There are some very significant impacts from this program implementation:
a. Changes in public service delivery:
1. More proactive Business Incubation Technology service;
2. Easy public access to Business Incubation Service outside the physical institutional buildings;
3. More implemented research results from academia to communities;
4. More transparent Business Incubation Service gaining more public trust.
b. Positive impact on society
1. The impact on women's access to technology
Prior to this initiative, a group of women do not know and reach out to technology so they cannot take advantage of existing technology. After the implementation, the technology has been utilized for the production of rubber processing, operating computer for business management, as well as performing simple bookkeeping to record the flow of funds;
2. The impact on employment opportunities and increased productivity.
Prior to this initiative, working-age women had been very unproductive. After the implementation, a group of working-age women are able to use their spare time to produce an average of 20 products daily.
3. The impact on family welfare.
Prior to this initiative, most working-age women in Talang Kedondong Village were so dependent to their husbands. After the implementation, the women are able to support their family income. Assuming the productivity rate in regular days is 20 products with the price of IDR 5,000 (USD 0.5), each woman can earn roughly IDR 2,500,000 for 25 working days. For certain occasions, the numbers are absolutely doubled. This fact also improve the per capita income of the residents to the number of IDR 911,000 (USD 91.1).
4. The impact on Women Self-Actualization
Prior to the initiation of this project, most of the women were unable to actualize themselves. They just get together with the neighbors in a social gathering activities in the village. After the implementation, they are able to:
a. Broaden their knowledge and perception by attending several local and regional craft exhibitions;
b. Conduct a comparative study to Yogyakarta to gain more knowledge and experiences from many successful artisans;
c. Share their experiences in many entrepreneurial events held by the initiators;
d. Receive official and personal public visits from other regions and provinces.
The replication processes have been conducted in several provinces including Central Java, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Banten, West Sumatera, Bengkulu, Jambi and Maluku.
Some national-level awards have also been received, including:
1. Prayogasala Science Award in 2011;
2. Budhipura Science Award in 2012 (Institutional Category);
3. Budhipura Science Award in 2013 (Networking Category);
4. Budhipura Kencana Science Award in 2014;
5. TOP 33 Best Public Services Innovation Award in Indonesia in 2014
There are some aspects which have been prepared to ensure the implementation of replication, namely:
1. System.
The replication process is done by implanting the initiative into Local Innovation System of South Sumatera Province on the sub-system of Research and Development Result Utilization;
2. Regulation.
In order to ensure and guarantee the sustainability of the program, the government authorities have issued following regulations:
a. Decree of the Head of BALITBANGNOVDA of South Sumatera Province on the Out-Wall Incubation Program Team;
b. Decree of the Governor of South Sumatera on Out-Wall and In-Wall Incubation Program;
c. The Regulation of the Governor of South Sumatera on Strengthening Local Innovation System of South Sumatera;
d. Decree of the Governor of South Sumatera on the Implementation of Local Innovation System Reinforcement Roadmap.
3. Institutional.
Institutionally, the Out-Wall Incubation Program is the sole responsibility of BALITBANGNOVDA of South Sumatera corresponding to its official duties and functions. Thus, there is no trouble to prepare the budget for replication activities.
4. Financing.
The funding for the program in the rural areas are financed through Innovation Village Fund and Model Village Fund taken from the local budget of South Sumatera Province as follows:
a. In 2011, a total of IDR 500,000,000 (USD 50,000):
1. Talang Keramat Village in Banyuasin Regency focusing on agricultural technology spent IDR 200,000,000 (USD 20,000);
2. Baturaja Permai Village in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency focusing on Foodcessing Technology spent IDR 100,000,000 (USD 10,000);
3. 5 Ulu Municipality focusing on food processing technology spent IDR 100,000,000 (USD 10,000);
4. Lubuk Rukam Village and Kandis I Village in Ogan Ilir Regency focusing on herbal medical technology spent IDR 100,000,000 (USD 10,000).
b. In 2012, a total of IDR 606,800,000 (USD 60,680):
1. The Innovation Village of Tanjung Sari in OKU Selatan regency (a remote area with 8-hour-land-trip from Palembang City) spent IDR 46,800,000 (USD 4,680);
2. 5 Ulu Municipality in Seberang Ulu I District in Palembang City focusin on food processing technology spent IDR 50,000,000 (USD 5,000);
3. Buay Rawan District in OKU Selatan regency focusing on food processing technology spent IDR 95,000,000 (USD 9,500);
4. Palembang City focusing on food quality improvement spent IDR 45,500,000 (USD 4,550);
5. Mardiharjo Village in Musi Rawas Regency spent IDR 300,000,000 (USD 30,000);
6. Post Innovation Fund IDR 70,000,000 (USD 7,000).
c. In 2013, a total of IDR 765,000,000 (USD 76,500):
1. 75 villages in OKU Selatan Regency spent IDR 525,000,000 (USD 52,500);
2. Buay Rawan District in OKU Selatan Regency focusing on post-harvest fruit processing technology spent IDR 100,000,000 (USD 10,000);
3. Post innovation Fund IDR 140,000,000 (USD 14,000).