“On Approval of the Concept of State Space Policy Realization for the period to 2032”
State Space Agency of Ukraine

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Ukraine is a space state confessed in the world, a competent partner at the market of space services. In particular, due to the present space potential, launch vehicles created and made in Ukraine, it possesses 10 % of the world market of space services, the production of space vehicles is adjusted for the remote sensing of the Earth, the developed surface infrastructure and scientific schools with the world level of scientific space researches are created. Nowadays space activities of Ukraine provide a deserving place among the comparatively small amount of the states of the world that have the opportunity to create a space-rocket technology in a closed cycle. Before, the beginning of initiative development of space activities in the state was regulated by the 5-year space programs approved by the Laws of Ukraine, and, on the whole, came forward as means of the operative planning. Implementation of these space programs (four of them were realized before the beginning of initiative) gave an opportunity to work out the urgent problems in development of space activities: save scientific and manufacture potential for the benefit of national economy and security, to go out to the international space market with own products and services, to integrate Ukraine to the international space association, to form bases of internal market of space services, to realize the first steps on a way to commercialization of space activities. At the same time, the space programs did not give strategic vision to development of space activities, and also did not determine its strategic priorities and criteria of realization. All this, notwithstanding the high potential of space industry, did not provide effective influence of space activities on the decision of actual national and public tasks.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
The conception named the problem that needs a decision, reasons of its origin, aim and ways of realization, and also the presented basic results to be achieved, and oriented financing. A problem that needs a decision is considerable disproportion between the level of space potential and its influence on the decision of actual national and public tasks. Principal reasons of origin of the problem are related to the protracted absence of effective state support in the field of space activities, and also to necessity of reformation of the marked sphere. The problem is to be resolved by the way of improving the mechanism of granting of the state support, inputting of the state-private partnership and providing of investment attractiveness of space activity as a result: Meeting social needs in the field of Earth Remote Sensing and satellite navigation and telecommunication services; Expanding presence of the national enterprises in the global market of space services, ensuring access to space; Conducting scientific space research, applied scientific studies on the creation of advanced rocketry and advanced technology, implementation of the prestigious national projects, and the scientific and educational programs; Enhancing the development of rocket and space technology and increase its competitiveness; Deepening the international cooperation. The purpose of the Concept is to improve the use of space potential to address the current tasks of social and economic, environmental, cultural, informational, scientific and educational society development, national security and protection of geopolitical interests of the State. Ways of realization of (main tasks) Concepts are: support the development of space technologies and their integration into the real sector of the national economy and national security and defense; gain new knowledge, increase scientific and technological potential of the state and the educational level of its citizens; improvement of the rocketry and technology of its creation; implementation of the effective industrial policy and modernization of production; ensure the commercialization of space activities; deepening of the international cooperation in space activities. In general, the Concept identifies the main approaches to implementation of space activities for the next 20 years and is done through the implementation of four stages (5-year space programs approved by the Laws of Ukraine are specified as stages of implementation). The target audience of initiatives - the subjects of administrative, scientific and economic activities of the state, the public citizens who are interested in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, students, graduate students.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
For the first time since gaining independence of the state the concept that defines the strategy of development of space activities for the next 20 years was developed. In general, there was no such concept with action plan for its implementation during the space era (since the 60s of the 20th century) and in the former Soviet Union. In particular, the concept defined for the first time: composition of the group of Earth Remote Sensing spacecrafts (which are expected to be maintained on orbit), and the composition of satellite telecommunications infrastructure, stages of development of the coordinate-time and navigation support system, and space control system, areas of use of the space data in the matter of national security and defense, areas of space research (including those that require mandatory human participation, lunar exploration using domestic spacecrafts, scientific and educational space experiments), stages of development of the advanced space technology (including launch vehicles, spacecrafts, aerospace systems) and its components, ways of improving the structure of the space industry and efficiency of enterprises and ensuring the effective implementation of human resources policy, development of the system of training and retraining, feasibility of increased the activity of the space industry enterprises in the global space market and the creation of an internal market for space information services, need for the implementation of measures for cooperation between Ukraine and the ESA (with the acquisition of associate membership),ensuring cooperation with foreign countries, direction to enhance the implementation of space activities in the Baltic-Black Sea region, etc.