1. Enhance the understanding between the public and the government sector by the introduction of the principle “Understanding Approaching and Developing” of His Majesty the King Bhumibhol Adulyadej to be used in the administration and management of the project that would result to the livelihood and reduction of problems related to the security in the local areas.
2. The farmers could be upgraded their knowledge from the capacity development by training courses and on farm trials (50,875 and 1,561 farmers, respectively)
The project has resulted to improve the quantity and quality agricultural production in the farmer’s field, subsequently increase farmer’s income as follows:
Para rubber production technology – The technology on the integrated fertilizer management for para rubber were adopted on farmer’s field increased average yields at 283 kg/rai/year (234.84 kg/rai/year in traditional farmers) and higher income at 4,100 baht/rai/year. Therefore, the total growing area of para rubber in the five provinces at the Southern borders are 4.4 million rais, and if only 25 percent of the growing area for the rubber (approximately 1 million rai) will be adopted, that area would have the capacity to generate an income of approximately 4,100 million baht.
Longkong production technology – The technology on canopy management, the integrated fertilizers management, and the management of the flower and fruit thinning technologies, have resulted to an increased production and better quality, classified as grade A at the average rising 107.08, 110.01 and 190.46 percent compared with the traditional technology of the farmers. The recommended technologies could increase the farmers’s income at 4,600-11,800 baht/rai/year. Therefore, if only 25 percent of the longkong growing area (approximately 260,000 rais of 1,057,314 rais) will be adopted, it will have an higher income about 1,196-3,068 million baht/year.
Enhanced efficiency on the production of sweet corn – The farmers who participated in this project can produce sweet corn at an average yield of 1,663 kg/rai, got profit by 13,186 baht/rai. However, sweet corn is the high capacity plants for the commercial production in both local markets and others, its have good taste and high nutrients such as: vitamin A, B, fibers, etc.
Enhanced efficiency on the production of pineapple – The pineapple growers who participated this project could be able to increase yields at 7,000 kg/rai, got profit at 21,200 baht/rai.
Enhanced efficiency on the production of fodder crops as feed for livestock.The fodder crops production were developed for livestock feeding. Their yields were shown as follow ; sugarcane (22 tons/rai/year), sweet sorghum (10-15 tons/rai/year), corn fodder stalks (12-18 tons/rai/year), and cassava (10-12 tons/rai/year). This project will support the government project’s aim to increase the number of goats and sheep to 300,000 and the number of cattle to 273,000 in the Southern border.
Development of Rubber Central Market in Yala – This market can solve the problem of price suppression by the local middlemen. The rubber holders who sold their rubber in the Rubber Central Market got higher price than the local market (5.73 baht/kg). During 2008-2011, the volume of rubber in the central market had reached to average 2,968.11 tons/year, valued at 281.16 million baht/year. This Rubber Central Market also announces the actual buying and selling price of rubber daily. The farmers can followed this price as the reference price for selling their rubber sheet .
3. The collaborating farmers became farmers leaders and enable the creation of farmers networks that leads to more adoption of crop production technologies and improved the livelihood of the farmers, create biological diversity, and sustainability in the crop production system of the farmers.
4. Building the skill of the farmers in understanding and access to knowledge on the production of economic and important local crops in accordance with the principles of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) of the Department of Agriculture, to enable the farmers to use the knowledge and to be developed and adopted in the locality in order to minimize the risk and reduce the production cost and increased income, and consequently would result to upgrade the quality of life of the farmer households in the long term.
5. Strengthen the capacity of the community in establishing networks in order to attain self sufficiency and reliance following the principle of sufficiency economy of His Majesty the King.
The project has established sustainability thru introduction to the farmers on the principle “Understanding Approaching and Developing” of the His Majesty the King as a vision and guideline for agricultural production, livelihood generation, formation of farmer groups, creation of farmers’networks , expanded to the nearby areas and build up the knowledge and exchange their experiences within and outside their groups. The sustainability also obtained by using participatory approach of the people in the areas.
The development of agricultural livelihood, increase the production volume of quality products, increased income, poverty alleviation thru an increase in the efficiency of the production in the agricultural sector to build sustainability on the process of livelihood development in the agricultural sector and empowerment to strengthen the community can transfer to the surrounded area and other commodities. Farmers who completed the training program and participated in the program of on farm trials have attempted to set up of farmer network groups as the project’s operations for marketing their product. For example;
1. Virgin coconut oil by two-farmer network groups from Chana district, Songkhla province, it has been also introduced to the new member as well as contributed in scaling up of four other farmer network groups in Namom district, Songkhla province.
2. The operation of the sweet corn farmer network group in Tapae district, Satun province and Mueang district, Yala province
3. The farmer network groups of longkong production in the five southern border provinces
4. The production of rubber green-budded stump and seedlings by the farmer network groups in Yala province and Songkhla province.