E-Musrenbang Optimization For Supporting Participatory Based Development Planning Performance, South
Development Planning Board, Surabaya

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Community Consultations on Development Planning or Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan in Indonesian language, hereinafter abbreviated and referred as Musrenbang, is one of development planning stages emphasizing the people participatory in the decision making of development planning or we may refer as participatory planning. Community engagement in the process is done through the development proposal submission starting from the smallest to the biggest scales, namely from neighborhood, hamlet up to city scales. Prior 2008, people submitted their aspirations of development planning from hamlet up to sub district levels in printings/hard copies. The printed development proposals had been discussed previously by the society through consultation forums held from neighborhoods, hamlets, urban villages up to sub districts levels. Those discussions resulted in an agreement set forth in the minutes. Afterwards, the sub district representatives submitted the proposal form to Development Planning Board in printings / hard copies completed with the supporting data in the form of printed photos. Development Planning Board then recapitulated the proposals by means of software office. The recapitulation process would certainly take a long time due to large number of proposals received. On the other hand, the time period of musrenbang process from urban village to city level specified in the regulations is very short (only 2 months). Proposal recapitulation took into account of proposal type, proposal volume, proposal budget as well as its location. This manual recapitulation allowed errors in the recapitulation and calculation process. In fact, the proposal approval or rejection reasons were delivered orally or in writing. The errors in the recapitulation or calculation process could cause inaccuracies on budget targets set forth in the Budget Implementation Documents of Surabaya City Government. In addition, if there was any change in the proposal, it would be reprinted that would lead to inefficiencies in both cost and time. If there were citizens who asked about the status of their proposals, the government would have difficulty to answer directly because they had to search the proposals and also look for the verification results that had been performed by regional working units. Manual proposal submission pattern had caused several problems as follows: 1. Proposal priority stipulation. It is necessary to prioritize the proposals because not every proposals submitted by society could be accommodated or realized due to limited budget. Development Planning Board had difficulty to prioritize the proposals in sub district level because they have to recapitulate voluminous printed proposals from several urban villages. 2. Conformity between proposals and program plans. Development planning proposals submitted from the community are called participatory planning while top down planning refers to program and activity plans stipulated by Surabaya City Government through their regional working units outlined in Local Government Medium Term Development Plan Document. Manual musrenbang recapitulation and implementation allowed unconformity between development planning proposals and program and activity plans that had been set forth by the government. 3. Controlling or monitoring. Both the government and the society had difficulty in controlling or monitoring the proposal process because proposal recapitulation result was not outlined in a document or an application that can be viewed real time. To solve the above problems, Surabaya City Government created an initiative to build an application named e-musrenbang in 2009. E-musrenbang marked the change in development planning proposal process from manual to system. This change generated administration transformation, namely modernization, organization culture change as well as administrative reform. This change has successfully led to better, easier and more transparent government service procedure. Transparency is the people's demands and e-musrenbang application could meet the people’s aspirations to be able to monitor the process of their proposals. Social groups facilitated by this system are the whole community / Surabaya citizens who are committed to take part in submitting development and improvement proposals in Surabaya.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Problem solving towards musrenbang implementation was proposed by Surabaya City Government by building e-musrenbang application system since 2009 and keeping upgrading and developing until now. This initiative gained through intense and in-depth discussion between structural officials in Development Planning Board, experts/programmers as well as academics. This e-musrenbang initiative has successfully given considerable influence and contribution in musrenbang implementation. This initiative originated from the public complaints for the difficulty in monitoring the process of their proposals that have been communicated in musrenbang forum. Both Development Planning Board as the agency accommodating the proposals and the society as the participant have benefited from e-musrenbang application that can be accessed via the website www.musrenbang.surabaya.go.id since 2009, as follows: 1. More data accuracy on the proposals (the data namely location, type, volume, budget and the proposer are more accurate) 2. It could simplify work type grouping on the proposals. 3. Faster data processing and efficient time management due to the change in administrative process from manual to system. Hence, the new system has cut some unnecessary costs compared to the previous one. 4. People could easily validate whether their proposals have been verified by musrenbang team or not, completed with the photos of their proposals. 5. Development Planning Board or Surabaya City Government is able to estimate the budgetary needs of the proposed activity in the proposals quickly through the application. 6. All Surabaya citizens could participate by giving their opinions and comments on each proposal. The target groups facilitated by e-musrenbang application system are as follows: 1. The society submitting their proposals. 2. Surabaya City Government officials. 3. Surabaya citizens in general. e-musrenbang application system covers transformation within a broad framework because proposal outcomes from the community does not stop in e-musrenbang but will continue to e-budgeting in which the results of the proposals will be included in the budget plan of regional working units that will be conducted next year.