Improving information to the Croatian business community - BIZimpact
Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Before the BIZimpact initiative began, there had not been a public-private partnership (PPP) involving all the key public and private institutions responsible for improving the business environment for SMEs. The members are: • Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts (MINPO - state):; • Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG BICRO - state):; • Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP - employers):; • Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK - enterprises):; • Croatian Centre for Co-operative Entrepreneurship (HCZP – co-operatives):; • Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK – crafts): The BIZimpact project has four components: improving economic impact assessment to better determine costs and benefits of new laws and regulations; improving public-private dialogue (physical and electronic); improving information dissemination to small businesses; and awareness-raising of new tools and information materials developed through the other components. In essence, the BIZimpact initiative concerns the development of tools and techniques to ensure that the general public and specific stakeholders (especially SMEs) are effectively involved in the process of creating new laws, regulations, policies, programmes, strategies and other government initiatives. Major problems and issues: The BIZimpact project has sought to establish effective public-private partnership (PPP) to ensure that the process of creating laws and regulations for small businesses was improved, including electronic tools for information provision and communicating with SMEs at national, regional and local level. The key current issues include the following: • Although two laws mandate electronic and physical consultation, this does not happen effectively (proposals are either not circulated or done with little advance notice); • The general public and specific stakeholders (SMEs) are often not aware of the existence of the initiatives being consulted on (they are not informed of the consultations or these are fragmented on different websites) or are given too little time to respond; • The specific stakeholders (SMEs) are often “silent” since they are too busy to keep abreast of latest developments or simply lack the time and interest to participate; • The process of assessing the likely costs and benefits of possible new government initiatives is weak because of the lack of engagement by the general public and SMEs. Social groups affected: Every single new law or regulation has economic, social or environmental impacts which results in winners and losers. If those that are most likely to be affected are not able to express an opinion on draft legislative proposals, society as a whole loses out. However, the main group affected is entrepreneurs throughout Croatia, of which there are 160 000. SMEs are mostly family businesses and support some 0.5 million people. This includes entrepreneurs such as women and minorities who are disadvantaged in that they are not normally included in the policy-making process. Because they are very small or geographically isolated, they are systematically unaware of possible developments or unable/unwilling to engage with the policy-making process, even though new legislation can have a significant effect on them and their sustainability.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Initiative and solving the problem: The BIZimpact initiative has sought to improve the effectiveness of creation of policies, laws and regulations for the SME sector through the following main elements, collectively referred to as “eTools”: 1. Virtual Centre of Excellence (VCoE): the administrative part of the system for definition of user roles and opening new cases. 2. eConsultation: the application for consultations that “slices” documents (title, heading, article, etc.) so that they can easily be commented on. The moderator opens consultations and all registered users receive notifications inviting participation. Users comment on the document and MINPO answers each comment inside the application. The final document with all comments and answers is published in web form and is searchable by different criteria. 3. Business Test Panel (BTP): the application for researching the views of SMEs directly though brief questionnaires. SMEs register on a voluntary basis; MINPO drafts questionnaires and defines target groups (type/size, location and NACE activity). The application has a “responsive design” and displays one question per screen so that it can be filled in on PCs, tablets and smartphones. After receiving responses, the application automatically calculates the overall data and drafts a document with all tables and charts. The BIZimpact initiative’s strategy involves four main implementation objectives: • Economic impact assessment (EIA) for SMEs, including the “SME test”; • Development of consultation/public-private dialogue for SMEs; • Dissemination of information and awareness-raising for SMEs; • Development of partners’ capacities to communicate with SMEs. The strategy is implemented by a Consortium (Pohl Consulting and Associates, Pinto Consulting GmbH and others) selected through public tender. Broadly the same consortium has implemented the previous (2007-2009) as well as the current phase (2013-2014) of the BIZimpact initiative and this continuity reflects the high quality of the team of