A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Prior to SPLN, government agencies abroad primarily use Panjar Tiga Per Dua Belas (Imprest 3/12) facility for payment of their operational cost. Imprest 3/12 holders are being allocated certain ceiling amount of cash float which approximately can sustain overseas operational cost for three months and respectively has their own bank account. Recoupment must be made on monthly basis so that all transactions can be journalized into Government Financial Management and Accounting System (GFMAS), a centralized Federal Government of Malaysia accounting system. Thus, it is mandatory for the Imprest 3/12 holders to prepare monthly submission of physical financial documents such as Imprest Certificate, Cash Book, Bank Statement, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Payment Voucher etc. to their respective ministries/department. All of these processes were manually operated system (Figure A). There were 5 major issues from this manually operated system,; a. Delay in account of revenue/expenditure in average of 2 months. This had resulted inaccurate reports and led to inaccurate decision-making especially at year-end closing period; b. Significant amount of government’s monies held abroad which consists of imprest float and collections not remitted to Malaysia; c. Lack of budgetary control had led to malpractice of non-budgetary expenses; d. Work redundancy among overseas and home-based personnel had caused non-value added activities such as casting, input etc.; and e. Escalation of cost of sending manually operated physical documents/report to Malaysia for recoupment purposes.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
SPLN is an electronic financial management and accounting system which was developed by Accountant’s General Department of Malaysia (JANM). The objective of this system is to provide overseas accounting solution for government agencies’ located abroad. SPLN development is consistent with the decision from Ministry Secretary General and Head of Service Meeting Volume 5 Year 2011, to establish more efficient financial management system couple with the use of online banking system. Currently, there are 154 Imprest 3/12 holders from various ministries/departments are as follows: MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT No. Of Imprest 3/12 holder abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs 108 Ministry of Defence 26 Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries 7 Ministry of Education 6 Ministry of International Trade and Industries 3 Royal Customs Department of Malaysia 1 Public Service Department 2 Immigration Department of Malaysia 1 TOTAL 154 In 2009, proposal had been put forward on the implementation of computerized financial management and accounting system to replace inefficient and ineffective manually operated Imprest 3/12 system. Pursuant to the proposal, rigorous study had been conducted in order to find the best development options/model for computerized accounting system for government office abroad whilst taking into the account of budgetary constraint. After careful deliberation of the study, JANM’s top management has decided that development of new financial management and accounting system for government offices abroad should be based on modification of current system known as Sistem Perakaunan Berkomputer Standard Kerajaan Negeri (SPEKS).

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Based on the study, JANM’s top management decided that development of new financial management and accounting system for government offices abroad should be based on modification of current system known as Sistem Perakaunan Berkomputer Standard Kerajaan Negeri (SPEKS). Decision was based on the following criteria: a. SPEKS is the time-tested system and has been successfully implemented in eleven (11) state governments in Malaysia; b. Basic system architecture of SPEKS is suitable to be adapted in SPLN. Therefore, its only requires minimum modification to promote functionality; and c. Cost of development is relatively low compared to totally new development design from scratch. Although SPLN development was based on SPEKS, there are several notable functions which was being re-innovated to accommodate the objective of SPLN SPEKS SPLN Currency Malaysia Ringgit (RM) only Multi currency Operation 5 working days 24 hours, 7 days a week Imprest Petty cash Imprest 3/12 Accounting office State Treasury Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs SPLN’s innovative and creative characteristics are as follows: a. It is web-based system and accessible via internet to a single server system which is located at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Putrajaya; b. It is well-equipped with security features and internal control systems thus minimize the risk of trespassers and power abuse. Additionally, SPLN was design to harbor on special dedicated secure line tunnel (Virtual Private Network) which need further verification via user identification and password; c. Ability to handle multi-currency transactions simultaneously and also in-built auto conversion facility so that allocation (in RM) can monitored effectively against expenditure (in foreign currency); d. In-built system control on non-budgetary expenditure which leads to effective budgetary control; e. Payment and collection transactions will be updated daily to GFMAS. Thus, it has solved the 2 months accounting delay under manually operated system; and f. Ministry/department and PTJ can now be able to find out accurate and fast current financial performance on real time basis via online at any time. SPLN operational overview is shown as per Figure B and C

