At Your Service Always 365 Day and Night
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Introduction: The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) was formed on 1 January, 1992, by a decree issued by H.H. Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum by merging Dubai Electricity Company and Dubai Water Department (both established in 1959) . Today, DEWA is an inspiring success story, known for its efficiency, reliability, sustainability and strong partnerships. Situation before the Initiative (Dec 2009) Our Initiative started in 2010, in line with The Directions of H.H. Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai "the responsibility of Government is to make people happy" followed by a visionary orientation presented by The Managing Director & CEO H.E. Saeed M. Al Tayer “A Recognized World Class Utility " (updated thereafter). DEWA's purpose clearly defined in its Mission “Meeting customer satisfaction and promoting Dubai's vision through delivery of Electricity and Water Services at a world class level of reliability, efficiency, safety and environment by a competent work force and effective partnership; supporting resource and sustainability" Customer satisfaction is our main focus and our customers are segmented as residential (comprising all social groups from diversified 204 nationalities, culture and ethnic groups), commercial, industrial and government. In October 2011 A Social Category (Low Income group Families) created under residential for subsidized supply of Electricity. Problem was to ensure Elevating Customer Experience and Satisfaction, while fully implementing eGovernment and Smart Government , towards full e-service utilization, as sudden change towards eServices adoption could have an adverse impact on Customer Satisfaction. Data sets were collected through; mystery shopper studies, customer satisfaction surveys, Queue Management System (QMS) eComplain and eSuggest, to measure the customer perceptions and performance indicating results, such as: * Average Waiting time (AWT) * Average Serving time (AST) * Quality Check Reports * Staff Behavior and Performance * Service Quality Level (SQL) * Eservices Adoption report In 2009, DEWA was ranked 15th in Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) under Customer Satisfaction Index. Where the findings were: * DGEP Customer satisfaction Index was 81% * Mystery shopper result was 72.8% * AWT for Frontline was 22:19 minutes * AST for frontline was 6:05 minutes * AWT for Bill Payment was 14:31 minutes * AST for Bill Payment was 3:45 minutes * SQL for Call Center was 57.45% * Eservices adoption rate was 46.05%. Following issues were affecting Elevation of Customer Experience, integrated infrastructure and effective e-service, identified after root cause analysis: * Customer Service Centers were geographically unevenly distributed, congested and not designed to satisfy customers with special needs. * Certain Services were not available round the clock * Customer complaints regarding long waiting time. * Unorganized management of Customer Queue. * Need for standardization of services to reduce red tape. * Delay in updating payment information in system resulted in delay in providing on time operational services * Enhancing Web Services, e-Adaptation and Adoption * Low customer satisfaction on employee behavior and performance.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Problem and Issues mentioned in question 1 germinated during the development of DEWA 2010-2014 strategic plan. Series of brain storming sessions were conducted by Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Committee (CSE) using affinity diagram to cascade the corporate strategic objective to the Customer Service Division. As a result, the following divisional objectives were identified: * Under Theme “Elevating Customer Experience” 1. Provide timely and value added service. C2 2. Provide faster and easier interaction and provide sustainable, value added services. IP6 3. Build and manage Partner Relations to Drive Efficiencies. IP5 * And under theme “ A motivated and competent workforce in a dynamic and safe environment driving world – class excellence” 4. Ensure an integrated infrastructure and effective service delivery to support core business. SLG2 5. Attract and retain right talent. SLG1 These objectives were revisited after scanning of internal and external environments. A. Internal Environment Strengths - DEWA is an exclusive distributer (Decree # 13, 1997) - Strong existing Partnerships - Reliable eServices Weakness - Incomplete process integration and automation from back office through front line service. - Slowness in adopting and propagating culture of change - Need of an integrated knowledge management B. External environment PESTEL Factor analysis was performed to identify opportunities and threats affecting the execution of the strategy and achievement of objectives: * Political: o Impact of formation of New entity o Impact of Population growth * Economical: o Global recession impact, securing of funds, leading to mounting pressure for performance, efficiency and better revenue mix. o Uncertainty regarding