Development of Community Centers for Improved Service Delivery (Community Centers)
Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Increased access to public services has been identified as one of the priorities of the Georgian Government. For the last couple of years significant reforms have been implemented in public sector through extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies. The latter played a critical role in speeding up the flow of information and knowledge between government and citizens changing the way they interact. As a result, obsolete public services mostly associated with bureaucratic red tape and corruption underwent through transformation and moved to the digital space. Despite the fact that population living in the capital and in major urban areas were provided with an improved access to public services, the quality of service delivery at the local level was still considerably low. Number of issues associated with the Local Government in Georgia has long been recognized by international as well as national institutions. Most of them were very complex and attributable to relatively short-term traditions of local self-governance, low levels of public participation, insufficient transparency, gap between the public and local authorities, devastated infrastructure, scarce budget, etc. This mixture of interrelated issues has transformed into a set of practical problems for Local Government Units and the local population in Georgia, particularly affecting the quality of public service delivery at the local level. In this regard, local governance appeared to be the weakest circle among the chain of reforms implemented through the vast application of e-Governance tools. Furthermore, unlike large cities, regions particularly face the challenge that arises from the so called “digital divide” as access to the internet and the modern technologies still remains problematic in Georgia. Hence, challenges of effective service delivery were especially acute in rural areas due to inadequate infrastructural facilities, lack of modern technologies and poor management practices, coupled with limited number of services falling under the competencies of local government, constrained geographic accessibility of services and low level of public participation. Thus it was crucial for the Government of Georgia to find innovative solutions to ensure that the regions follow the pace of development in the country. In fact, there were only a few services delegated to the local authorities and thus people living in villages had to travel long distances to access services provided by central authorities. Even those few local government services were hardly accessible to rural population as they had to travel to the municipality centers to receive services they were entitled to. On the other hand, there was an absence of a sound mechanism for informing the citizens about the ongoing reforms, social programs and most importantly ensuring their inclusion in the decision-making processes. Lastly, poor condition of local government buildings and absence of relevant public space hampered effective delivery of public services locally and hindered participation of citizens in matters of local importance. This was particularly challenging vis-à-vis social groups such as local women, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities as limited access to key services was predominantly problematic for these vulnerable groups, thereby impeding creation of equal development opportunities.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Under its new mandate the Public Service Development Agency (PSDA) of the Ministry of Justice Georgia is tasked to foster public service development, introduce new, innovative solutions and increase institutional capacities of the state agencies with a strong citizen-centric approach and focus on public service innovation. Since 2011 PSDA has been actively working to support Local Governments in strengthening their capacity and improving the way they serve the local population. These efforts are underscored by the aim to bring Public Administration as much closer as possible to citizens through the production of services increasingly more tailored to the needs of users. Hence to ensure that the regions are indivisible part of the development processes in the country, local citizens have access to major services locally, information is freely accessible and the involvement of local population in decision-making processes is high, PSDA designed an innovative concept of ‘Community Centers’ unifying modern technologies, public and private sector services and venues for civic participation in one space. The main goal of the initiative was to ensure provision of public and key private sector services to the local population on the village level, mainly through development of physical infrastructure and introduction of e-Governance solutions. The Community Centre (CC) represents a modern, multi-functional infrastructure equipped with latest technology. Carefully selected and trained local staff ensures provision of the central Government’s, municipal and private sector services through e-Governance. The CCs host the office of the Municipality representative on village level. Local population has an access to free internet, computers, and video conference equipment, coupled with availability of ATM and key self-service machines. Apart from CC’s important role in the delivery of public services, the centers are viewed as a platform for stimulating civic engagement activities on the ground by offering relevant facilities. With 14 Community Centers opened to date the rural population has access to public and key private sector services organized according to the ‘one-stop-shop’ principle. As a result, through modern technologies, local citizens can easily interact with Government and receive up to 200 public services locally, without the necessity to travel to the municipal center or the capital. Additionally local residents have an opportunity to attend distance English language courses and Georgian language programs designed for local minorities free of charge. The latter has a strong impact on fostering integration of local minorities into the community; whereas the English language program allows the local youth and especially local women to increase their employment prospects. The target groups of the project are Local Governments and most importantly local population of respective regions selected for piloting purposes. The underlying problems mentioned in the previous section (poor management, propensity to corruption, lack of technologies, poor infrastructure, limited number of locally offered services and geographical constraints) have practical implications on the lives of every individual residing locally who is in need of a given public service. Hence predominantly the initiative targets village population. Since large number of villages are located remotely from the center one needs to travel to the municipality center multiple times thereby spending time, money and energy to receive central or local government services. Among the main target groups of the initiative a particular emphasis is placed on people with disabilities, ethnic minorities and local women, belonging to the most vulnerable parts of the society and thereby lacking the means to receive essential services and participate in community matters.