Comprehensive Modernization of DET
Directorate of Employment and Training

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The Directorate of Employment and Training, under the department of Labour and Employment, is responsible for increasing employability and for conducting and supporting vocational training which is essential to creating a favourable climate, especially for employment, for the poor, socially backward, residents of remote areas, school drop outs and other job seekers. Gujarat has a population of more than six crores and 65% of this population comprises of employable youth. The dropout rate from schools was touching 63% thus rendering such drop outs unemployable due to lack of basic skills. While the percentage of labour force getting skill development training in many industrialized countries varies between 60-96%, only 5% of Indian Labor Force is believed to be receiving Vocational/Skill Development training which is poor by any standards. In Gujarat, to boost employability (both self employment and wage employment), training on various skills is provided through KVKs (Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras), ITIs(Industrial Training Institute), i-KVKs and VTPs (Vocation Training Providers) In spite of the efforts, some drawbacks were identified in the management of skill development sector: 1. While training was provided on a constant basis, there was no way to keep the training in sync with the changing trends in the industry as industry remained disconnected with the efforts made by the department to keep up with the latest industrial trends. 2. An easier way to manage training modalities of approximately 4.7 lac yearly ITI applications and the services provided through almost 500 KVKs was required. 3. Prospective trainees required an interface through which interaction with DET could be made smoother with minimal effort by the trainees and DET. 4. Once Training was completed, providing real time employability information about the skilled trained potential labour to the right job provider was important to connect skilling efforts with labour and employment market. Until then, this was being done in an unsystematic and piecemeal manner. With no common platform for all stakeholders (trainees, labour, job providers, DET, ITIs, KVKs, iKVKs) to come together and participate with a single focus, it was difficult to meet the objectives of the department.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Realising the need for enhanced measures to achieve the department’s objective, DET embarked on a comprehensive modernization strategy of the entire department to solve their pressing problems. The strategy comprised of a two pronged approach - One involving the identification of a mechanism where the department instead of coordinating between the industry, the institutes and the trainees could actually bring all these stakeholders into direct contact with each other enabling efficient information exchange and play a more supportive role & facilitative role – and the other being the realization of the need for greater internal efficiency while managing admissions, assessments and supervision. The department proposed the creation of an “Industrial Interface Cell” – a platform to enable real time collection and sharing of information of vocational training institutes, courses, skilled and artified labour between skill seekers, job seekers and job providers– and “Admissions Management, Exam Assessment and Control System” – to make admissions and examinations easier, transparent, faster and time bound. The Industry Interface Cell, a brainchild of DET, was implemented in the form of an online portal where the industry, the youth seeking skill training and certification, the trainers and the department could come together. The database of trained youth is made available to job providers and industries could put forth their skill requirements thus making it possible to provide training in sync with the latest industry requirements – something which wasn’t possible earlier. This enabled real time information exchange and brought transparency and effectiveness in the skill development sector. The following services are being provided through this interface: • Candidate Registration • Candidate Registration for Skill Certification • Candidate Registration for Apprentice • Industry Registration • Candidate Search The department also realized the need to enhance its own efficiency in dealing with a growing number of youths wanting admission anually and ensuring that maximum benefit can be meted out. With this intention in mind, they also proposed an Admission Management, Assessment and Control System to support enrolment, examination, assessment and overall supervision of ITIs and KVKs. This system manages the admission process into ITIs, Exam Assessment and Supervision. This solution was equipped with student friendly features such as online updates, SMS based intimation, online registrations, admissions monitoring, conducting examinations, intimation of results and certification. Further, the directorate is in the process of creating a comprehensive database which will store details of all students who pass out of 10th and 12th grades. Trainees only need to enter their roll numbers online and their details will be automatically fetched to the online registration forms making registration hassle free.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The Industry Interface Cell in DET is a unique solution as it brings all stakeholders on a single platform. This cell helps in sharing of real time information on job opportunities and availability of skilled and certified labour. No other state in India has yet taken an initiative to modernize itself to such an extent. To do this for poor and backward section of the society makes it a great initiative and it has visibly added a lot of value to the labor and employment market in the state. While online admissions for training schemes of the employment department is a common practice across India, online admissions for ITIs has first been taken up by Gujarat. In this, applications can be made from any corner of the state for any ITI across the state. All processes are also being managed centrally from the head office, thereby streamlining operations and bringing transparency to admissions. The online examination assessment and control system has helped in reducing manual labour on conducting examinations. Exams can now be conducted easily almost twice a year for over 1 lakh students.