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Method of performing initiatives on approximate timeframe for implementation and funding is defined in Ordinance № 48-r of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept of the state policy in the field of space activities for the period to 2032" as of 25.01.2012, and the specific time frame of the first stage of the Concept, objectives and activities, volumes of financing are determined by the Law of Ukraine № 439-VII "On approval of the National Research and Technology Space Program of Ukraine for 2013-2017 " as of 05.09.2013. In particular, it is intended to provide: support for in-orbit operation of 10 Earth remote sensing spacecrafts of full-scale specifications of various types and systems of timing and navigation support and space control, as well as 4 communications spacecrafts (including the provision of services of these systems to state bodies exercising powers in the field of national security and defense) by 2032; for the duration of 5th space program (2013 - 2017) the implementation of the initiative of the Ukrainian scientists - space experiment on research of the ionosphere "Ionosat Micro", during the term of the next 6th and 7th space programs - space experiment "Ionosat-Standard", and during the 8th space program - the space experiment "Ionosat-Premium"; conduction of experiments in space as part of the implementation of international programs and participation throughout the 2028-2032 years in the lunar research using domestic spacecraft (placing into lunar orbit 2 scientific satellites); creation of space rocket complex with the launch vehicle "Cyclone-4" (until 2017) and the ensuring its operation, perspective rocket complex with the launch vehicle "Mayak" (for 2023-2032), universal autonomous space tug "Krechet" for delivering spacecraft into Earth and lunar orbits using national launch vehicles (development - up to 2017), aviation and space systems "air launch" on the basis of light (up to 2022) and heavy aircrafts (by 2027), the spacecraft various types, scientific instruments etc; improvement the space industry structure with forming of macro technical complexes of closed cycle, improving of the space industry efficiency (increasing of production volumes of competitive products, including products not related to its utilization in space), implementation of effective personnel policies (training of specialists abroad, implementation of perspective human resource management, appointment of enterprises top managers on competitive method, search of motivation ways of scientific and technical workers for their training); expansion of the space industry in the global space market (by facilitating the operation of domestic launch vehicles, aerospace systems, and space assets of the cargo delivery to the Moon orbit on commercial basis, providing state preferential loans and state guarantees for loans); Definition of mechanisms to attract private capital for implementation of the state space programs by creating an appropriate legal framework. Development of cooperation between Ukraine and leading space countries the field of space, intensify space activities in the Baltic-Black Sea region, and strengthen the exporters’ positions of rocket and space technology and services in the global market.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Stakeholders of the initiative development: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice, and National Academy of Science of Ukraine.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The estimated budget for initiative implementation (38.5 billion UAH) is defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Plan of the Implementation of the Concept of state policy in the field of space for the period till 2032" dated 25.01.2012 № 48-r. Funding sources are the State budget and other funds (loans obtained under the state guarantees, investment funds of commercial contracts and contracts based on state/private partnership, charity funds, NGO funds etc). The initiative is oriented on maximum use of technical and human resources of space industry (30 enterprises subordinated to the SSAU, with a workforce of about 25 thousand people, entities, state enterprises and research institutions, subordinated to other central executive authorities, scientific institutions of NAS of Ukraine and commercial enterprises involved in space activities).

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
During 2013 and the 1st half of 2014 the following results have been achieved: 2 Launches of "Zenit" LV in the framework of the “Sea Launch” program, 3 launches of "Dnepr" LV, 4 launches of "Antares" LV (USA), 2 launches of "Vega" LV (ESA); 4 Contracts (valued at 8.56 million USD) between investors and Ukrainian enterprises were signed in the framework of implementation of “Cyclone - 4” project; Works fulfilled on creation of the National Satellite Communication System "Lybid" (term of the spacecraft launch readiness – 4th quarter 2014); Over 1200 information sessions with total length of more than 600 hours using the radio telescope RT-70 (located in Yevpatoriya, Crimea peninsula) in the framework of implementation of the project fundamental research “Radioastron” (currently, there is no possibility to utilize the radio telescope); Scientific experiments on the study of near-Earth space are successfully implemented with Ukrainian instrument on the board of "Chybis-M" microsatellite and experiment "Obstanovka-1" – on the International Space Station; The complex of scientific instruments "Ionosat Micro" is created for the microsatellite "Mikrosat-M" as a milestone of the project of ionosphere exploration "Ionosat", which is initiated by the Ukrainian scientists; Preliminary design of the satellite "UMS" platform is developed by the university youth. It was provided assistance to launch the "PolyTan", first microsatellite (weigh about 1 kg) created in Ukraine by university students (funds of the "KPI" University). The works were completed on technical system design of the optic electronic surveillance for the long-term spacecraft of Earth Remote Sensing "Sich-2-1"; Space enterprises fulfilled all commitments for manufacture and supply of the instrumentation and control systems components for launches of the LVs "Soyuz" and "Proton", manned spacecraft "Soyuz-TMA" and cargo ship "Progress-TM"; It was created and tested the models of basic systems of perspective radar station designed for the space control. Technology of digital antenna arrays is implemented in the mentioned systems.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The monitoring system for the initiative implementation was identified by: Item 2 of the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Action Plan for Implementation of the Concept of the state policy in the field of space activities for the period till 2032” as of 25.01.2012 № 48-r on the annual informing of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the State Space Agency of Ukraine on implementation of the Action Plan; Paragraph 2, Item 2 of the Law of Ukraine "On Approval of the National Target-Oriented Scientific and Technical Space Program of Ukraine 2013-2017" as of 05.09.2013 № 439-VII on the annual (before April 1) informing of the Parliament of Ukraine by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the status of the program’s implementation.