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Reinventing public services has to start with people, with an eye on effectiveness, whereby the end-users are at the heart of the design process, as best solutions come from the people who are closest to the issue. This is the approach that PSDA has taken on throughout the preliminary analysis, project design and implementation by engaging all the major target groups of the initiative. Based on interviews and surveys with key beneficiaries, needs were identified and proposed strategy was discussed widely. Thus the initiative is unique as it combines multiple functions to meet various challenges existing locally, thereby improving services designed around people to address their true needs. In particular it aims at efficient and effective delivery of public and private sector services, better access to public information, coupled with increased civic engagement by combining a mixture of mutually reinforcing and compatible solutions tackling number of problems, such as limited access to public services, poor infrastructure, digital exclusion and low level of citizen participation. Furthermore the very concept of the Community Centers coupled with e-Governance solutions brought locally is a novel way Government can interact with citizens by offering a bundle of services through multifunctional spaces.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The strategy of the Community Centers Development Initiative, falling under the larger program implemented by PSDA with EU support - “Introduction of E-Governance in Local Governments”- has been executed in different stages. The initial step was the inception phase entailing active communication with all key project stakeholders and groups to be affected by the initiative. More specifically, earlier in 2011 PSDA team held meetings with Local Government representatives: Governor’s Office, Municipal Administration and Village Administration. Following joint discussions and based on the feedback collected the proposed strategy was revised to reflect the true needs existing locally as it comes to improved delivery of services. The inception phase was followed by necessary legislative work and selection of pilot locations for testing the concept of ‘Community Centers’ - the new type of community service points in rural areas, offering multiple services to the local population. The following criteria were applied for identifying suitable locations for the pilot CCs: 1)distance from the Municipal center (where regional offices of PSDA, its partner agencies and Public Service Halls offering similar selection of services are located) – the longer the distance the more there is a need for service delivery in the given remote locality; 2)number of population residing in the villages - the larger the number of individuals affected, the higher is the likelihood of selecting a given locality; 3)readiness of the Municipality to cooperate and contribute to the successful implementation of the initiative; 4)special circumstances - villages located in the vicinity of state/administrative borders and in conflict-affected areas, inhabited by ethnic minorities, IDPs, etc. Following the selection phase, PSDA project team facilitated construction of 3 pilot CCs in selected villages, coupled with reconstruction of 9 existing facilities of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure positioned in locations matching the predefined criteria. The newly constructed CCs were fully furnished and supplied with necessary equipment and modern technologies, employing personnel, skilled to serve local population, through seamless access to electronic databases of the respective public agencies. To ensure delivery of public and private services through Community Centers PSDA developed and signed cooperation and service delegation agreements with the following agencies: National Agency of Public Registry, National Archive of Georgia, Social Service Agency, and Ministry of Agriculture. To ensure provision of private sector services, the project team signed cooperation agreements with representatives of the private sector, involving banks, insurance and telecommunication companies. Another important element of the action plan was the capacity building measures targeting the newly recruited personnel. These front-line employees were hired through competitive recruitment process by encouraging applicants from the given locality to participate in the selection procedures. The selected candidates were sent to an intensive three months program with temporary internships at the central agencies delegating their services to the CCs. These rigorous trainings ensured introduction of courtesy and client-orientation in the process of service delivery thereby increasing the quality of services rendered on the ground. Further important component was the organization of informational campaign during the second phase of the initiative. These measures were based on Community Centers’ Communication Strategy outlining key activities aimed at raising public awareness on CCs and the benefits created by the initiative. The initiative proved to be a successful step towards the broader goal - “bringing government closer to people” placed high on the Government’s agenda. Hence the Government of Georgia is strongly committed to sustain and upscale the initiative, thus supporting PSDA to extend the benefits of this novel approach. As a result PSDA secured additional funding to construct additional 6 CCs. Currently 14 CCs are fully operational, whereas construction of 4 Centers is currently underway.

