4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The implementation strategy was as follows
• Build of the implementation team from following departments
o Courts Business function
o Application analyst
o Developers
o Infrastructure
o Information Security
o Project manager
o User training and Quality assurance team
• The above team was given the MOJ goals and objective which is approved from the higher management, as well as the road map and the gap analysis reports.
• Created test environment for testing the new application
• Did pilot test for small selected courts and address any feedbacks
• Started production using courts in small cities that known to have small number this cases. Improved response for some security related issues
• Started slowly increased the number of courts using this application
• After having running this service without problems we started advertisement so that people are aware of it and start to use it
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
MOJ Expert Employees in Judgment field
MOJ Support Employees
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
MOJ has a huge fund allocated for advancement of MOJ information systems. We are employed expert technical resources for this project, because MOJ application was developed in house.
We are using the last modern technologies in IT filed to speed up the development and to meet the requirement, as top management needs
Microsoft, Cisco, and F5 contributed this project to be successful, because this initiative was delivered to the public using technologies from these companies.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Get feedback from the news papers>
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Multiple systems were in place to monitor the progress and evaluate the
• A project manager is assigned the project produce the specified output that meets MOJ higher management goals and objectives, and to be within the estimated cost and to be finished on time
• Weekly meeting was held to review the project progress and to resolve any difficulties
• Test environment was created for test the new service every time a tangible progress is made, and feedback is provided to the technical people
• MOJ invested following tools
o Application monitoring tool, that give end user experience, which gives the visibility for the page load time, and incase performance issues, MOJ technical team has the ability through this tool to identify the cause of the poor performance is from network, database, or application server.
o Network monitoring tool, which shows all network performance issues
o Security monitoring tools
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
We faced the following:
1: citizens to learn new process and to get used to it, takes sometimes to know the new business process and to finish it up, therefor we put some of our employee as front disk temporarily for helping customers.
2: we faced some amount of fake requests, and to solve that we give an estimated time of ten days to verifying the request.
3: we had live sessions with in each branch to train them on the new service, and how to deal with it in proper way.