General Directorate of Innovition and Educational Technologies

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
1. The main problem before the initiative was that as it has become necessary to use information technologies in the process of education, to develop qualified human resources equipped with IT skills, the vulnerable groups were deprived of the IT Technologies, which is obviously an obstacle before their future and becoming a well-rounded citizen. Therefore, “Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology”, known as FATIH, is among the most significant educational investments of Turkey. FATIH Project proposes that “Smart Class” project is put into practice in all schools around Turkey. With this project, 42.000 schools and 570.000 classes will be equipped with the latest information technologies and will be transformed into computerized classes (Smart Class).

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
2. Turkey has initiated FATIH Project with the aim enabling equal opportunities in education and improving technology in our schools for the efficient usage of ICT tools in the learning-teaching processes by appealing to more sensory organs in all 42.000 schools and 570.000 classes that are in the preschool education, the primary education and the secondary education through providing tablets and LCD Interactive Boards. In-service Trainings for teachers are held in order to provide effective usage of the ICT equipment in the classrooms in the learning- teaching process. In this transformation process, educational e-contents are going to be formed in accordance with the current teaching programs.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
3. FATIH Project envisions utilizing high-tech devices to increase the quality of public education by equipping elementary school students with tablet PCs and classrooms with LCD Interactive Boards. FATIH Project also presents opportunities in such a scale that a technology firm can potentially leap ahead of its competitors. It carries an enormous market value. Approximately 11 million tablet PCs would be distributed to students nationwide within the first four years, to be followed by 1.5 million units per year afterwards.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
4. The goal has been declared as “Information and Communication Technologies will be one of the main instruments of the education process and it will also make teachers and students use these technologies effectively” in the Strategy of Information Society that has been prepared by the State Planning Organization (2006-2010). In this context, it has been wished that complement of the infrastructure of the information and communication technologies in the institutions in which Formal Education and Informal Education, improving competency of the students’ usage of the information and communication technologies in these institutions, and development of the programs that are supported by the information and communication technologies. To materialize the necessary investments for the production of the technology, intellectual property rights, goods and services subject to the Project in Turkey; increasing the level of production and value-added; acquisition of technology; continuation of the research and development activities oriented to new technology and new products and transition to the information society is also a strategic goal to be accomplished with this project.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
5. This initiative has been implemented by MoNE (Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education) and the stakeholders are as follows: a. Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications b. Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology c. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey d. Ministry of Finance e. Ministry of Economy f. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury g. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The funding for this project is supported by MoNE General Budget, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Universal Budget. Human resources are mainly from MoNE and in terms of technical side of the project the human resources is from Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
7. The students are getting use of the technological tools while studying. Lifelong learning approach, development of the proper structures in which all individuals can improve themselves through e-learning, and development of the e-content. All students that graduate from secondary education should have the ability to use the basic information and communication technologies. Provide equal opportunities to everybody on learning and usage of the information and communication technologies. Internet becomes more reliable for society, as they know how to use the Information Technology and improve their skills.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
There has been an ongoing research on the impact of tablet pc and interactive boards on learning and teaching process. This research will be ended when this project is fully implemented.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
9. The nationwide scope of this project and also to materialize the necessary investments for the production of the technology, intellectual property rights, goods and services subject to the Project in Turkey; increasing the level of production and value-added; acquisition of technology; continuation of the research and development activities oriented to new technology and new products and transition to the information society take time and are realized gradually which affects Turkish people negatively. Therefore, change management is the most significant problem. The only way to convince people of the opposite, in-service training where the teachers, the natural representatives of the project, are trained. They become in a way the delegate of FATIH among people. They help convince an educational transformation can only be realized with the participation of every citizen.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
10. FATİH Project aims educational transformation; which is purposeful transformation of every individual who is involved in education and at this point, claims to “Prepare the future generation from today “ With FATİH the students will; • acquire knowledge using more sensory organs • participate and take responsibility more due to self-confidence from knowledge acquisition • shape his/her future based on his/her own purpose • know what s/he wants and take control of his/her life path The teachers will; • have easy access to the updated knowledge and latest teaching techniques which will help in teaching process • thus help students gain differents points of view • create information and transfer it perennially, • be innovative, • be able to measure the quality and quantity of their teaching and complete the shortcomings, • prepare the future generation from today The government will; • identify the talents/skills and match them with the future needs • determine strategies to invest in people who can create information and think ahead of their time • be able to provide equal opportunity for its people • create a generation which will make the right decisions for the future

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
11. FATİH Project aims educational transformation; which is purposeful transformation of every individual who is involved in education and at this point, claims to “Prepare the future generation from today. Therefore, with this project the whole educational system will become a digital platform which will make every individual involved in education learn IT tools, which will improve their IT skills. The qualified human resources will make this project sustainable, thus with the improvements in time it will be demanded by other countries who desire for a change in their educational systems. Besides, because it is a unique project, committees from different countries come to see the implementation of the project.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
12. Students started using more of their sensory organs, became more interested in the lessons, the project helped develop more teaching models and techniques, thus the teachers became more creative and efficient. Students are exposed to more real-life examples via interactive boards which help them to be innovative and creative in their assignments. The interaction between students and the interaction between teachers increased due to the demanding teaching models.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   General Directorate of Innovition and Educational Technologies
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Ozkan Gunday
Title:   Head of Educational Informatics Department  
Telephone/ Fax:   +903122969400-9449
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   ogunday@meb.gov.tr  
Address:   Konya Yolu Üzeri
Postal Code:   06500
City:   Ankara

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