4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Department of Transportation and LLAJ East Java Province developed a pattern of service management system for weighing and comprehensive control by applying stages of an integrated process which creates the concept of service and enforcement of the weigh station, the concept of criminal sanctions, and the police and prosecutors, concept of supervision and control of the performance of the transportation department, and the concept of controlling and monitoring of the public and relevant agencies.
The stages are as follows:
• Preparation:
- Construction of weigh station information systems, this system has a centralized data storage mutually synchronize the data with the server of each weigh station. The system is divided into three different applications and functions which cover the process of weighing systems for service and enforcement vehicles, control and monitoring systems for weighing data to the supervisory JTCC and monitoring systems and support for the community to weigh vehicles.
- Provision of facilities and supporting infrastructure services and supervision in all weigh stations, such as infrastructure improvements (widening of roads in and out to make 80% of the reinforced concrete, 10 warehouse locations weigh station has irregularities of goods, improvement of rest area), supporting equipment (60 CCTV units spread over 20 locations weigh station, online IT equipment for 24 hours non-stop).
- Development and preparation of the team office supervisor of JTCC is as a team to oversee the performance of the station as well as the weigh station control center for cargo traffic.
- Improving the quality of human resources through education and training for employees and managers at weigh stations and JTCC as executive HR in control.
• Implementation
- Monitoring and evaluation are conducted by the Technical Unit and Officers, and JTCC, relating to the monitoring of damage or repairs will be addressed by the technical team who are on standby for 24 hours and follow-up (imprompt supervision) if there might be any public complaints against levies at the weigh stations. Repression in 2011 has increased 25% from 2010, and after the implementation of IT systems in 2012 increased 77% from 2012.
- Signing of Integrity Pact ranging from officers at the lowest level to the highest level (Head of Department) that contains a pledge in preventing acts of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) in the implementation of operational at weigh stations.
- Improved coordination with relevant agencies in connection with the limited authority of the Civil Servant for enforcement violations freight vehicles with East Java Police trough signatory of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with follow-up placement of two Police officers team at each weigh station.
- Increase the officer’s welfare of weigh station for overtime job and transport assistance supported by the East Java provincial budget that reached 68% of revenues in its sector. This is such kind of reward to the officers at the weigh stations to maintain optimal performance as the prevention of corruption.
• Development
- Conducting Public Satisfaction Index survey (IKM) of operating performance in the weigh stations conducted by a third party with a population of people who use the weigh station facility, while the sample is determined at least 150 respondents to assess the expected public service. IKM assessment here does not run with the category of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the driver or freight (the customers), as in this case the regulation services, which are inversely related to the driver wishes to enforce the existing regulations.
- Twenty weigh station is licensed ISO 9001: 2008 by international certification body
- ISOQAR to quality of operational performance of weighing freight vehicles, and always be audited annually at the weigh station.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This service innovation is born from the commitment of the Provincial Government in realizing the Integrity Zone of free-corruption region as a showcase of public service. The initiator of this innovation is Dr. H. Soekarwo (known well as Pakde Karwo) Governor of East Java, followed supporting Innovation party is the Head of the Department of Transportation and LLAJ East Java Province, and supported by the Operational Control Field LLAJ as technical coordinator of innovation is to continue to run the initiative well and smoothly, with the main perpetrator is the officers at weigh station at twenty locations spread throughout East Java. Besides that was supported by some stakeholders, namely: 1) East Java Police in this case the Directorate of Traffic for criminal law enforcement and traffic violations as a follow up to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Head of Department of Transportation and LLAJ East Java Province; 2) the Commission in terms of coaching, prevention and enforcement of the Corruption and Illegal Payments, 3) Ombudsman as a watchdog of public service activities, and 4) NGOs / journalists, public and independent watchdog for monitoring and evaluating the performance of weigh station from a community perspective.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
• The source of funding for the initiative / project innovation is from the East Java provincial budget. This financing, however, would give the value of the benefits and rewards are far greater income from financing issued by the Government of East Java Province, as a description of the weigh station financing infrastructure improvements including an additional fee and income for officers of Rp. 28,091,170,000,-, earning revenues of Rp 78,957,770,000,-, or in other words, a surplus of 181% (Data Jembatan Timbang, 2013)
• In the innovation / initiative, it is built weigh station professionals with integrity and knowledge through education and training as well as a statement of commitment by the Integrity Pact which is supported by the Regional Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure flow process of weighing the vehicles and law enforcement.