population growth, leading to uncertain demand figures from the developers * Social: o Growing need for raising awareness and appreciation of utilities o Growing need to inform and engage all stakeholders at all levels * Technological: o Increasing threats to information security o Emphasis on automation and system integration * Environmental: o Decree for greener building that will lead to decreased energy consumption * Legal: o Growing need for transparency, risk management and corporate Governance After development and approval of Customer Service Division’s strategy in line with Corporate Strategy, the (CSE) Committee worked on strategy execution plan by identifying strategic initiatives required to bridge the gap between the current situation and desired situation as stated in DEWA Vision and Mission. After the relentless and diligent brainstorming sessions lead by The Executive Vice President of Customer Services, Engineer Abdullah Al Hajri, the Customer services management team came up with the Initiative of “At Your Service Always 365 Day and Night” with an objective of providing all services for Customers 365 Day and Night through Comprehensive eServices, 2 dedicated Customer Care Centers (call centers) and 15 State of Art Customer Service Centers, geographically well distributed all over Dubai with the support of our partners. Our target audiences were our customers (Segmented as Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Government), Partners (Dubai Municipality, General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs, EPPCO/ENOC, Etisalat, Banks, Emirates Post), DEWA's employees, Suppliers, Society and Government of Dubai The initiative contained the following projects to bridge the Gap between the AS-IS situation and the desired one. * State of Art Customer service centers to cover different geographical locations and renovation of existing customer service centers. * Intensive marketing campaign to educate customers regarding availability & usage of eservices * Standardization of services and Process Optimization * eServices Adaptation, Adoption and rewards * Point of sale (POS) was initiated to reduce average long waiting and serving time for bill payment. * Real time integration with Service Partners for real time data update. * “Beyond Customer Expectation” training program for staff * Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system enhancement

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Brainstorming sessions were conducted; output was a mindmap outlining the relationship between the projects of this initiative. Following five projects in this initiative were innovative and creative: * State of Art Customer Service Centers were initiated considering geographical location and demographic concentration of customers. Centers were designed taking into consideration customers’ special needs, counters layout assured privacy, free valet parking and drive through. Moreover, customers are welcomed with dates and Arabic coffee. The Largest Green Customer Service Center opened in DEWA sustainable building (Largest Green Government Building in the World). * Point of Sale project, a pioneering system among all Utility Service Providers within GCC, aimed at improving transaction and process efficiency through use of the front-end technology of POS towards value engineering and delivering greater productivity and efficiency. * “Beyond Customer Expectation” program was an initiative to improve employees' behavior and performance to deal with diversified cultures of customers. This dynamic program is tailored for DEWA based on results of Mystery shopper and Customer Satisfaction studies. * Enhancement of eServices: Implementation of Consumption graphs, availability of Comprehensive services online, smart devices’ applications, Customer education and motivation. * Multilingual Marketing campaigns conducted in Arabic, English, Tagalog, Hindi and Urdu.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Being the first organization in the MENA region to achieve the Hall of Fame Award for Executing Strategy, DEWA continues actively to implement Dr. Kaplan & Norton's five outlined basic principles of a Strategy-Focused Organization by emphasizing executive leadership; translating the corporate strategy into the operational terms; aligning this strategy and cascading it all the way to every employee to make it an every day job for everyone and last but not the least; making it a continuous process. Based on that philosophy the initiative action and implementation plan was mapped using Balanced Scorecard as well as a mindmap was created illustrating linkage of different project. This initiative was executed by implementation of 8 projects, all of which were aligned to the strategic themes “Elevating Customer Experience” and “ A motivated and competent workforce in a dynamic and safe environment driving world – class excellence”. The following are elements of the action plans for 8 projects: * Initiate * Planning * Execution * Monitoring and Evaluation * Closure Initiate: For each project a detailed feasibility study was conducted highlighting the project