4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
In welcoming the curriculum, 2013, Surabaya City Department of Education Report Card socialize socialize online either through direct assistance or video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fnfKeN7yrE http://www.surabaya.go.id/berita/ detail.php? id = 29 361.
• Department of Education Surabaya also do Socialization to parents related to changes in the curriculum in 2013.
• http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1373-sambut-kurikulum-2013-sosialisasikan-program-pendidikan-kepada-orang-tua .
At the end of 2013 the Department of Education Report Card Surabaya began to introduce Online to the entire school, http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1346-Dispendik-ready-to-use-report-online. Implementation after the introduction enough to unnerve teachers in implementing them. But confusion teachers missed the socialization implementation by the Department of Education Report Card Online Surabaya. http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1691-Dispendik-train-the-teacher-report-online contents. In the socialization followed by a whole school with a division in some areas. Not only that, Surabaya City Department of Education is to provide guidance to teachers in elementary, SMP(http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/pengumuman/2283-ralat-sosialisasi-rapor-online-smp-negeri-swasta) , SMA / SMK as a manifestation of the importance of the benefits of the online report card, http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1851-pentingnya-akan-manfaat-rapor-online-dispendik-lakukan-sosialisasi-kepada-guru-smk .
Online report card is an innovative program services Surabaya city government who qualify in the assessment and interview before the presentation of the Independent Team of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (SINOVIK) http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/pengumuman/1656-report -Online-city-surabaya. Improved service quality education and quality embodied City Department of Education (Dispendik) Surabaya, through one of the programs that made it into the big 42, and then waiting 33 big race information system innovation of public services (sinovik) held by Kemenpan and RB on the 28th last February, in Jakarta, http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1597-report-online-to-33-big-sinovik. This online report card be recommended by the Ministry of National on the national discussion of education activities to be used as a solution to the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 which is currently being implemented in various regions in Indonesia. After penetrating at number 33, Surabaya City Department of Education makes its way to the 9th great sinovik, http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/index.php/1644-report-online-to-9-big-sinovik.
• Design and develop online systems that involve competent parties as a leading university lecturer in the field of IT, Education Experts and Practitioners
• Perform Testing and Implementation of the system if it is reliable and reliable assessment in accordance with the technical provisions and whether the system can handle user very much from all the teachers and parents se Surabaya
• Monitoring and Evaluation
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Higher Education: Private University lecturer who create programs based on the design of the Department of Education Team
• Expert / Practitioner Education:
Munif Chatib as one of the curriculum development team in 2013 in the Ministry of Education
• Teacher: as executor and giving suggestions on how the system can be used without restriction
• Head of School: school principals are managers that influence how they can monitor the process of learning from each teacher quickly and can make the right decisions so they requested that this online report can be one tool to measure the performance of teachers and guardians class
• School Committee: the committee wants to not only see the development of the value of the child for one semester only, but they want to be able to monitor the value and development of their children at all times
• Department of Education: implementers and developers become
• School Supervisor: to be one team that is evaluating the implementation of curriculum 2013
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Financial Resources: For the development of this online report card, there is no specific budget for a project, so we only have to pay for speakers from universities and experts who are not too big
Human Resources:
Human resources are there and involved in the development of this online report card is the key to success, human resources involved in the development of this online report card program consists of
1 Lecturer in Higher Education in the Field of Information Technology Ubaya
2 Education Specialist Muni Chatib that provide technical directives on the report card online
3 Teachers who have been trained by the Kemdikbud and have been practicing in class
4. Supervisor School: an element to guide the school and provide how to enter this online report card program can easily and quickly be accepted by all parties teachers
5. School Committee: Committee of the school which consists of the parents are very eager for the program online report card can be used as a tool to know the progress of their children
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Output of the most successful:
• All teachers are involved in the development process
• Strong commitment of the institution to carry out the implementation of the Department of Education curriculum 2013
• Teachers can not make the changes that are unfounded or there is the possibility of engineering assessment
• Training is intense to the Teacher
• Involve all the elements that are competent in the field as a resource
• For elementary school teachers who are still not familiar with IT, Office Administration contracted personnel who have qualified in all S1 Elementary School Computer
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
• • Monitoring the implementation of an online report card can be done systematically through system monitoring information, the system can be known of the extent to which schools and teachers to input in the system
• • Supervision of Trustees of each school periodically monitoring the apabilla no teacher who still can not.
• • Education Office in Surabaya has a facility called "Clinical Curriculum" on the main page of the website http://dispendik.surabaya.go.id/. Mentoring is done periodically, either through group or school, thereby increasing the confidence of teachers. However, many teachers are not yet completely understood and convey a lot of questions about the learning process, such as how to teach scientific models and so forth. In addition, the implementation of Clinical curriculum also aims to determine the real problems that occur in the field. The results of questions categorized teachers, such as questions about the book, scientific learning model, and the method of evaluation. Raise questions or complaints with the teacher in the field, it will be easier to know the real problem so it's easier to find a solution. https://www.facebook.com/klinikkurikulum2013
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
• At the beginning there is a bottleneck in the system implementation because the implementation is done concurrently so that the system becomes slow had been accessed, but after the upgrade in the system of hardware and software problems can be resolved
• Change the paradigm of the teacher evaluation model is conventionally be tersistem is the main bottleneck of this implementation, but with the intense training and mentoring teachers gradually accustomed to the systemic assessment