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main problems of the initiative implementation associated with the virtual absence of real state support of space activities (funding of the space programs is generally equal to 25-30% of the approved amount, and in 2014, given the need to finance ATO, this figure has been reduced significantly) and considering the historical orientation of the space industry on close cooperation with Russia. The main ways to overcome the problem are to increase efforts on: development of the internal space services market, integrations of space science and industry of Ukraine into to the European and world commodity markets (expansion of implementation of commercial space projects on the order of foreign investors, entry SSAU to the European Space Agency, expansion of participation of the Ukrainian scientists in execution the scientific space projects of the European program "Horizon-2020", initiation of the prestige international space projects by the Ukrainian scientists with the participation of foreign scientific establishments); stabilizing of the budget financing; increasing the list of contracts, that are executed for the credits taken under the guarantees of the Government; creating the normatively-legal base with determination of motivational criteria of financing of the government space programs by private sector.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Realization of initiative will allow: to form among the citizens of Ukraine positive attitude towards the actions of the Government, sent to realization of political decision as for the development of space activities of Ukraine; to infix the patriotic feelings and faith in creative forces of people, confidence for the possibility for the state to reach the world's developed countries level by innovations, development of scientific industries of economy to wake up the interest among young people for higher education, scientific researches, technical specialties. Realization of initiative will influence on the next layers (groups) of population: all citizens of Ukraine will get possibility: to access to the most modern information technologies (use of satellite digital communication, digital satellite telecommunication, systems of the coordinate-sentinel and navigation providing, systems of the remote sensing of the Earth) increasing security (by the use of space information for providing of national security in political, economic, social, military, ecological, scientific-technological, informative and other spheres); scientists will get possibility of realization of scientific researches within the limits of the international programs, that will assist providing the world level of researches and integration to the international system of space researches; workers of space industry, and, due to cross functional influence, contiguous industries of economy of the state (aviation, machine-building) will be provided with stable orders, prestige and high-paying work; the workers of the forestry, agriculture and other industries of economy of the state will get possibility of rational land-tenure with the use of space pictures; creative young people will have the opportunity to make their first steps in science and technology to establish close relations with foreign peers in the implementation of scientific and educational space programs.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Initiative determines basic directions of development of space activities at the national level. In accordance with established procedure initiative is concerted and supported by the interested central executive bodies (MFA, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Defense, SSU, Ministry of Industrial Policy, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice) and NASU. In addition, initiative was repeatedly presented with a positive result at Ukrainian conference on space researches, and also was promulgated on a SSAU web-site, where it was supported by the wide public in the process of discussions.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Realization of Political proposal will give an opportunity to provide: satisfaction of public necessities (including necessities in the field of national security and defense) after directions of the remote sensing of the Earth and satellite navigation and telecommunication services by forming the single informative space of the state, that envisages development of constellation of the space systems of Earth observation and telecommunication on the orbit, creation of the effective onground system of the use of aerospace data, and also data of the system of the coordinate-sentinel and navigation providing on the basis of international standards; expansion of presence of Ukraine at the world market of space commodities and services, providing the assured access of Ukraine in space by an assistance to commercial exploitation of the present and perspective space-rocket systems, bringing in of private capital to financing of space activity; accelerating the science progress, by realization of scientific space researches (mainly, at participating in the international programs in research of space in peaceful aims, including the programs of research of Moon, Mars and other planets of the Sun system), and realization of prestige own projects (experiments in research of Earth and Moon by home automatic space vehicles), implementation of the applied scientific researches as for the creation of perspective standards of space-rocket technique and front-rank technologies, and also scientifically-educational programs; accelerating the development of space-rocket technique, creation of the new space-rocket systems and their elements, devices, surface infrastructure, creation of perspective space rocket complexes, space vehicles and their separate systems (engines, elements of surface infrastructure); creation of competitive productive potential at the internal and external markets by introduction of innovations as basic element of structural transformations, and also its modernization and realization of structural alteration of space industry, achievement of substantial rejuvenation of the staff and providing the prestige of technical specialities among the students' young people. deepening of strategic partnership with the space states by the participating in the international space programs (in particular, European) and creation of pre-conditions for the acquisition of membership in the European Space Agency.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   State Space Agency of Ukraine
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Yaroslav Stefanyshyn
Title:   Deputy Chief of Department  
Telephone/ Fax:   +380442816295/+380442816209
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   stephanishin@nkau.gov.ua  
Address:   8 Moskovska street
Postal Code:   01010
City:   Kyiv
State/Province:   Kyiv

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