Passport services
Kantor Imigrasi I Jakarta Selatan

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Passport is a state document needed by citizens to undertake a cross border activities between countries. Due to its importance, therefore, passport is public services product that becomes one of the main public spotlights. It often gets sharp critics from the public because of its bureaucratic problems and was full of middlemen’ practices. b. Negative opinions from the public regarding the passport services can be seen in social networks as well as in the printed and electronic news media before 2012. The news have triggered the passport service providers to improve its quality to the optimum standard. c. Before 2012, to make passport, the public was faced with a number of obstacles such as middlemen’s practices, long queues in front of the counters, and uncertainty of completion time. All of these were caused by: 1) online application that has not been intensively socialized, so that many passport applicants used the walk-in lane, prompting the middlemen involved in transcations with them. 2) the queueing number was used manually 3) certainty of completion d. Internal improvement related to the transparency and accountability of passport services was done through an initiative proposal that has been forwarded to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the vertical institution of the South Jakarta Immigration Office. The proposal used the “Integrity Survey of Corruption Eradication Commission” (KPK)’s measurement from the previous years of 2010, 2011, and 2012 to improve the business process of passpost completion. e. The Public Sector Integrity Survey was a report undertook by the KPK to net the respondentss experience in applying for their passports. The minimum integrity standard determined by the KPK in this survey was 6,00 of the 0 up to 10,00 scale. The bigger the scale, the better the integrity. The survey assessment was done by combining two elements e.g. integrity experience (0,667 weight) reflecting the respondent’s experience about the level of corruption they experienced; and the integrity potentials (0,333 weight) reflecting the factors contributing to the occurrence of corruption.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Based on inputs from public participation channel, social media, and also management’s commitment to improve the business process of passport completion, a number of steps were taken namely : 1. The queueing system was developed using electronic method in the form of multichanneling to devide the passport application into three, e.g. individual arrival, online and via service bureau. 2. Online application in the South Jakarta Immigration Office that has been started since 2010 has made the pasport application easier. The applicants do not have to bring documents to the office. After filling up the forms electronically the applicants can go directly to the office to undertake a self-photo and interview. 3. Banking payment through the BNI Bank in order to reduce queueing in the immigration office payment counter. This was a significant breakthough that the impact was felt by both the applicants and payment counter employees as they don’t have to make a long queue with the manual payment. Payment through the BNI Bank were conducted on the host-to-host basis which linking the passport application network with the BNI Bank network for confirmation of applicants data who will or have done payment in the bank so that the immigration employees were only to automatically check in the system without the presence of the applicants. 4. Improvement office’s infrastrucutre by extending the loading capacity of the waiting and services rooms for comfortability. 5. Opening two passport services branch offices to break the concentration of applicants, and to outreach a greater public. Through this implementation, the general public felt the easiness in applying for new as well as extention of passports. This better services have increased the volume of passport issuance especially those who used online system from 45.000 applicants in 2012 to 55.000 in 2013, thanks to the time certainty, employees professionalism, office’s comfortability, and services information.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
a. The change of passport’s business process related to the queueing and documentation methods as well as payment of passport through banking services was in a creative innovation to overcome the increase of passport applicants and provide services certainty to immigration services users. b. Improvement of infrastructure and the opening of two branch offices is the only Immigration Office in Indonesia that to do that in order to break the great number of applicants’ concentration from the main branch office to the “satellite” offices.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The strategy took to implement the program, among others: - Shifting paradigm of passport services into tangible and fundamental change; - Improving the business process by identifying bottlenecks and management constraints; - Cutting the ‘waiting time’ using e-payment system;

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The stakeholders among other things are : a. The general public who give input through media, b. Guidance of Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights through an informal meeting and discussion with the management and staff of the South Jakarta Immigration Office, c. Heads of Directorate General of Immigration, d. Immigration Office, all structural Officials and satff of the South Jakarta Immigration Office, and e. The BNI Bank which conducted a joint role with the immigration office to design a business process for passport payment through the bank.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Resources used for the initiative are : a. Financing of the initiatve for passport services change is made available from the South Jakarta Immigration Office’s budget (DIPA); b. The Management of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (DIPA approval); c. The Ministry of Finance (related to the change of PMK for the the non-tax income uses/PNBP), and d. Directorate General of Immigration (for consultation on the use of Immigration’s PNBP).

