4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The Project Implementation Plan included various steps (for the detailed chronology look at the gantt diagram):
A)Preparatory activities:
1-Selection and nomination of a vigilance committee
2-involvement of public servants
3-selection of a representative sample of citizens (64)
B)Communication activities:
1-launch of an integrated communication campaign
2-development, launch and updating of the dedicated web site
3-Improvement of the communication campaign before, during and after the election days (advertisements, social network, news releases, articles, video, book …)
C)Information activities
1-4 meetings (“world café”) during which selected citizens are informed about Calcinaia public administration activities. Collection of the citizens suggestions
D)Elaboration of Public work projects:
1-selected citizens get into groups in order to realize thematic workshops
2-planning phase: project elaboration with the support of specialists of participation processes and engineers
E)Selection of the projects
1-Electoral preparation activities
2-Public presentation of the projects
3-election days
F)Conclusion activities: presentation and diffusion of “Il Comune siamo noi” results
1-Presentation of the final report. Presentation of the book “Sulla stessa barca”, which describes the participatory process “Il Comune siamo noi”
2-Realization and presentation of the video “Il Comune siamo noi”, which tells the participatory process step by step through the interviews of the people involved.
3-Distribution of the video “Il Comune siamo noi” to the citizens
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
A lot of actors contributed to the implementation of the initiative. The “Il Comune siamo noi” project was managed by an external participation processes expert. Furthermore an external company attended to the selection of the participants. Also some public servants contributed to the good realization of the project: the administrative office attended to inform the selected people about the rules of their participation, the press office was responsible for the communication (website, social network, press releases, …), the technical office supervised the workshops work. During “world cafes” and workshops, some local voluntary associations provided child care service and an adequate transport service for disabled participants.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The financial and technical resources’ costs associated with the initiative are:
Instrument and equipment rental (chairs, projector ...): 1.000 euro
Rooms (cleaning service): 1.000 euro
Participation processes management: 20.000 euro
Participant selection: 10.000 euro
Child care/ transport service: 1.000 euro
Writing materials: 1.000 euro
Informative: 2.000 euro
Catering: 3.000 euro
Photo, audio and video service: 1.000 euro
Communication campaign (web site, …): 8.000 euro
Total amount: 54.000 euro
The Regional authority for the citizens participation contributed to the financing giving to the Calcinaia government the sum of 41.000 euro. According to co-financing rules, the remining 13.000 euro was borne by the local government.
For what concerns human resources, the costs amount to 7.200 euro. 22 public servants were involved in the process.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1.Citizens’ responsiveness: citizens reacted with interest and enthusiasm to the initiative, which had represented an effective involved form of democratic participation. People selected participated in the workshops and took part actively in the discussion. During the elections days, 948 citizens voted through SMS or e-mail message or in dedicated polling places located in the center of the city and in the municipal libraries.
2.Relationship between public administration and citizens: “Il Comune siamo noi” initiative had improved the citizens’ relationships with the public servants and local administrators. This project gave the Calcinaia community the chance to get in touch with the local public administration in a direct way, improving communication between population and local government. So the initiative had contributed to counterbalance any negative image of public administration and rise the image and prestige of public servants.
3.Community building: “Il Comune siamo noi” strengthed the network between Calcinaia inhabitants. Participants had the opportunity to discuss and work together for an important common goal, the common good. So the initiative had improved the dialogue and the inside the community.
4.Higher knowledge of community needs: thanks to the “Il Comune siamo noi” project, the Calcinaia public administration had the possibility to get knowledge of the realistic needs and diseases of the local community 5.Local voluntary associations involvement: the services delivered by the local voluntary associations allowed selected citizens to take part in the “Il Comune siamo noi” initiatives, contributing to the success of the initiative. Furthermore, the local voluntary associations involvement represents the starting point for the community involvement.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Some indicators were selected in order to measure and monitor the implementation of the project.
For what concerns communication, some important indicators were taken into consideration, like the number of press release published, the numbers of articles published on the dedicated website traffic
For what concerns the selected citizens participation, the indicators taken into consideration were the number of world cafes participants, the number of projects elaborated during the workshops, the numbers of voters.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Some organization problems were encountered during the implementation of “Il Comune siamo noi”. Principally, meeting participants’ needs, taking into consideration their family and work tasks, is very difficult, especially when a project involves a large number of persons. Another obstacle was represented by the complexity of the topics, which made it necessary to increase the number of workshops. So meet the general project timetable was very difficult.