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
SPLN implementation will be led by Ministry of Foreign Affair (KLN) as SPLN Accounting Office. Whereas all the government agencies abroad will become SPLN’s Responsibility Centre (PTJ) irrespective on which ministry/department they belongs to. As long as PTJ is located abroad, they are subjected SPLN Accounting Office. This move is in conjunction with resolution stated in General Circular Vol. 2 Year 2009, Government of Malaysia Administrative System (SPKM). SPKM mention that all relevant aspects of management of Malaysian Representative and government agencies abroad is centralized under the management of Chancery (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). SPLN maiden implementation began in July 2013 with 3 pilot locations i.e. Jakarta, Singapore and New Delhi. Training was conducted by system vendor. This inaugural pilot implementation was in accordance with the spirit of Blue Ocean Strategy. Besides, JANM and KLN officers, representatives from all relevant ministries/department had also participated in assistance to SPLN users at those 3 locations. The presence of officers from all relevant ministries/department is parallel with the effort to promote better understanding and experience in preparation for the next roll-out period. Initially, the implementation of SPLN was set to replace the old manually operated Imprest 3/12 system. It means all payments to overseas payee to be made through Telegraphic Transfers (TT) from Malaysia. However, pilot implementation yielded valuable case scenario that the presence of Imprest 3/12 system is inevitable as to address domestic issues at certain countries. There are payments need to paid by cheque such as utilities, lack of confidence among payees towards their banking system and also tax imposed on TT from overseas by the government. In due respect of those domestic issues, the roll out plan was temporarily put on halt as to make way for further development of totally new electronic Imprest 3/12. The newly-developed Imprest 3/12 system was designed in line with the SPLN characteristics although its operational protocol remains status quo. This additional development on SPLN was duly completed in February 2013. SPLN roll out recommenced in March 2013 and it will take 2 years to complete the plan. Details of the plan are as follows: Details 2013 2014 Total No. of PTJ 98 56 154 No. of locations 58 48 106 No. of countries 39 45 84* *2 years of implementation for India due to differences in 4 location Below are statistical data on roll out performance as at 30 November 2013 Details Target Achievement Percentage No. of PTJ 98 90 92% No. of locations 58 53 91% No. of countries 39 36 92%

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
SPLN is being implemented in accordance to the spirit of Blue Ocean Strategy. Officers from relevant ministries/departments are also participating in assistance to SPLN user at the pilot/roll-out location abroad. JANM has also moved into collaborative efforts and financial resources with the above-mentioned 8 ministries/department in term of input for system modification/enhancement, testing and hence providing officer during the implementation on each roll-out location. This strategic collaborative effort has yielded exceptional public service delivery system especially to our stakeholders abroad.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Financially, total amount spent on development of SPLN system application per se was RM630,000. Whereas, the remaining initial cost paid for hardware and software related cost such as server, Oracle support and license was around RM1,850,000. As of to date, JANM has spent RM1,790,000 for roll-out exercise to respective PTJ abroad which includes in situ training and travel-related cost for JANM’s trainer. SPLN’s server actively in operation for 24 hours and 7 days a week. Thus, it requires consistent maintenance and support service because it cannot afford downtime consequently jeopardize PTJ’s operation abroad. On average, yearly maintenance and support service is about RM695,000. This implementation cost of SPLN project is solely being financed by internal fund of Federal Government of Malaysia. On technical aspect, SPLN project involve collaborative efforts between JANM, system vendor and 8 ministries/departments throughout development stage in term of input for system modification/enhancement and testing. SPLN project management being done internally, hence it does not implicate material additional of human resource cost.