4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The strategy was organized in several “steps”:
1st step: analysis of the stakeholders’ construction procedures and of their interest in participating actively in the project. All the partners signed an Agreement;
2nd step: analysis of the construction procedures implemented in several offices: Construction Department, Environmental Department etc. We aimed at highlighting the useful and necessary strategies to improve these procedures from the point of view of human and technical resources and to transform them in digital practices;
3rd step: updating the standard software used by the Municipality in order to meet some specific needs;
4th step: communication campaign with the partners and some professional categories: engineers, architects, technicians, building surveyors;
5th step: experimentation of new procedures with pilot tests carried out in cooperation with the Professional Orders, Entrepreneurial Associations and citizens through meetings, conferences and presentations;
6th step: progressive definitive implementation of digital procedures.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
On the basis of the “Agreement for the digitalization of the Construction and Enterprises’ documents” signed by Cremona Municipality, Cremona Province, ASL, ARPA, Fire Brigade, Energy Municipality Agency, Cremona Builders Association (ANCE), ASCOM (Cr), CONFESERCENTI (Cr), CONFARTIGIANATO (Cr), C.N.A. (Cr), ASSOCIAZIONE INDUSTRIALI (Cr), CONFAPINDUSTRIA (Cr), Ordine Dottori Commercialisti (Cr), Architects Professional Order (Cr), Engineers Professional Order (Cr), Building Surveyors Professional Order, (Cr), Agronomists Professional Order (Cr), Geologists Professional Order (Lombardy), Enterprises Technicians Professional Order (Cr), Agrotechnicians Professional Order(Cr), it was started a new project:
· building and implementation of the new digital system through the experimentation of new procedures;
· periodical monitoring of these procedures to avoid problems;
· sharing the IT platform and its new procedures with the subjects interested in using it to exchange data, documents and opinions;
· monitoring and analysis of the users’ “feedbacks” in order to improve the system;
· drafting the users’ operating manual for a correct use of the digital portal (“front office”).
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The resources (human and financial) that were used for the project’s implementation came from the municipality’s budget.
Hereafter you can find a list of the project’s expenses:
1. hardware: n. 13 monitors 23 inches, n. 2 cd-writers, n. 1 projector + screen for the Landscape and Construction Commission Room, n. 2 PCs (one is a laptop for the Landscape and Construction Commission Room and the other one was used for reporting during the meetings). Total:15.000,00 Euros;
2. Software’s purchase 6.000,00 €
3. Consultants 10.000,00 €
4. Staff’s training (to manage in an autonomous way the “back office” program and its updates). 3.000 €
5. Municipality’s staff for planning and implementing the portal, coordinating activities and supporting implementation and management of the software. € 41.160,00 (n. 2 employees – more or less 2000 hours per year; cost = € 20,58 per hour)
The total cost of the operation was € 75.150,00.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The resources (human and financial) that were used for the project’s implementation came from the municipality’s budget.
Hereafter you can find a list of the project’s expenses:
1. hardware: n. 13 monitors 23 inches, n. 2 cd-writers, n. 1 projector + screen for the Landscape and Construction Commission Room, n. 2 PCs (one is a laptop for the Landscape and Construction Commission Room and the other one was used for reporting during the meetings). Total:15.000,00 Euros;
2. Software’s purchase 6.000,00 €
3. Consultants 10.000,00 €
4. Staff’s training (to manage in an autonomous way the “back office” program and its updates). 3.000 €
5. Municipality’s staff for planning and implementing the portal, coordinating activities and supporting implementation and management of the software. € 41.160,00 (n. 2 employees – more or less 2000 hours per year; cost = € 20,58 per hour)
The total cost of the operation was € 75.150,00.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Simultaneous advisory activity for citizens and enterprises carried out by the offices; constant monitoring and analysis of the users’ “feedback” in order to improve the new practice.
- Communication and dissemination of the project’s results;
It was planned a re-organization of the offices interested by the new procedures (and/or involved in them) in order to improve efficiency and contacts with the project’s partners and the other institutions on the territory. In particular, the Province will play an important role of coordination and territorial marketing to involve other municipalities in the progressive standardization process of forms and procedures; improvement of the procedures concerning acquisition and exchange of data, documents, information among the subjects involved in the pilot procedures.
It was planned a periodical information campaign for the citizens and the users to foster the use of the services’ network. In the same way, in order to raise the awareness of the territorial institutions we decided to promote new opportunities for meetings (conferences, presentations) about administrative simplification in general and, more specifically, on the technical aspects concerning the participation and the use of the services’ network. Tools used: press releases, conferences, training meetings, brochures, playbills and web pages.
The data concerning the activated procedures will be periodically revised in order to check their real use and the users’ problems. Cremona Municipality regularly prepares a report about these topics.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The problems mainly concerned the necessity to overcome the general scepticism that characterized the municipality’s employees and the professional technicians. This scepticism was defeated by the on-line project’s implementation. Some technicians were more virtuous than others (and not only because they were younger) while others had some problems in working with the new system.
Another important obstacle was represented by the old hardware used in the Muncipality’s offices that were not adapt for the new digital procedures. It was necessary to change the offices’ hardware of the municipality’s offices for the construction administrative processes’ management.
Moreover, the direct experience of some technical studies gave us important information to improve the on-line system.
At the end, it was written down a handbook (that can be read and downloaded on the website of Cremona Municipality) containing information about the use of digital procedures.