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Information technology utilization in solving the above problems is one manifestations of innovation made by Surabaya City Government in one of the development planning processes to provide maximum service to the society. People participatory in the planning program could be achieved from the interaction and communication between government and the society. The uniqueness of e-musrenbang system by Surabaya City Government is that this is the first musrenbang application in Indonesia with spatial data (map). This system is currently undergoing development to be integrated with e-budgeting application system to keep implementation commitment of musrenbang proposals. E-budgeting is an application used to manage budget and activity plans of regional working units in one year that will be implemented next year. By e-musrenbang and e-budgeting linkage, the proposals from the society outlined in e-musrenbang can be connected directly with activity budget plans of regional working units outlined in e-budgeting so that the proposals can be ensured to be conducted. Other uniqueness is that all the proposals can be drawn in a digital map, making it easier in practice. New and different way conducted by Surabaya City Government in the utilization of information technology for musrenbang is that the government has provided internet access in every hamlet throughout Surabaya as well as Broadband Learning Centers ( BLC ) that are available in 7 (seven) reachable locations to facilitate community access to e-musrenbang application. Broadband Learning Center (BLC) is an information technology teaching for the society conducted by Surabaya City Government in cooperation with telecommunication provider. BLC is aimed at providing learning access of information technology development for the community. Hence, the innovation on development planning initiated by the government has contributed great impact on large scale covering the entire territory of hamlets in Surabaya. Kinds of creativity of Development Planning Board identified in e-musrenbang application are as follows: 1. It becomes possible to determine maximum priority budget in urban village level based on the number of neighborhoods, number of hamlets, total area as well as the number of poor families. This maximum priority budget will automatically limit the number of proposal intake since they couldn’t exceed the ceiling budget. Therefore, the development in Surabaya could be evenly distributed in all areas and has been through society discussions and considerations. 2. It becomes possible to prioritize the proposals as per their urgency, availability and magnitude impact on the society. 3. The application could show the detail of development proposals accompanied with some photos of the accurate location based on survey conducted. 4. It could display the point of the proposed development location in spatial-based map by making the use of Geographic Information System (GIS). 5. It becomes possible to verify the development proposals in parallel between technical working units realizing the proposals and Development Planning Board as the development planner. 6. It could facilitate alternative proposals as a replacement if there is a proposal that otherwise does not pass the verification. 7. It could print the meeting minutes with a specific format that has been adapted to the prevailing regulations. The meeting minutes are also signed by representatives of the community and City Government authorities so that the proposals accountability in the application can be maintained. 8. Society can give a rating for the proposals in accordance with the area in which they live by providing like or unlike on the proposal through login by using identity card numbers. The rating could support the society point of view toward public affairs, that are Surabaya development in general as well as musrenbang proposal realization.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1. Develop e-musrenbang application continuously. This process is done by taking into account of musrenbang implementation mechanism as per the prevailing regulations. 2. Create the dictionary about the proposed activities which has been adjusted with standard unit price thus the community proposals and the development programs by Surabaya City Government could be synchronized. Therefore, it could improve government responsiveness toward citizen’s demand and needs. 3. Make an online guideline for musrenbang procedure. 4. Install internet connection in all hamlets throughout Surabaya as much as 1.721 points to facilitate community to access musrenbang website; 5. Optimize the function of Broadband Learning Center (BLC) which are spread in strategic locations in Surabaya as a learning center of IT-based participatory planning process from hamlets in the surrounding area. Besides being a means of electronic-based learning, BLC are also functioned as a center of technical assistance as well as facility for the community to actively participate in the development process by submitting proposals, suggestions and complaints to e-Musrenbang application. 6. Coordinate with other regional working units, sub-districts and urban villages about musrenbang implementation. 7. Socialize and provide technical assistance on musrenbang to regional working units as well as the community; 8. Held meeting forum among regional working units and the community. This forum brings together the community as the proposers with related regional working units as the proposal executors. This forum aims to obtain mutual agreement regarding type, location, and the volume of the proposals thus it demonstrates transparency through public consultation mechanism. 9. Evaluate the results of musrenbang implementation via online.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
. Development Planning Board as implementing regional working unit which have roles in holding city musrenbang and providing the system as well as other data. 2. Sub-districts and urban villages, which have role in validating the proposals as well as the closest officials to the community. 3. Regional working units, as the verifiers of development activity implementation of the City Government and also as executors of the proposals from the community; 4. The community as the proposers that are represented by neighborhoods and hamlets. 5. Surabaya City Council as the observer of musrenbang implementation.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Success in musrenbang innovation is supported by the following resources: 1. Technical infrastructure supporting Musrenbang application such as: Servers, Computers in every hamlet, urban village and sub district along with the internet connection. 2. Human resources serving in Development Planning Board who are in charge of the running of the system include the main programmer and a number of structural officials and staffs. 3. Human resources serving in technical working units and Development Planning Board to verify the development proposals and oversee Musrenbang process in every sub district. 4. Human resources in the sub district and urban village as spearheads to socialize and give technical guidance to the public as stakeholders. 5. All these activities are funded by Local Government Budget. 6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from telecommunication provider for the development of several BLCs. 7. Surveyor personnel to conduct initial survey on every musrenbang proposals. Those resources are mobilized by moving them who are driven by Development Planning Board as initiators to resolve encountered problems by changing the old structures and procedures or manual musrenbang with the new one or online musrenbang, as well as the commitment of those resources to keep implementing online musrenbang.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