experts and its commitment to deploy international good practice. The BIZimpact initiative has a number of target audiences: • Ministries: while the focus of the initiative is the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts (MINPO), it was understood from the beginning that the target audience was ultimately all 20 Croatian ministries. Roll-out of eTools to all ministries is expected to happen in early 2015. • Business associations: the other main target audience is the main business associations that represent the interests of the business sector in the country, including all the national bodies (HGK, HOK, HUP and HCZP) which represent all enterprises and entrepreneurs in Croatia. • SMEs: the ultimate target audience is the SMEs, crafts and co-operatives themselves, since laws, regulations, strategies and programmes are meant to benefit this particular group. • Others: other target audiences include Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), since they are committed to creating consultation, transparency and ultimately better legislation which affects the whole of society.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The BIZimpact’s initiative’s eTools (eConsultation, Business Test Panel (BTP) and Virtual Centre of Excellence) are what makes it unique. Together they represent a creative and inclusive solution enabling more effective drafting of legislation or policies, strategies and programmes, taking into consideration the views of the general public (eConsultation) and specific target groups (BTP), including likely costs and benefits of proposals. The eTools provide access to consultation for entrepreneurs and citizens and throughout Croatia, including vulnerable social groups which would not normally have access to the levers of power and influence. Through consultation with the public (eConsultation), supplemented by cost and benefit information from affected target groups or SMEs (BTP), a unique system is created for evidence-based legislation that takes into consideration the needs and priorities of stakeholders. The creative approaches that allowed for its success include: • Assessment of international best practice in eTools; • Study tours to Estonia and Ireland; the former is the leading eGovernment/eServices nation; • Commissioning of ICT experts to develop eTools specification; • Transparent tendering of eTools specification; • Careful and regular assessment of progress and implementation; • Liaison with government to ensure eTools have capacity for replication in all 20 ministries.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The eTools Specification (strategy) was developed and implemented through the following steps: 4.1 Review of Terms of Reference • Discussions with MINPO to determine needs, priorities and ICT requirements; • Discussion with SME representatives (business associations) to determine needs and priorities; • Discussions with Government Legislation Office, Ministry of Public Administration, Prime Minister’s Cabinet and Government NGO Office to determine legal requirements, scope for expansion to all ministries and ICT requirements for expansion; • Discussions with ICT companies to determine likely timescale, cost etc. 4.2 Review of international good practice • Review of international experience with eConsulation and good practice in creation of better regulations (Regulatory Impact Assessment); • Recommendations for eTools specification. 4.3 Study tours to Ireland and Estonia • Ireland: focus on RIA with emphasis on SMEs; • Estonia: focus on electronic systems, eGovernment and eConsultation; • Recommendations for eTools specification. 4.4 Specification of eTools (eConsultation, BTP and VCoE) • Preparation of draft Specification; • Commissioning ICT expert to check technical requirements; • Circulation of draft specification to MINPO and business associations. 4.5 Co-ordination with MINPO, business associations and Government • Presentation of draft Specification to MINPO and stakeholders for comment; • Revision of Specification; • Approval of Specification by MINPO to ensure ownership of tools and capacities required for implementation, including associated costs; • Dissemination of Specification to Government NGO Office (responsible for consultation), GLO (better regulations) and Ministry of Public Administration (ICT infrastructure) to ensure eTools have potential for replication in all ministries. 4.6 Commissioning of eTools • Invitation of 22 ICT companies with appropriate skills and experience to bid to programme eTools based on Specification; • Evaluation panel, including MINPO and independent ICT expert, to assess 5 bids received; • Interview of winner to i) ensure understanding of eTools ii) discuss gaps in bid and iii) determine capacity for project management; • Negotiations to ensure suitable cost structure (programming and maintenance costs for two years), secure intellectual property rights (e.g. source code for eTools) and ensure what is done in one ministry can be replicated in all 20 without significant additional cost. 4.7 Monitoring and Supervision of eTools • Over 30 meetings to specify eTools details with selected ICT company; • Monthly reports to oversee progress; • Use of independent ICT expert to assist with technical issues; • Presentation of beta version to BIZimpact; • Testing to remove any remaining bugs. 4.8 Presentation of eTools to MINPO, Government, RIA and Consultation Co-ordinators • Presentation to MINPO senior management, policy and technical staff; • Detailed follow-up to ensure eTools perform as required, including customisation and branding; • Approval of eTools by MINPO, preparation of server and certification; • Training of all relevant MINPO staff and SME stakeholders; • Presentation of eTools to Government NGO Office, GLO, Ministry of Public Administration and Prime Minister’s Office to ensure buy-in for replication in all 20 ministries; • Managerial and technical discussions to expand system to all ministries; • Quotation from ICT company for expansion to all ministries at modest cost; • Approval of quotation and signing contract for replicating eTools in all ministries (deadline 01 January 2015). 