4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The implementation road map devised for the success of the Saemaul Undong globalization initiative of Gyeongsangbuk-do involves the steps of project planning, implementation, and evaluation through feedback. First, in the planning phase, the needs of the recipient countries are identified. The ripple effect of Saemaul Undong is maximized by implementing the project based on discerning actual needs, rather than one-sided diffusion of the project. Action plans are devised with a focus on projects that are needed locally, including changing residents’ attitudes, enhancing the living environment, promoting income generation, and improving health care. In addition, effectiveness is increased through division of labor and collaboration with relevant agencies, including the recipient countries and KOICA.
Second, the implementation phases involves recruiting volunteers, providing (joint) training, creating an action plan, dispatching volunteers, and implementing the actual project. To enhance project effectiveness, five or six individuals are recruited from each village to form a group of volunteers. Training is carried out for three to four weeks at the Saemaul Academy (a specialized institute for Saemaul training), and the completed action plan is provided for implementation in the pertinent village. With respect to dispatch of volunteer groups, ninety people have been sent to fifteen villages in five countries, where Saemaul projects are implemented jointly alongside the local community members.
Third, in the evaluation and feedback phase, self-evaluation takes place at the top levels at least once a year to identify problems and measures for improvement.
To carry out actual implementation activities, first, Saemaul Undong volunteer groups are dispatched and pilot villages are created. Fifteen villages are currently being targeted in the following five countries: Ethiopia (5), Tanzania (4), Rwanda (4), the Philippines (1), and India (1). With a total commitment of 6 billion KRW (2.8 billion KRW from the Province of Gyeongsangbuk-do and 3.2 billion KRW from KOICA) to be allocated to the villages over a five-year period, project costs will cover such activities as changing residents’ attitudes, promoting income generation, and enhancing the living environment.
Second, foreigners are invited to attend Saemaul training. Initially started in 2005 and now supported by an annual commitment of 450 million KRW, training is delivered by the Kyungwoon University Saemaul Academy, a private organization, which provides two to four weeks of training per round. Saemaul training recipients include village leaders from Saemaul pilot villages (50 leaders from 15 village in 5 countries), Saemaul leaders from other developing countries in Asia and Africa (50), and foreign students studying in Korea (about 100). The core content of the training includes transfer of the theoretical basis and success stories of Saemaul Undong; site visits and hands-on practice; and development of action plans applicable to their own countries.
Third, the project involves overseas activities for Saemaul volunteer groups of college students. Initially started in 2007 and now supported by an annual commitment of 250 million KRW, this sub-project entails dispatching volunteers to areas in Africa and Southeast Asia (in 2013, volunteers traveled to Ethiopia, Indonesia, and the Philippines). Major activities include volunteer efforts to improve the living environment, volunteer medical services, diffusion of Korean culture, promotion of Saemaul Undong and its spirit, cultural experiences, and university student exchange.
Lastly, the project involves creating Korean-style Millennium Villages. A joint project of the UN and the Province of Gyeongsangbuk-do, this effort seeks to aid the development of developing countries in Africa. Through a commitment of $8 million USD raised in a system of governance that includes international and private agencies ($6.5 million from KOICA, $750,000 from Gyeongsangbuk-do, and $750,000 from the UNWTO ST-EP Foundation), four Korean-style Millennium Villages were created over a five-year period from 2009 to 2013, in Tanzania (the villages of Isenga and Msimba in the Mbola region) and Uganda (the villages of Kabugu and Kanywamaizi in the Ruhiira region). The performance results of this project include completion of large-scale projects related to drinking water, electricity, roads, and sanitation facilities, and identification of sustainable business development opportunities.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The propulsion and implementation of the Saemaul Undong globalization initiative of Gyeongsangbuk-do has involved the joint participation of a variety of principals, including KOICA, UNDP, recipient countries, academic institutions including Kyungwoon University and Yeungnam University, and private sector entities like POSCO and Daegu Bank. Gyeongsangbuk-do, the project sponsor, handles activities like devising implementation plans for Saemaul Undong globalization, recruiting and dispatching volunteer groups, implementing on-site projects, and monitoring and evaluating the progress of the project.
KOICA handles basic preparatory training on cultural literacy and local adaptation for volunteer groups, supports their placement and settlement, and administers services for evaluation teams. Kyungwoon University and Yeungnam University cultivate Saemaul experts with advanced degrees and deliver Saemaul training to Saemaul leaders and volunteer groups. Private entities like POSCO and Daegu Bank provide financial support and appropriate technology.