After the implementation of online musrenbang system, the outputs are as follows: 1. Proposals priority stipulation. All development proposals submitted by the community to Surabaya City Government especially Development Planning Board could be accommodated or realized because they have been prioritized by the community in accordance with their level of needs so that the proposals do not exceed the budget limit which has been determined by Surabaya City Government. 2. Conformity between proposals and program plans. Development planning proposals from the community has been equivalent with program and activity plans that will be implemented by Surabaya City Government because there are existing dictionary or proposal choices as well as listed standard unit price, thus the budget targets that will be achieved by Surabaya City Government are precise. 3. Controlling or monitoring. When the community submits their development planning proposals via online, both Surabaya City Government and the community are able to control and monitor the proposal process because the recapitulation results are already listed in the application which can be monitored real time and can be accessed easily.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
One of the purposes of this online application development is to facilitate supervision or monitoring. By open access as per appropriate authority of the City Government, the monitoring can be done not only by the authorized officials, but also by all employees and the community who are willing to help monitoring process. In addition, this application provides channels for the society to express their complaints and suggestions that can be responded by Development Planning Board resulting in a healthy dialectic process. Utilization of the progress and evaluation of musrenbang implementation by using e-musrenbang system is done through coordination mechanism between Development Planning Board and neighborhoods / urban villages as well as technical regional working units.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
1. The adjustment from manual to online musrenbang mechanism needed several adaptions from the society as well as government officials. This problem could be overcome gradually by conducting socialization to the community and performing several improvements on the application to be more user-friendly. 2. The problem to embed new paradigm to the community that development planning is not only about physical aspects but also nonphysical, namely employee training, fishery training, and so forth. This problem was solved by the involvement of Development Planning Board in sub-district level musrenbang forums to build community understanding about the importance of nonphysical development in citizen welfare development. 3. Community lack of comprehension on proposal submission process. This problem was solved by performing socialization about proposal submission process to the community. 4. There was discrepancy on the actual data from Development Planning Board and related regional working unit and those from the community. This problem has been overcome by involving mediators from sub-district and urban village who work closely with the community. 5. Socializations towards 31 (thirty one) sub districts and 160 (one hundred and sixty) urban villages initiated opportunity for horizontal agitation. In that state, either intensive approach by conducting coordination meeting or administrative approach by issuing formal letter on Musrenbang procedures was taken. 6. There was lack of coordination among technical regional working units regarding proposals feasibility. That personals from technical regional working units were invited by Development Planning Board to conduct surveys and verifications on the proposal was effective way to overcome the problem.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
1. The participatory development planning could be implemented so that community could engage directly in the process of development planning. 2. Development performed by Surabaya City Government is proper to its target thus the allocation budget is not in vain and fully utilized for both physical and nonphysical community development. 3. Development activities performed by Surabaya City Government could be monitored by community as they know exactly both location and volume of the activities.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Yes it is, since the system is applicable in other regional government and musrenbang mechanism among regional government throughout Indonesia is similar referred to the Law Number 25 Year 2004 on National Development Planning System, Government Regulation Number 8 Year 2008 on Stages, Preparation Procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Development Planning Implementation, as well as Home Affairs Minister Regulations Number 54 Year 2010 on Regional Regulation Implementation Number 8 Year 2008 on Stages, Preparation Procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Development Planning Implementation. In addition, the system is also developed by using open source and applying technology which has no patent or copy right to facilitate other institution in learning the system without doing specific procedures or mechanism relating to Intellectual Property Right.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Musrenbang activities implementation successfully brings along the learning that through online application system, community could involve in participatory development planning and development proposal submission that could be possibly accommodated by City Government based on the prevailing Law Regulation. The main learning point is that the community could arrange their development planning priority resulted from the discussion which is very essential for them. Therefore, community participates in defining their development priority stipulated by Surabaya City Government. Information technology utilization in the process promotes efficiency in budget, administration as well as time management. It leads to improvement of quality, accountability and transparency of planning. Furthermore, the process is expected to be developed continuously to be more user-friendly in the future to come.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Development Planning Board, Surabaya
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Agus Imam Sonhaji, ST, MMT Agus Imam Sonhaji, ST, MMT
Title:   Head of Development Planning Board, Surabaya  
Telephone/ Fax:   +62 31 5312144 ext 315, Fax: +62 31 5344601
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   bappeko.surabaya@yahoo.com  
Address:   Jl. Pacar No. 8, Surabaya
Postal Code:   -
City:   Surabaya
State/Province:   East Java

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