4.9 Awareness Raising • Discussions with MINPO, business associations and strategic government bodies (GLO, Government NGO Office and Ministry of Public Administration); • 6 regional events presenting eTools to i) SMEs ii) local authorities iii) business associations and iv) other SME stakeholders such as business centres, development agencies and NGOs; • National launch of eTools on 06 October 2014: 115 participants, national TV, radio and newspaper coverage. 4.10 Further Steps Planned • Full implementation capacity within MINPO; • Replication of eTools in all 20 ministries (planned for January 2015); • Training for all ministries on eTools; • 12 awareness raising events, including Final eTools national event; • Co-operation with media, business associations, etc. to promote eTools. (eTools Implementation Plan uploaded – Specification and Project Plan)

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Numerous institutional stakeholders contributed to the design and implementation of the initiative: • Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts (MINPO): the civil servants responsible for entrepreneurship at MINPO prepared the Terms of Reference for the eTools and thus were the catalyst for the eTools eventually created. • Business Associations/private sector: the private sector played a key role, for example HGK, HOK, HUP, HCZP and Pohl Consulting and Associates Consortium, including Pinto Consulting GmbH. They strongly supported the development of the eTools, contributed to the creation of the eTools, which were programmed by the Croatian ICT firm IN2. • Other public institutions: various other public institutions played a role in development and implementation, including the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG BICRO), the Ministry of Public Administration (responsible for governmental ICT infrastructure), the Government Legislation Office (responsible for better regulations) and the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. • Citizens/NGOs: to a lesser extent, citizens/NGOs also played a role. The BIZimpact initiative involved the Government NGO Office in early discussions with a view to ensuring that the eConsultation tool could be expanded to the whole of the government system. The eTools were presented to the Government NGO Office when they became available and the NGO Office immediately recognised the potential for enhancing dialogue and transparency, as well as for replication across all ministries. It is now working towards this objective.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
There were various financial, technical and human resources costs for the eTools. The BIZimpact initiative is a European Commission (EC) project involving two financing sources: • European Commission: EUR 1,187,025 (85%); • Government of Croatia: EUR 209,475 (15%); • Total BIZimpact initiative costs over two years: EUR 1,396,500 (100%). The above funding was for all four project components. Only a fraction of the budget was used for the technical and human resources connected with the eTools, namely: • Programming: EUR 60,000 (all intellectual property rights owned by MINPO); • Maintenance: EUR 14,000 for two years; • ICT expert within IN2 assigned to programme the Business Test Panel: EUR 7,500; • Independent ICT expert: 20 days (specification, monitoring and evaluation); • Project Management: BIZimpact initiative resources to implement the overall project. A further EUR 30,000 is being spent by the Government on the replication work connected with extending the eTools from MINPO to all 20 ministries in the country. This is expected to be operational in January 2015. It is also possible to expand the system to all 6 project partners. It is anticipated that in the medium term, the eTools could be expanded to all 21 counties and eventually all 555 local authorities in Croatia. The BIZimpact initiative involved an international tender procedure than was won by the Pohl Consulting Consortium, including Pinto Consulting GmbH, both from Germany. The eTools were tendered locally. Over 20 ICT firms were invited to bid. Five bids were received and evaluated by an evaluation panel comprising MINGO and BIZimpact initiative staff, as well as an independent ICT expert. The winning bidder was interviewed. There followed discussions, prior to negotiations over the price connected with the work. In terms of value for money, the eTools will cost EUR 82,000 (15% provided by MINPO). This represents good value for money. However when extended to all 20 ministries, the total cost per ministry will be EUR 1,500. This represents sensational value for money, while also transforming the transparency and effectiveness of the process of creating evidence-based legislation across the whole of government.