With the Royal Decree no. 499 of March 28th 1929, the Italian legislation established that land registers shall be regulated by the Austrian law of 1871 but, according to a new act, it related to the provisions of the Italian law.
Subseguently after W.W.I.,the region of Trentino Alto Adige has had a title registration system, based on the Austrian "Grundbuch" model, known as "tavolare".
This title system, known as "tavolare" is the registration of inter vivos acts, which also has constitutive value, thereby, before being entered in the Register, the purchaser is not the owner of the right. Each land parcel is identified on a map and the related rights are recorded in the "Main Book" along with the name of the owner.
The "Libro Fondiario" is organized under the "real folio" principle.
The Land Register consists of the main register ("Libro Maestro") and its collection of documents.
In the main register, which consists of three sections, every
landed property has its own entry, organised by entry numbers.
The collection of documents consists of all documents which served
as a basis for the registration of a landed property.
The new electronic database - which was fully introduced in 2008 -
has been integrated with the cadastral data and is meant to
replace the traditional books.
As opposed to the provisions of the Italian Civil Code, real property rights are not acquired until they are legally registered in the Land Register: both title and .entry ("intavolazione") are required.
The above only applies to contracts between living individuals.
The entries in the Land Register are carried out in compliance with a decree of the land register judge.
No article must be neglected in the judge's examination, including the legality of the document, the capacity of the parties, issues that affect the validity of the agreement, the impact of the right in question on property, and any impairments regarding the description of the property.
The land register judge is assisted by a registrar, who is deeply involved in all the phases of the procedure.
In light of the accuracy provided by the examination formerly described, the land register's entries benefits of public faith: any person relying on them in good faith benefits of almost absolute protection.
Before computerization, file registration in the Land Register ("piombatura") and entry ("intavolazione") were done manually. That I to say that the public servant wrote the number of the file and the content of the right in the book. For this very reason, the recording procedure was slower than nowadays.
The adopted measure proved complex for the common user to understand, considering that on the book you could find either the old or the actual registration.
The implementation of the computerized database enabled a 24 hour accessibility to the information from anywhere through the use of the portal, saving individuals considerable time and money, whereas before, individuals were reguired to physically present themselves to a designated office. Needless to say, this was a time consuming procedure as opening hours were also restricted.