A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Even after 64 years of independence, the citizens do not feel that the Government is responsive to their needs. They go through a very unpleasant experience while seeking any service from any government department. Citizen services are adversely affected due to Red-tapism, lack of transparency, accountability and responsiveness. Many departments are involved in the day to day life of a common man, for instance, an individual may be required to approach the Revenue department for getting a Caste, income or any other relevant certificate or a citizen approaches the Urban/ Rural Local bodies to build his dream house, usually people are made to run from pillar to post, sometimes harassed for illegal gratification and many times denied the services, on one pretext or the other. This was a regula complaint raised to the then Chief Minister of Karnataka, during his regular Interactions with Citizens at his residence, every alternate Monday. While analysing citizen grievances, it was discovered that people are representing to the highest office for various routine services that could have been easily rendered at the field level. This reflects very poorly on the state of Governance and people losing faith in the institution of Government. The citizens were deprived of receiving these services as there was • Undue delays in obtaining services from the government. • Undefined time lines for service delivery leading to at least 5-6 visits on an average, for receiving a service. • Poor enforcement of Citizen Charter in the absence of centralized monitoring system. • Couldn’t care less attitude of the staff. • Rampant corruption at the cutting edge. • Lack of single window solutions for public grievance Redressal and tracking to identify the problem areas and provide suitable policy interventions for a sustainable solution. • The business statistics were either not available or were incomplete, incompatible and unreliable, as they were prepared manually by different offices, in their own way. • Loss of Revenues to State exchequer as many transactions went unreported eg giving a copy of a document without charging the prescribed fee. • Those with paying capacity could manage the show, while poor illiterate and under-privileged citizens were harassed and humiliated. The common notion among Citizens with regard to availing services from the State was that it involves tedious and complicated procedures, delays, menace of middle men, inevitable corruption etc, creating a negative image about the functioning of Government. Hence, the monopoly of the Government and tyranny of State power pushed citizens towards disillusionment and anarchy. The employees on the other hand, complained about the unbearable workload, lack of staff, equipment and training to meet the expectations of the people. The natural consequence of this state of affairs was a series of strikes and protests, both by aggrieved people/groups as well as employees. This, in brief was the situation before the initiation of “Sakala” by the Government of Karnataka.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The former Chief Minister wanted a systematic solution to ensure timely delivery of services. In October 2011 he nominated the Law Minister, Government of Karnataka, as the nodal minister on behalf of the Government who would supervise and guide a solution to this problem. His idea was to come up with a legislation that would provide and guarantee Citizens with basic services that ought to be provided within a stipulated time. For a truly democratic State, which is of the people, for the people, by the people, Government has to empower its citizens. Dr Shalini Rajneesh, Secretary, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Government of Karnataka spearheaded the initiative. A mission was constituted for this purpose under her leadership. The drafting of the Act preceded vast and intensive deliberations with citizens, civil society and employees organizations with the intention of making it transparent, citizen friendly and effective. Within 2 months, the legislation was unanimously approved. The Mission formulated rules, standardised Schedules of service delivery, issued Government orders and coordinated with multiple departments to deliver government services in a time bound manner. The name, logo and the slogan for this initiative were invited from the people of Karnataka through a transparent and participative competition. Karnataka has the highest number of services being rendered in the country. Karnataka Sakala Services Act 2011, comprises of 447 different types of citizen services delivered to the citizens in a time bound manner. Some of the important features are as follows: • Time lines have been fixed for each service delivery under the Act. • Accountability has been fixed on a single official who is made responsible for the service delivery and is delegated with required power and authority. • Human interface has been reduced by use of information technology and kiosks setup specially for collecting citizen applications. • Corrupt practices have been prevented as the employees are bound to deliver the services, with or without speed money. • Government efficiencies have been enhanced due to unprecedented receipt and disposal of applications. • Single monitoring system has helped in esnsuring the compliance to the provision of the Act in letter and spirit. • The administrative set up has been reformed for ensuring