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Five concrete outputs contributed to the success of the initiative: 1. The development of the most sophisticated eConsultation tool available in the European Union and possibly the world. Even Estonia, the country widely regarded as the most advanced in this field, is interested in using some of the eTools developed under the BIZimpact initiative. The tools can be implemented in any country/RIA system with minor adjustments. 2. The development of the most sophisticated Business Test Panel tool to test likely costs and benefits of laws, regulations, strategies, programmes, etc. directly with target beneficiaries. The BTP has the potential to be adapted to any and all government policy fields. Information critical to effective policy development can be collected from the ultimate beneficiaries in real time and at zero cost to the government. Tool can be implemented in any country/any RIA system with minor adjustments. 3. The development of a simple but powerful method of assessing the likely costs and benefits of potential new laws and regulations, including the integration of public consultation (eConsultation) and the ability to ask the ultimate beneficiaries directly about the possible implications (positive or negative). 4. The eTools result in a significantly improved consultation process, dramatically increased transparency while at the same time delivering critical policy-relevant information which allows government to create laws and regulations (as well as programmes, policies, strategies, etc.) which are based on evidence, rather than purely on the basis of political motivation. Society and the economy will benefit greatly from the eTools and their impact. 5. The ability to replicate the eTools from one ministry (MINPO) to all 20 ministries (for an addition EUR 30,000), thus resulting in a significant value-adding impact. In the medium term, the eTools have the potential to be expanded to all 21 counties and eventually all 555 local authorities, delivering potentially a transformative effect throughout Croatia. Above that, with minor adjustments, tools can be implemented in any other country.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Various checks and balances were put in place to monitor implementation of the eTools strategy: • Regular progress meetings between the BIZimpact initiative and IN2, the programmers; • Monthly progress reports from IN2 to BIZimpact initiative; • Use of independent ICT expert to advise the BIZimpact initiative on technical matters/issues; • Use of independent ICT expert to review eTools and ensure conformity with Specification; • Regular presentations of the eTools to assess progress. Methods are also being put in place to evaluate implementation of the eTools strategy: • Establishment of four eTools Administrators at MINPO; • Training of eTools Administrators in other 19 ministries once the eTools are replicated; • Annual report on better regulation by GLO (Regulatory Impact Assessment); • Annual report on consultation by Government NGO Office (consultations); • MINPO review of impact of eTools.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The main problems encountered during implementation of eTools were: • Lack of trust in government by SMEs and public; • Scepticism about government’s willingness to consult and listen ; • Scepticism about government’s willingness to become more transparent; • Concerns about the inclusiveness of electronic initiatives such as eTools; • Concerns over capacities at MINPO and other ministries to use eTools. These problems were addressed and overcome as follows: • Lack of trust: this requires procedures and practices demonstrating government’s commitment to follow legal requirements for consultation, proactively involve public and stakeholders, respond to comments and change laws in response to feedback. This is already happening: according to information available, 30% of feedback leads to changes in legislation and eTools will enhance this process further. • Lack of willingness to listen: the eConsulation tool allows stakeholders to be informed of new consultations, there will be a central eConsultation site for all consultations, stakeholders will be reminded of deadlines and all comments will receive a reply about whether they have been accepted or not and why. • Lack of transparency: the BTP will allow government to focus on specific target groups (e.g. SMEs, crafts and co-operatives), in particular economic sectors or regions.. It allows direct feedback on likely costs and benefits. Furthermore, comments made via the eConsultation tool and responses will be visible to all visitors. • Lack of inclusiveness: eTools allow everyone in all parts of the country to participate in consultation connected to legislation. They provide complete inclusiveness, except for those without internet, who are covered by normal consultation arrangements, such as through business associations. • Lack of capacities: the BIZimpact initiative requires the appointment of eTools administrators and moderators. Nine civil servants at MINPO were trained; the same will apply to all other ministries. All ministries must empower the individuals responsible to prioritise the eTools.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
