of any specific village’s Learning Lighthouse Program is done by surveys issued by the Lifelong Education Division of Namyangju City, taken from Learning Lighthouse Program’s participants, Citizen Lecturer and Learning Manager. Also, from 2011, each of the Learning Lighthouse made intermediate and final presentations of achievements to share success stories among one another and to encourage other Learning Lighthouses. Final evaluation is rendered based on such presentation and final discussions among participants.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Learning Lighthouse operation is made possible by participation of various bodies, such as the village, Learning Manager, Citizen Lecturer, city administration, etc.
First, each of the villages having interest in adopting the Learning Lighthouse program will formulate a committee of 6-10 persons as stated above. This Learning Lighthouse Committee gathers requests from residents, decide on the learning program and files application for such program operation to the city administration. Once the program is finalized, the Learning Lighthouse Committee actively promotes the program and encourages resident participation The Learning Lighthouse Committee continues to support the operation and management of the Learning Lighthouse Program.
Second, there is the designated Learning Manager, who will communicate with the designated village to propose the Learning Lighthouse Program, liaise between the Citizen Lecturer, the class participants and the city administration. Learning Manager will handle the overall operation of the Learning Lighthouse Program by confirming lecturing dates with the lecturer, confirm location and preparatory materials. Learning Manager will deliver the operational and administrative rules to the village and the residents so that the Learning Lighthouse Program does not fall off-track.
Third, the Citizen Lecturer operates the class, interacts and consults the participants and guides small groups. The Citizen Lecturer takes a key role in the failure or success of any Learning Lighthouse Program.
Fourth, the city administration oversees the high-level management and operation of the Learning Lighthouse Programs. Most importantly, educating and designating capable Learning Managers is an important task. Through the Learning Managers, the Learning Lighthouse Programs are managed and coached. Separately, the administration will support and talk with the Learning Lighthouse Committee to have an open channel of communication to gather village’s requests, The administrative body also secures Citizen Lecturers to designate and send off to the Learning Lighthouse Programs to control quality of the programs.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1) Development and Utilization of Local Talents
Prior to the establishment of Learning Lighthouses, Namyangju City had been training “Lifelong Learning Managers” since 2009, so that together, with such citizen partners, we can dream a reality dream of building a lifelong learning city. By 2013, after 4 course completions, total of 167 of such managers were created. The courses comprised of introduction of the concept of lifelong learning, consultation of learners, program operations, learning network and small group learning. Among the graduates about 80 persons continue to actively participate as volunteers to lifelong learning programs and 48 have been assigned to Learning Lighthouses.
There are various talent pools within the city. The difficulty was the lack of credible data to turn to and the lack of personal relationships with these talents. Namyangju continuously seeks out good talents on volunteer basis so that they can participate in the local governance and build relationship with their neighbor residents. Citizen Lecturers may have specialty in any one area, or have technical skills and experiences, which they can make full uses of at the Learning Lighthouse. Applications for Citizen Lecturers are accepted throughout the year on rolling basis and upon selection, they undergo basic training and are registered in the pool of our valuable personnel asset.
2) Recruitment of Lifelong Learning Professional
As our efforts to build a Learning City, Namyangju recruited a Lifelong Learning Professional. Traditionally in Korea, since educational governance body is separately managed from the city administration, it had been difficult for the administrative body to plan any lifelong learning model. Thus, by recruiting an expert in lifelong learning to partner with our administrative officers, we were able to avoid unnecessary trial and error period. Rather, we were able to build a true synergy between professional expertise and administrative body.
3) Financial Resources
In 2011, Namyangju invested KRW 100,000,000 to test operate a Learning Lighthouse. Then in 2012, we enlarged the sum to KRW 330,000,000 to operate 38 Learning Lighthouses and in 2013, KRW 462,000,000 for 60 Learning Lighthouses. 70% of such funds were paid out to the Citizen Lecturers.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Most successful outcome of Learning Lighthouses could be narrowed down to the below four items.
First is the expansion of residents’ participation in lifelong learning. In 2012, 3,546 residents participated in the Learning Lighthouse Programs. In 2013, the participant number increased to 5,710. The survey conducted in 2011 showed that Namyangju citizens showed great interest in the Learning Lighthouse Program, amounting up to 155,536 persons, which is 27.5% of the city’s population.
