Integrated Public Service Platform
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Citizens are required to submit various official documents to public institutions for their job applications, school registrations, government procedures and several other transactions. These documents are of a wide spectrum including military status document, criminal report, tax debt document, social security premium debt document and residence certificate. Citizens are asked for their military status document while enrolling at their universities. Tax debt document and social premium debt documents are required for attending public tenders. To benefit from municipal services such as central water service, you have to submit your residence certificate to relevant municipality. In order to get these documents, citizens must apply to responsible public institutions. Due to responsibility sharing among public institutions, citizens have to apply to different public institutions such as Recruitment Office of Ministry of National Defense, Tax offices, Prosecutor’s offices, Social Security Offices and Civil Registry Offices for acquiring different documents. Taking financial and time costs spent into account, not only citizens but also public institutions were suffering from fulfillment of this bureaucratic work. The main reason behind this bulkiness was lack of an online platform that would enable transferring secure data among different government institutions. After recognition of the problem, Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication (MOTMC) assigned pilot project to that enables transferring secure data among different government bodies. In addition, the project had to cover several issues like establishing virtual private networks, authentication, authorization, monitoring and reporting infrastructures due to lack of available system. Pilot project included the interoperability of military status document issued by Ministry of National Defense (MND). After implementation of the project universities began to check military status of students by using the implemented platform.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
When it was decided to reduce the paperwork, financial and time cost for military service status document (MSSD) operations, Turksat (technical contractor of e-government gateway project of Turkey) made a business development for this problem under the direction of Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication (MOTMC). After the interviews between Turksat and MND, it has been decided to launch a project which enables the government institutions to share their data online through a secure channel. By utilizing this project, universities would also check male university candidates’ military service status from MND. MOTMC and MND were determined as project owners while Turksat was identified as stakeholders of the project. Male university candidates and ROMDS’ officers who directly affected by the outputs of the project were the final beneficiary of the project. Furthermore, registration offices of universities were determined as secondary stakeholders because their responsibility of filing male university candidates’ military service status documents did not change through the use of online services. MND’s duties and responsibilities, databases have particular importance in terms of national security. For this reason, it was required to prepare a detailed feasibility study on administrative, legislative and technical aspects of the pilot project. In this regard, it has been agreed upon a project development that would not endanger the database of MND. After handling the legal issues, Turksat established Integrated Public Service Platform (PSP) via transferring secure data among government agencies could be possible. By using PSP, universities can check the military status of the students online. For this task, an officer at student affair units of a university is authorized to enter Integrated Public Service Platform ( via e-government password & national ID, mobile signature or electronic signature. Once entering the system, military status of students can be checked by utilizing the national ID of students. Technically, Integrated Public Service Platform enables transferring secure data among government agencies by utilizing Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Authorized and authenticated users of government agencies are able to access necessary information through existing VPNs between Turksat and Ministry of National Defense. With the establishment of PSP, not only military status of university candidates could be checked online, but also an online platform was created through many online public services can be utilized by government institutions and citizens. Over 75 million people of Turkey will benefit from this online platform through thousands of data can be shared among more than 400 public institutions. (look:

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
PSP is an online a platform that online data can be transferred securely among different government organizations via virtual private networks. Creative part of the initiative is removing the necessity of establishment of VPNs between all government organizations. Instead, the VPNs are established between Turksat and government organizations. In the long run duplication of investments will be avoided. Therefore, establishment, maintenance, management costs for transferring secure data will be reduced dramatically by connecting government institutions via Turksat. Furthermore, existence of marginal cost of connecting one government body to the platform will be minimized, because fixed costs have already been born at software development stage. The initiative also introduced a system that citizens can benefit in terms of easing bureaucratic works. Citizens started benefiting from public services without writing a petition and facing with public officers by utilizing operations that performs background.