It is still early days to assess fully the impact of the eTools initiative. However, a number of benefits are already evident and the impact will increase over time. The key benefits arising from the eTools are: • Greater engagement of citizens: eTools mean that MINPO (and later all 20 ministries) will have a central consultation web page, be able proactively to invite stakeholders/citizens to participate in consultations, send reminders before the end of the consultation, publish the results of the consultation, including all reports and the respective ministry’s response to all comments received. These can be sent directly to those who comment on a particular issue or set of issues. This allows for much greater engagement by citizens than is currently the case (citizens are not aware of consultation and frequently are lost in the system). • Much greater transparency in policy making: all comments received by all participants will be visible to all participants. They can add further comments, comment on comments and agree or disagree with comments made by others. They can propose alternatives to what is being considered by the respective ministry. They can filter results and see who/which institutions are making which suggestions. They can see the ministry’s consultation reports, including archived previous consultations. This gives a much greater degree of transparency than hitherto. • Greater engagement of SMEs (target group/stakeholders): the eTools mean that MINPO (and later all ministries) will have a database of target groups (in this case SMEs: enterprises, crafts and co-operatives) that allow it to engage directly with them on specific issues. The BTP allows for precise filtering (e.g. type/size of SME, sector of activity (NACE) and location). The information obtained on possible and actual impacts is invaluable for determining policy. This allows for much greater engagement by SMEs than currently (SME themselves – as opposed to business associations – are currently rarely engaged in policy-making). • Evidence-based policy making (cost and benefits): the BTP for MINPO and later all ministries means that for the first time, government will be able to make meaningful evidence-based policy decisions. Through this simple tool, which is accessible to target groups through PC, tablets and smartphones, Government is able to collect targeted likely and actual cost (e.g. additional time and cost involved in a change) and benefit (e.g. saving is time and cost involved) information from the target groups at very low cost and in real time. This gives MINPO (and later all ministries) a powerful tool for customising policy according to evidence received from the groups likely to be affected by laws and regulations. • Country-wide engagement, rather than capital city orientation: a consistent and well-known problem is that normal (physical) consultation mechanisms such as meetings, workshops, working groups and conferences tend to either favour powerful and well-connected vested interests or those that are located in and around the capital city. Through the eTools, it is irrelevant where you are located – stakeholders/citizens who have neither the time nor resources to travel to the “centre of power” can influence legislation. By giving a voice to the small players/those with limited resources, it is possible to counter-balance some of the known weaknesses in effective engagement. • Better regulations and reduced administrative burden for SMEs: ultimately, more effective engagement, more effective consultation, greater transparency and a greater emphasis on evidence-based policy-making will mean that the SME sector will gain through better regulations which do not have to be changed as often as would otherwise be the case. Ultimately, there should be a lower administrative burden on the enterprise sector, as well as greater security for doing business and a better business environment. Once this system is applied to all 20 ministries, as anticipated, this benefit would apply to all governmental activities in Croatia. The eTools are only starting to be implemented. However, it is evident that they offer huge potential. MINPO is already rolling out the eTools for two pieces of legislation, which will make a difference in the delivery of public services, namely: • Amendment to the SME Law; • New Chimney Sweeps Law. This impact will be measured through the process of Regulatory Impact Assessment.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The eTools initiative is being sustained as follows: • Financial sustainability: the BIZimpact initiative is covering all the programming costs associated with the eTools. The maintenance costs have also been covered by the BIZimpact initiative for a period of two years. Thereafter MINPO is committed to covering the future maintenance costs, which will be low once the system is live and fine-tuned. The only other costs connected with the application are the security, server and registration certificates, which are low and MINPO is committed to this. At the national level (20 ministries) the resources have been commissioned by the Government NGO Office and will establish the national system (full replication throughout the country). The same issue applies to the maintenance and certification. • Social and economic, cultural, environmental sustainability: this is secured through the improved regulatory impact assessment, which takes into consideration these three elements. • Institutional sustainability: four eTools administrators and 5 moderators have been appointed within MINPO and trained in the operation of the eTools. They are educated to ensure that they are able to administer the eTools on behalf of their ministry. Part of their duty is specifically to implement the eTools on behalf of MINPO. The same will apply to all 20 