klima:aktiv is the Austrian initiative for climate protection launched by the “Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management” (BMLFUW). The program fosters a competitive low-carbon economy based on efficient and sustainable use of resources, the protection of the environment, and, the establishment of innovative green technologies and production practises in high quality.
klima:aktiv follows the idea of a market transformation towards green markets, with the aim to raise the share of renewables and of energy efficient products and services. Essential for the market transformation approach is an active and comprehensive inclusion of all relevant market players and stakeholders.
The 5 core activities of klima:aktiv are:
1. Training of klima:aktiv professionals:
klima:aktiv coordinates trainings and educations in the various fields and safeguards the high qualifications of professionals needed. The main focus is on advanced vocational training. Pilot trainings and seminars are designed and introduced in the training market in cooperation with universities, technical colleges, educational service of the chamber of commerce etc. klima:aktiv is contributing as an innovation manager for advanced vocational trainings in the fields of renewables and energy efficiency.
The klima:aktiv competence partners - plumbers, owners of biomass plants, planners, chimney sweepers, architects, master builders, planners, energy advisers, ecodrive trainers and mobility managers - profit from high quality trainings and the knowledge about quality standards.
2. Setting standards and safeguarding quality:
Young and booming innovative markets often cannot provide for quality. It is important to build up trust for the supply and the demand to stabilise innovative markets. Therefore, klima:aktiv focuses on safeguarding quality by
• introducing quality standards for products and services, i.e. klima:aktiv building standard
• introducing quality management systems, i.e. for biomass district heating systems
• empowering consumers to check the quality of services, e.g. with the help of checklists and by
• providing handbooks and quality tools for professionals
• providing support and advise for planners, e.g. planning audits for complex solar thermal systems
3. Providing information and raising awareness:
klima:aktiv gives independent information to relevant subjects and demonstrates the direct advantages of climate protection actions and products for the consumers. Generally the information material avoids moralizing and “teaching” and aims to provide practically relevant information. In 2012, already 46% of the Austrians recognized the brand and positive reliable qualities are associated to the brand: economic, positive, modern, dynamic and ecological. klima:aktiv provides on-line information platforms to empower consumers, companies and professionals to take actions in their context. klima:aktiv is present on about 1500 event days every year, which is possible due to the broad network all over Austria.
4. Providing advice and support:
In klima:aktiv the main target groups for advisory activities are companies, municipalities and public administrations as well as schools, youth, the leisure and tourism sector. klima:aktiv offers expert consulting and technical support to increase efficiency of production processes, to retrofit building stocks, to introduce mobility management or to change procurement to energy efficient appliances and IT-systems. klima:aktiv encourages the empowerment of the existing consultant structures in Austria by providing new support tools, by setting up bench marking systems for energy efficiency and by training consultants in specific topics.
5. Activating stakeholder and networking with partners:
Successful climate protection needs the power and the commitment of the divers existing initiatives and networks as well as of the provinces and of the economy. klima:aktiv provides a cooperation platform for these partners. The cooperation with the market partners generates one of the main impacts of klima:aktiv: with the market knowledge and consumer relation, market partners, on the one hand, multiply the impact of klima:aktiv activities. On the other hand, the partners profit from growing markets, from the innovative knowhow provided and from the image of klima:aktiv.
Global climate change affects societies in a complex manner. There is a lack of integrated strategies to tackle the problem. klima:aktiv takes an systemic and comprehensive approach to tackle the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a broad variety system interventions in cooperation with relevant stakeholders, which makes klima:aktiv an unique project within the European Union.
• is a well-integrated, national climate protection initiative with noticeable effects on the market structures
• has a very well established umbrella brand with noticeable effects on the market structures
• achieves a good multiplier effect due to active cooperation with all stakeholders
• is exemplary for its motivational function
• guarantees quality through excellent management structures as well as the strict monitoring and reporting system
• offers a target oriented strategy and support framework to promote and accelerate the transition to environmental friendly technology
• is building on partnerships with cities and regional governments, companies, private sector
• capacity building and certification helps to keep results
• complementary awareness raising targeting the broad public and the individual citizen
The initiative is internationally admitted as an instrument for climate policy: After carrying out a general evaluation of the initiative in 2012, regarding fulfilment of overall goals as well as possible improvements, the Wuppertal Institute of Germany has addressed the exemplary comprehensive approach and unique design in Europe.