objective, Scope, Stakeholders, Responsible people, along with proposed benefits and deliverable. Project teams were formed, as per DEWA's Team formation Approach guidelines, from competent employees representing the concerned department. Respective project teams were responsible for executing four elements of action plan (Planning to Closure). Those teams performance was monitored and evaluated by Customer Satisfaction Enhancement (CSE) Committee, headed by EVP – CS. The performance of the CSE committee was evaluated by MD&CEO. Planning: Each team developed Plan Matrix containing the following elements: 1- Strategic Theme 2- Strategic Objectives 3- Activities of each program 4- Activity Objective 5- Milestones for each activity 6- Key Success Factors 7- Timeframe 8- Manpower Requirement 9- Budget 10- Detail Roles and Responsibilities Execution: After approval of Plan Matrix; budgets allocations and cash flow projections were prepared and approved for each project in accordance with DEWA’s Financial Resource Management Approach (Document # EA PR-03). Human Resource allocation and mapping was done in coordination with DEWA's Manpower Requirement Approach (Document # EA HR-01). Technological resource were allocated in coordination with IT Division. Kick-off meetings were conducted in presence of all Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Committee members and team members where project Terms of Reference were signed off. For the execution of the project teams were guided by DEWA's Process Development and Management Approach (Document # EA PS-01), where PDCA was followed. For example: Point of Sale Project – Implementation was done in pilot to understand the impact on process, quality of service and Customer feedback. Accordingly full project was rolled out across in phases. Monitoring and Evaluation The team developed Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix covering the life cycle of the project on annual basis. Monitoring and Evaluation reports were generated on Quarterly Basis and results were evaluated in Committee meetings and reported to MD&CEO. Reasons for deviations from project plan identified through gap analysis were justified and corrective and preventive measures were actioned. Closure On successful achievement of Deliverables of each project, Lessons Learnt were documented. Team officially signed off and transferred project document to the concerned Sections in Customer Services Division. Sample of Action plans are uploaded.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
DEWA stakeholders are rated in terms of the importance & power of each stakeholder in comparison to their level of interest in DEWA's area of activity * Government: Dubai Smart Government (formally eGovernment) guidelines were followed to design DEWA website. The website and its ease of use is evaluated by Dubai Smart Government. Adopted Dubai Model guidelines for Customer Service Center Certification * Customers: Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Government customers using DEWA services. Customers' opinions were collected through different channels such as customer satisfaction surveys, Mystery Shopper Reports, customer suggestions and complaints as outlined in Customer Relation Management Approach. * Society: Community of people primarily inhabitants of Dubai who have shared customs, values and norms. Engaged during marketing campaign pre and post implementation. * Partners: An external party that DEWA strategically chooses to provide services to customers, to achieve common objectives and sustained mutual benefits (Banks, EPPCO/ENOC, Etisalat, Emirates post). Partners were involved throughout the lifecycle of project. Dubai Municipality is one of our main strategic partners. DM and DEWA are working together for mutual benefits including collection of payment by DEWA on DM behalf and by sharing of Business premises for optimum utilization of available resources. * Employees: Individuals hired by DEWA, to perform a set of agreed tasks and those who have been elected by government to oversee the management of DEWA. (CSD, Finance, IT, Business Process Improvement, Business Support, Marketing & Corporate Communication, Strategy and performance Management and Customer Service Enhancement Committee members). Employees were Involved throughout the lifecycle of the project. Internal customers’ relation is managed through Service Level Agreements (SLA). * Suppliers: Suppliers are organizations/ companies who deal with DEWA as material or service providers. (Vendors and Developers). Involved at the time of Design, development, implementation as per Partnership and Suppliers Management approach
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