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The most basic requirement to implement the Industry Interface Cell was to bring in participation from Industry personnel which is key to the success of this project. This was achieved by actively engaging with leading industries and industrial associations with prominent presence in Gujarat and convincing them of the benefits of participating in the system. Another important requirement was to sensitize the government machinery to the new system and to help them adjust to the use of IT in managing their daily activities. This was achieved through training sessions for DET employees, ITI principals and their staff. The strategy was implemented in coordination with all stakeholders and several brainstorming sessions were held to take this forward. The directorate utilized the services provided by existing state wide IT infrastructure to reduce costs. Course contents for iKVK were devised with the inputs from industry. Around 160 courses are being provided and these courses are spread across 70 sectors. Methodology of Certification was devised by DET & the Industry for; - Skill Evaluation - Behaviour Evaluation - Performance Evaluation The services which would be provided through the Industry Interface Cell were listed down and the solution structure was designed. This helped in creating Joint Certification by GCVT & the Industry for iKVK trainees. For the Online Admissions Management and Assessment Solution, the idea was to take the system to the participants and improve the focus on the end users of the system instead. As a result small but citizen centric initiatives were planned such as SMS intimation, anywhere registration for ITI, Merit Generation, Hall Ticket Generation – all of which were previously done manually. These simple measures have brought immense convenience to prospective trainees and also led to better management of the system by DET. The solution is user friendly and makes administration easier for all stakeholders.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The following stakeholders are involved in the project 1. DET – The directorate played the lead role in this comprehensive modernization and spearheaded this initiative. On a daily basis, it plays a supervisory role and administers activities of ITIs, iKVKs, skill certification, KVKs etc. 2. Industries – Industries were brought on board after several rounds of interaction with industrial representatives. They played a key role in ensuring that training courses are up to date with the latest industry requirements. Further, they played a key role in the facilitating apprenticeship for prospective trainees. 3. ITIs/KVKs – Industrial Training Centers and Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras and iKVKs are the centers at which vocational and skill based training is provided to trainees. A total of 282 ITIs, 500 KVKs, 617 Vocational Training Providers, 475 Grant in Aid and self financed training institutions and 30 iKVKs are in existence currently. 4. Trainers – A team of approximately 6500 trainers is available to provide skill based training to trainees. 5. GIPL – Guj Info Petro Ltd has been involved in the development and implementation of Industry Interface Cell and OEACS (Online Exam Assessment and Control System). 6. National Informatics Center (NIC) – NIC is responsible for developing and maintenance of the online admissions system.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The project has been implemented at a basic minimum cost. The budget for the same has been provided by the department of Labour and Employment, Government of Gujarat. The capital expenditure made on implementing the IT systems was approximately INR 1.61 crores. Further, DET makes an annual expenditure of approximately 53 lacs in operations and maintenance. The breakup of the same is provided below: 1. In developing the Online Admission System, DET pays National Informatics Center a total sum of INR 4 lacs annually for software development and maintenance services. Apart from this, annual operations and maintenance of this system right from registration to examination and skill certification requires approximately INR 31 lacs 2. DET spent a sum of 1.12 crore in setting up the Industry Interface cell out which 58 lacs was spent in setting up apprentice training system, 25 lacs was spent in iKVK portal development and 29 lacs was spent on setting up the skill certification system. Approximately 10 lacs is spent annually in operations and maintenance. 3. The online examination and control system required 49 lacs for development and approximately 15% of the cost is spent in operations and maintenance yearly. In developing the system, DET reached out to GIPL i.e Guj Info Petro Ltd to seek services of a technology implementation team which could help them develop the envisioned system. GIPL provided them with the software implementation team which implemented the IT system. Apart from these resources, the department employees have been constantly engaged in planning the required functionality and monitoring implementation on a daily basis.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Before the implementation of the system, approximately 2.8 lacs candidates applied for admissions yearly. Post the implementation of the system, in 2013, the number increased to 4.7 lacs and further went up to 5.4 lacs in 2014. The state witnessed a clear improvement in the Employability ratio for the target audience i.e the rural masses. It was successfully able to train the unemployed masses and further connect them directly to the industry to seek jobs. Gujarat being the hub of industrial development in India, Industries were always on the lookout for semi skilled labour for their workforce. This interface helped them to identify talent easily and recruit them thus serving the two purposes. The improvement in employability led to a better standard of living for people who had little means of livelihood earlier but could now lead their own lives. Their skill levels improved considerably and the employment further motivated them to add value to their skills and consistently improve. The trainees were provided a joint certificate by the industry and DET which in a way helped vouch for their skills and further enhanced their employability. Of course, apart from the key outcomes, familiarization with the industry made trainees more outgoing and helped them build interpersonal skills which have added another dimension to this initiative. Approximately 160+ sectors, 9480 companies, 1000+ courses and 31,63,398 beneficiaries are a part of this system.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The initiative is being managed by the Directorate and its employees. The roles and responsibilities of each of them are listed below. They are responsible for monitoring and evaluation activities. 1. Labour and Employment Department - Responsible for Framing Policies & norms and providing adequate budget 2. Director of Employment and Training - Overall Implementation, Monitoring & Supervision. 3. All district level Class I principles are declared as Skill Development Officers of that district who will take care of skill development activities for their districts. Taluka level ITI Class II principles are declared as Asst. Skill Development Officer-ASDO (Principal of mentor ITI) who coordinate with cluster villages, perform monthly inspection & evaluation, fund disbursement & skill gap analysis 4. Coordinator of the respective KVKs (Regular Foreman Instructor - Selection of courses, training activities, admission, examination & placement assistance. 5. Kaushalya Samiti at village level - Sensitize local youth, assess the local needs, evaluate quality of training & social audit. 6. Village & Block Leaders - To guide people to avail benefits