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The solution was developed and funneled by Public Service Development Agency. The actual implementation of the initiative was carried out by PSDA’s dedicated project team along with support provided by the respective units of the agency and the Ministry of Justice. On the Central Government level, PSDA has been actively cooperating with the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia for the overall coordination of the initiative in line with the Regional Development Strategy. Cooperation with other state agencies and the private companies was equally essential for the initiative’s success. Currently, four partner agencies and private companies are presented in the Community Centers offering variety of services. Local citizens can receive services provided by Public Service Development Agency, National Agency of Public Registry, Social Service Agency, National Archive and Ministry of Agriculture, as well as those supplied by banks, insurance and telecommunication companies. With the latter agencies PSDA signed cooperation and lease agreements ensuring the sustainability of the project through incomes generated in the form of lease payments. Since one of the key aims is to foster equal development opportunities by extending the service delivery to vulnerable groups (e.g. local women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities) involvement of the civil society sector was of utmost importance. To institutionalize and ensure long-term cooperation, MoUs have been signed between PSDA, the Municipality and the service provider organizations, such as the “Multinational Georgia for Strengthening Democratic Values” delivering distance language courses. To facilitate implementation of educational and other community-oriented events, PSDA cooperates with the following international/civil society organizations and the academia: National Examinations Center, Tbilisi State University, Swedish Agency for International Development, National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia, National Library, “Go Group Media”, State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Human Trafficking Victims, Center of Electoral Systems Development, etc.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
In 2011, PSDA received financial support from the European Union as part of the Technical Assistance framework with the aim to streamline the delivery of public services at the local level and contribute to the decentralization agenda of the country by improving the way Local Governments serve the population. The piloting of the Community Centers project as part of the larger program “Introduction of E-Governance in Local Governments” proved to be a successful initiative effectively addressing the needs of local population by bridging the gap between local governments and citizens and bringing highly sought-after services to the local population. As a result, tangible results yielded through the project by the time of its execution in December 2013, along with highly positive evaluation of the initiative by the various actors, including the Government of Georgia, other international and donor agencies and the Civil Society, served as a solid foundation for continued cooperation with the EU Delegation to Georgia leading to the implementation of the second phase of the project covering 2014-2016 years. The overall EU funding granted to PSDA to implement the initiative constitutes EUR 2,062,952 (Phase I – EUR 1,262,952, Phase II – EUR 800,000) covering the costs of necessary human resources, technical equipment, construction works, capacity building measures, etc. On a larger scale implementation of the initiative can be viewed as a step towards the broader goal - “bringing government closer to people” placed high on the Government’s agenda. Thus, the initiative has been substantially acclaimed by the Government of Georgia and the latter is strongly committed to support PSDA in sustaining and upscaling the initiative countrywide, by allocating additional funding. As a result PSDA continued the construction of additional Community Centers with its own funds with further EU support channeled to cover the costs associated with human resources, public awareness campaign, capacity building measures, etc. To date the total amount of PSDA contribution to the initiative amounts to EUR 526,100 (Phase I – EUR 123,600, Phase II – EUR 402,500). Construction of additional Community Centers especially in the areas where the number of population is rather high and the distance from the Municipal center is fairly significant enabled PSDA to extend the benefits of this novel approach to other localities where access to public services is highly demanded but difficult to obtain due to the absence of infrastructure and the distance from the municipal center.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Successful implementation of the initiative yielded number of outputs leading to improved and streamlined public services rendered at the local level; notably: 1.To ensure seamless availability of public and private services, coupled with fostering civic participation at the local level 14 Community Centers are established and effectively functioning in following villages spread across the country: Sartichala (Gardabani municipality), Shashiani (Gurjaani municipality), Gomi (Khashuri municipality), Khevi (Kharagauli municipality), Ruisi (Kareli municipality), Chaladidi (Khobi municipality), Manglisi (Tetritskaro municipality), Koda (Tetritskaro municipality), Phoka (Ninotsminda municipality), Nigoeti (Lanchkhuti municipality), Jvari (Tsalenchikha municipality), Shorapani (Zestaponi municipality), Kvareltskali (Akhmeta municipality) and Mukhaestate (Kobuleti municipality); 2.Another important output is the fully trained and skilled front-line staff employed by the Community Centers, who underwent competitive selection procedures and were trained to meet the customer service standards applied by the agency. The selected candidates were attached to the respective state institutions the services of which are available at the Community Centers to gain more insights about the nature of the work and acquire hands-on knowledge as it comes to client-orientation and efficiency in service delivery. 