timely delivery of service through a systematic capacity building and attitudinal re-orientation. In a span of 18 months, Sakala Act has the distinction of satisfying 40 million consumers (Citizens) with more than 98% success rate. These citizens irrelevant frequent visits have reduced . Even if one visit of one person is avoided on account of this initiative, it amounts to a notional public saving of Rs 9 Billion (@ Rs 50 for transportation to and fro the office and Rs 200 for á days wages lost). Besides, it has transformed the work culture and Brand image of 600,000 Government employees, who have worked tirelessly to deliver services to citizens, ahead of the time stipulated by their Citizen Charters. The initiative has thus changed the image of Government (as per independent surveys of Government of India's Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, International Marketing and Research Bureau, Booth School of Business under Chicago University) from an institution where delays were a common feature to an institution where efficiency in service delivery is guaranteed. 100% Transparency has been achieved by publicising office workflow and check list of documents with the prescribed service procedure/ fees payable etc for all the services under “Sakala”. 100% Accountability on the part of officials ensured through online monitoring system and speedy redressal of grievances with a single window and paper less approach. Empowerment of citizens to avail of the services as a matter of right.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Sakalas innovative initiatives are: The employees have been helped to realise that they are "Citizen First" and later employees. The CEO, Google Inc. Mr. Eric Schmidt, while presenting Google innovation award to Sakala remarked that, “Sakala has the distinction of taking along the employees in the innovation, which till date could not happen in USA”. We are the only State where the personnel services are included in the Act. Re-inventing Government as a single Citizen-friendly unit: Converging heterogeneous departments into a single platform for integrating the functions like entering the application, tracking the service request, processing, delivery monitoring delays, defaults, rejections, Complaint redressal etc has made this possible. The software is replicable in any state or country. Inducing a competitive spirit among employees by monthly performance ranking. Issue of a compulsory computerised unique GSC number which helps to establish citizens '" Right" for timely service delivery. Single window grievance management: A single call to the call center is enough to lodge a complaint and raise an appeal,. A closed loop system to ensure final resolution,ensures speedy redressal. Participative governance: Involving citizens, civil society and bureaucracy in Government process reengineering results in simplified governance.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Chronology of Implementation of “Sakala” is summarised as below: a) Pilot launch in 4 talukas (administrative sub divisions) on 1st of March b) State wide roll out on 2nd of April with 151 services of 11 departments. c) The Second phase began on 2nd November, 2012 wherein 114 additional services have been added taking the total to 265. d) The Third phase began on 16 August 2013 wherein 110 services have been added taking the total to 375. Further in September, another 44 services have been added and addition of 28 services in December taking the final count today at 447. The highest ever in India! e) Additionally, 69 online services have been enabled. The success of Sakala entails Multi- pronged strategic components based on the deeper analysis of the problems of service delivery and aimed at achieving a sustainable solution: Strong Political will– The Act was formulated in a span of one month and was unanimously approved by both the houses of the legislature. Mobilising the ownership by all government officials – Extensive discussions and deliberations were held with government functionaries and their associations to convince them about the benefits of implementing this Act. ‘Workflow charts’ were built to map the time taken by each govt servant for providing the service and to ensure that the administrative system can gear up to deliver much before the stipulated time. Each of the 447 services have now got a standardised workflow, stipulated timelines fixed, required documents identified and published, fixing accountability on respective officers in the process flow etc. The ‘bottom-up approach’ ensured the ownership of time-limits by each and every functionary of Government leading to higher accountability. Systematic reforms –The problems indicated by the staff were promptly addressed by the Government such as issue of amended rules/circulars/procedures and augmentation of infrastructure. Training - A detailed training plan to train 70000 government officials. This is envisaged as an ongoing process. Satellite based training to train grass root level functionaries was extensively used. Use of Information Technology – extensive use of IT with the help of National Informatics Centre. Use of Media – Extensive publicity and awareness being done through a comprhensive media plan. Citizen Participation – Citizens were involved at every stage starting from designing the logo, name of the Act to giving feedback for systematic improvements. The Logo was designed by a citizen himself – ‘Justice Hammer with a stop watch’ & the Slogan