GRMS (Government Resources Management System) - Information System of Government Resources Managemen
Program Control Division, Surabaya City Secretariat

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The initial problems before Surabaya City Government develops GRMS (Government Resources Management System) are: - In the term of budget planning 1. The use of funding sources and powers that are not effective (not targeted) and inefficient. • The unit price reference that is used by each department in formulating budget is not standardized. Therefore, it results in large wasteful spending. • Controlling process from verification team for correspondence between the budget formulated by department with target and activity program that have been established is difficult to do, because the data is in each department. 2. Budget formulation takes a long time and it is vulnerable to errors in writing of the name, code of activities and expenditure object. 3. The process of recapitulation and making report that takes a long time because it is done manually. - In the term of implementation 1. The selecting process of goods/services provider that is vulnerable of corruption, non-transparent and non accountable. 2. The work implementation process that is not measurable of progress and problems in the field, and vulnerable of corruption. 3. The financial accountability process (contract manufacturing and other administrative documents) which are not standardized and less accurate relating to the current regulations. - In the term of monitoring and evaluation The implementation of monitoring and evaluation department’s performance and personnel who manage the activities that are not optimal, due to the lack of information associated with realization data and activity implementation plan, timeliness of data, and the budget efficiency data.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Beginning in 2003, e-Budgeting and e-Procurement systems are initiated by the Head of Program Control Division, Ms. Tri Rismaharini (Now, she is the Mayor of Surabaya). e-Budgeting and e-Procurement systems aim to provide information relating to budget formulation process which is fast, accurate and standardized and the process of procurement of goods/services that is transparent and accountable, which is also one of the duties and functions of Program Control Division, Surabaya Regional Secretariat. Considering the needs and demands, Program Controlling Division Section, under the coordination of Ms. Tri Rismaharini, develops e-Procurement and e- Budgeting applications including in web application that can be accessed via Internet. GRMS application development involves several elements Work Unit, including Surabaya Budget Team and the other work units. The development and GRMS application is fully supported by the Mayor of Surabaya. The implementation of e-Budgeting in budget formulation is by preparing Regional Unit Price Standards (SHSD), work programs, activities and activity output targets. SHSD includes Standard Unit Price (SSH), Activity Basic Unit Price (HSPK) and Expenditure Standard Analysis (ASB). Budget formulation process by work units does not take a long time, and the control by Surabaya Budget Team can be easily done because the data is presented in detail, transparent and real time. The implementation of e-Project planning in the preparation of procurement general plan (RUP) is work packaging and budget absorption plan. Budget absorption allocation data is used to set the cash flow of Surabaya City Government. RUP preparation and absorption plan is used as performance contract document between the Mayor and the head of Departments. The implementation of e-Procurement in the process of procurement of goods / services with the bidding method aims to increase transparency and accountability, improve market access and fair competition, improve the efficiency of the procurement process, support the monitoring and auditing process and meet the needs of real-time information access. The implementation of e-Delivery is in the contract standardization and work disbursement process. To minimize errors in the making of contracts implemented by each Departments, a contract standard has been prepared according to the type of work that has been reviewed by the Expert of Contract Law. In addition, e-Delivery is used for work progress filling process by the provider of goods / services that do contract engagement with Departments and work disbursement process. Since 2013 e-Delivery had been integrated with e-Payment application that was developed by the Revenue and Finance Management Department of Surabaya City Government for subsequent disbursement process which is done electronically, such as accountancy, the submission of payment request letter (SPP), payment warrant (SPM) and fund disbursement warrant (SP2D). The implementation of e-Controlling for monitoring and controlling the activities process on Departments to look at the data plans that have been prepared in e-Project Planning with the data realization compiled in e-Delivery. e-Controlling accessed by the Mayor, Surabaya Budget Team and Surabaya City Council for monitoring the financial progress on Departments. Data realization of budget per activity per Departments is presented in real time. e-Performance implementation for civil servant performance measurement process by eliminating activity honoraria and change to form of performance so if the civil servants are not actively involved in the implementation of the activities, it will affect to the take home pay of that civil servants.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
