4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Public service college of Oromia has launched regular, extension, weekend, and distance program. 32 centers are opened to reach all civil servants in the region.
Training Need assessment, Research Need, Education Need and consultancy needs are identified, planned, implemented the strategy through stakeholders’ mobilization and evaluated with balanced scorecard framework.
Strategy is cascaded to every employees and each employee has personal development plan aligned with organizational and process's strategy.
Leadership communicates mission, leadership works to minimize resistance, reform is key leadership agenda and resources are aligned with big picture of the country, region and organization. Therefore, the college implements its strategy by creating strategy focused organization.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Public institutions, regional government, standing committee of regional council, Federal higher Quality and Relevance agency, Ministry of Education, Civil service and Good Governance Bureau, civil servants in Oromia region, public enterprises, private sectors, federal and regional management institutes, city administrations, developing regions etc are key stakeholders of the college
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The college has deployed ICT facilities with 1.5 million Eth birr, green or attractive and conducive working environment, SMAT class room furnished with ICT, ICT supported library with cost of 50,000 Eth birr etc.
Furthermore, the college invests in its human resources (both administrative and academic staffs) development intensively with short term, medium and long term training.
New construction of standardized training facility is underway with 200 million Eth birr. The college's operations are financed by internal revenue, government treasury, and development partners such as UNDP etc source of financing.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1. 123,154 civil servants were graduated in diploma
2. 2,533 civil servants were graduated in B.A
3. 190,000 civil servants received short-term training
4. 45 researches were communicated to beneficiaries
5. 10 demand driven consultancy and 41 supply driven consultancy service were conducted
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The college conducts training impact assessment
1. the college conducts education impact assessment
2. the college conducts research and consultancy service impact assessment
3. standing committee of regional council oversee the college's plan and performance report
4. Supervisory board of the college oversees plan and performance of the college.
5. The college involves internal and external stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation. the college conducts supervision, receive report and conduct performance evaluation forum based on its plan
6. Result-based evaluation is conducted at individual, team level, process level, organizational or corporate level to measure the progress. Individuals evaluate their own contribution based on their personal plan.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The major challenges facing the college include
1. overt and covert resistances by public sectors leaders and employees to embrace reform initiatives
2. covert resistance by some staff members to comply with desired change
3. lack of desired level of capacity on part of public sectors
4. Internal capacity gap
5. Lack of training infrastructure to accommodate existing demand.
The college develops tailor-made plan to solve the obstacles it encounters. For instance, The college has worked intensively to build its internal capacity; the college has provided continuous training and public servants education to improve knowledge, skill and attitude. The college has worked with development partners to fulfill infrastructure, etc.