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Development cost saving SPLN was developed based modifications of Sistem Perakaunan Standad Kerajaan Negeri (SPEKS). It has been effectively used by 11 state governments and it was fully developed using local content. Furthermore, the basic system architecture of SPEKS is suitable to be adapted in SPLN. Therefore, its only requires minimum modification in order to function effectively. Hence, development cost is relatively low compared to totally new development design from scratch. Daily update of accounting transaction Under SPLN all overseas accounting transactions are updated on real time basis at SPLN server, transaction for the day will then be updated to GFMAS server. This has ultimately solved previous accounting anomaly of inaccurate financial report due to 2 months accounting delay particularly at year-end accounting period. Automatic calculation on gain or loss on foreign exchange Administratively, government employs single monthly rate of currency exchange based on rate published by Central Bank. Those rates are duly updated into SPLN for the purpose of translating payment vouchers or collection from foreign currencies to MYR for consolidation at SPLN Accounting Office. Gain or loss on foreign currency is the difference between JANM monthly and daily market spot rate. It occurs when MYR is reconverted to foreign currency using daily market spot rate for payment to overseas payee via Telegraphic Transfers. Prior to SPLN, the calculation of gain or loss on forex were done manually. With SPLN, this utterly tedious and time consuming work has been duly taken over by the system. Promote effective cash management Under SPLN environment, on average more than 50 percent of payments to overseas payees are made through Telegraphic Transfer from Malaysia. Consequently, the level of dependency towards Imprest 3/12 has become less significant. Now the earlier intention to reduce monies floating abroad has come into reality subject to further study. Monies brought home can be optimized to generate income, thus promote effective cash management. Simplification of work processes Single point entry concept in SPLN has eliminated non value added activities such as duplication of work. For instance, approved payment vouchers/receipt will simultaneously update respective reports in the system such as cash book, allocation details etc.. These reports can be generated at any time with no frequent limit. Consequently, this will reduce the work load and promote better quality and productivity.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
SPLN operations span across different continent and time zone. It has produced great challenge especially for operational and technical support to user from different continent and time zone throughout the world. For that reason, JANM as system provider has developed additional online user support platform which is operational for 24 hours and 7 days a week. E-helpdesk serves as mechanism or platform of interaction between system provider and end-user abroad where user can log any problem via online. This web-based system is used as monitoring and supporting tool for any occurrence of technical or operational issues at the respective locations. The design of the system is based on sharing of problems where previously reported problems/issues are kept in the system for future references.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Originally, SPLN was set to replace manually operated Imprest 3/12 and all payment must be made through TT from Malaysia. However, pilot implementation at first 3 locations found that there were circumstances that SPLN initial operational model was not workable. Because there were instances where payments via TT not possible due to domestic issues such as banking restriction, payment culture and also operational-related differences. Users abroad demanded that Imprest 3/12 system should remain status quo. This had put roll out plan on halt as SPLN needs further development of electronic Imprest 3/12 as solution of countries’ indigenous issues. Development was completed in February 2013 and roll-out exercise resume in March 2013. Currently, SPLN viability depends on network capacity and capability at implementation locations abroad. This is another obstacle that can jeopardize the implementation effort. Therefore, series of network testing had been conducted to evaluate internet accessibility between PTJs abroad and KLN’s server in Putrajaya. Generally, the evaluation suggested SPLN accessibility has not been compromised. So far apart from the issue above, there have been no genuine obstacles faced during the implementation. Generally, most of the users abroad lauded JANM move to implement SPLN especially with newly in-built electronic Imprest 3/12. In fact, this is the kind of system that they have been waiting for. The only major challenge is to convince them that SPLN will assist them become more efficient and effective in their job. Therefore, effective change management strategy from JANM and relevant ministries/department is vital to ensure SPLN’s success.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
SPLN was developed based modifications of Sistem Perakaunan Standad Kerajaan Negeri (SPEKS). It has been effectively used by 11 state governments and it was fully developed using local content. SPEKS basic system architecture was seen as the best available options to be adapted in SPLN. Therefore, its only requires minimum modification in order to function effectively. Hence, development cost is relatively low compared to totally new development design from scratch. It is centralised maintenance because SPLN server is located in Putrajaya thus entails cost saving. The most important criteria that SPEKS has already been endorsed by Auditor’s General Department thus implying SPLN auditor’s conformity. Since the introduction of SPLN, all overseas accounting transactions are updated on real time basis at SPLN server, and transaction