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Firstly, all plans including time, budget, quality, customer relations, accounting, purchasing plans and standards etc. are formed. Then, project team working at the e-government gateway project is assigned to PSP including first line first line workers as well as managers. The project team formed current business plan. In accordance with the business plan, it was decided to make interviews with public institutions to assess the problems which government institutions were exposed to. After making meetings with government institutions, a current situation analysis has been prepared. Important questions such as “what is the problem? Where does the problem occur? What is main reason behind this problem?” are answered at current situation analysis. After revealing current situation, a strategy defined that would be utilized at problem solving process. In compliance with the strategy; preparation, design, software, integration, authorization, authentication, implementation and monitoring phases were followed for pilot project. Taking into account of the expansion of project, the scope and content of the project are determined comprehensively. This is why it was decided to establish a platform by which MND as well as other government institutions could utilize. Business process diagrams were drawn for PSP and necessary tasks, responsibilities and resources were defined. After making necessary definitions design stage has been launched. A web site ( was established that would interoperate between government agencies. To establish necessary authorization and authentication modules to be utilized at website, necessary software has been developed. As a final stage, integration process has been completed via virtual private networks between Turksat and MND.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Several government institutions contributed to establishment of Integrated Public Service Platform. Turksat coordinated all stages of the initiative whereas Ministry of National Defence (MND) contributed to process regarding the relevant pilot project. Because the project has been undertaken by Turksat under the direction of Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication (MOTMC), MOTMC is also an important stakeholder of the initiative. 180 universities, 384 MNDs recruitment offices, public officers of these institutions, 501000 students benefited from the pilot project just in 2012. In the following years over 75000000 people of Turkey and over 400 Public Institutions will benefit from the platform with dissemination and transformation of the project. Hence, all Turkish people and government institutions will be the final beneficiary and stakeholder of the project in the following months. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Population and Citizenships Department, Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Board, Turkish Statistical Institute, Turkish National Police, Youth and Sport Department, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey are just a small part of stakeholders that will be integrated to PSP.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
From preparatory stage of the project to bringing it into service, different kinds of materials have been used by Turksat and Ministry of National Defence. (MND). At preparatory stage of the initiative, physical resources ( 50 computers, 5 routers, 3 network operating systems etc.) and non-physical sources (security systems, encryption software, database management systems etc.) have been used by MND and Turksat. Additionally, 50 software developers, 5 network experts, 10 technicians and 3 managers were involved as human resources at this stage. Although the sources used by Turksat and MND were similar mostly in quality, Turksat’s expenditures was much more than MND’s. At deployment and management stage of the initiative, resources used by these two actors were differentiated in quality. Whereas MND’s responsibility was just keeping its database alive for sharing, Turksat was responsible for many tasks such as web site management, customer relationship management, security management etc. In this regard, Turksat born too much managerial costs such as communication, maintenance and repair etc. Materials and equipment which were purchased for the project are utilized for some other services of Turksat. According to the protocol signed between Turksat and the Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication, fixed cost of integrating one service to platform is $ 100000 and estimated average yearly cost is $ 4000. MND did not bear any cost deriving from this project because the infrastructure of this project had already been established for e-government service of MND. The main sponsor of the project is Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication (MOTMC) that is the responsible public agency for managing Global Service Fund. Financial foundation of the project derives from this Global Service Fund.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Establishment of a platform that enables transferring online secure data system among public bodies that is called Integrated Public Service Platform is the most successful output of the project. In this regard, is the concrete outcome of the project through transferring secure data among public bodies is allowed. By utilizing the pilot project, a registration office of a university can check the military status of students by signing in to the website and querying national ID number. In following years, all government bodies will able to transfer data securely with relevant institutions, so the requirement and costs of making N2 virtual private networks between N government agencies for transferring secure data will be eliminated. Conversely, N virtual private networks between Turksat and government agencies will be adequate for transferring secure data. Instead of accessing to all database of MND, putting such a platform into service has many advantages in terms of data security and business continuity. A user can utilize from Single Sign On (SSO) at by logging in once and gaining access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them. Government bodies can authorize users to whom they will give access to relevant databases. E-government password & national ID, mobile signature or electronic signature can be used for authentication.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