In accordance with DEWA’s Financial Resource Management Approach (Document # EA PR-03), projects’ costs are planned, estimated, evaluated, mobilized, monitored and spent. For the subject eight projects Cost Benefit Analysis Forms were prepared to study the financial impact and derived benefits of each project. After approval of Cost Benefit Analysis form by Head of Division and Finance Department, Funds were allocated to each and every project according to the time frame mentioned in the action plan of the respective project; accordingly cash flow projections were estimated and made available on time. The Initiative was funded by DEWA. The Initiative total cost was USD 36 Million For each project Resource Allocation is done in the following manner: * Action plan for all projects covering all activities, time frame, responsibilities and budgets * Listed all financial resources that were required for the projects based on activities, time frame and responsibilities defined in action plan. * Developed time estimates for project life cycle. * Total Manpower cost was allocated at Departmental level * Allocated people against activities identified in Project action plan. * Begin to plan for Continuous monitoring of project resources to avoid work delays and to define how best to use available project resources. Projects’ Budget * State of Art Customer service centers to cover different geographical locations and renovation of existing customer service centers. USD 28.06 Million * Intensive marketing campaign to educate customers regarding availability of services USD 2.87 Million * Standardization of services and Process Optimization Charged to DEWA Quality Department * eServices Adaptation, Adoption and rewards . USD 3.9 million * Point of sale (POS) was initiated to reduce average long waiting and serving time for bill payment. USD 0.57 Million * Real time integration with Service Partners for real time data update. Cost allocated from overall DEWA IT budget * “Beyond Customer Expectation” training program for staff USD 0.60 Million * Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system enhancement USD 8,000 External human resources’ cost is included in project cost and internal human resources cost were allocated at Departmental level. The IT support was internally provided by DEWA IT division. Cost was allocated at centralized level. The costs of external knowhow and hardware were included in the total project cost.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
As stated in projects' action plans, each activity is linked to an output, and outputs are being measured with KPIs . The following were the major outputs of the Initiative: * Implementation of Point of Sale system: POS interface at payment collection centers to leverage the performance and maturity of payment system and increase the efficiency of collection, cash management and MIS reporting thus reducing the cycle time in completing a transaction and delivering a greater customer experience. Total Number of POS machines installed are 53. * Nine Customers Service Centers were opened and Four Customers Service Centers were renovated. Under the subject Initiative and as per approved action plan, nine new Customer service centers were opened after detailed understanding of demographic concentration of customers and to cover different geographical locations to maximize reach to customers. The Following State of the Art Customer Service Centers were opened categorized as follows: o 3 Customer Service Centers opened in DEWA's own building o 6 Customer Services Centers opened in partnership with government departments. o 4 centers were renovated to accommodate customers' needs. In addition to above, over 400 service access points created through partnerships. * Number of employees trained Under the "Beyond Customer Expectation” capacity building program, developed in coordination between Customer Relations and Human Resources Departments. Training conducted by the Center for Management and Professional Development – University of Dubai. 361 employees were accredited by International Business Trading Association (IBTA). All certificates were endorsed by IBTA, USA. This training program covered effective handling of customers, managing customer service, effective time management, team work and communication skills. * Queue management system (QMS) Enhanced: Enhancement of QMS enables elegant management of customers which is essential to avoid customers’ long queues. In addition, QMS also offers valuable data for benchmarking and employee performance appraisal. Total 8 QMS machine were installed at DEWA Customer Service Centers * Advance and latest technologies Implemented o DEWA Website was enhanced in line with Dubai Smart Government Guidelines and to provide comprehensive services. o Smart Devices’ applications: Providing a platform to customers to use DEWA services through their Smart Devices (IOS, Android, Windows & Blackberry). o Real time integration with service partners: Implemented real-time integration of DEWA system with different payment channels.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