reads “ No more delays- We deliver on time” and the name Sakala means – ‘in time’/good time. Involvement of Civil society - Interaction with consumer forums, resident welfare associations, CSOs, women self-help groups and other NGO’s were carried out to spread the awareness of this program and obtain their feedback for improving, evolving and amending the Act and the rules. Grievance redressal mechanism - A call centre has been set up on a Public Private Partnership mode, which acts as an interface between Citizens & the Mission for providing information, lodging complaints and ensuring compliance in a prompt manner. Help Desks –Various consumer organisations have been involved to set up help desks for eliminating the middle men menace and bringing government closer to a common man. Concurrent Evaluation- Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore has been entrusted with the job of concurrent evaluation of Sakala. A monthly appraisal report is being prepared by the Institute to guide the Mission. The focus of entire exercise was the citizen, his problems, needs and solutions through Administrative reforms.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
There are multiple stakeholders involved in this solution. Citizens are the primary stakeholders with the initiation of “Sakala”. Citizens wanting to obtain timely services from Government form the bulk of stakeholders. In order to receive feedback from the citizens, consultations have been held with various civil society organizations such as Resident Welfare Associations, Consumer Forums and NGOs. Employees working in various departments who deliver services to citizens under “Sakala” form the second bulk of stakeholders. The employees of Government and employees in IT platform provider NIC come under this category. Government initiating “Sakala” is a major stakeholder because entire action emanates from here. Government is the political representation for the citizens who expect certain services to be delivered. Although “Sakala” was initiated by the previous Government of Karnataka, but it has been embraced by the current Government because of its popular citizen centric approach. Various NGO’s such as Fiscal Policy Institute, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry embodying “Participatory Democracy” helped to bring in vast expertise in Workflow Analysis and Business Processes. Vendors who have been involved to set up Call Centre, help desks and cyber centres across the state for eliminating the middle men menace. Indian Institute of Management (IIM)-Bangalore, IMRB and other bodies who have been entrusted with the job of concurrent evaluation of “Sakala” to ensure mid-term rectification.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Mobilisation of Financial Resources: The resources needed for the “Sakala” initiative were mobilised by the Government of Karnataka initially by allocating INR 50 million for the year 2011. The amount was enhanced to a sum of INR 150 million in the year 2012 to cover all costs associated with the burgeoning project needs. Financial costs: A total of INR 150 million have been spent so far in the project, which includes Salary to Mission staff, Technical Upgradation, charges to the Call centre that handles grievances, Helpdesks that man the counter to aid citizens, publicity and awareness generation etc. IT resources: IT resources were mobilized by National Informatics Centre (NIC). NIC is the primary technology provider to the Mission and various agencies who are implementing “Sakala”. Its activities include software development for Analytical MIS report generation and maintaining the “Sakala” portal. Human Resources: Apart from the utilisation of Employees of Government, “Sakala” utilises the service of 30 district IT consultants and 500 data entry operators. At the Mission level, a state IT consultant and a management consultant are hired to assist in the daily operations of the mission. An Additional Mission Director and an Administrative officer work for the Mission on deputation basis. Trainings are conducted as per the protocol for employees at various levels by Administrative Training Institute, Mysore and District Training Institutes facilitating individual departments in a decentralized manner at district levels. This enables the employee to upgrade his skill set needed to show results. District IT consultants impart trainings as and when necessary for the smooth running of operations of “Sakala”. This is the major investment on the part of mission.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
“Sakala” initiative has yielded many notable outputs in the area of guaranteeing public services to citizens. Major outputs can be summarized as follows. 1. End to end tracking / traceability of 40 million citizen applications in an on-line manner. This was not possible earlier as each department was a stand-alone entity and citizen had no knowledge on how to trace their applications and get their work done in government offices. 2. 98 % Services delivered within Stipulated Time: “Sakala” initiative has created a sense of awareness among people, including employees which has ensured the timely delivery of the services. “Sakala” initiative has conveyed a positive message about a Government policy of a Right-based approach to Governance. 3. 