4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
List of services that were ICT enabled:
A. Citizen can withdraw money in neighborhood only without investing any opportunity cost.
B. Citizen can get instantaneous information if his payment has been rejected bank.
C. Citizen can get his due or entitlement at a predictable date.
D. Payment related complaints of citizen are resolved expeditiously.
E. Citizen can get information the date and time when his money was sanctioned so that he can claim it from banks
Services provided by NIDAN meet all the top four criteria. Details are as under:
a) Front-end is electronic: Department officer creates a voucher online after feeding beneficiary details into the database.
b) Workflow/approval process is electronic: This voucher is then approved and digitally signed by the Officer-in-Charge of the scheme.
c) Database is electronic /digitized: This DSC-marked voucher is automatically converted into a bank file. Many such vouchers are aggregated on the NIDAN server and processed sequentially for payment with the help of an intermediate bank server [HDFC Bank].
d) Service delivery is electronic: Money debited from scheme account is credited instantaneously into the beneficiary’s. The beneficiary receives an SMS informing her of the credit details. This money can then be withdrawn from the nearest ultra small bank branch.
e) Service delivery is automatic and without human discretion
f) Knowledge asymmetry of beneficiary addressed: all stake holders are immediately alerted about crediting of payment in to beneficiary accounts through SMS. This removes knowledge advantage, if any, with any of stakeholders.
g) Every department including Gram panchayat first generates its e-pay order. it is done off-line or on-line depending upon connectivity availability. All such pay orders are aggregated at district level and all relevant checks are conducted. After this the composite bank e-pay order is generated. Once executed, money is transferred to beneficiary account. Our system does not stop here, we put in a system of robust and functioning business correspondence of banks in all such villages, which allowed to people to draw credited amount.
h) From beginning project was designed to be expandable, so that it can be integrated with other e-governance projects. As of now, we are integrating this with e-uparjan system of wheat/paddy procurement.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Three categories of stakeholders were consulted, and dynamically involved in the development of the system. First, we tried to understand what bottlenecks they faced in discharging their duties or accessing services and then we adapted the system to address these concerns. After consulting these groups we designed and launched the system.
a) Service Intermediaries: 16Banks and their partner agencies in financial inclusion drives (such as FINO, Biotronics) and HDFC bank (for their platform integration)were involved in the system development through monthly meetings under the aegis of the Collector.
b) Service Facilitators: Departmental officers (from Programme Officers right up to the data entry operator), sub-engineers, block officers, rozgar sahayaks etc. were all involved at every stage of the software developed to seek feedback on work flow and user-friendliness. Nearly 32 training and feedback sessions were held for them.
c) Service Providers: such as Gram Panchayats and elected representatives were asked to test the software and on their recommendation it was changed 1642 times to ensure it reflected the best possible combination of ease and efficiency. We organized 42 interactive sessions with sarpanch.
d) Service receivers: we undertook around 68 gram chaupals to make villagers aware of the functional veracity.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The entire software was built for Rs. 5 lakhs over a period of 3 months. Additional costs relate to hardware and are :
Sr. No Description Cost
3 Server 17,15,000
4 Back-up Server 1,10,000
5 HDFC Server 45,000
6 Firewall 1,10,000
7 Software development 5,00,000
8 Connectivity enhancers 72,000
Total 25,52,000
The funds were arranged by District Administration by convergence of various schemes of Zila Panchayat as NREGS and IAP. IAP is Integrated Action Plan for Naxal affected area for innovative projects.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. Scalability and Sustainability:
In a very short period of two years, we have scaled up project. From nearly Rs. 1.8 crore in Oct-11, we achieved net disbursement of nearly Rs. 129 crores in Jun-13 0f 13 departmental schemes.
Nearly Rs. 129.9 crore to 188200 people in villages of nearly 350 gram panchayats of district.
2. Efficiency - A beneficiary on average has to travel nearly 9.3 Km to collect his entitlements from various banks. He never used to get his money on his first visit. He was making nearly 2.7 trips. This all meant the opportunity cost of nearly Rs 260 for withdrawing his money, a very substantive sum. With NIDAN disbursal is available in village only even in nights with average travel distance of 1.9 Km. He no more has to make any costly trips to banks. He can withdraw money even in nights. One of spinoff of this reliable withdrawal has been that people of average has saved around Rs 93 on cycle of two payments, which was nil earlier.
3. Fund flow between district level and gram panchayat became very fast. Earlier, it used to take around 42 days for money to reach beneficiary account which reduced . As whole data is electronic, so grievance redressal is very efficient and fast.
4. Stable BC system- we had around 143 BC working across the district and none of them quit or failed. We were able to bring uniformity in commission practices of various banks. Banks were convinced to shift to off-line on-line mode of payment disbursal. We successfully showed that how PPP architecture can work in core rural areas provided certain sensible approaches are adopted. In this project, as a district administration we interacted and co-opted many private sector organizations namely, HDFC bank, FINO, AISECT, Baratronics.
5. Lastly, concerned sarpanch and secretaries of Gram Panchayats became computer literate. Large numbers of them were women. System instantly transfer information of all financial transactions to all concerned stakeholders. This destroys any information asymmetry and system is much more transparent and less corrupt.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The project was conceived by District Magistrate & Collector of that period, who was doing continuous monitoring starting from conceptualization, development of software to implementation of project. For day to day functioning of project, a NIDAN committee with Additional collector (Development) as a chairman has been instituted. This committee has DIO (NIC) as technical member. Dedicated team of Prime Minister Rural Development Fellow and District e-governance manager and team of block level managers manage network and hardware part. These teams also created continuous training modules for all stakeholders. BC’s were monitored by banker and gram panchayats.Daily payment reports were another to evaluate the progress of project.Toll free number for registering complaints was the way to sort out the problems generated during implementation. Thus, whole project is managed by very robust organizational structure.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Basic challenges faced can be summarized as follows:
1. Banks, generally, shows no interest in financial inclusion projects as they tend not to be profitable. However, our the biggest challenge was to ensure the sustainability of local payment system. As it was our cardinal link without which e-transfer has no meaning, we were determined to design a workable and sustainable BC model.
2. Lower government staff did not support computerization partly because it reduces corruption and partly because it has always resulted in duplication of their work.
3. Rural People still do not believe in technology. Biggest challenge is convince masses that it is possible to transfer their money in to their account directly and draw in their village bypassing intermediaries. Human mediated system has got ingrained deeply social psyche.
4. There was no political acceptability of idea of direct transfers because of worry of bypassing them. However, their cooperation is must to implant on rural society as they can effectively communicate to rural masses.
5. Society learns in very heuristic manner, and may not follow any preset timetable. To design system and pace of roll out as per needs of society (not of technology) was a tough challenge.
6. An e-government system is adopted and sustained only when it reduces the drudgery and work load of every stake holder.
7. Internet connectivity in rural area is very unreliable and sparsely available. So, we strived to design a system keeping in view the poor connectivity and poor power availability in rural areas.
8. Low budget for innovative projects. Whole project was to designed to be low cost, expandable, scalable, and secure with minimum marginal cost.
9. All government work is process centric with large amount of rules and regulations. So system must be legally compliant to replace an existing system. Error detection and correction should be self-invoicing.