Media Center of Surabaya City Government
Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
In the era of information, Media Center of Surabaya City Government becomes an appropriate means for the public who want to participate to the development of the city of Surabaya. This is a reflection of the implementation of good governance in Surabaya City Government. Where, in it already contains the principle of good governance, namely: (1) transparency, (2) participation, and (3) accountability. Over the Media Center, Surabaya society becomes more critical and aware towards the city programs and activities. Indeed, their expectations regarding its information are also raised. Therefore, the Media Center should continue to make innovations and provide more benefits to the community in order to fulfill and satisfy those needs and expectations. Innovation can be done with the synergy of the various parties ranging from the Mayor to the community.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Two years of the existence of the Media Center in the Surabaya City Government has made a major contribution to society of Surabaya. Media communications are opened as wide as possible for the public to communicate and participate in the development of the city of Surabaya. The communication Media Center, such as: website, facebook, twitter, phone, SMS, fax, and local social network application named Sapawarga. At present, the existence of the Media Center as transformed from the application of good governance into the implementation of open government. Where the purpose of open government is to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. The system used Media Center continues to be improved. In addition to building a system based on Android, this time the Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya as the leading sector of Media Center has developed a website for public to attain not only information, but also documentation regarding projects, activities, even budgets of every programs organized by the City Government of Surabaya. It is also one of the city government efforts to promote transparency through data that has been uploaded and can be accessed by the public. Indeed to combat corruption because it can minimise the chance of meeting between people and City Government offcials. The people who want to inquire about specific data or documents regarding projects or activities organized by Surabaya City Government does not need to come directly to SKPDs (related institutions). They just need to fill out an electronic form on the system such as: complete identity and its proof, also the purpose of the request. If the system has approved the results of the public field, so that the people will get a password that is useful to be able to download data or documents requested. Meanwhile, to respond to the concern of environmental issue, through the support of the website, the government’s services become environmentally friendly, because such activities previously contributed for the air pollution and heavy traffic, were eliminated, so that the vision of the city regarding environment can be attained. In addition, in 2013, the demand for information that goes to Media Center increases, as seen from January to November 2013, the number of inquiries inquire is 1863. Compare to 2012, which was only 498 inquiries. Categories of information requests were also varied. Not only inquiry regarding Surabaya City Government, but also inquiries regarding the city, such as, the route of public transportation, train schedules, schedule of mobile driving license enrollment. In fact, in October 2013, the public seemed to really make the Media Center as the only reliable source to ask for test schedule CPNS (Nominee of Civil Servant/Government officialls) 2013. Where, in that period, the category of information request about its schedule reached 402 inquiries.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Surabaya City Government has a strong commitment to implement open government through the Media Center of Surabaya City Government. This is proof by the set of regulations made regarding the assurance for public to inquire information and documentation, such as Decree of Mayor on provision of information service team. The decree is the basis for coordinating the Media Center team as the front office with the back office team which is derived from the representative officials of Surabaya City Government. The Decree is constantly updated each year also showed the municipal government’s commitment to maintain the continuity of the work system of Media Center. In addition, with humane and flexible approach, combined with a standard operating procedure to handle requests, Media Center managed to gain positive respons and public trust.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Mayor of Surabaya is committed to serving the community as quickly and openly. Therefore, Media Center of Surabaya City Government formed in November 28th 2011. Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya is assigned as the leading sector of this program. A set of regulations and standard operating procedure has been put. Facilities and infrastructure were also prepared with the financial cost associated with it is fully supported by local funds. Building the system including the ICT’s support by cooperation with the university. Human resources were also prepared divided into two sections, i.e front office and back office. Prior and regular training were also available for the front and back office personnels to improve the quality of human resources, such as : public speaking, media handling, viral promoting, etc. Intensive coordination is held where a monthly meeting organised to discuss, evaluate and inovate regarding means and method to serve the public urges in information and documentation. The security aspect is also considered. Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya has been certified ISO 27001:2005 in order to secure its data and applications.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The entire development program technically as well as human resources development are primarily derived from civil servants/government officials of Surabaya City Government. Meanwhile, the Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya is also assisted by the state and private universities for the development of the ICT’s systems. In addition, there are also another departments or institutions which are not part of Surabaya City Government board and departments, but also organise the public service, such as state owned enterprises, which sometimes public delivers inquiries regarding them.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The financial cost associated with Media Center is fully supported by Surabaya City Local Budget. The entire development program technically as well as human resources development are primarily derived from civil servants of Surabaya City Government. All those resources are mobilized by the Mayor who has strong leadership and commitment that are transferred to all civil servants in order to deliver excellent services.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. The Increase in public trust and satisfaction which is resulted in the excellent score of community satisfaction index score. 2. Acknowledgement from variety of stakeholders, such as from the community, local board, as proof by the award gained as the Best Public Agency in East Java in the application of Freedom of Information Law in 2012 and 2013, and recognition from international stakeholders as the award of FutureGov Asia-Pacific earned in October 2013 in the category of Data Centre.