40000 offices directly involving 200,000 employees, integrated on to Sakala e-platform, to have a uniform service delivery mechanism across the State. This has made Governance Transparent and accountable, in one go. 4. Reduction of average service delivery time by at least 50% in most cases. This has been possible due to standardised work processes across various departments of the Government. Redundant steps in the processes, if any were removed to ensure simplicity. “Sakala” has completely channelized the flow of documentation in obtaining services. 5. Reduction of grievances by minimum 50%. The Call Centre and help desks act a bridge between citizens and the Mission. For a large number of people who may be unable to use either the SMS mode or the website, a single call to 080-4455 4455 by the citizen giving the GSC no. is sufficient to set the appeal process rolling. Over 5 70,000 citizens have already availed the services of these centres which functions as a hub for collecting complaints, providing information and serving as a feedback tool to understand the pulse of our citizens. Using e-mail or Phone on real time basis, complaints are followed up with the Nodal Officer of each department, and then subsequently closed by confirming with the Citizen who complained. This also eradicates the menace of middlemen who give wrong information to citizens and exploiting them financially. Also random calls are made to citizens who have applied under Sakala to record their positive or negative feedback pro-actively and act upon it accordingly.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
There are basically two aspects of Monitoring systems under Sakala: (i) On-line monitoring (ii) Monthly Monitoring & Analytics. i) Online Monitoring: Section 6 of the Act provides for On-line monitoring by officials and citizens alike with the help of a Public Portal, to ensure complete transparency and accountability. All Application received through Sakala Portal is accounted for in the system. The Sakala report is designed in such a way that every application is tracked by the due date vs the Stipulated time, apart from monitoring disposals done within the stipulated time, Delays, overdues, rejections and Appeals / Complaints. Besides automated SMSs are sent to each official once in the morning about today’s due cases and once in the evening about total disposals for the day. This is a continuous source of self monitoring and self satisfaction! (ii) Monthly Monitoring: Monthly Report cards are prepared by the Mission. This includes District Ranking based on performance evaluation on account of Delayed disposals (30% wieghatage) and per 100000 population covered (70% weightge). The list of poor performing offices based on Pendency, Rejections and complaints received and applications processed, helps the district/department heads to focus on most poor performers. Monthly ranking based on Performance Benchmarks has led to a healthy competition among the districts and has emerged as a source of continuous motivation to excel oneself every month! Analytics and Grievance Management System help in evaluating the performance in an ongoing manner. Sakala Software helps to monitor and analyse trends as follows: a) Identifying Offices where Applications received are Nil, which implies zero workload or bypass of the portal due to manual processing of applications, which is otherwise forbidden. b) Compare information of the past with the present and analyse to determine most poor performing Vs offices delivering ahead of schedule to enable ‘cross learning’. c) The Software also helps in understanding disposal patterns for each service and pattern of delay occurrence for taking remedial measures. d) The analytics helps in identifying Citizens who availed Sakala services, but did not give their mobile numbers during filing of applications, reasons for rejecting applications and so on. This helps in improvising strategies for better performance, as per deficiencies. Integrated online Grievance Management System: To monitor the redressal of grievances registered by callcenter / citizens. The escalation of the un-resolved cases to the highest level ensures maximum citizen satisfaction with minimum effort.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Some of the obstacles encountered, are as follows: 1. Bypassing the Portal and manually accepting/ closing applications: The citizen complains that the designated officer intentionally does not enter the details of the service request in the portal; in turn it will not generate a GSC number there by excluding the activity from online monitoring. 2. Deliberate Rejections - without genuine reasons: The designated officer to manipulate sometimes rejects the service application given by the citizen citing unfound reasons. 3. Citizens hesitant to seek compensation: Only 303 citizens have come forward to claim the compensation though there is a pendency of over 5 lakh delayed dispossals. 4. Mandatory boards etc being removed to sabotage awareness mandate: 5. Shortage of staff and in-equal work Distribution that leads to accumulation of pendencies. Steps to overcome the obstacles encountered can be summarized as below. 1. Frequent inspections to check Non-compliance of mandatory Display boards and stipulated time limits 2. Mapping Defaults automatically to Service records through Human Resource Management System to book defaulters even without the citizens complaining against them. 3. Continuous capacity building and re-engineering 4. MIS reports providing actionable points, exceptional reporting and insights to performance evaluation and management to ensure qualitative delivery of services. 5. Using letter monitoring and file monitoring system to ban all manual entries and exit from all departments to prevent bypass. 6. Using trend analysis to identify variations in flow of receipts among districts and departments over a period to locate missing receipts. 7. Single portal for grievance redressal by all departments – Sakala or Non-Sakala to build the faith of the citizen in the institution. 8. Work-studies to facilitate filling and redistribution of staff/ workload