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
One of the biggest hurdles encountered was to get industrial representatives on board to join hands with the Government. Their participation was essential for the following: 1. Providing apprenticeship to trainees 2. Providing training to trainees on various industry skills 3. Providing information on latest industry requirements so that training can be kept in sync with the requirements The hurdle was overcome by effective collaboration with industrial representatives and showing them the positives of participating in this system. With industries growing exponentially in Gujarat, there was an urgent need of recruiting work force for various skills. This system was an effective way of making supply and demand meet. Switching to the online admissions and assessment system was difficult for employees who had never been exposed to IT. This was overcome by arranging training and capacity building sessions for them to enable them to effectively use the new system.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The real benefits generated out of this initiative can be summed up as following: 1.BENEFITS TO GOVERNMENT a.Strengthened the Industry – Government Relationship b.Created an Information platform about the Human Resources in the State c.Created statewide Information about the location of categories of Industries & availability of trained manpower d.Availability of a Centralized Management & Communication System e.Easy Access of Information to all citizens of the country f.Brand Building of the State through this information 2.BENEFITS TO INDUSTRY a.Single-Window Contact for Employment and related services b.Course Registration & Management c.Support Existing Employees for Registration and Certification d.Locate Prospective Employees e.Reduced Paper-work 3.BENEFITS TO TRAINEES a.Online Application and information about their registration b.Locate nearby Institutes / Industries c.Understand and Identify Suitable Courses d.More Employment Opportunity as Industry can Search the candidate through this portal

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The new system has created a win-win situation for all stakeholders making the solution sustainable: 1. Employees of DET can use their time in development work instead of just operations and maintenance as the online central management reduces their work load and brings operational excellence into their daily activities. 2. DET is able to function in a very transparent fashion due to centralization of the entire admission management system. 3. Prospective trainees are able to apply easily to training courses from anywhere in the state regardless of the city in which their ITI or KVK of interest is. This was a major improvement from the existing system where trainees would have to travel to their ITI of interest and apply there. 4. The burgeoning industry was able to latch on to a never ending supply of workforce for various skills specific to their industry and this was a major advantage for them. Job recruiters could directly engage with job seekers, thus creating a modernized environment. 5. Talent generation could be brought in sync with the requirements of the latest job markets by creating a platform for perfect information flow between job seekers and job providers. 6. Skill certification provided through iKVK is a simple yet effective way of recognizing the skills of trainees thus in a way giving their skills an official stamp. This can be replicated across the country as well. While online admission for training has already been replicated across several states in the country, Gujarat is the first state to provide a comprehensive online admission system for ITI. Further, the Industry Interface Cell is the first of its kind in India and has not been replicated yet. However, with the clear benefits visible as a result of the system and the low costs of maintenance, it is a transferable system and may soon be replicated across other states.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Traditionally, governments in developing nation have followed the practice of subsidies and reservations to help the young and poor rise from their background and earn basic livelihood. As a country, we have engaged in employment exchange programs and schemes to make youth employable so that they can earn their basic livelihood. However, Govt of Gujarat has gone a step ahead in directly connecting the youth to the industries enabling them to seek jobs more actively. Further, we have managed to constantly train skilled workforce which closely matches the requirements of the industry thus boosting employability. While training is provided everywhere, the connection developed between the job seekers and the recruiters is what makes the initiative a huge success. This has also strengthened our bond with the industry and thus created another factor which attracts industrial investments into Gujarat. DET also realizes the role of technology in achieving operational excellence, and continues to venture on initiatives that can continue to add value to youth from socially backward and poor background. Recently, DET has started providing weekly training through SATCOM to various areas of Gujarat with the help of BISAG and companies like Maruti Suzuki.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Directorate of Employment and Training
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Sandhya Bhullar
Title:   Director  
Telephone/ Fax:   07923253802
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Floor 3, Block 1, Directorate of Employment and Training
Postal Code:   389180
City:   Gandhinagar
State/Province:   Gujarat

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