On March, every year, corporate and divisional strategy maps are reviewed and approved by the MD & CEO H.E Saeed M. Al Tayer. Since the initiative is invented to bridge the gap towards achieving the 5 strategic objectives cross cutting to strategic themes, as mentioned in Question # 2, the performance of initiative was monitored and evaluated throughout the year at different levels: * AT the corporate level: The Initiative's projects were aligned with the strategic objectives and KPIs were identified to measure the performance. KPIs were monitored using Excel worksheet until SAP Strategy Management System (SSM) introduced where the strategic Key Performance Indicators results are monitored in terms of Scope, Status, Trend and Gap Performance. Deviation, if any, are justified and then system results are transferred to Dashboard, where all reports are reviewed, evaluated and assessed, on quarterly basis, at the management meeting chaired by the MD&CEO and attended by senior management. Divisional Management meetings are attended by the MD&CEO and Senior Management of Customer Service Division. *On Weekly basis Chairman (EVP- Customer Services, Eng. Abdullah Al Hajri) and members of the Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Committee monitor and evaluate projects' performance and accordingly actions are taken. Customer’s satisfaction results are also discussed at the level of the committee The EVPs, VPs Sr. Managers and Managers from different divisions/departments providing services to customers are members, plus the supporting divisions such as process re-engineering, IT, Marketing, Business Support & Human Resources and Finance. * At the Divisional Level: o Monthly divisional meeting. o Quarterly SAP Strategy System report and SLA Acquisition results discussed o Monthly eComplain and eSuggest report o Billing and Customer Relation departments’ co-ordination meeting. * At Departmental level o KPI performance monitoring by Managers. o SLA KPI’s results are monitored through SSM and reports generated on Quarterly basis and reflected on the Strategy Dashboards. o Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey report o Monthly Quality Check Report o Monthly Mystery Shopper reports * At the Customer Service Centers: o QMS daily report is monitored by the supervisors and reviewed with the branch manager o Employee performance report, aligned with the smart and strategic objective, is evaluated semi- annually and results are discussed with employees immediately. o Internal Audit Reports o Quality Check reports

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Obstacles encountered during initiative implementation * Difficulty in installing POS system in existing Cash payment counters. * System integration issues due to complexities and difference in technologies of various partners. The Challenge was to Support multi-channel payment systems in which the management of different payment channels are integrated in DEWA IT infrastructure. * Difficulty in handling day to day operations due to unavailability of large number of staffs, attending the Beyond Customer Expectation training. * Limited awareness of customers about DEWA offline and online services. * Resource Conflicts and challenging targets * Differences in personal styles and personalities affect change management programs. Actions performed to overcome these Obstacles * Cash payment counters were redesigned suiting to POS, keeping in view staff Health and Safety. * Implemented compatible system architecture that allowed real-time integration of DEWA system with different payment channels. * Proper allocation of trainees and work load, enabled us to manage day to day operations successfully. Regular Internal refresher training on DEWA systems updates . * Effective utilization of all communication channels (News Papers, Leaflets , web banners, SMS , LCD displays, Radios, and Emails) to educate customers about DEWA services. * Developed detailed Resource Plans for all eight projects and also gained Commitment from Resource Managers through Service Level Agreements between concerned Divisions/ Departments within DEWA * More frequent meetings to increase communication between team and minimize inconsistent perceptions and to facilitate more active team-building efforts.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Mystery shopper studies conducted by Independent Consultants, measuring different criteria The Mystery shopper results showed positive trends and increased from 72.8% in 2009 to 95% upto Oct 2013 exceeding DEWA's target and the international benchmark. Customer Satisfaction Surveys are measured by external independent consultants on annual basis through a segmented sample covering all demographic categories represented in DEWA customers. The results showed positive trends from 76% in 2009 to 84% in 2013. DGEP Customer Satisfaction Index is measured by the Dubai Executive Council on yearly basis. Index increased from 81% in 2009 to 89% in 2012. DEWA ranking in Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) under Customer Satisfaction Index improved from 15th in 2009 to 2nd in 2012. These positive results in Customer Satisfaction prove DEWA commitment toward public services. POS: The KPIs: * Average Waiting Time-Frontline, reduced from 22:19 in 2009 to 4:46 minutes in 2013 (upto Q3). * Average Serving Time-Frontline, reduced from 6:05 in 2009 to 3:44 minutes in 2013 (upto Q3). * Average Waiting Time-Bill Payment, reduced from 14:31 in 2009 to 1:22 minutes in 2013 (upto Q3). exceeding the target and the international benchmark of 10 min. as per HK Utility report * Average Serving