3.To contribute to the creation of equal development opportunities for the local population a) Community Centers Development Strategy and its Action Plan and b) Communication Strategy of the Community Centers and its Action Plan is developed. The Development Strategy contains a declared mission, values and vision of CCs and envisaged extension of the service delivery to vulnerable groups (e.g. women, minorities, and the disabled), through measures aiming at social inclusion, such as: awareness raising campaigns, organizing trainings (language courses, computer literacy, sessions on topics of common interest such as: gender issues, domestic violence, etc.); while the Communications Strategy sets a roadmap for implementing awareness raising activities and informational campaigns to effectively communicate with project stakeholders and the wider public; 4.A total number of 100,931 Public Services are delivered through Community Centers to date; 5.Up to 200 events (including trainings, seminars, conferences and other social inclusion activities) are housed by the Community Centers, with more than 2500 local citizens participating.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Implementation of the Community Centers Development Initiative has been subject to rigorous internal as well as external Monitoring and Evaluation measures in order to methodically assess the progress achieved towards the predefined goals. There were two main elements of Monitoring and Evaluation process developed as part of the present initiative: Internal Assessment – PSDA on a monthly basis conducts on-site monitoring of each of the Community Center to pinpoint and address existing logistical or technical shortcomings and assess performance and thus professional qualification of the relevant staff. Moreover, through a specially developed web-based monitoring document each front-line employee of the Community Center is enabled to fill in the number of various services provided daily, identify problems faced and collect additional feedback, requests and recommendations (desired services, preferred social activity to be integrated into the CCs) from the local population in electronic fashion. Results collected from these assessment forms on a regular basis are then carefully analyzed and respective measures are taken accordingly. Moreover, PSDA actively works with partner state agencies (National Agency of Public Registry, National Archive of Georgia and Social Service Agency) with the aim to introduce joint monitoring system in the CCs. External Assessment – along with internal Monitoring and Evaluation measures, implementation of the present initiative is closely supervised by the EU as a donor agency. Notably, based on the results of the EU external evaluation, the initiative received the highest grades - three “A” grades and two “B” grades. The “A” grades were received for: a) Relevance and Quality of Design b) Efficiency of Implementation to Date and c) Potential Sustainability. The “B” grades were received for: Effectiveness to Date and Impact Prospects. The evaluation stressed that the Project was timely and relevant aiming at improving local governance and public service delivery. Additionally, evaluation stressed project’s compliance with the existing National Strategy Documents, Policies and relevant International Agreements (the EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, the EU-Georgia Action Plan, European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), Georgia Strategy Paper (2007-2013). National Indicative Program for 2011-2013 supporting further Public Administration Reform and strengthening of local government in Georgia has also placed a special emphasis on the effectiveness and viability of the present initiative.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Expectedly the initiative faced number of challenges requiring special attention. These problems were mostly associated with the difficulties of the day-to-day monitoring of the Community Centers’ operations affecting the quality of maintenance of the newly developed infrastructure. These problems were mainly attributable to the low sense of ownership of the local population vis-à-vis Community Centers, rooted in limited public awareness and civic culture on the ground. In fact, this new type of infrastructure was considered as a readily available product managed remotely by Central Government. This in turn resulted in reluctance of local citizens to contribute to effective functioning of the CCs, leading to instances where the centers were damaged, thus hampering efficient delivery of services. Due to significantly high level of demand on services rendered by the CCs it was of utmost importance to ensure their uninterrupted functioning. The situation was even more aggravated in CCs located remotely from the capital. These obstacles were addressed by PSDA through number of measures: a)the project team used effective communication techniques and designated a person responsible for the everyday communication with the local focal points to ensure that service delivery was not affected by any external or internal factors b)the project team developed a network of local employees tasked to report to the central office on a regular basis thus limiting the possibilities of delay when any action was required from the capital c)as it was envisaged at the outset, PSDA has launched an active campaign combining public awareness activities and community gathering events to promote Community Centers and allow local population to effectively use the benefits offered by this new concept. Consequently the CCs have hosted a multitude of events attended by local people, thereby increasing their sense of ownership and empathy; thus reducing the scale of damage encountered locally.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
