End to End IT Solution
Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
The Gujarat Electricity Board was a state-owned power utility of Gujarat state. It served 60 million people in a geographical spread of 1,96,030 square kilometers. In the wake of reforms in the power sector, the monolithic organization was unbundled into seven consumer-responsive and market-competitive entities in 2005 - across the power utility value chain. This included a power generation company (GSECL) with 9 power stations and an installed capacity of approximately 5500 MW, a transmission company (GETCO ) with approximately 1350 sub-stations and line length of about 47972 circuit km and four distribution companies (DISCOMs) with a consumer base of just under one 12.5 million. Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (GUVNL) became the holding company and is responsible for bulk purchase and sale of electricity, supervision, co-ordination and facilitation of the activities of its six subsidiary companies. With the conclusion of the unbundling process, GUVNL and its six subsidiaries embarked on mechanization and computerization of some of the core activities, with the IT technologies available at that time. However, there was a need for an integrated, comprehensive, end-to-end IT solution to meet the changing business trends, and to make the new entities more responsive and pro-active. With this objective in sight, the organization started its efforts to examine its existing processes, shortcomings and available technology options for a smooth migration path. The organization was looking to improve operational efficiency through standard processes, and to enhance transparency and accountability while efficiently managing and implementing government-funded schemes and projects. These were to help GUVNL achieve its ultimate goal – that of customer satisfaction. Revenue losses due to non-standard procedures could be avoided by standardizing the process and workflow and it would also result in better financial planning with predictable outflows and inflows. The prevalent legacy system of all the companies has many of the inherent lacunae, enlisted as under Metering, Billing and Collection problems • Difficult to track meter change • Difficult to track meter history of consumer • Difficult to track malpractices in meter reading • Unscheduled and improper billing • Unable to analyze Consumption Pattern and History of consumer • Payment inconveniences to consumer and single mode of payment • Human error in billing Unethical practices in existing process • New connection process • Connection modification • Billing • Payment Improper accounting • Improper utilization of materials for a desired scheme Consumer dissatisfaction • Delay in release of new connection • Delay in billing complaint • Late billing • Non-traceable consumer complaint Delayed presentation of MIS report to managerial team Unmanaged Inventory • Local stores inventory on paper • Idle inventory of key materials • Difficult to forecast future requirement • Ageing effect on idle inventory Poor Financial Management • Poor cash management • Unable to forecast revenue requirement Improper planning of revenue • Heterogeneous stand alone/Decentralized databases island mode IT Applications Leads to question on organization sustainability

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
After unbundling, an absolute need was felt to streamline various processes in the newly constituted companies. Also, there was a need for better Consumer Friendly Applications, Corporate governance, Operational effectiveness and financial sustainability to facilitate ease and comfort by serving consumers better. The Solution Conceptualization: In the backdrop of the Business- and IT foray of GUVNL, the following emerged as imperatives, which would drive the solution conceptualization: • Adopting global business processes. • The best-of-the-breed solutions in each core business area. • Seamless integration to reduce data errors and -redundancy, reduce operational effort, and increase reliability. • Prompt availability of relevant information to aid effective decision-making. GUVNL-Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (erstwhile GEB), appointed Gujarat Info Petro Limited (GIPL) as an Apex Consultant for implementing an “End to End IT solution” in all the subsidiaries. As-Is study was conducted with the help of KPMG and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for functional and technical quality of each application and compared with standard application architecture. The Oracle’s E-Business Suite 11i was chosen as ERP for implementation and TCS was retained as System Integrator. GUVNL and its subsidiaries had to leapfrog into the future through systems that bring in online applications on the desktop to take appropriate decisions in the wake of stiff competition with the opening of the power sector in India to private sector. In order to facilitate the above, it was crucial to have a system which could cater to the requirements of each company. This included an entire gamut of activities related to Power production, e-Billing, e-Payment, Materials Management, Maintenance, Project Management, Finance, Human Resources, Power Trading and Network Analysis. Thus, a comprehensive set of solutions to cope up with the current challenges and to bridge the gap as elaborated above, gave birth to e-Urja. E-Urja, is the name given to an Oracle