• The increase of IT is obtained by getting the various parties and agencies that come from universities around East Java as the provider of knowledge management technology and good governance.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The impact of the transformation of the weigh station services on the utilization of information technology is to provide a lot of positive impacts, either direct or indirect impact to several aspects. As for some of the most prominent effects of this transformation since the service has been implemented in the year 2011 are as follows:
• The increase in the amount of fines for the year 2011 amounted to 128% of the previous year with a total fine of Rp 18 billion, in 2012 the number rose up to 172% fines amounting more than Rp 31 billion, while in 2013 an increase of 254% from the previous year with a total of more than Rp 78 billion in the year despite the enactment of the new penalty rate but it was evident that the number of potential leak of fines into the state treasury has decreased drastically, so the fines into the state treasury as compensation for law breach of overloaded vehicles can be absorbed totally to the state treasury.
• The availability of data on the distribution of commodity flows between regions in East Java Province. The record and data storage using information systems can provide information about the flow of commodities that are transported by vehicles or freight passing through weigh stations across East Java. Attempts to forward this information can be used to formulate the transfer policy of distribution of certain goods from a landline / road.
• Innovation is a manifestation of the determination of the integrity zone of corruption-free region, so this implementation receives appreciation from the KPK. The success over the weigh station service transformation has gained national recognition as an award-winning public service innovation in the field of realizing the free-corruption region organized by the Ministry of PAN-RB.
• Specific to the operational of weigh station, this innovation by the Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry used as a reference or standard procedures BEST PRACTICE in weighing vehicles at weigh stations throughout Indonesia.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Information technology system at weigh station is integrated system which consists of three supervisory functions as follows:
1) Monitoring Application System, an application for monitoring data and the flow of execution of freight weighing at the weigh stations, the system is to access the data centers that synchronize real-time data to a server at each weigh station across East Java region.
2) Weigh station application system, an application used in the service process of weighing the vehicle and have the hidden features in the process of monitoring the performance of the officers at the weigh stations.
3) SMS gateway system that serves as the monitoring of the public is an application that provides a vehicle weighing data checking and reporting public response.
Besides the use of those technology systems, the twenty weigh stations spread throughout East Java with the farthest distance of 350 km, the supervision is conducted through some procedures as follows:
1) Provides a vehicle weighing a data checking and reporting of public response.
2) 60+ CCTV units with centralized supervisory control in the JTCC Office of Department of Transportation and LLAJ East Java; 2) direct on-site supervision by impromptu team JTCC through inspection (random inspection).
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main obstacles during the implementation of this innovation are as follows:
1) The process to change the behavior of the owner of the vehicles in terms of regulatory compliance gradually takes time. This is done by gradually tolerating each year, and at the same time, socialization was done, where there are restrictions since 2006, amounting to 60% of the provision charge was not allowed to continue the journey, then in 2007 was lowered to 50%, in 2008 to 40%, in 2009 to 30%, in 2010 to be within the limits of tolerance under the provisions of the charge over 25% of the allowable weight. It is expected that the reduction in the charge gradually tolerance limits are needed to encourage companies to better comply with the provisions on the charge limit. Actually in this case is also very beneficial to the owner of goods transport vehicle, which would extend the life of the vehicle, reducing the damage to roads, reducing accidents due to freight vehicles.
2) The distance within the entire weigh stations with the headquarters at a distance is far enough so that the repair process in case here there is any damage on the devices are not directly in the handling of the officers. This is aided by increasing the number of monitoring officers supported weigh station operational vehicles for direct and quick response.
4) There is friction from commodity businessmen whose low economic value but large volumes such as sand business. It is up to the sand transport entrepreneurs protested at one weigh station, with the aim to obtain relief from prosecution because of low economic value. However, this action applies to all freight vehicles and no matter what the goods being transported, it will be treated the same i.e. no overload tolerance.