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
“Sakala” initiative has been very beneficial to citizens. This has resulted in Improvement in delivery time of services – Although there were time frames prescribed as per citizen charter for each service by the respective department, yet these deadlines were rarely adhered to before Sakala. Besides, there was no mechanism to document the time taken for delivery of each service, which has now been made online. Better beneficiary/Citizens’ feedback: Five beneficiaries from each district are randomly contacted everyday by each of the 30 district consultants to get their feedback about the quality of services delivery. Besides, regular calls from the call centre, evaluation studies reveal similar interesting trends. 97% citizens are satisfied with the speed and quality of services delivered. As per independent evaluation reports, the citizen satisfaction has increased from 79% to 89% however awareness levels both at rural and urban areas needs to be improved. Consistent Empowerment of citizens- 303 citizens have come forward to demand compensatory cost against delay of service as a matter of right. Provide easier access to government for all, Multiple access points like Contact centre, mobile interface, e-mail access thus widespread public grievance redressal mechanism. Lowered overall administrative costs to government and citizen. Improvement in measurable indicators: i. 96% of the services were delivered ahead of time - Reduction in average service delivery time across board. ii. Reduced number of visits to follow up on the processing of the application. iii. 98% Reliability for actual delivery of service to citizen. iv. 100% Transparency in workflow - whom to contact for what, what to pay, whom to appeal to etc v. 100% accountability of officials – by monitoring of pendency and disposal, SMS reminders, putting all data on Public portal vi. Reaching the citizens – 2/3rd of total population reached in a year and half ! Simplified procedures: Following are the re-engineering measures already adopted: i. Self declarations in place of Affidavit for all certificate related services ii. Exemption of Domicile Certificates by Housing Board for allotment of plots & houses iii. Caste certificate, now valid for life (earlier 1 year) iv. Land conversion process reduced from 120 days to 45 days using the Dharwad Model. v. Computerization and indexing of Records - helping speedier disposal of services & preventing tampering. vi. Monitoring on-line file disposals in Secretariat on Sakala pattern vii. Integrating all departments’ data bases to avoid duplications. eg. Death certificates linked to pensions. viii. Introduce letter & file monitoring system in all offices. ix. Introducing Bio metrics for attendance monitoring Management by Objectives –- On the Management front, Sakala Mission successfully implements the Act. “What gets measured gets done.” Effective monitoring was and is the key to successful implementation of this project. Earlier, there was no tool to measure what is happening in government offices, in a real time basis. Sakala ICT and Software solution provides for entering all the applications received from citizens on a real time basis and monitoring the service delivery for all the departments/services in an integrated manner. Analytics software has been developed to give insights into critical managerial aspects to help in crucial decision making process such as Benchmarking performance, Ranking/rating based on Speed, Rejections, Delays, Complaints & Reach besides mapping exceptional defaults to employees’ Service records through computerised Human Resource Management System. Upgrading Capacity and infrastructure – A detailed training plan was drawn with the help of Administrative Training Institute, Mysore to train designated officials about the roles and responsibilities devolved by the Act as well as the rules and regulations prescribed under the new dispensation. This is envisaged as an ongoing process. Training was especially imparted on soft skills for bringing about attitudinal changes. Employees were also trained in IT to reduce their workload. Infrastructural needs to boost confidence was provided in the form of providing additional staff (over 460 data entry operators, 200 junior Engineers etc), hardware like computers, UPS and printers to every remote office for ensuring improved outputs. Adding Value to policy making: Centralized monitoring helps political and administrative executive to provide accountable and transparent administration. Data prepared on objective basis. This data can really add value to a policy maker to plan and act in a people friendly manner.