based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) suite, which is implemented in all the seven companies for delivering efficient and effective services to the END consumers. Thus the Enterprise-Wide ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Project, Integrated End-to-End IT Solution is popularly termed as the ‘e-Urja’ Project (Urja means energy). It involves seamless flow and processing of data resulting into real time information availability and therefore, facilitates quick decision-making. Highlighting Facts of e-Urja Project... The largest ERP project ever, to be implemented in Power Utilities in India. Covers all the seven companies. Total Employees 50809 Nos. Total numbers of consumers benefited 12.5 Million Total No of Vendors interacting 44100 Nos. Total No of assets 43,10,500 Nos. Total No of inventory Items 1,60,000 Nos. Total Capital Investment Rs 2200 Millions

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
Firstly, this is the largest ERP solution to be implemented in the power utilities sector within India. In a way, the solution tries to bring all processes of GuVNL and its holding companies under the ambit of a single solution. In a country which often faces power shortage, excessive demand and constant consumer issues, implementing a solution such as this is a mammoth task. The effect of streamlining operations created many advantages for consumers through facilities such as e-Payment and Systematic grievance redressal. Consumer Self Services: 1. Portal, Bills / Payments through SMS, IVRS & emails to the consumers 2. E-Payment through Bank’s Websites 3. GPS based spot meter reading Assisted Service: 1.Better customer care through call centres and systematic grievance filing systems, 2.TPIN for HT Consumers for privacy reasons. 3.Direct communication by Agents to SDO / DO 4.Knowledge management for tariff, new connection details etc. Services touch to consumers: 1.Accurate Estimate Generation GIS, Network Analysis 2.Approval using workflow & notifications (Alteration of Load / Name / Reconnection) 3.Consumer number generated through system. 4.Work status update 5.Effective Monitoring of Complaints Closure & CCC Agents Performance

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Implementation Strategy Looking to the huge geographical spread, the implementation of e-Urja was critical but the same was successfully implemented within a record time by creating a chain of Champions and team of dedicated skilled persons at strategic points. To support the end user regarding any issues / problems of e-Urja modules, an exclusive HELPDESK was created, wherein various levels of process specialists are defined to resolve the issues of END user. The process flow is as mentioned below. Each company has one Chief Nodal Officer (CNO) responsible as coordinator for each implemented module. CNO is the single point of contact for the company for all major issues. Further, Conveners & L1 Process specialists for all modules are appointed for resolution of module specific issues. GuVNL realized that successful operation of such a large application would require a robust support system which is based on sound processes and hence they designed an operating structure for the project which is detailed in the section below. Level 0: Provided by onsite process specialists of GUVNL and subsidiary companies who register the calls/incidents using the Helpdesk/ Issue tracker tool. 1.Providing guidance on navigation as per current setup/ explanation/ sharing of SOPs / training manuals. 2.Conduct refresher trainings at local sites. Level 1: Provided by Super Users/ Core process specialists of GUVNL and subsidiary companies for specific application trouble shooting. Level 1 support shall be primarily responsible for the followings. 1.Interface with Level 0 for completeness of information/issue. 2.Helping in identifying the type and severity of requests for Level 0. 3.Registering and Routing the ticket to right level 2 queue. 4.Update Level 0 with the status of the ticket logged. Level 2: This is provided by Maintenance Support Team (System Integrator). This support provides solutions for the requests received from Level 1. The Level 2 support team monitors and accepts the tickets routed by Level1 support. The Level 2 support responsibilities include logging SRs (Service Request) for genuine reasons to Oracle Global Support at Metalink after analyzing the issue. Further they follow up on the issues or escalate further to the Oracle Global Hub for resolution of problems in the e-business suite. Level 3: The support activities include: 1.Coordination with third party/support groups (Data Centre, DB, third party applications) 2.Coordination for Application server / Application issues with Oracle 3.Organization will have annual technical support from the OEM of the product. Officers nominated across GUVNL. No. of CNO (Chief Nodal Officer) 7 No. of NO (Nodal Officer) 48 No. of L-1 (Level-1) Champions 242 No. of L-0 (Level-0) Champions 1034 No. of CMG (Change Management Group) and Members 19 / 67 The project has been implemented in a phased manner in each of the seven companies. After successful implementation at one site and subsequent rollout phases, all other locations had been completed. Training & Development One of the most crucial factors in the implementation of the e-Urja Project with minimum resistance was to impart an exhaustive training to all end users. This was achieved through the following steps: 1.Introduction of Train to Trainer Concept 2.Identification of IT savvy employees and developing them as In-house Faculty for end user training. 3.Knowledge sharing by creation of a chain of process specialists. No. of trainings – Core users ( L-0 & L-1 Champions) 15,000 No. of training - End user training 35,000 No. of man days 76,000 No. of Core Users (Faculties) 1,076

