4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The development process begins as soon as the Taman Pintar lands successfully cleared from the various activities that were originally on the site in 2005. The Government of Yogyakarta City in talks with the Central Government and the Provincial Government for the success of this plan. Moreover, Taman Pintar is the first science center in Indonesia, which is managed by the City.
Opening a public location to be gradual in accordance with development progress made to date, starting in 2006 until the end of 2008.
Furthermore, the management of the Taman Pintar includes rides and content development and program planning activities in Taman Pintar performed continuously until today, until the Taman Pintar can always spark children's interest for more intensive study outside of school.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The initiative was first coined by the City of Yogyakarta. Then in the early stages, the Mayor of Yogyakarta formed Development Team, which is tasked with leading the development of the Taman Pintar, also did fundraising efforts as well as communication with the sponsor, to the Taman Pintar is ready to open its services to the public.
After the development process is complete, Taman Pintar is managed by the management, headed by the Head Office of Taman Pintar Management, oversees the Sub Division of Administration, Keprograman Development Section, Display and Equipment Section of Public Relations & Marketing Section. In each part / section has roles and duties, functions and expertise in these fields, mutual support, cooperate and coordinate to manage and develop employees in management Pintar. All team member of Taman Pintar is working as a predetermined position analysis as well as through a competency test in Gadjah Mada University, a leading educational institution in the city of Yogyakarta.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Taman Pintar development funds, taken from the budget of the Central Government, Provincial Government and the City Government Level, for several years from 2005 until 2007. The total cost required is around 60 billion rupiahs.
Since the beginning of the construction of the Taman Pintar, building development schemes, as well as the procurement of props charged to the agency in charge of building and assets in the area of the City Government of Yogyakarta, namely the Department of Building and Public Asset (DBGAD), while management fees charged to the Department of Education (at the time the institutional status of the Taman Pintar is still a service unit under the auspices of the Education Office of Yogyakarta). But since 2007, Park Smart perform various processes to improve the status of being a public service agency which has the authority greater with independent financing and then reached in 2010.
In line with efforts toward financial independence, Taman Pintar to work with various parties who have a concern for the development of education in Indonesia, especially for the benefit of the exhibits’ procurement, development and renewal. While tool for financing activities of the cultural field skills such as batik and pottery creations, Parks implement smart ticketing system for visitors who are interested in participating in activities with the amount of tickets at very affordable rates.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
In a way, since it was first opened to the public service today, Taman Pintar has become the benchmark learning tool for almost any school in the city of Yogyakarta. Reaching number one million visitors a year, many also come from areas outside of the city of Yogyakarta, especially school groups, Taman Pintar has managed to perform his duties as a strategic role in developing and motivating the public in general and students, and children in particular, to recognize, understand and develop the knowledge they learn in school, interactively, with modern packaging using the latest technology, yet remain within the corridor of a local native culture. The element of local knowledge has become one of the main concerns to be included in children's learning Indonesian because of the rapid advances in technology require young adulthood in react.
The existence of Taman Pintar as a leading tourist destination in the city of Yogyakarta, a positive and significant influence and would provide a good impact for the community, businesses (especially the tourism sector) and also the economy and technology. In addition to moving the community's economy and meet the literacy needs of the community, especially among students, Taman Pintar multiplier effect for visitors who come either directly or indirectly.
In general, the presence of the Taman Pintar as a center for science learning are well known on a national, or international (Taman Pintar are members of the Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Center (ASPAC) since 2008) and is one of the founders of the Association of Indonesian Science Center (ASCI), which was formed in 2013. Since its founding to the present, many government agencies from all parts of Indonesia who made study visits to the Taman Pintar to study and develop the kind of learning institutions in their respective regions. Privilege even in the Taman Pintar featuring the theme of learning about the culture and values of local wisdom, then included in the Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD / ART) ASCI at once set to be one of the mandatory criteria for other local governments in Indonesia who want to build educational facilities science center. It is expected, richness of cultural diversity and customs that spread across the Indonesian archipelago can keep perpetuated by Indonesian children on an ongoing basis.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The process of monitoring and evaluation of the functioning of the entire display and the smooth implementation of activities in the Taman Pintar performed periodically to determine and means to handle problems that occur immediately. Each zone guarded by officers Taman Pintar guides work in the morning and afternoon shifts division to help children to understand the workings and scientific base of a visual as well as provide more information on the display at the request of the visitor. Guides escorting an activity program in charge of guiding children in work activities based on the stages that have been determined. The guides are the most vanguard officers quickly find out if there are problems in the field. The problem, impact, criticism and all obstacles that occur during their duty, shall be submitted to the Coordinating officer guides the evaluation session at the end of their duty hours. Input received and forwarded to management for discussion and Taman Pintar be resolved. These inputs who then also become factors that are considered to make corrections, updates, or replacement of a zone or a program of activities.
Taman Pintar also opened various channels to accommodate the input of the feedback received from visitors and the wider community, in the form of suggestion boxes, Upik hotline managed by the City Government of Yogyakarta, as well as sms hotline. All of which is regularly reported to the top management to be discussed and acted upon.
To determine the level of overall customer satisfaction with the services in the Taman Pintar, Public Satisfaction Index measurements were taken 2 times per year.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Constraints at the beginning of the construction of the Taman Pintar, is the number of opposition that comes precisely from the communities surrounding the construction site. The location had been the traditional book market, public transport bases and controlled by these thugs, it is an area that is known for wild and unruly. But with a series of lengthy negotiation process and tough, the site can be cleaned and market books temporarily relocated to Yogyakarta City Government then build a plaza bookselling integrated and connected to the building Taman Pintar.
While in its management, the constraints faced by management, especially in the development of both programs and partnerships and promotions are limited steps that can be done, it is given the Taman Pintar is a government agency that should be obedient and subject to applicable laws, making it slightly inhibits innovation and creativity to be applied. The effort made is always consultation, coordination and discussions with the relevant agencies, both in the local government area of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Provincial Government and the Central Government in terms of innovation implementation plan will be developed.