With 14 Community Centers opened to date, the rural population can easily access public and key private sector services through multifunctional community service points, organized according to the 'one-stop-shop' principle, thus allowing streamlining of services and excluding the necessity to travel to the municipal center or the capital. This is considered as a dramatic improvement in the process of public service delivery especially in remote areas where distance from the municipal center is prohibitively long and where citizens are forced to spend extra amounts of time and finances in order to receive a particular service. Even travelling to the municipal centers does not fully solve the problem as the municipal buildings do not possess the so called ‘Citizen Receptions’ and local inhabitants need to look for an authorized government representative in large buildings to solve different issues at hand. Absence of proper ‘Citizen Reception’ also creates difficulties for the employees of the municipality ‘back-office’ as they can hardly focus on their actual work due to the necessity to serve incoming citizens. In response establishment of CCs entailed separation of two main roles of front and back office within the service delivery system. This arrangement enabled transformation of the Community Centers into an efficient front-office for the municipality even in remote village areas, thereby reducing the possibilities of manipulation and corruption. Thus the above measures have allowed significant improvements in the process of ‘production and consumption’ of public services, due to substantial transformations in terms of services (what is offered), but mainly in terms of process (how it is offered). As a result, through modern technologies and e-governance solutions, coupled with a new type of infrastructure and trained staff, citizens can effortlessly interact with Government and receive up to 200 public and mostly valued private services locally. Additionally, local population has an opportunity to access free internet, computers, and video conference equipment thus benefiting from the modern technologies. Social inclusion programs, organized on the basis of Community Centers, on the other hand, are designed to promote integration of minority groups into the community by offering free Georgian language courses; whereas the English language program allows the local youth and especially local women to increase their employments prospects. It is equally noteworthy that the income generated from the private sector representatives in the form of lease payments ensures financial sustainability of the Community Centers whereby the latter is in a position to fully cover various utility costs and all the associated expenses not envisaged by the Local Government’s budget. As already noted above, apart from rendering improved public and private services to the rural population, the centers are viewed as a platform for stimulating civic engagement activities on the ground by offering relevant facilities (meeting/conference rooms, audio-video equipment, etc.) and mobilizing necessary resources. To date PSDA has been actively promoting the centers among other government agencies, CSOs and various interest groups as a shared facility which could serve different purposes benefiting the local community at large. Consequently the centers have hosted a multitude of events aiming to raise the awareness of local population concerning matters of common importance. To measure the impact delivered by the initiative, an independent survey was carried out by an external research company ACT, active in the Caucasus Region in the field of public opinion research and strategic consulting. The survey was conducted in 12 villages where the CCs are located. The findings have shown that at least 61% of the local population is aware about the Community Center and uses its services, whereas 82% of the respondents attest to be ‘very satisfied’ with the quality of the services provided by the CCs.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The present initiative proved to be a successful step towards the broader goal - “bringing government closer to people” placed high on the Government’s agenda. Through Community Centers PSDA has managed to create a multifunctional service platform at the rural level incorporating services which are designed around people. Hence the Government of Georgia is strongly committed to sustain and upscale the initiative, thus supporting PSDA to extend the benefits of this novel approach to a wider population. The initiative has been highly acclaimed by international organizations allowing PSDA to secure additional support to further expand the initiative. Emphasizing the importance of Community Centers for the regional development, Government of Georgia included this particular initiative as one of its key commitments declared as part of the Open Government partnership (OGP) Action Plan for 2014-2015. Furthermore