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
GUVNL chose TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) as its e-Urja technology partner. TCS with its rich experience in both the Energy and Utilities (E&U) space and Oracle Apps technology, contributed immensely towards conceptualization, implementation, training and management of the e-Urja program. Studying the existing business processes and practices and blue-printing them to align with global best processes of ERP along with localizations and customizations involved a large pool of close to 200 people. This comprised of business users and process champions from different functional areas of GuVNL as well as IT professionals from TCS. The data centre adequately caters to the volume, security and redundancy requirements for business continuity. TCS also had to ensure that all the legacy processes were retired, whether automated or otherwise, to ensure comprehensive adoption of the new system. As about the change management exercise at GUVNL, in order to address the concerns, fears and reservations of more than 50,000 employees, GUVNL had to come up with one of the largest HR initiatives involving a massive training program. To impart exhaustive training to all end-users, GUVNL introduced a ‘train-the-trainer’ concept where tech-savvy employees were identified, and developed as in-house faculty for end-user training. Another initiative was to improve knowledge sharing by creating a chain of process champions. An awareness programme about the benefits of e-Urja was initiated and employees were made aware of the benefits of the system. GUVNL also linked e-Urja with employee promotion and other rewards and recognition programmes. It kept the employees motivated by organizing e-Urja quizzes, newsletters and so on.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Some of the mechanisms adapted to meet these challenges were 1. “Communication made the key” - Several levels of communication were adopted in form of Newsletters - Published on the GUVNL intranet for mass consumption and awareness. 2. Workshops for involvement of core team and management at critical stages of the project. 3. Steering committee meetings with senior management of all companies to provide direction for progress as well as solutions for issues. 4. Completely driven and supported by senior management of GUVNL. 5. Used the best practices in-built in the system to optimize processes. 6. The system integrator presented certificates to core team members to recognize and encourage ownership of their contribution towards implementing the required processes in the system. GUVNL management has planned for other recognition and incentives during planned eUrja week. The total capital cost of implementation of this project stands at INR 2200 million. On a yearly basis approximately INR 22 million is being spent to maintain data center, support network requirements, enable security and as operational costs for TCS and other minor operational expenses. The implementation of ‘e-Urja’ shall bring a Strategic, Tactical & Operational Transformation as mentioned below. Change Management Process The toughest challenge to implement the e-Urja project across all the subsidiaries of GUVNL was to apply the biggest Change using challenging working methods, working environment and customer interactions. Since, the employee strength of GUVNL including all subsidiaries was more than 50,000, it was a difficult and huge task to convince such a huge work force about the change to be adopted. However, the same was successfully implemented by majority of the employees in year 2009,with following measures 1. Top Management commitment 2. Periodical review by State Government 3. Employee Awareness about System Benefits 4. Employees participation in the Change Process 5. Imparting exhaustive Training to every end users 6. Linking e-Urja with Employee promotion 7. Creating a dedicated team for E-Urja 8. Motivating the employees by organizing e-Urja Quizzes, newsletters etc Training & Development One of the most crucial factors in the implementation of the e-Urja Project with minimum resistance was to impart an exhaustive training to all end users. This was achieved through the following steps: 1.Introduction of Train to Trainer Concept 2.Identification of IT savvy employees and developing them as In-house Faculty for end user training. 3.Knowledge sharing by creation of a chain of process champions. 4.No. of trainings – Core users ( Level-0 & Level-1 Champions) - 15,000 5.No. of training - End user training - 35,000 6.No. of man days - 76,000 7.No. of Core Users ( Faculties) - 1,076

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