Time-Bill Payment, reduced from 3.45 in 2009 to 1:40 minutes in 2013 (upto Q3). All KPIs have impacted positively on customer satisfaction and has been much appreciated by customers through appreciation letters (over 100 letters). Better control and cash management through Web based Dash Board Report “Cordys” developed to enhance online & Real time Management reporting. Round the clock payment service: DEWA payment services are available round the clock 24*7 through its 17 payment channels. Enhancing Employees competencies: “Beyond Customer Expectation” program was launched to ensure excellent customer service and build a professional team who are motivated to succeed as individuals while fostering company loyalty. Employees' competencies are enhanced through: * Clear and concise communications * Consistent approach in dealing with people across nationalities and backgrounds * Appreciate the challenges of dealing with multi-cultural and multi-ethnic eco-system and developing skills for respecting all * Doing thing right the first time The Impact is tremendous, the Mystery Shopper Results showed improvement in Employee Performance Criterion from 79% in 2009 to 99% in 2013. Moreover; there was a tremendous improvement in Employee Behavior Criterion from 76% in 2009 to 99% in 2013. Employees' satisfaction improved positively. Geographical coverage through opening of new 9 Customer Service Centers and renovating the existing ones aiming at ease of access to customers By updating and implementing standardized policies and procedures, a unified level of service is achieved throughout the service centers. This is assured by different measures aligned with customer rights published to the customer in form of Customer Charter pamphlets, banners, brochures and display screens. DEWA makes its customers feel that they are VIPs, when they walk in to service centers, through: * Free Valet parking * Drive through * Promotional Massages on LCDs * Welcome Coffee with Dates * Electronic counters without queues * Mini screens for awareness DEWA's customer service centers are designed to serve all categories of customers including customers with special needs, such as: * Maraheb Service to assist customers with special needs and to educate customers about other payment channels available in centers * Ramps for customers with special needs * Customer Guide Booklet in Braille * Dedicated counters for elderly and customers with special needs eServices: Through Intensive market campaigns, continuous education of customers and Customer rewarding system along with the trust of Customer over Government security systems , DEWA managed to influence the customer behavior by shifting their focus to eServices. Rate of E-adoption increased from 47.51% in 2010 to 62.40% until Q3 2013 . Usage count of Smart Applications has increased by 55.60% in 2012 as compared to 2011 Impact of eServices Environment and Society 7,765 tons of CO2 emissions saved in 2012 , equivalent to 46,631 trees or Equivalent to 88 Football fields. Live update of payment reflecting immediately on customers' accounts: with Real-time integration of DEWA SAP system with it partners resulted in live update of payments in Customer accounts as soon as payment is made. This has also resulted in providing timely services to Customers.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
DEWA’s Motto "For Generations to Come" is derived from H.H Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum directives (Sustaining our Earth remains a fundamental principle in our Policies. Next generations have the right to inherit a clean and safe Environment); it reflects two key ends: 1) DEWA is committed to a long term sustainable future for delivery of Electricity and Water to the Emirate of Dubai. 2) This can be achieved by taking an ethical and sustainable attitude to the development of Electricity and Water. DEWA has incorporated sustainability initiatives and actions in its strategy, and reviewed its Vision from “A Recognized World Class Utility” to “A Sustainable World Class Utility” during Strategy review in 2012. DEWA focused its attention, and action on the following sustainability projects: * Mohammed Bin Rashid Solar Park * Corporate Sustainability Program * Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives * DEWA Sustainable building * Demand Side Management * Do Good to Planet Earth Campaign * Smart Meters * Green Bill DEWA’s overall strategy is aligned with the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy (DIES) and the Dubai Supreme Council. All DEWA’s initiatives are associated with sustainability performance contributing to strategy objectives. The initiative did adhere to DEWA’s commitment towards sustainability from the following perspectives: * Social & Environmental perspective: Through opening of Al Quoz Customer Service Center in DEWA Sustainable Building, offering full range of services under one roof for all segments of customers. * Cultural perspective: The Customer Service Centers' look, feel and reflect DEWA sustainability values for changing customers' behavior to be more conservative in consuming water and electricity. An Initiative of