4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Key developments and main activities for the development of EIA Consultant Registration Scheme are as following:
i) Development of criteria for registration.
ii) Development of training module for environmental consultants.
iii) Develop Guidance Document for EIA Consultants Registration Scheme.
iv) Develop Guidance Document on Continuous Professional Development.
v) Development of guidance for continuous performance evaluation.
vi) Stakeholder consultation.
vii) Annual Forum for EIA Consultants.
viii) Conducting training and seminar related to EIA Consultants Registration Scheme.
ix) Implementation of EIA Consultant Registration Scheme.
For Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme:
i. Drafting the Environmental Quality Regulations for Environmental Auditors.
ii. Drafting the Environmental Audit Guidance Manual.
iii. Development of criteria for registration.
iv. Development of Guidance Document for Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme.
v. Development of Guidance Document on Continuous Professional Development.
vi. Development of guidance on continuous performance evaluation.
vii. Stakeholder consultation.
x) Annual Forum for Environmental Auditors.
xi) Conducting training and seminar related to Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme.
xii) Implementation of Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The stakeholders involved were as follows:
i. Assessment Division, DOE Headquarter whom is responsible for EIA and Environmental audit.
ii. DOE officers who evaluate the EIA report and Environmental Audit report.
iii. Relevant government agencies.
iv. Consultant association e.g. ENSEARCH.
v. EIA Consultants.
vi. Environmental Auditors.
vii. Non-Governmental Organizations such as Malaysian Nature Society, WWF, Consumer Association etc
viii. Developers
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Initially, Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme, it was developed with the assistance from DANIDA. It was further developed under 9th Malaysian Plan (RMK-9) Development Project for Environmental Auditor Registration Scheme and improvement on EIA Consultant Registration Scheme was also carried out during this period of RMK-9. The project cost was RM1.2 million.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
(i) Commitment from the top management to improve the implementation of EIA and environmental audit in Malaysia
(ii) Financial support to run necessary activities
(iii) Competent and committed staff to carry out the tasks
(iv) Support from NGOs and developers for a better delivery system
(v) Facilities to conduct proper training
(vi) DOE initiatives to continuously improve public service delivery system.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
During the development of the EIA Consultant Registration Scheme/Environmental Audit Registration Scheme, progress was monitored through monthly reporting to the Committee Development. In addition, online reporting to Economic Planning Unit was also updated monthly.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Some consultants are reluctant to support the EIA Consultant Registration Scheme at first because they see it as another obstacle to be involved in EIA. Majority of them were not competent enough and some did not fulfill the minimum criteria set by DOE. However, DOE managed to get the necessary support from the competent consultants as well as other parties such as NGOs as they wish to see the improvement in the system.
As the initiative was handled internally by the Assessment Division of DOE, lack of manpower to review about 1000 applications received in the first three months were encountered. The management showed their support by allowing the personnels involved to focus just on processing the applications for that period.
In addition, some parties are not aware of the new requirements. Therefore, the DOE has taken initiative to advertise the requirements in newspapers.
Furthermore, massive effort was required to entertain calls, letters and e mails from applicants/ consultants. A group e-mail was later established to simplify communication matters among registered consultant/environmental auditor. All information has been uploaded to DOE Website, and later, a dedicated portal has been established for EIA.