4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Prior to return : Briefing sessions on return preparation, monitoring on return, directions delivered prior to the returning foreign worker, finding jobs for returning foreign workers
Briefing sessions on return preparation introduce successful cases and various methods of solving problems that can help the stable settlement of migrant workers after their return. These sessions are held in the 24 nationwide regional branch locations of HRD Korea by 81 staff members who are in charge of the program. In addition, there are 70 proficient interpreters to assist the foreign workers and provide counseling in 34 district branches. Monitoring on return is a program where the relevant foreign worker whose employment period is near expiration has his/her returning preparation monitored under close cooperation with the relevant embassy and assistance is provided in writing job applications to submit to Republic of Korea firms operating overseas. Directions on their return is provided three times in advance to the worker's expiration date (six months, three months, and one month prior to their employment expiration date) and information on the support provided for their return and precautions are included and sent via SMS, fax services, etc. Finding jobs for the returning foreign worker is provided through the Return Job program (http://eps.hrdkorea.or.kr/e9) which is a job recommendation site.
After the return : Network of returned workers, settlement meetings in the relevant countries, Meeting for job-seeker and recruiting companies, issue career certificate of work experience in Republic of Korea
A network pool is established to support the workers adjustment in their country after their return. Presently the network consists of workers from the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Mongolia. Meetings supporting their resettlement in the relevant countries are held to hear suggestions, to analyze their occupation after their return, and to discover cases of readjustment Best Practices. HRD Korea holds networking conferences for job-seekers and recruiting companies in the 15 overseas EPS Centers and assists the workers to find new jobs in the Republic of Korea firms that are operating in the relevant country. In addition, after their return, a certificate certifying the migrant worker’s career in the Republic of Korea is issued through the EPS homepage (www.eps.go.kr) which may be useful when finding jobs in the Republic of Korea or other multi-national firms.
Re-entry Program : Special Korea Proficiency Test for Re-entering employment system, conscientious foreign workers re-entry employment system
Through cooperation with MOEL, legislation has been revised to launch two systems. The system permits migrant worker who work sincerely during their employment period in the Republic of Korea and who voluntarily return to their home country, an opportunity to re-enter and become re-employed in the Republic of Korea.
Conducting Happy Return monitoring
For the successful launching and implementation of the Initiative, HRD Korea has established 34 branch offices and 15 overseas EPS Centers in all the home countries and directly dispatched staffs to these centers. HRD Korea's EPS Centers perform regular monitoring for the happy life after the migrant workers return and appropriately implement the initiative in the relevant countries for their stable settlement.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Successful implementation of the initiative, Happy Return can be contributed to the joint cooperation system formed between MOEL, HRD Korea, Korea Employment Information Service, and local government organizations in the home countries.
For the smooth operation of the Happy Return by HRD Korea, MOEL set out the basic policy guidelines.
The Korea Employment Information Service provides information to the foreign workers whose employment period is nearing expiration and runs an EPS computer system that manages these operations. One counseling center and 33 foreign worker support centers assist Happy Return by disseminating information and counseling via telephone or visits through briefing sessions on return preparation, monitoring, directions and finding jobs.
The 15 countries sending workers to the Republic of Korea cooperate closely with HRD Korea to support their successful settlement after the workers return to their own country. Along with these efforts, various activities such as forming a network, holding briefing sessions, meeting places for job-seekers and recruiting companies, performing customized training for the firms operating in the relevant countries are provided as well.
HRD Korea together with other government affiliated organizations has discussed the policies and under the contract to join efforts with the local governments and public agencies of the home countries utilizes the internal human and material resources to lead the implementation of the initiative.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Financial resources: For the efficient operation and early establishment of the initiative, HRD Korea has secured national budget of approximately $285,000 annually for its operation and the entire program Happy Return is provided to the migrant workers free of charge.
Human resources: For the successful implementation of the initiative and systematic management of the migrant workers, HRD Korea re-organized its organization in January 2008 to include a new department to support the worker's return under the Foreign Workers Employment Support Department based on legislation. Return support team prepares briefing sessions on the return preparation, actual surveys on the return preparation, directions given to the workers in advance to their return, assisting them in finding new jobs before they return and creating a pool of workers seeking jobs, meetings on settlement in their home country, meeting places for job-seeker and recruiting companies, etc. and collecting data regarding the local and foreign workforce policy, and hearing opinions of various organizations to establish an operating process of the initiative.
For the efficient operation of the initiative, in addition to the headquarter organization of HRD Korea, 15 EPS Centers, 24 regional branches and 33 nationwide branch offices, 1 counseling center have employed staff who speak Thai, Vietnamese, etc. to provide appropriate interpretation and carry out systematic operation which has enabled the infrastructure expansion for the implementation of the Happy Return program.