To ensure business continuity, a call center called “Alo 160” is used to monitor the services within the context of the Integrated Public Service Platform and other e-government platforms. A user can use to deliver his/her complaints and follow up solutions 7/24 via call center. Regularly, log statistics of utilized services are followed both by e-government division of Turksat and by information division of Ministry of National Defense. If an identification of abnormalities regarding the number of system log ins, inquiries or errors arises, necessary interventions can be made. Key performance indicators have been defined to monitor overall performance of the project. These key performance indicators have been analyzed regularly by analysts. If current performance deviates from objectives, necessary actions are taken by Turksat and MOTMC. Security test tools are also utilized to ensure system security. According to plan-do-check-act plans, necessary tests have been done by Turksat. Quality management systems that are established at Turksat such as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 have been also utilized to monitor progress and to evaluate the activities. By the help of acceptance of continuous improvement principle by Turksat, regulatory and preventive operations are carried out according to the results of quality management meetings.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Firstly, there have been legal problems about coordination of Public Institutions. There was no legal basis that online data sharing between government agencies could be based on. As a solution, Prime Ministry published a memorandum that made government institutions’ transition to e-government system obligatory. Secondly, there occurred problems regarding usage of the platform. Users did not know how to use the platform. For the purpose of informing users about the platform, necessary information documents were published. Users can also use Call Center “Alo 160” to get answers to his/her questions. Finally, some problems occurred about integration of services to the platform. By utilizing experienced staff of Turksat and necessary software this issue also solved easily.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Taking into the account of 501833 successful candidates over the age of 17 (look: it can be calculated that 501833 students benefited from the initiative just in 2012. Therefore, saving 3261915 hours is the benefit of this initiative in the short run. Money equivalent of saved time can be found by multiplying this time by hourly wage costs. Taking the students’ hourly wage as minimum legal wage (5.56 TL), public officers’ as 19 TL and multiplying these numbers by the number of students*hours required for one military status document, it can be calculated that totally 21508572 TL (approximately $ 10000000) can saved yearly. Duplication of public investments was removed with the establishment of VPNs between government institutions and Turksat. Therefore, extra costs incurred by maintenance, repair, monitoring, design activities are also removed. In addition to computable financial benefits, it has been gained some intangible benefits by the help of initiative. For example, public officers and citizens started to get rid of bureaucratic procedures by utilizing the initiative that operates in background. Universities have been provided with easiness in data management by utilizing this platform. Probability of losing military status document has been disappeared. Because a university can always query the military status of students online. In the long run, sustainability of the project is the most worthwhile outcome of the project. Since opening the first service at the end of 2012, over 50 more services of 6 government institutions have been integrated to platform ( Taking into consideration the opening date of Integrated Public Service Platform and the increasing number of integrated services, substantial socio-economic gains will disseminate among Turkish people by dint of the project.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Initiative is one of the best practices having a high sustainability index. With the increasing number of citizens that utilizes initiative, public opinion has been raising its pressure on government institutions for integrating online public services to platform. As told above, many government institutions have already started to provide services via the platform of Integrated Public Service Platform. With accomplishment of the pilot project, some municipalities can also query working status of students who apply for scholarships by utilizing relevant database of Social Security Institution and some public organizations can access to relevant databases of Ministry of Justice to see criminal record of a citizen via Integrated Public Service Platform. Another dissemination example is about transportation subjects in Turkey. To transport hazardous materials it is compulsory to get a certificate issued by Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication (MOTMC). By utilizing Integrated Public Service Platform, MOTMC can follow online trainees’ courses that must be finished to get this certificate. As seen examples given above, the pilot project has already been started to disseminate among many public bodies. Financial sustainability of the initiative is predicated on law 5369. According to law 5369, firms must donate certain percentages of their yearly income to Global Service Fund to operate at communication sector. In addition to memorandum that was published by Prime Ministry, Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication has been preparing a law to strengthen the legal sustainability of the initiative.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The most important lesson of Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication has taken out from the establishment of Integrated Public Service Platform is that coordination activities among government institutions should be made properly. Coordination is crucial not only for defining problems and needs of government institutions, it is also necessary for offering an appropriate solution. For example, by the help of proper coordination activities among Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communication, Ministry of Defense, Turksat and universities, there could be possible to determine the problem as “nontransferable of secure data among public bodies”. After finding right problem, developing a proper project called “Integrated Public Service” enabled transferring secure data among government institutions. Another lesson learned from the project is that IT infrastructure of government bodies must be sufficient for integrating their services to Integrated Public Service Platform. To accelerate e-government process, necessary IT infrastructure and human capital investment should be made by relevant institutions. Finally legal issues should be solved immediately. Although there has been published a memorandum to accelerate e-transformation process, all applicable legislation should be revised by relevant government bodies. For example, necessary legislative changes have been made by Ministry of Defense for transferring secure data via Integrated Public Service Center.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Riza Yildirim
Title:   Specialist  
Telephone/ Fax:   +90 312 203 18 70
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Hakki Turaylic Caddesi No:5
Postal Code:  
City:   Ankara

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