GRMS concept originates from the idea that refers to the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which has a definition of "It Attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all Reviews those different departments' particular needs". The concept of ERP is widely used by private parties or large corporations for decision making; therefore Surabaya City Government takes the initiative to apply these concepts with adjusting the needs that exist in the scope of government. GRMS is a Regional Financial Management Information System which is integrated from budgeting formulation, work planning, procurement of goods / services, execution of contracts, payment of work, monitoring and performance assessment. GRMS database is integrated each other. The change of data in one application will affect other applications in GRMS. GRMS is developed based on web and accessible via Internet therefore it removes the limitation of space and time in regional financial management process. The GRMS users can access from anywhere, not only in the office environment, and also can access at any time during the 24 hours. GRMS is initially developed by Surabaya City Government in 2003 and it is the first breakthrough from local government to implement e-Government. E-Procurement and e-Project Planning system then adopted by Central Government through the Institute of Goods / Services Policy Procurement-Republic of Indonesia (LKPP-RI) and applied as a whole to government agency within the Ministry, Agencies, Institutions, and Local Government in Indonesia. In addition there are some systems that are developed and implemented by government institution, including the Ministry, which is inspired and adopts GRMS. GRMS development always follows applicable regulations and it is evaluated on an ongoing basis in order to be more efficient and effective in its implementation.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Surabaya City Government through Program Control Division since 2003 has gradually started to develop GRMS. The development is sustainable up to this time and adjusted by the needs and applicable regulations. GRMS development stages which are carried by program control division are: a. System planning stage  Forming a system development team consisting of policy makers, technical implementation, programmers, and administrators;  System development team with involving internal and external users, trying to identify all of issues in detail, then forming the goal of systems making and identify the constraints b. System analysis stage  Formulating business processes and workflow for each application  Formulating standard operating procedures and regulations relating to GRMS implementation and Mayor regulation about technical guidelines in the procurement of goods / services c. Information system drafting stage  Formulating data standardization used in each application, that is always updated periodically or adjusting new applicable policies / regulations. The data standardizations are: 1) Price Unit Standard, Activity Basic Unit Price (HSPK), and Standard Expenditure Analysis (ASB) on the application of e-Budgeting, which is always updated at least 6 (six) months with involving surveyor. 2) The contract standard for each type of work on the application of e-Delivery, which is always updated based on the needs on the field as well as the latest regulations. Formulation of contract standard involves Contract Law Experts from the academia and Departments. 3) The procurement document standard on e-Procurement application is updated based on the latest procurement regulation. 4) The calculation standard of employee performance is always updated with the involvement of performance management team from Surabaya City Government assisted with the management team from academics.  In parallel, programmers develop internet-based electronic applications and they are accompanied by an administrator who supports the development and tests the application  Preparing the supporting infrastructure (hardware) required  Writing a manual / guide books related to application execution flow d. Information System Implementation Stage  Doing socialization and sustainable training throughout the entire internal and external user  Conducting initial trials with involving some internal and external user e. Evaluation Stage  Rechecking the application, if there are errors  Rechecking the application implementation flow whether it has facilitated all of user needs or it is in accordance with the applicable regulations  Rechecking whether the whole of infrastructure system has run well (connection, server) f. Use and Maintenance Stages  The two stages is carried out in parallel, to ensure that the system has been tested and evaluated well when it is implemented directly and they are in accordance with the applicable regulations or the needs of all internal and external users.  Routine system maintenance which includes database settings, back up and virus scanning. Meanwhile, the maintenance also includes of making adjustments for keeping the system recency.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The initiative comes from the internal environment of Surabaya City Government. The entire of development program is purely funded by local budget of Surabaya. Human resource planners and development implementers are primarily derived from the internal officials and staff of Surabaya City Government. Surabaya City Government has the power in Internet network infrastructure, servers (web, mail, proxy, database), steady institutional, and the support of strong leadership commitment (good e-Leadership), also the opportunity of information technology that can give effectiveness, efficiency , and transparency in running the administration and service to the community.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Outputs or concrete outcomes that support the initiative successful of GRMS implementation in Surabaya City Government environmental are: a. Price is scalable, standardized, and in accordance with types and its groupings b. The efficiency of budget and work program which is adjusted to the needs c. Activities and work program is implemented and planned based on schedule and target d. Bidding process is faster, more transparent, and more accountable. Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism can be avoided. e. The similarity of financial disbursement forms, types, and the ways of payment in the standardized contract f. The improvement of discipline, motivation, and creativity in the performance of Surabaya City Government officials.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
GRMS is used by all Departments in Surabaya City Government, and it is monitored and evaluated by Budget Team of Surabaya City Government including Development Planning Board, the Department of Revenue and Financial Management and Program Control Division. It also involves the Inspectorate, Equipment Division and Legal Division if there are problems in the implementation of the GRMS system, especially the problems in the budget implementation.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
