Two years of the existence of the Media Center in the Surabaya City Government has made a major contribution to society of Surabaya. Media communications are opened as wide as possible for the public to communicate and participate in the development of the city of Surabaya. The communication Media Center, such as: website, facebook, twitter, phone, SMS, fax, and local social network application named Sapawarga. At present, the existence of the Media Center as transformed from the application of good governance into the implementation of open government. Where the purpose of open government is to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.
The system used Media Center continues to be improved. In addition to building a system based on Android, this time the Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya as the leading sector of Media Center has developed a website for public to attain not only information, but also documentation regarding projects, activities, even budgets of every programs organized by the City Government of Surabaya. It is also one of the city government efforts to promote transparency through data that has been uploaded and can be accessed by the public. Indeed to combat corruption because it can minimise the chance of meeting between people and City Government offcials. The people who want to inquire about specific data or documents regarding projects or activities organized by Surabaya City Government does not need to come directly to SKPDs (related institutions). They just need to fill out an electronic form on the system such as: complete identity and its proof, also the purpose of the request. If the system has approved the results of the public field, so that the people will get a password that is useful to be able to download data or documents requested. Meanwhile, to respond to the concern of environmental issue, through the support of the website, the government’s services become environmentally friendly, because such activities previously contributed for the air pollution and heavy traffic, were eliminated, so that the vision of the city regarding environment can be attained. In addition, in 2013, the demand for information that goes to Media Center increases, as seen from January to November 2013, the number of inquiries inquire is 1863. Compare to 2012, which was only 498 inquiries. Categories of information requests were also varied. Not only inquiry regarding Surabaya City Government, but also inquiries regarding the city, such as, the route of public transportation, train schedules, schedule of mobile driving license enrollment. In fact, in October 2013, the public seemed to really make the Media Center as the only reliable source to ask for test schedule CPNS (Nominee of Civil Servant/Government officialls) 2013. Where, in that period, the category of information request about its schedule reached 402 inquiries.