1.Improved Customer Services 2.The processing Period from registration to release of new Connection has been reduced significantly. 3.Addition / Alternation to existing Installation happens Immediately. 4.Billing Related Complaints almost non existent 5.Multiple Payment Options made available 6.Meter Related Complaints attended to immediately 7.Customer Care Centre Functional in all Field offices 8.New Connection Release/ Addl Load (Non Motive power) reduced from 30-33 Days to 15-18 Days 9.New Connection Release/ Additional Load (Motive power) reduced from 104-122 Days to 55-72 Days 10.Billing Related Complaints reduced from 16 to 2 per Subdivision. 11.Any time any where payment option made available 12.Meter related Complaints reduced from 15 Days to Immediate attention 13.Response time to consumers reduced from 4-6 Hours to 2 Hours 14.Quality of Power Supply increased from 99.74 % to 99.82 % 15.Quick Response to Customer Queries, resulting in reduction of CRT (Customer Response Time) 16.Quick release of New Connections due to significant reduction in application processing and sanctioning time.Flexibility in payment - anywhere within the entire DISCOM. 17.Improved service to end consumers through improved asset reliability, utilization and maintenance of equipments 18.Quicker and improved response to customer queries through detailed online customer dashboards and queries 19.Improved management and tracking of environment and efficiency parameters leading to improved environmental safety. 20.e-Payment facilities for payment of electricity bill for customer 21.Standardization of New connection process ultimately moving towards a Corruption Free environment. 22.Revised and optimized approval hierarchy for employee related processes like leave, loans, claims, separations. 23.Online request entry and real-time request status monitoring leading to increased efficiency for each process as well as improved accountability of approvers. These include processes like leaves, HBA loans, vehicle loans, medical/travel advances, claims etc. 24.Integration with Financial modules for payment and with Payroll for recovery or payment. 25.Introduction of online appraisal system including sharing of rating and supervisor feedback with employee. This has brought in a lot of transparency in the appraisal process and hence improved employee satisfaction. 26.Single-source update to employee data, leading to removal of redundancy in processes, improvement in employee efficiency and elimination of human errors.Effective Employee Grievance Handling system 27.Increased asset productivity and reduced operating costs associated with maintenance, procurement, transmission, distribution, and customer service. 28.Proactive management of available resources such as inventory, equipment, and skilled personnel and mapping with asset maintenance demand, leading to optimized availability, reliability, and productivity of assets.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
A full fledge deployment of dashboard having an easy to read, real-time user interface has been done. The dashboard shows graphical presentation of the current status and historical trends of company wise, module wise transactions with key performance indicators for senior managers to monitor and evaluate the project. The CBRM - Change management Bimonthly Review Meeting is being arranged among all CNO, Respective module Conveners and system integrator to monitor the progress and to evaluate the below shown activities. Core Maintenance – Comprehensive maintenance for e-Urja IT Support. The end to end IT solution including integration to the modules implemented at GUVNL and all its subsidiaries. Change Management/ Request - Any change required into the system due to the change in the business process within the organization to explore the change in the functionality with respect to the offered functionality by the core product. The requirement can be mapped directly on the functionality of the product then it is not considered as change request otherwise for the requested functionality, customization to be made and considered as change request Product/ version Up-gradation - The upgrade product / version of any implemented product covered under e- Urja project. The Change Management Group (CMG) Conveners are in constant touch with Maintenance Support team and project leaders on various operational issues including those of the most critical target for the business. The maintenance support team provides for the following- 1.Translating functional requirements into solutions. 2.Initiate development of CRs after approval from CMG Conveners& Admin approval. 3.Ensure quality of deliverables and support thereafter. 4.Resource planning along with CMG convener. Maintenance Support Delivery Manager 1.Responsible for activities and tasks of their own team. 2.Support team management. 3.Client Communication. 4.Assist and review tasks done by support team. 5.Risk identification, tracking and its mitigation. Maintenance Support Implementation cum Support Team 1.Development of technical solution as per the plan. 2.User manual and SOP preparation & updating it on regular basis. 3.Report issues and risks to the team lead. 4.Participate in solution discussion and confirm technical feasibility. 5.Deployment of code into relevant environments after getting appropriate approvals. CMG Conveners and Supervisors GUVNL and Subsidiaries 1.Decision making and guiding the development team in resolving application related issues 2.Co-ordination with GUVNL & subsidiaries regarding new requirements and approach and other CMG conveners for cross module deployment 3.Risk identification, tracking and mitigation 4.Provide functional and commercial approval for change requests