Technology: For the implementation of the initiative, the EPS official site (https://www.eps.go.kr/) has been established and an exclusive homepage for the Happy Return program (http://www.returnjob.or.kr/intro.html) is operated to provide public service.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
First, Happy Return supports the migrant workers living adjustment after their return. Beginning with 3,000 workers in 2009, 1,029 former migrant workers have applied for new jobs, 4,800 have been included in the network of returned workers, 6,170 have participated in the briefing sessions of voluntary return awareness and 860 have experienced the customized training offered by Republic of Korea firms operating in the relevant countries. Labor demand analysis has been performed on the firms operating in these countries and the migrant workers to develop training curriculum for trade skills such as automobile maintenance, sewing, marketing, etc. according to each country.
Second, the initiative has led to minimizing the illegal immigration and illegal employment rate in the Republic of Korea. Before the implementation of the initiative, illegal immigration among migrant workers was as high as 21.3% (2008) but has since dropped to 17.3% (Oct. 2013) and workers who become illegal immigrants after arriving in the Republic of Korea through EPS has dropped to 4%. The decrease in illegal immigrants is closely related to the improved human rights of the general migrant workers. Since their immigration status is legal, they are provided administrative protection and services from relevant organizations such as MOEL and local governments, etc.
Third, the problem regarding the re-employment in Korea which was strongly suggested by foreign workers in various surveys has been solved. As of August of 2013, 11,637 migrant workers have returned to the Republic of Korea for employment. This meets the merger principle of the international labor market and migrant workers can fulfill their dream through re-employment in the Republic of Korea while providing opportunities to the employers to continue employing skilled laborers. It enables the employer to plan their workforce supply reasonably and to improve labor productivity at the same time.
Fourth, by minimizing the procedures for new hires, the program has provided convenience both to the employers and foreign workers. The public vocational training that is provided to the employed worker is covered by the public service which has brought about the effect of lowering the expenses for small firms.
The initiative not only supports the recruiting of migrant workers but also their living adjustment after their return, and has thus lowered the illegal immigration and illegal employment. From an integrative approach the initiative has played a huge role in enhancing and promoting peace in the international labor market by providing opportunities to those workers who seek to work in the Republic of Korea again.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
For the successful launch and implementation of Happy Return, HRD Korea operates 24 regional branches, and EPS Centers in all the 15 countries sending workers to the Republic of Korea. HRD Korea's EPS Centers conduct regular monitoring for migrant workers to help towards a happy life after they return to their home country.
Monitoring on return is a program where the relevant foreign worker whose employment period is near expiration has his/her returning preparation monitored under close cooperation with the relevant embassy and assistance is provided in writing job applications to submit to Republic of Korea firms operating overseas. Return guidance is provided three times in advance to their term expiration date (six, three and one month prior to their employment expiration date) and information on the support provided for their return and precautions are included and sent to them through SMS, fax, etc. Finding jobs for the returning foreign worker is made through the Return Job program (http://eps.hrdkorea.or.kr/e9) which is a job recommendation site.
To learn more about the stable settlement process, a wide variety of academic studies were performed. In 2008 a ‘Study on Developing a Voluntary Return Program' and in 2012 a 'Study on the Re-Settlement of Foreign Workers on their Return' were conducted.
Every year open forums are held where the 15 home countries participate and the Best Practice in EPS return settlement process is announced which enables the exchange of information among the countries and mutual communication.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Above all, HRD Korea did not have a separate organization to implement the initiative and it was difficult to secure human and financial resources for implementation. A computer information system that could manage the initiative was weak and the computer system infrastructure in the home countries were also very poor.
HRD Korea persuaded the Republic of Korea government and national assembly to secure the necessary staff and budget for the implementation of the program and established a computer system and official home site (http://eps.hrdkorea.or.kr/e9). Through the 15 overseas EPS Centers, the status of the sending countries can be monitored and supported which enables efficient processing.
HRD Korea has greatly endeavored to improve the local as well as international lack of awareness about the new initiative. The initiative has been continuously promoted to the migrant workers by providing briefing sessions on their return preparation, helping workers nearing expiration to find jobs, providing meeting places for job-seekers and recruiting companies, and promoting job opportunities in the Republic of Korea firms that are operating in the relevant countries.
From an international workforce policy point of view, the re-employment program for migrant workers can be very positive in enhancing exchanges. However, when seen from the domestic standpoint, migrant workers can be seen as replacement workers in the stead of the domestic workforce, causing an obstacle in implementing the policy. The continued persuasion, though, of the national assembly and the Republic of Korea government and by hosting seminars, conferences, partnership workshops, etc. to emphasize that the program realizes the goal of supporting the resettlement of the migrant workers after they return while minimizing the illegal immigration and illegal employment have resulted in the initiative receiving positive evaluations and better awareness domestically and internationally which has helped in the smooth maintenance of the initiative.