for the day will then be updated to GFMAS server. This has ultimately solved previous accounting anomaly of inaccurate financial report due to 2 months accounting delay particularly at year-end accounting period. SPLN has also made direct payment via TT to payees’ account abroad and can be made in full without incurring any charges. On average more than 50 percent of payments to overseas payees are made through Telegraphic Transfer from Malaysia. Consequently, the level of dependency towards Imprest 3/12 has become less significant. Now the earlier intention to reduce monies floating abroad has come into reality subject to further study. Monies brought home can be optimized to generate income, thus promote effective cash management. Moreover, SPLN implementation has filled internal control gap on non-budgetary expenses among government offices abroad therefore leads to effective budgetary control.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
This initiative has proven that such strategic cooperation in accordance to the spirit of Blue Ocean Strategy can produce excellent delivery system. JANM very proud to mention that SPLN development model is a success because we were able to uplift this “recycled” SPLN system to turn into such huge operational impact. This is because, since its maiden implementation in July 2013, SPLN has able to put tremendous improvement in accounting and operational effectiveness government agencies abroad. In term of system sustainability, various efforts have been put in place such as deployment of High Availability Server to ensure uninterrupted user operation abroad. 24 hours support system for user has also been established i.e. online-based e-helpdesk system as reporting and interaction platform between user and SPLN administrators. Detail functional operation manuals also being supplied to user to enhance their understanding. At this moment, SPLN operational boundary is limited to Modified Cash-Based System and it is not suitable for some of government statutory bodies abroad which already moved to accrual-based accounting. However, moving forward SPLN will be converted to accrual-based system by year 2015. This is parallel to Federal Government of Malaysia policy to adopt accrual-based system by year 2015. Once SPLN is converted to accrual-based accounting system, and then only become possible to be recommended to other government statutory bodies abroad. Henceforward, other ministries/departments are lauded to replicate of this approach of development in the implementation of any new program as it is proven cost effective and also leads to operational excellence. Because by not “reinventing the wheel” money saved can be used for other transformational purpose.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Implementing new system such as SPLN demanded enormous effort, because its require transformation of work procedure. It poses great challenge particularly in term of change management exercise to local staff abroad. Resistance to change among officers abroad does occurs at some place due to sense of ambiguity and apprehension towards newly-introduced SPLN. They need to be convinced that SPLN utterly motive is nothing more than promoting operational effectiveness and efficiency. Thus proper application of change strategy must be used to ‘unfreeze’ their long-practice habit on old work procedure. In addition, each country presents unique indigenous differences in term of banking system, culture, network policy, labour law, human rights law and so on. Therefore, trainers in-charge at particular location must apply their level best of judgement and deliberation to provide solution and advice. Therefore, it is important for the trainer readiness by gathering vital information for particular roll-out location so that viable advice can be given. In the context of Malaysian public sector, in order to boost its delivery systems, the usage of Information Systems and Information Technology in Malaysian government institutions is inevitable. The launching of Malaysian Public Sector Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Strategic Plan in 2003 seeks to transform, modernize and enhance the application of information technology in government ministries and relevant agencies. This is implemented via linking organization’s ICT strategy to its vision, mission, issues and challenge and enhancing usage of ICT infrastructure, application systems, databases, etc in the workplace. Therefore, modernization of operational system has become an integral part of the public sector delivery mechanism. This is particularly so in the era of globalization, advances in technology and increasing competitiveness, there are challenges that government agencies needs to improve on its performance especially in delivering better services to the people or stakeholders. Given these challenges and highly competitive environment, implementation of reliable system at workplace is vital to increase work efficiency and effectiveness. As a matter of fact, business and government organizations nowadays have increased their attention and have made considerable investments in using ICT-based systems in their workplace. This is because ICT-based systems are part of value adding activities for acquiring, transforming and distributing information so that managers can use it for quality decision making.

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