ministries. • Regulatory sustainability: the eTools are embedded in OECD and EC best practice but also the national laws of the country. The regulatory sustainability of the eTools is secured through compliance with the following laws and regulations: o Freedom of Information Law, 2013. o Regulatory Impact Assessment Law, 2012. o Regulatory Impact Assessment Regulation, 2012. o Codex on Consultation, 2009. The eTools initiative is being replicated and disseminated as follows: • National level: the BIZimpact initiative is working with three key national players to ensure that the eTools are not only implemented by MINPO, but replicated throughout national government. The Government NGO Office has committed to disseminating the eConsultation and BTP tools throughout government. This is also being progressed by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Public Administration which have the responsibility for the overall ICT infrastructure. It is expected that the system will be rolled-out to all 20 ministries by 2015. A national eTools conference has already been held on 06 October 2014 and a further national eTools conference is planned for 12 February 2015, followed by the BIZimpact Final Event on 05 March 2015. These are media-oriented events to maximise awareness-raising. • Regional /County/local authority level: the BIZimpact initiative has already undertaken 6 regional awareness-raising eTools events in September and October 2014 in Pula, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Požega, Bjelovar and Varaždin. Xx further events are planned throughout the country to disseminate the eTools and ensure that citizens, NGOs, SMEs, business associations and business support infrastructure are all aware and using them. Finally, the BIZimpact initiative is working with the four largest business associations (HGK, HOK, HUP and HCZP) to ensure the greatest possible level of awareness and participation on the part of enterprises, crafts and co-operatives.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
The overall experience with the BIZimpact initiative has been excellent. In Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) such as this one, it is important to ensure that no one partner dominates the initiative, that the costs and benefits are equally shared between partners and that the partners display a high degree of commitment and engagement by partners. This has been the case; all partners are equally engaged at the strategic level (Project Steering Committee), the public sector partners (MINPO and HAMAG BICRO) are fully aware of the importance of engaging with the representatives of the SME sector and the private sector partners (HUP, HGK, HOK and HCZP) recognise that to influence the dynamic process of SME development in a more consultative and effective manner, it is critical to engage effectively with the policy-makers. The eTools represent a close collaboration between all the project partners, as well as the wider national level policy makers, resulting in a mechanism that offers the prospect of delivering much better laws, regulations, policies, strategies, etc. for the SME sector. The main lessons learned include the following: • It is essential to examine international best practice in relation to issues such as better regulations, consultation, and public/private dialogue prior to specifying the nature of eTools. Visits to Ireland and Estonia allowed invaluable experience and knowledge to be gained. • However, everything has to be embedded within the country’s own regulatory framework, in this case the Freedom of Information Act and the RIA Law / Regulation. Unless this happens, it will be difficult to motivate the civil service to implement the new systems. • Whenever an eTool is developed for one ministry (MINPO), it is essential to consider how to ensure the capacity for expansion through either organic replication (one by one) or “big bang” replication (all 20 ministries). This requires liaison with the national level policy makers (GLO, Government NGO Office and Ministry of Public Administration / Prime Minister’s Office) at an early stage. • There is a trade-off to be made in terms of the costs connected with development of stand-alone eTools (i.e. only for MINPO) as opposed to system-wide eTools (20 ministries). This depends on resources available, vision, leadership, etc. • To develop workable tools, reduce costs and ensure compatibility and potential replications, it is essential to have a qualified ICT expert, either internal if possible or external (short-term expert). This allows better specification, technical feasibility, monitoring and evaluation. • To ensure programming on time and according to specification, close monitoring is required (monthly reports, meetings, use of ICT expert, etc.). This was applied to the testing phase. Recommendations for the future: • Extend the eTools (VCoE, BTP and eConsultation) to all 20 ministries (January 2015). • Further delivery of capacity-building for the eTools to all 20 ministries (2015). • Review operation, functionality and improve overall system (2015-2016). • Extend the system from 20 ministries to: o 21 Counties (2017). o 127 Cities (2018). o 428 Local authorities (2019-2020).

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Veronika Tolj
Title:   Senior Adviser  
Telephone/ Fax:   + 385 (0)1 610 6174
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Ulica grada Vukovara 78
Postal Code:   10000
City:   Zagreb

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