Community service delivery
Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
To assure the range, type and standard of service meet community needs subsequently assist in reducing the number and severely of emergency incidents and at extreme to ensure rapid, efficient and effective control of emergency incident, by a professionally developed and empowered officer to achieve excellence and professional satisfaction in the delivery of services. Thus, lead a proper management of resources and assets to achieve our mission. In so doing, the MFRS will be recognized as an INSULAR ISLAND in the region aiming at to provide a “ standard, achievable fire and emergency service, at the same time keeping the trend of fire service world” to minimize the impact of emergency incidents on the community” with the limited resources available as an insular island.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service has a long history of EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICE of which the brigades and the community are justifiably proud. This corporate plan describes what the Brigade will be seeking to da as we built an even more community service focused organization and how we will go about doing it. The corporate plan will guide the officers of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service in pursuing a more effective level of service to the citizens and community of the island and saving life as well as protection of properties. Success has always depends on people and their ability to create, adapt and shape the future. We thank the man firefighting, officers and support staff who contribute to the development of their plan through the brigade’s conference and planning processes. The changing roles of the Brigades, with greater emphasis on prevention and the environment. The changing roles of the Brigades, with greater emphasis on prevention and the environment protection provide challenges and opportunities for us to better serve the community of the Republic of Mauritius. We are confident, this plan provides the frame work for the continued progression of a modern efficient and effective fire and rescue emergency service to the citizens of Mauritius. The main objectives and target audiences is as per our Programme Based Bugeting (PBB).

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Formerly, we were an organization responding only to fire related incidents, with time and industrialization we have been responding to fire incidents as well as road traffic accidents, rescue, natural disasters. In line with the above, we have been enacted from our former existence to a newly act in 2013, Act no. 13 of 2013 – Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service. The act empowers the Mauritius Fire Rescue Service to respond to a larger scope of emergencies. Inter-Alia • Prevent fight, control and extinguished fires • Protect persons, animals, property and the environment against fire and any other emergencies • Advice the public on prevention and protection measures in the event of a fire or any other emergencies • Organize community education and awareness programs relating to fires and other emergencies • Provide rescue and extrication services to any person, animal or property endangered as a result of a road of other accidents including one which does not involve the risk or existence of a fire The innovative approaches adopted aimed at successful implementation with the support and injection of limited amount due to restricted funds. Innovative in outdoor training for the prevention and safety awareness for different age group. Simulation exercise at national, regional level in a combined agency concept contributed to multi-agency coordination and management of disasters in an innovated concept aimed at having a holistic approached.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Regularly the organization do operate with an action plan, but in 2009 the Chief Fire Officer issued a three years corporate plan with a mission statement, including core business plan, set out objectives, achievement process, targets set and values. The actual current trend well-clarified aiming at high progressively with figures as bench-mark within a frame time.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service is responsible under the act for prevention and reduction of disasters. Moreover, it is also mentioned that working agreements entered with as relevant organization of stakeholders for mutual assistance in case of emergency for efficiency, and post safety agreement with public and institutions, private sectors and officers contributes effectively in the implementation of the plan. Same through seminars, workshop, SBT. Pamphlets contributed massively in the awareness campaign for the community.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Government financially contributed major part of all project, such as at the MIE, MCA, UOM and even overseas, such as the recent ICS - Training by UK trainers. Technically Government fund out all projects.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The Programme Based Budgeting (PBB) and the internal policy of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service set up goals to successfully meet set out objectives with bench-mark levelled to norms and standards. 1. PREVENTION, the aggressive campaigned in fire safety and prevention at all level, gave another dimension to all stake holders, in terms of public awareness campaign 2. P1 and P2 as per the PBB are being closely monitored at all level. 3. KPI, whereby application for the fire certificate, lectures planned and delivered, audiences, target group, exercises planned and effected are closely monitored at all level.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The daily task sheet of officers, weekly KPI, monthly KPI are monitored to ensure that the Mauritius Fire and Rescue keep on track. The implementation is constantly evaluated to review performance of the organization. Development and implementations of organization structures, systems and procedures that support Government policies and community needs kept the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service on track and trend of the fire service world. Set up structures provided the right mix of mix of expertise and flexibility aiming at to build on the excellent work of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service, and the talents and experience of those officers.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Unavailability of funds, static and dynamic resources, appliances an equipment were the main obstacles encountered. Improper media coverage also contributed to increase the gap between all major stakeholders. Thus, affecting the proper flow of an effective communication. All above restricted the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service to properly develop and implement an information management strategy which provides timely, accurate, accessible and affordable information to support the Brigades and its stakeholders.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Our objectives as a Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service is to attain a high level of public trust and confidence in our ability to deliver quantity policy services effectively with honesty, integrity and openness. Same done through focus on core business plan and reform in identified areas as a rescue organization. To achieve our mission of stabilizing a safer environment- Mauritius by address identified key areas that will provide the people of Mauritius with policy services based on community consultation and cooperation. These services become the foundation for our local area and unit planning processes. The Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service aim to provide policy services appropriated to the needs of each community. Our focus in our primary role of addressing safety to vulnerable groups, under aged, handicap mentally or physically and the community at large, prompted operation within the minute that follows, even with limited resources, we manage to respond with the available resources on board, re-assurance to community for a back to normal course with confidence, develop strong working partnership with other agencies to develop effective fire prevention and community safety strategies: give sympathetic consideration and practical assistance to vulnerable members of the community: employ committed professional people whose ethical behavior is beyond reproach and who are managed by supportive and consistent leaders.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The actual trend of the world in line with political, economic, social, technology environmental, give a new dimension to the scale of firefighting in Mauritius. As other developed countries in the world, the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service is also exposed to the same trend. The new act of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service no.13 of 2013, not only ensure that the brigade is well trained and equipped but that there are efficient arrangement for summoning the brigade and upon reaching the scene of incident, the brigade has necessary required tools to cope with any events. New fire stations are in the process of construction to sustain our local needs in a progressive, systematic way. Regulations based on the new act are in process to better support the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service in performing for the interest of the community at large. Newly acquired appliances and equipment support the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service to cope with all arising situations. Officers are trained locally and overseas to better serve the community. Recognizing the importance of the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service with basic best practice guidance notes, whereby, these initiatives help stakeholders to adapt to their changing role. To this end, it provides a valuable source of information to our stakeholders, and recognize that one size does not fir all, thus ensuring a well-defined, well written and well-communicated code of ethical standards and guidelines for acceptable behavior on which a culture of integrity is built and well established.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The Mauritius Fire and Rescue in the process of delivering quality service have become pro-active in a holistic manner, whereby applied risk reduction management concept lead to ensure business continuity. We have learn to:  Conduct an appropriate review, on an ongoing basis  Monitor the effectiveness and actions talked on recommendations made  To support reduction in road trauma by encouraging safer behavior and ensuring compliance.  Develop systems and processes which are corruption resistance  Provide a socially and morally safe working environment conductive to the workplace based on a safe work concept  Set and communicate  Make decision based on service objectives values, principles and input from our people  Provide care and support for our people  Establish an environment of trust with accountability  Maintain a continuous up to date, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week assistance to members of the community.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Mauritius Fire and Rescue Service
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Louis Pallen
Title:   Chief Fire Officer  
Telephone/ Fax:   (230) 212 4726
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   14 Deschartes Street Port Louis
Postal Code:  
City:   Port Louis

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