Second is the energy built from active communications within the villages. Modern cities suffer from lack of communication, nuclear families and individualism, where sense of community is hard to find and individuals suffer from loneliness. Through learning, the residents began to befriend their neighbors and build interest in the village’s well-being. In the survey conducted in 2012, when residents were asked what the role of a Learning Lighthouse should be, 49% answered a venue for learning opportunity and 27% answered a venue for communication amongst the residents and a starting point for recovery of sense of community. In fact, many of the participants meet outside the class for daily chats and lunches. They begin to talk about their family, children and share their difficulties for mental support and sharing of life’s wisdom.
Third is the building of new jobs in learning and seeking out local talents. By forming a pool of Citizen Lecturers, residents with special talents are sought out, trained and driven back to the community to share their talents with their neighbors. 308 Citizen Lecturers are registered with the program in 2013 and among them, 250 taught at 633 Learning Lighthouse Programs for 5,710 participants. About 81% of the registered Citizen Lecturers participated in the Learning Lighthouse Program. As seen here, such active participation shows that learning opportunities are providing job opportunities to the local community.
Fourth, the Learning Lighthouse is promoting communication between residents, between villages, and villages and city government are working together toward a common goal. Through Learning Lighthouses, citizen talents are discovered and underdeveloped local resources are discovered as valuable assets. Also, new culture of inter-village communication and cooperation is formed. Various participants of the Learning Lighthouse Program gain valuable experiences not only from learning but through experience and sharing to become even more valuable human asset in our city’s community.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
1) Secure feedback from Learning Lighthouse Managers
Learning Managers visit Learning Lighthouse Programs and villages about 1,2 times a week to check any problems or material needs. Then, during the Learning Manager’s meeting held twice a month, such issues were reported to the city’s administration. During the meeting at the city hall, various case studies are shared and common problems are raised for discussion to find mutual solution and shared with other Learning Lighthouses. Also, 2 of the chief managers periodically visit various Learning Lighthouses to motivate and encourage the participants, Learning Managers and Citizen Lecturers.
2) Quality control by educating relevant parties
As efforts to manage the quality control of the Citizen Lecturers, training retreats were held twice a year. Also, surveys were secured from participants to give feedback to the lecturers, so that each lecturer can reassess and upgrade their teaching style. The Learning Lighthouse Committee reported case studies on quarterly basis to share stories and learnings to act as village leaders.
3) Secure Quality and Quantity of Feedback after Learning Lighthouse Programs
At the end of each Learning Lighthouse program, post-lecture surveys are collected. The survey asks for evaluation of the lecture and the lecturer as well as, the reason for class selection, its effectiveness and how the experience will be reflected on to encouraging other prospective participants, etc. Also, recommendations for future classes and other programs are gathered to better prepare us for the next session.
4) Develop Learning Lighthouse Program Manual to Provide Standard Operation Standards
Learning Lighthouse Operation manual was developed from blank sheet. The contents include the definition of Learning Lighthouse, operational contents, program requirements and selection requirements, evaluation methods, roles and responsibilities of various personnel of Learning Lighthouse, standardized templates, etc. This standard can be applicable to any villages for any Learning Lighthouse operational purposes.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1) Overcoming indifference and opposing views from village leaders through continuous persuasion.
In 2011, prior to the launch of the first Learning Lighthouse, we went to 22 different villages to meet with the leaders to explain our vision and to persuade them to adopt this program. Among the 22, 12 of the villages outright rejected our program and turned cold shoulders. Their reason was that they did not want another “to-do-task” on their plates. Also, many of the leaders were thinking for themselves and not the residents, and jumping to a quick conclusion of “I don’t need any lessons.” Also, some villages thought that they did not want to freely rent out their private space to do city’s administrative tasks. As a result, we first test operated at 10 villages. After these test operations were proven successful, the residents began to spread the news by word of mouth and other locations began to show interest. Residents began asking the village leaders for the adoption of similar programs and as the requests became abundant, from 2012, we began the selection process for the next Learning Lighthouse Programs by application process.
2) Overcoming the overlap of certain programs within the Lifelong Learning Infrastructure
There were some overlapping programs within the 1.2.3 Lifelong Learning Infrastructure –paid programs and Learning Lighthouse Programs. The solution was to set up Learning Lighthouse Programs in such a way that it does not overlap with other Lifelong Learning Programs we have in the city. Also, roles and responsibilities were adjusted within the 1.2.3 Lifelong Learning Infrastructure, so that the Learning Lighthouse Program would cover the introductory level of inducing interest in the lifelong learning programs of the citizens, and the resident association centers would handle more in-depth elementary and intermediate levels. Lastly, expert courses and other professional level learning programs will be handled by Lifelong Learning Center.