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Media Center use the measurement from the Decree of Ministry of Administrative Reform Number: KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004 on General Guidelines for Development of Community Satisfaction Index Service Unit of Government Agencies. Based on the principle of service as already set out in the decision shortly. PAN number: 64/KEP/M. PAN/7/2003, which later developed into 14 the element that is relevant, valid and reliable, as a bare minimum elements must exist for the base community satisfaction index measurements are as follows: 1. Service Procedures: ease of stages of service rendered to the society seen from the simplicity of the service line; 2. The terms of service: the administrative and technical requirements that are required to get the service in accordance with the type of service; 3. The clarity of the officer's service: the existence and the certainty of the officer who provides services (name, position and authority and responsibility); 4. Discipline of the officer : the seriousness in providing services mainly to the consistency of working time according to applicable provisions 5. Responsibilities of the officers: the clarity of authority and responsibility in organizing workers and settlement services 6. The ability of the officer: the level of expertise and skill in providing the officer owned/completed his service to the community 7. The speed of service: the target time service can be completed within the time specified by the unit of service providers 8. Get the service justice: is the implementation of service with no discrimination/community status served 9. Politeness and friendliness of the staff: the attitude and the behavior of the officers in providing service to the community as a polite and friendly as well as respecting and honoring each other 10. The reasonableness of the cost of the service: affordability of society against the magnitude of the cost established by the service unit 11. Certainty of cost of services, that is compatibility between the fees paid and costs that have been established; 12. Certainty of service schedules, the execution time of service, in accordance with the conditions determined; 13. Environmental comfort, the condition of facilities and infrastructure are clean, neat, and organized so can provide comfort to the recipient of service; 14. Security services, that ensuring the security level of environmental unit of service organizer or the means used, so the community feel calm to get the service for risks resulting from the implementation of the service.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The absence of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with other institutions, which are not part of the Surabaya City Government’s board and department, but also organise public service, become a major obstacle. In spite of the absence of the MoU, Media Center personnels still use personal and persuasive approach towards these institutions. So that, Media Center will still be able to communicate and exchange information with these institutions, then continue to deliver the information services for the public.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Media Center establishment is a groundbreaking innovation created by Surabaya City Government as part of its responsive, integrative, and informative public services. Media Center is an integrated service system provided for the people of Surabaya who want to participate in the development of the city. Such participation could be in forms of sending inquiries for the development projects undertaken by Surabaya City Government. Through the Media Center, people can monitor to what extent the development planned by the city government can reach the targeted goals. Media Center is a service system providing broad access for people to get the service they need. It plays the role of facilitator to bridge between people and the city government. It has also become a communication bridge among city stakeholders related to city development. The function of Media Center is twofold. Externally, it is a facility to provide information for public about city government’s projects. This process will sustainably build good image for the city government thus the good governance concept can run by propping the point of transparency. Internally, Media Center integrates the work program management within the city government. The service system applied in the center develops into a centralized information system for all city government’s work units to help the policy makers monitor and evaluate the course of city development. In other words, it has been the center for analyzing city development plan. The broad access provided by Media Center to community enables the City Government to effectively identify the community’s complaints and needs and use them as inputs for further work program development. Media Center also effectively assists City Government in determining priority in its work program as well as budget allocation that suits people’s needs to keep every policy and project undertaken by the city government on target.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The aspect of sustainability in Media Center is reflected from the cutting of bureaucracy and providing a more effective and efficient services. The next steps to be following the successful implementation of this project are by the support of current information technology and communication, particularly the development of mobile platform. Indeed, strong commitment and vision to provide an excellent public service as well as human resources support. In addition, ever since the winning of the prestigious FutureGov Award in 2013, more and more visits from other areas who want to learn and adopt regarding the Media Center has been proved that this initiative is replicable.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Before the establishment of Media Center, the information provision management regarding Surabaya City Government was intricate as it is in any bureaucracy in general. The access was not easy as people had to come directly to the office and must follow a lengthy bureaucracy in a conventional way, that was by filing a letter of complaint. The Department of Communication and Informatics would then forward it to the related department by sending a letter and waited for a letter of response. This was very costly for both sides, the community and the city government. Moreover, it was also wasting time, inefficient, and not environmentally friendly as we spent lots of paper in the process. This has caused dissatisfaction for the public towards city government’s services and caused difficulties for the city government to gather people’s aspiration which would be valuable inputs in determining policies. The long and intricate procedure people had to follow caused them opt for sending their complaint to printed mass media, such as newspaper. Therefore, the presence of Media Center has helped people to communicate and express their inquiries to the city government directly and more interactively. Only by utilizing communication media which opened as wide as possible by the Media Center, the public can participate actively to the development of the city of Surabaya. In addition, the community now has put the trust in Media Center where the public can deliver their inquiries on the appropriate means (no longer in the media outside the channel that is provided by Surabaya City Government). Through the use of ICT, people just need to fill out an electronic form that is provided, people also can see the display of information event budget allocation of each program. This shows the implementation of open government in the Surabaya City Government, which eventually affects the city branding and attract the investors to invest in the city.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Department of Communication and Informatics of Surabaya
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Antiek Sugiharti
Title:   Department of ICT of Surabaya  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62315312144,ext.292 / +62315463435
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Jimerto No. 25-27 Surabaya
Postal Code:   60272
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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