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Unleashing an enterprise-wide transformation of this nature entailed many challenges. While some were anticipated at the conceptualization stage, a few were discovered in the course of the implementation. This particular implementation involved tackling various IT challenges along with the task of taking care of the fears and concerns of a large and varied workforce. The post-unbundling scenario posed a great challenge in the implementation of this project as there was a sense of uncertainty among the employees due to various organizational changes. It was important for GUVNL to expose their workforce to the current best practices being adopted in the utility sector across the globe and align their existing business processes to the current best processes. The employees also had a very limited exposure to the concept of ERP and its use. Since the entire exercise was about exploiting IT as the primary agent of change, the foremost problem was timely procurement and commissioning of necessary computing and communication infrastructure. A very large geographical spread across Gujarat made this extremely complex. Zeroing-in on the solution platform, finalizing the IT landscape, working out equipment specifications, handling the procurement process, and ensuring timely commissioning through flawless co-ordination among dozens of vendors was a demanding task. Another technology challenge that had to be overcome was the mapping of existing complex business processes and then standardization for each of the companies. Finally, GUVNL had to come up with a strategy to collect and move huge volumes of data relating to distribution network assets, consumers and so on, into the ERP.”

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
eUrja enables core business transactions at operational level. The resultant quality and flow of data improves the governance at a tactical level, while the information analytics aids intelligent decision-making at a strategic level. GUVNL has benefited with the real-time inventory position being made available for all items across the company. It has helped GUVNL to significantly reduce access procurement using an effective monitoring and controlling system. It now has the ability to generate various inventory reports on stock of key items. It can also get an analysis of insulated overhead cables like Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC) and FSN (Fast, Slow and Non-Moving Item) which helps the utility company make strategic decisions. GUVNL now receives revenue and cash-on-hand information for all business establishments across company along with total liabilities to be paid. This enables the utility company to monitor its financials. It has also benefited from increased availability, reliability and productivity of assets combined with reduced cost associated with maintenance, procurement, transmission, distribution and customer service. Furthermore, it has helped to streamline procurement functions leading to significant savings. For the employees, automating the process of asset creation has helped reduce human workload to a great extent. A systematic workflow approval helps the company to drastically reduce turnaround time and increase employee satisfaction. HRMS functions such as online leave application, trainings, transfer, appraisal, recruitment and promotions have helped the workforce to a great extent. A robust payroll system effectively supports GUVNL. This has ensured that the salaries, loans and claims are processed on time and adjusted quickly. The e-Urja project has propelled GUVNL and its subsidiaries into an era of e-Governance and this is clearly reflected by the number of awards that the company has won recently for innovative use of IT in the power sector. There is no denying the fact that adopting IT as a key enabler to unleash the potential locked in GUVNL would go a long way in making it competitive in the global arena. Key benefits are listed below: 1.Provision of anytime, anywhere payment 2.Can apply online for change of load / Name etc. 3.Quick resolution of consumers’ billing complains. 4.E-urja analysis helps subdivisions in arranging timely billing to consumers. 5.Using internet (or direct walk in at SDO), consumer can apply for LT service connection, change of name or load, shifting of connection, re-connection availing portal services. However to visit SDO for Document verifications & paying registration charges. 6.Also, consumer can apply for HT load extension/reduction, change of name / Load, shifting of connection. 7.Consumers can receive emails, SMS for their energy bills. 8.Consumers can view their units Consumption History, Billing History, Payment History etc online using portal services. 9.Approval using workflow & notifications (Alteration of Load / Name / Reconnection) 10.Generation of Firm Quotation(FQ) through system with reduced approval time with accuracy. 11.Consumer number generated through system. 12.Online Payment of Firm Quotation (FQ) & Acknowledgement of Online Payment of FQ. 13.Faster Logging & Resolution of Outage Complaints. 14.Transparency 15.Notifying each & every work status of application to the consumer. 16.Websites & Downloadable Tenders 17.Online monitoring of Lok Darbar. 18.Effective Monitoring of Complaints Closure & CCC Agents Performance 19.Implementation of Uniform processes across all companies. 20.Efficient implementation of various GoG schemes for consumers & projects. 