At the initial time being implemented, harsh opposition occurs, from officials environmental, and entrepreneurs, generally are capitalized entrepreneur, who can easily channel their opinion through the mass media and community groups that they fund to thwart the program. Human resource competency which is not yet classified and qualified to be able to run, maintain and develop the information technology advances application (likely rejecting). At the time this initiative has not been implemented, the threat of cyber crimes, the law for ICT is still not complete (including ITE Law has not been legalized). The change of work culture from manual to electronic raises fears of losing career opportunity with the new work models. Prior to the initiative, the mental of civil servants have small salaries but a lot of additional income tends to make complicated process line (making “system” many tables for accomplishment), workers in the field of ICT in local government is very rare, database is not in one unit, even the most is still paper based not paperless. The solution through this initiative is by coercion way of certain business processes associated with the interests of the organization and regulated by Mayor Regulation and policy. SIM application making is done internally with involving programmers and hiring contract employee as programmer. Then, it is supported with the use of multiple applications based on Open Source such as Linux Operating System such as, database PostgresSQL etc., and making network infrastructure between Local Government Offices. Surabaya City Government always provides free training and socialization about GRMS to all users of the application. In addition Surabaya City Government also provide helpdesk services with telephone, email, and fax facility and face-to-face service facilities in order to provide information to users regarding the use of application or information of the latest regulations.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Significant impacts that are generated by this method are: a. Budgeting is more targeted, economical, efficient and results in the acceleration of budgeting process that directly aims to improve the public service; b. The activities implementation has been arranged therefore it facilitates Departments in the execution of work and the public can monitor when the budget implementation is carried out by Departments through Procurement General Plan (RUP); c. The goods / services procurement process till work handover can be openly monitored by the public through e-Procurement; d. In auctions, there is budget savings from 20 till 30% every budget year, then the rest of the budget is used at the time of Financial Budget Amendment to optimize the unmet needs of the community; e. Increasing the performance of civil servants, because the work manner is no longer based on honor , but it is based on performance, so in general it improves the quality of public services that provide to the society f. For goods / services providers in Surabaya and National, previously only provider of goods / services that have a close relationship with officials who have opportunity to win the auction. In this case, with e-Procurement makes every Providers of Goods / Services who want to participate have similar opportunity to win the same tender. This transparency results in competitive rivalry among entrepreneurs, which makes the price offered is competitive. The benefits perceived Surabaya City Government are budget savings, in percentage of the total budget, including improving the quality of the goods / services received. Bidding Efficiency Data of Surabaya City Government The final impact that is obtained from the innovation is the society in general can enjoy a development program that is closely relating to the needs and expectations. The lesson that can be learned is that community participation initiatives that are properly addressed and facilitated by the Government will facilitate the implementation of a program and also reduce the burden of government itself. The improvement and responsive governance management development to the aspirations of society becomes the main objective of this initiative. Various methods that can increase the speed of response time to problems of the city, the technical requirement fulfillment of goods / services required by the community, the openness of public policy making process, institution performance accountability in the scope of government and others, indicator of the quality of public services implemented in stages so that society see that the government is really serve their interests and needs. City government believes if people feel there is an increase in the quality of service, then a sense of belonging in their daily can grow. Community will believe that the tax has been paid will be well-managed by the government. So that local revenues will increase significantly because people will obey and diligently pay taxes. Furthermore, the quality of service will increase as a chain reaction, due to the availability of sufficient funds, local governments can improve the quality of human resources and support of services production process desired by society, because Information Technology through GRMS makes it easy for Surabaya city government in order to support the management of local finance that is effective, efficient, transparent, and accountable, as well as in supporting the process of monitoring and controlling the performance of Surabaya city government with involving society as customers of Surabaya city government.