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Sustainability of “Sakala” initiative can be summarized as below. a) The Entire working of the Sakala model is clubbed into 20 sections read with 18 Rules that define the way services should be provided. Being simple, this is most replicable. b) Standard operating procedures have been evolved at the stage of formulating the Act itself –which is defined by the employees themselves, thereby resistance is minimal or NIL. c) Clear timelines are defined at each officer level to exactly pin point the cause of delay. This is not just to identify or penalise the staff, but also helps in understanding the grey areas of delivery causing delays. d) Making Government SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time bound) e) Integrating all the functions like Implementation, Evaluation, Monitoring & Complaint redressal under one portal. f) Performance ranking – healthy competition among all functionaries for continuous performance improvement. g) Reducing the workload – Simplified procedures – Delegating powers commensurate with responsibilities. The ‘Designated Officer’ (DO) is the sole responsible person for delivery of services. h) Introducing Personnel Services under RTPS – the First in the Country to do so. i) Painless and paper less mechanism for seeking information, lodging complaints/ appeals and ensuring compliance provided through a call centre. j) Better/proactive beneficiary/Citizens’ feedback: for ensuring better delivery to citizens. k) Increased efficiency of outputs/processes and effectiveness of outcomes: l) The entire process is automated to reduce workload and increase efficiency and ensure qualitative and quantitative monitoring. m) The government staffs are conscious of the deadlines and is reminded through SMS/e-mail alerts on delay basis leading to 98% timely delivery. n) Concurrent evaluation by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore keeps the Mission on its tenterhooks. o) Quality control checks are conducted to deliver quantities without compromising with quality. p) Guidance and handholding to countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Institutions like World Bank and other Indian States have found Sakala to be a role model for implementation at their end. q) Involvement of Fiscal Policy Institute which coordinates Result Framework Documentation for the State on behalf of the Cabinet Secretariat, links the performance out comes with department activities on a continuous basis. r) Creating awareness among citizens about the services of Sakala plays a very important role in the sustainability of “Sakala” in the future years. “Sakala” was initiated by the last Government, Because of its citizen centric approach; the current Government also has embraced the initiative and is playing a major role in its sustainability. The rapid horizontal and vertical scaling of Sakala from 151 services to 447 in one and a half year, is a testimony of its success, unprecedented in any State till date. Information Technology will continue to form the backbone of “Sakala” to serve citizens better. Mission aims to achieve inter-operability and cross-communication of multiple databases of government and private systems to use the information to accurately and timely deliver services in a secure fashion. Usage of IT ensures the easiness of the scalability factor of the mission.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Lessons learnt can be summarized as: 1. Strong political leadership, without which, the project would have remained a non starter. 2. Publicity and awareness: to create awareness and instill amongst citizen the their right to service. Information depratment which leveraged its network for building publicity & awareness among citizens. 3. Independent and Concurrent evaluation: This helps in midcourse corrections to the Mission, and found to be very vital. 4. Citizens trust is the key: Who evinced trust and faith, coupled with their continuous feedback that helped the project grow from strength to strength. 5. Governement process Reengineering: Citizens feedback, greivance, workstudies, concurrent evalation give huge scope for process simplification and reengineering. 6. Involvement of senior bureaucrats such as Chief-Secretary, who personally and actively monitors and pursues all matters relating to pendency, complaints, reforms etc ensured no let- ups. 7. Ownership by Departmens, to pursue the delays and pendency in their departments which ensures service delivery on time 8. Lean Mission mode for effective outputs: Principal Secretary (DPAR) cum Mission Director along with a Additional Mission Directors, Administrative Officer, IT & Management consultant from the private sector to steer the project. 9. Employees Acceptance who wholeheartedly accepted the project and made it a success, are the real heroes of the project. Employees should be motivated to perform well through incentives such as recognition. Incentives could not only ensure that requests are disposed within time but also that all requests are captured by the system. 10. Defined periodic Monitoring by factors such as Ranking based on Delays & Reach. Follow up of Rejections with justifications, Penal provisions for continuous delays proved effective in monitoring & Control. 11. Training and capacity building: Administrative Training Institute is responsible for capacity building of employees. 12. Augmentation of IT resources /infrastructure needs would ensure sufficient resources to deliver services in time.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   SAKALA MISSION
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Telephone/ Fax:   9448091606
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Postal Code:   560001
State/Province:   KARNATAKA

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