the present initiative is very much demanded and praised by the citizens of Georgia and has thus secured highest level political support of the Prime Minister of Georgia. The CCs have also hosted a multitude of Government delegation visits from abroad (countries from Europe, East Europe, Asia, etc.) eager to learn more about the concept and observe how CCs actually work in practice. One of the viable examples demonstrating how the concept of Community Centers can be further replicated is another initiative of PSDA “Public Libraries for Local Development” implemented jointly with IREX-sponsored Beyond Access program. PSDA believes that partnering with public libraries and using them as shared facilities for traditional library and community gathering purposes, as well as adding more value through introduction of ICT technologies will complement its efforts to improve public service delivery at the local level and contribute to the local development. As a result of the present initiative libraries will turn into an additional tool alongside with Community Centers by means of which PSDA will further improve service delivery at rural level. This will lead to creation of a mixture of innovative measures focusing on service delivery improvements, especially for those with limited access to internet resources. Hence, along with investing in a new type of infrastructure in the form of Community Centers, existing public libraries, especially those at the village level, are also considered as an effective instrument to address the above issues and serve as catalysts for local development. Thus PSDA plans to cooperate with the public libraries to use them as a shared facility to combine conventional library services and Community Center functions, introduce ICT and train its personnel to deliver better services distinct from traditional librarian’s functions. The pilot project currently underway (April 2014 – May 2015) covers 4 selected libraries and aims at introducing the concept of Community Centers into the selected libraries, thus providing equal access to information and public services through reinvented community spaces.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
With 14 Community Centers opened to date, the rural population has increased access to high quality public and a number of private sector services through e-governance tools, thus allowing breaking down of ‘silos’ to speed up the services. As a result, through modern technologies, new infrastructure and trained staff citizens can easily interact with Government and receive the most sought-after services locally. Through Community Centers local citizens are not only considered as passive consumers of the services but also as active participants able to initiate activities addressing issues of common importance by using the shared resource of the new community service point. As mentioned above, apart from improved public services, the centers are viewed as a platform for stimulating civic engagement activities on the ground by offering relevant facilities. To date PSDA has been actively promoting the centers among other government agencies, CSOs and other local actors as a shared facility which could serve different purposes benefitting the local community at large. Consequently the centers have hosted a multitude of events aiming to raise the awareness of local population concerning matters of local importance, such as the recent Local Government Reform, Election Procedures, Agricultural Co-operatives and Small Enterprise Opportunities, Gender Issues, etc. Through Community Centers PSDA has managed to create a multifunctional platform at the rural level incorporating services which are designed around people rather than limited to operational efficiency. During the design phase and throughout the implementation period a special emphasis was placed on understanding the ways in which people access services and how they would like things to be, thus co-designing a new model of service delivery. A number of surveys, meetings and discussions, some of them organized as part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Public Consultations Phase in spring 2014, allowed collection of citizens’ views and ideas on the possible future services which could be integrated into the concept of Community Centers in the upcoming phase. Hence this effective model of public service delivery, coupled with a strong focus on citizen engagement, where a Government agency has assumed a leading role in promoting public value and co-designing services, can be viewed as a unique example of a redefined role of Government where relationships between citizens can be leveraged for more effective services and increased citizen participation. Implementation of the present initiative to date has once again proved that transforming public services to meet the true aspirations of the citizens is indisputably a challenge. The question is how to design, deliver, and scale up public services in response to such challenges. As the piloting of the Community Centers has shown, a truly citizen-centered approach entails relatively small-scale initiatives instead of large-scale projects that are difficult and costly to roll back. Particularly in today’s public sector context, driven by austerity, where drastic changes are far too costly and where “doing more with less” is supposed to be a rule, rather than an exception.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Shio Khetsuriani
Title:   Chairperson  
Telephone/ Fax:   +995599130707
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   67a Tsereteli Avenue
Postal Code:   0154
City:   Tbilisi

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