In February, 2010, the first step was a modernization and digitalization of all the information that CONAPESCA has generated in the aquaculture department.
After all these processes CONAPESCA began to classify the information and identified all the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threatsof aquaculture, in August, 2010, internally launch the Aquaculture and Fisheries Operation System (SOAP).
After running different tests in internal administration and contributing significantly in the simplification of the decision making and the acceleration of times of response of the process of giving aquaculture licenses in October, 2010 CONAPESCA convene a meeting between the principal stakeholders of the aquaculture sector to present the SOAP and to put in the discussion table a lot of needs and gaps to develop the activity.
After this meeting and a multicriteria analysis between the aquaculture department, in November, 2010 the creators of SOAP began to think in a web page to present this information to the Mexican society and start to add some outstanding information about aquaculture.
*SOAP still in constant improve because is an inclusive system that is always open to the inputs of the sector.
After some months of design in February, 2011 a flowchart was created to begin with this ambitious project with the aim of create a precise guide to make aquaculture with 5 main parameters, (General group, Species, State, Aquaculture Activity and Zone) that bring to the user: Technical Information, Location of project, Project design, Federal funds, Government licenses, Application online.
The organization of the data and the conditioning variables of the system allow to publish Acuasesor in March, 2011 for the first time only with this guide-tool called “¿Deseashaceracuacultura?” (Do you wish to do aquaculture?).
The tool did not has the impact that the aquaculture department desired at that moment and the team knew all the deficiencies (lack of visual design, lack of employees, lack of time to focus only in the project, etc) but this did not discourage the team.
Acuasesor had their own domain, but the problem is that they did not has enough employees to improve this first efforts, for this reason inthe next months the creation of a new image and new tools and components were assembled, little by little and in any presentation or opportunity with the stakeholders of the sector, sothe aquaculture department tried to diffuse this initiative and begin with the feedback of the users.
This slow process took around than 8 months however the aquaculture specialist with all the experiences and feedbacks in November, 2012 the aquaculture department presented a new Acuasesor image and the new tools to improve the public service (News links, links with Federal Government, State Governments, Universities, Research centers, Scientific publications).
In august, 2013 after a communication between UN-FAO specialists,Acuasesor were evaluated and used and this made a good impression with the specialists and finally in February of 2014 they recognized it as a NASO map effort.
Now Acuasesor also provides:Transparency with gave licenses bringing all the characteristics, status of application for federal funds in matter of aquaculture, status of licenses, national production statistics, weather forecast and hurricane alerts.
All this tools and continuous improves turn Acuasesor in one of the most innovative projects in the public service in the last years, this was confirmed on September, 2014 when Acuasesor turn into the winner of the 4th Innovation in Transparency Award in the Federal Institution Category in Mexico convene by the World Bank, the Federal Supreme Audit, Federal Institute of Information Access and Data Protection, National Institute of Public Administration and the State Secretary of the Public Function.
As a Federal Government effort we know that is common that with the change of president and party many times some projects loses their impact or importance for the new trendsfrom the new employees, etc., as we mentioned this initiative began in 2011 and the last administration were not too interested in this project.
In the other hand the aquaculture area had a weak structure with a few staff and almost all the initiatives proposed by this area were rejected or simply ignored, there was not any fund or program exclusively for aquaculture development. By 2013 with the designation and leadership of the new National Commissioner and the General Coordinator of Operation and Institutional Strategy as the Responsible of Aquaculture, both considered the use and impact of this project and also the importance of the enforcement of the national aquaculture sector, bringing the needed support.