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The most successful outputs are : 1. An increase in the percentage of the community satisfaction index (IKM) from 70 percent in 2012 to 75 percent in 2013 on passport services, and variables used in the IKM survey are : a. Services Procedures b. Services Requirement c. Clarity of Services Employees d. The Services Employees’ Discipline e. Services Employees’s Accountability f. Services Employees’ Capability g. The fastness of Services h. Fairness in Obtaining Services i. Friendliness and Politeness of Services Employees j. Fittingness of Payment Services k. Certainty of Services Cost l. Certainty of Services Schedule m. Environmentally Friendly n. Services Security, and o. Middlemen’ Practices. 2. The percentage of application users of on line passport increased from 55 percent (45.000 applications) in 2012 to 65 percent (55.000 applications) in 2013. It means that the public felt the easiness impact of using the oline passport application facilities as compared to walk-in method (directly come to the immigration office).

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The systems that were put in place to monitor progress and evaluate the activities are: a. Informally, the public monitor the implementation of passport services in the South Jakarta Immigration Office and provide their inputs or critics directly through the office’s customer care, or electronic media such as the office’s twitter or facebook. It has an immigration information and data management (PPID) which continuously monitors and provides feedback of inputs, critics and suggestions of the general public regarding passport services given by the Office. All of these become an evaluation materials for the new passport business process. b. Formally, the Head of the South Jakarta Immigration Office established a Review Team for the new passport business process consisting of structural officials and passport division staff to conduct monitoring and evaluation of passport business process comprehensively. The main obstacles encountered, and efforts to overcome them are: a. Regarding the innovation of passport business process change, staff’s lack of sufficient knowledge was a specific challenge that consumed time and energy. To mitigate that, and provide a better understanding of the innovation, a socialization and “coffee morning” session were held every Friday morning before the service time open. b. Staff’s resistance who, as part of mindset and culture set problems, did not want their “comfort zone” taken away as a result of the new business process’s implementation. To mitigate that, a reward and punishment methods were applied both for the staff who followed the change and those who did not want to. As it’s not an easy task, through an informal approach, they were invited to attend a joint coffee meeting and altogether discuss the changes around their respective tasks. Qualitatively, the staff concerned changed their mindset and eventually understood the benefits of the new business process for better serving the public.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles encountered, and efforts to overcome them are: a. Regarding the innovation of passport business process change, staff’s lack of sufficient knowledge was a specific challenge that consumed time and energy. To mitigate that, and provide a better understanding of the innovation, a socialization and “coffee morning” session were held every Friday morning before the service time open. b. Staff’s resistance who, as part of mindset and culture set problems, did not want their “comfort zone” taken away as a result of the new business process’s implementation. To mitigate that, a reward and punishment methods were applied both for the staff who followed the change and those who did not want to. As it’s not an easy task, through an informal approach, they were invited to attend a joint coffee meeting and altogether discuss the changes around their respective tasks. Qualitatively, the staff concerned changed their mindset and eventually understood the benefits of the new business process for better serving the public.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The key benefits resulting from this initiative are : a. As a result of the new passport business process which was gradually started from 2012, it has given several positive impacts not only for the public, but also for the work-pattern applied in the business process by the South Jakarta Immigration Office. The changed work-pattern are as follows : i. The discipline in passport documentation process is far better because there’s no more space for deviation as proven by the increase of the Administrative System Integrity variables (SOP reform and Information Opennes) of the Corruption Eradication Commission/KPK) from 2011 at 6.17 to 6.34 in 2012. ii. Space for wild money picking is far narrower, making the chance of deviation is also narrower. It has the relevance from the integrity indicator variable (middleman and gratification space)according to the KPK’s survey from 6.96 in 2011 to 7.03 in 2012. iii. Fisrt in first served system in the business process has received a positive appreciation and made the deviance chance narrower as shown from the public’s view regarding the point comparison from 6.22 in 2011 to 7.20 in 2012, b. Likewise, the increase of the community satisfaction index (IKM) measured in 2012 from 70 percent to 75 percent in 2013, has proven that there was a significant quality improvement of passport services

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The sustainability and transferability of the initiative are: a. As one of the public demands, passport services is a sustainable process because of people’s needs to do a cross-border journeys. Therefore, an improvement of business process is a sustainable activities. b. As the South Jakarta Immigration Office has become an exemplary office for the whole immigration offices in Indonesia, therefore, by adopting the initiative, passport application in this Office has become best practices that can be implemented and replicated by the other immigration offices in Indonesia and even in other foreign countries.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The lessons learned : a. Conducting a change from business as usual into a new one is not an easy work and it needs a focus, financial as well as management supports in order that the change of program can be effectively and efficiently implemented; b. The change of passport business process is a change of the immigration’s core business in passport services for the public. Therefore, the change of the services could contribute to the better services for the general public, and c. The pilot project conducted by the South Jakarta Immigration Office by changing its business process, it can be a benchmark for the standard application of passport services throughout Indonesia.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Kantor Imigrasi I Jakarta Selatan
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Andry Indrady
Title:   Head of Entry Permit  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62 811117881
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 207
Postal Code:   12790
City:   South Jakarta
State/Province:   Jakarta

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