Electronic Consumption Graph has been recently implemented to educate the customer by providing customer’s consumption graph for 3 years and also compared to their neighborhood. For High consuming customers counseling sessions are conducted, conservation tips are also available at DEWA's website, leaflets, electronic screen boards, media channels and Road shows. Leaflets are inserted in monthly bill packages for customers not using green bill. * Institutional and regulatory perspective: DEWA Strictly follow the directives and guidelines of Dubai Government The Initiative is transferable; all outcomes from the Initiative have been published in DEWA's website, newsletters, publications, press releases and through a wide range of Media coverage. Furthermore, DEWA has won several awards locally, regionally and internationally, such as: * First organization in MENA region to achieving Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy * Sword of Honor from British Safety Council * Investment In People (IIP) Award ( Gold Category) * Investors In Excellence (IIE) Award * Dubai Award for Human Resource Development. * Best Government Service Via Mobile Phone * DEWA website won 1st place in Smart Government Evaluation. * SA8000 certification Knowledge was shared during Water Entergy Technology and Environment Exhibition (WETEX), award ceremonies and best practices conferences. Furthermore, several local, regional and international delegations visited DEWA. EVP-Customer Services and management have given lectures and presentations during several conferences and seminars, in a genuine effort to share with others the acquired experience of DEWA with transparency.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Capturing lessons learned is an integral part of every project and serves several purposes. In DEWA, lessons learnt are captured throughout the project lifecycle to ensure all information is documented in a timely and accurate manner at the time of completion of the project, lessons learnt are shared in accordance with Knowledge Management Approach of DEWA. This initiative was implemented over the long time span of 4 years, and the lesson learned in respect of wide range of stakeholders: * Customers o The Requirement of periodic Customer Surveys and Customer Advisory Board to understand customers' behavior and identify their need and expectations, areas of interest provide an opportunity to modify the project, as DEWA's customers are diversified in nature, culture and nationalities and hence varied expectations. o The need for continuous innovation, the need to listen, to understand and to anticipate customer needs. o Continuous monitoring of customer satisfaction and using customer feedback to develop improvement plans aligned with strategic objectives and employees capacity building program. * Partners o The Initiative made us look closely at our partners and create excellent rapport with them, by revisiting DEWA’s Partnership Approach and deploying it on a systematic manner, which was implemented for the selection of strategic partner. o Partnership Coordinators were designated at the divisional level and linked with the Corporate Partnership Team. Coordinators are responsible for managing relation with partners at different categories. * Employees o Engage our employees with what the initiative intends to achieve o Change management programs through Employee Leaders who represent them in the Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Committee o Reward Employees instantly on achievement of each stage rather than at the completion of the project. o Link employee satisfaction surveys with the development plans affecting the impact of the project. o Proper allocation of human resources had positive impact on efficiency of the project. * Society o Gained understanding of sustainable performance and green values which are managed through Alquoz Sustainable Customer Service Center (built in an area where there is high density of industrial customers) * Strategy o Integrating the approaches of the initiative with Strategy Management System increases the integration of the operations, raises the efficiency and elevates effectiveness. Recommendations for the future * Deployment of DEWA's Knowledge Management Approach in a systemic and integrated manner. * Activity Based Costing Approach should be implemented for efficient utilization of resources for each activity. * Reengineer the process maps to read the cross-functional activities in order to eliminate overlapping and increase efficiency. * The newly developed Risk Management Strategies and Approaches should be deployed systematically and monitored carefully. * Foster the good practice of energy-saving by disseminating the culture of sustainability with a more vigorous awareness campaign * With will and determination nothing is impossible.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Amal AlSuwaidi
Title:   Mrs  
Telephone/ Fax:   00971506449374
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   DEWA Alhudhaiba 1st floor
Postal Code:   564
City:   Dubai
State/Province:   Dubai

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