21.Faster and timely serving of energy bills to consumers rather than external agency approach in billing and thereby faster revenue realization. 22.Loading / Wash coal contractor performance monitoring for power plants. 23.Optimization in assets utilization and increase in its reliability. 24.Availability of online detailed employee history like CPF Balance, past salary details, Increments, all Leaves, Advances etc. 25.Online on-hand inventory status in inventory management up to Division level. 26.Central Database Repository environment thereby quick availability of information. 27.Better tracking of Inventory items, Reduction in idle/dead inventory and reduction in carrying cost of Inventory. 28.Inventory planning methods like Min Max Planning introduced. 29.Depreciation calculation monthly basis in Fixed Assets. 30.Immediate Distribution Transfer Energy Audit. Since Go Live, 1500 GuVNL offices are using this system across Gujarat.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The Gujarat Electricity Board was a state owned power utility of Gujarat state. It served 60 million people populated in 196030 sq. kms. area. The State is one of the industrial hubs of the country and contributes 16% of industrial production of the country. In the wake of reforms in the power sector, the monolithic organization was unbundled into 7 consumer responsive and market competitive entities in 2005. The Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (GUVNL) GUVNL embarked on mechanization and computerization of some of the core activities with the IT technologies available at that time. However, need was felt to leapfrog from the islands of information to an integrated, comprehensive, end-to-end IT solution to meet the changing business imperatives and to make the new entities more responsive and pro-active. With this objective, the organization started its efforts for introspection of its existing processes, its shortcomings, available technology options and smooth migration path. The ground work to evaluate the various alternatives etc. commenced two years back. However, the major implementation initiatives took place only in the year 2008-09. “e-Urja” was the name coined for this end-to-end Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project. The project covers all facets of power sector encompassing generation of power to distribution to the village population and spanning from customer relationship management to satisfy the needs of its 12.5 million consumers to complex module of power purchase, load management, finance, consumer billing and HR of its 50,000 employees. It may be mentioned that the GUVNL and its subsidiaries are the first Public Sector Power Utility to implement complete ERP solution. The implementation was never a smooth sail. Many challenges were faced in terms of winning confidence of the user employees, resolving domain knowledge issues, mapping of processes and customization. Adhering to the time line and reinforcing the ebbing confidence of the users was a stupendous task. The implementation of ambitious e-Urja project has resulted into improved customer satisfaction, efficient utilization of manpower and revenue, optimal management of materials and machines and relieving the existing manpower from mundane task to more intelligent work. The organizations have not only become more responsive, but pro-active as well. It has also increased transparency in its dealings with the Government, utilities, Regulators and consumers. ERP was implemented in the year 2008 and has led to an increasing satisfaction amongst customers of GuVNL. While it comes at a financial cost, the cost is being borne by the revenue generated by GuVNL itself. The project has been running for the past 6 years and has improved in coverage and acceptance. It will be a great initiative to replicate this across other states owing to the fact that power and utilities is a focus area for the government.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
In the competitive environment of power sector, leveraging technology to substantially change its responses and to meet the aspiration of its consumers is essential and inevitable. The key to success is in the detailed spadework, selection of right technology and implementation partners, commitment of senior management and taking along all the stakeholders. The sailing is never smooth, however, it can be tide over with the commitment of all the concerned and result oriented approach. Incessant encouragement to the end users makes the initiative an achievement to one and all. The implementation of end-to-end ERP solution encompassing all the facets of business operations of GUVNL and its subsidiary companies has resulted into substantial benefits in consumer relation, reduction in service time, better utilization of scarce resources and improvement in companies’ profitability. Encouraged by the initial success, the companies are committed to take initiatives to excel in decision making process and to strive to meet the aspirations of their stakeholders.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Shahmeena Hussain
Title:   Director (Administration)  
Telephone/ Fax:   0265-2338186
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   da.guvnl@gebmail.com  
Address:   Sardar Patel, Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course
Postal Code:   390007
City:   Vadodara
State/Province:   Gujarat

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