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Since the development began in 2003, Surabaya city government has a very strong commitment to consistently apply the GRMS system. One proof is the application policy of GRMS system has been set in the regulation of Surabaya City Government. New regulation which set the application of GRMS system is Regulation of Surabaya Mayor number 73 of 2012 about Technical Guidelines for Direct Expenditure Budget Implementation and Procurement of Goods / Services as amended four times by the regulation of Mayor of Surabaya number 31 in 2014 and the regulation of mayor of Surabaya number 83 of 2012 on technical guidelines of performance money on direct expenditure as amended second times by Regulation Mayor of Surabaya number 60 in 2013. In the area of financial management, all of Departments should use GRMS and be not facilitated to implement manually. When there is a mutation of employees, both as staff and officials, the staff / other officials can immediately forward the GRMS system implementation in the workplace environment. This is caused by Departments has prepared well for the regeneration of GRMS system implementation, because if it is not anticipated by Departments, then it will directly affect the performance (take home pay) all civil servants in that Departments. In addition, Program control division has provided a helpdesk to facilitate the user if there are problems in implementation. GRMS has been proven as a Surabaya Regional Financial Management System that is effective and efficient, and the impact can be perceived by all stakeholders and users of the system, so that the development of GRMS will still be implemented for further to improve the effectiveness and efficiency as well as dynamically adjust changes in applicable laws and regulations. In principle GRMS system can be replicated / adopted by Ministries / Institutions / Agencies / other Local Government, because the Government Financial Management procedures are similar and GRMS development is adjusted to the Government's financial management procedures. Surabaya Government GRMS system has been adopted by some local governments and other agencies, including the Ministry / Agency. In addition, at the national level, it is developed in accordance with the scope of the Local Government and the Agencies.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
This initiative is expected to bring a change in the perspective of bureaucratic reform, in the form of input that can be used in the area which includes the following changes: a. Organizations With the effectiveness and efficiency of the system, it will lead to more streamlined organization. b. Procedure With the implementation of the GRMS system in regional financial management system, the processes and work procedures becomes clear, effective, efficient, scalable and in accordance with the principles of good governance. c. Legislation Regulation The process of regional financial management set on mayor regulation that is not overlap with the other Mayor Regulation / other local regulation issued by the government of Surabaya. d. Apparatus Human Resource Apparatus Human Resource is integrated, neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performing and well-being through the provision of revenue in accordance with the performance of the civil servants. e. Supervision The process of supervision is conducted internally, either by Departments or Supervisor Consultant and externally either by Surabaya City Council and the society. f. Accountability Specifically the bidding process and the execution of the work can be monitored directly by the people. In general, the budget execution process is measurable and accountable. g. Public Service Improving public services provided by the City Government of Surabaya by utilizing advances in technology and GRMS system where data can be accessed in real time and integrated so as to improve the services provided to the public. Budget formulation and execution of activities can be targeted according to the needs and expectations of society. h. Apparatus Mindset and Work Culture Transparency and integrity of the implementation of the system will change the mindset and apparatus work culture thus improving the quality of public services.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
This initiative is expected to bring a change in the perspective of bureaucratic reform, in the form of input that can be used in the area which includes the following changes: a. Organizations With the effectiveness and efficiency of the system, it will lead to more streamlined organization. b. Procedure With the implementation of the GRMS system in regional financial management system, the processes and work procedures becomes clear, effective, efficient, scalable and in accordance with the principles of good governance. c. Legislation Regulation The process of regional financial management set on mayor regulation that is not overlap with the other Mayor Regulation / other local regulation issued by the government of Surabaya. d. Apparatus Human Resource Apparatus Human Resource is integrated, neutral, competent, capable, professional, high-performing and well-being through the provision of revenue in accordance with the performance of the civil servants. e. Supervision The process of supervision is conducted internally, either by Departments or Supervisor Consultant and externally either by Surabaya City Council and the society. f. Accountability Specifically the bidding process and the execution of the work can be monitored directly by the people. In general, the budget execution process is measurable and accountable. g. Public Service Improving public services provided by the City Government of Surabaya by utilizing advances in technology and GRMS system where data can be accessed in real time and integrated so as to improve the services provided to the public. Budget formulation and execution of activities can be targeted according to the needs and expectations of society. h. Apparatus Mindset and Work Culture Transparency and integrity of the implementation of the system will change the mindset and apparatus work culture thus improving the quality of public services.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Program Control Division, Surabaya City Secretariat
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Drs. Dedik Irianto, MM Drs. Dedik Irianto, MM
Title:   Head of Program Control Division, Surabaya City Se  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62 81332564715, Fax: +62 31 5344756
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Jl. Jimerto No. 25 – 27 lantai 4 Surabaya
Postal Code:   60272
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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