The national governments of recipient countries recommend target pilot villages and provide support for on-site projects. And UNDP implements Saemaul pilot projects in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America, at a rate of one country per region. Through division of labor and collaboration with these agencies, project implementation is systematic, efficient, and effective.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
To enable systematic implementation of the Saemaul Undong globalization initiative of Gyeongsangbuk-do, a cooperative system has been established involving a variety of agencies and organizations, each participating according to its purpose. First, in terms of financing, funding is provided by a consortium of the Province of Gyeongsangbuk-do, KOICA, and private organizations. Gyeongsangbuk-do commits 4.5 billion KRW annually (project costs for forming pilot villages, inviting and training leaders from the pertinent countries, recruiting and training volunteers); KOICA commits 3.8 billion KRW annually (local expenses and placement costs for volunteer groups), and Daegu Bank and POSCO provide about 600 million KRW annually.
To address technological issues, retired POSCO employees apply their professional knowledge to provide appropriate technologies applicable to the relevant locality. Administrative assistance is provided by retired civil servants from the National Pension Service of Korea, using the know-how they gained from public service.
To foster the necessary human resources, advanced education is provided by the graduate program of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul at Yeungnam University and by the Kyungwoon University Saemaul Academy, which provides training for domestic and foreign Saemaul leaders. With the cooperation of academia, private enterprise, and relevant agencies, the Province of Gyeongsangbuk-do plays a central leadership role by providing the human and material resources needed for the globalization of Saemaul Undong.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
In laying the foundation for sustainable development through improved living environments and increased income generation, the Saemaul globalization initiative of Gyeongsangbuk-do has achieved substantial outputs. First, local community members have voluntarily carried out Saemaul Undong activities themselves, greatly contributing to poverty reduction.
Second, remarkable achievements have been made in the areas like the following: inspiring organizational development and a “can-do” spirit of confidence; improving living environments through housing improvements, water supply projects, and new or refurbished latrines; and launching sources of income generation through projects like pilot farms, beekeeping, and mushroom cultivation. Another major output is enhanced public health and hygiene through education on disease prevention, oral hygiene, and hand-washing.
Third, through the installation of a water supply in the village of Adulala in Ethiopia (360 households, 1548 residents), locals living three kilometers away have been able to install their own pipes for a stable supply of drinking water. Fourth, the governments of recipient countries have been inspired to launch initiatives to disseminate Saemaul Undong. For example, in certain recipient countries like Rwanda and Ethiopia, the governments have opted to disseminate the Saemaul Undong model themselves after evaluating the Saemaul pilot village projects.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Assessment of project implementation involves both self-evaluation and external assessments by independent experts. Such evaluations examine the adequacy of the implementation process, including levels of community participation, project selection, and propulsion methods. Other multi-dimensional evaluations are done targeting volunteer groups, local community members, civil servants, and regional branch offices of KOICA.
In the self-evaluation process, the progress of projects is checked through regular team meetings, and solutions to problems are devised through discussion. In the system that has been devised, official evaluation briefing sessions are held following volunteer activities as a venue for feedback on what should be retained and passed along and what should be further developed, as well as various problems and outcomes that arose during the project. Frequent monitoring is also performed by Saemaul administrative personnel. They are dispatched to regional KOICA offices, and they perform frequent on-site checks of pilot projects of Saemaul Undong, reporting progress on a quarterly basis.
Evaluations by external experts are also performed. At least once every two years, specialized external agencies are commissioned to perform an overall evaluation of the pilot village project and check on areas that need improvement or remediation, and to put apparatuses in place to ensure the program runs smoothly and according to plan.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
There has generally been insufficient participation by the national and local governments of the recipient countries, the principal agents in disseminating and spreading Saemaul Undong. And, some of the countries seem to have the attitude of bystanders watching from the sidelines, which inhibits the desired ripple effect. In order to overcome such obstacles, MOUs for joint project implementation are signed with the national governments of recipient countries during the initial project implementation phase, which inspires a sense of ownership.
Next, due to insufficient support, on-site projects have at times been carried out inefficiently. In order to overcome this obstacle, expert volunteers equipped with know-how in the relevant fields have been dispatched, and appropriate technology has been provided. In addition, KOICA’s expert advisors (in the field of agriculture) have been dispatched for project guidance.
In addition, other constraints have arisen from factors like India’s caste system or the impediments to women’s community involvement (in activities) in Muslim countries. To overcome such obstacles, respect was shown for the local customs and culture, and voluntary community involvement was elicited through activities like women’s clubs.