4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Main activities for the implementation plan
Phase one: E-Services requirements gathering and analysis
Phase two: E-Services Layout design
Phase three: E-services functional Library development
Phase four: E-services Security requirements and validations development
Phase five: E-services Model Layer objects creation
Phase six: E-services pages development
Phase seven: activities Documentation
Plan will be attached
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
Many entities were involved in the designed and implemented of the initiative. The core system was designed by KFSD’ prevention and firefighting sectors, the core system considers and implements the sum of KFSD vision and the contribution of Kuwait Engineers Union (civil servant). KFSD have provided their enhanced standards and codes, workflow, and the future vision; Kuwait Engineers Union contributed their expertise in architecture safety design and also their future expectations of e-government level service that would contribute in the future development. KFSD’IT department role was the actual implementation of the integrated electronic systems; IT conducted the required analysis implementation all the way through to the final integrated systems; KFSD’IT department coop with CAIT (Central agency of information technology) to make the services electronically available for public over the internet. Form another side KFSD’ financial department have their contribution of how to transform and integrated the manual government financial transactions into an electronic service, and impose their auditing tools.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The initiative was developed totally by KFSD specialists, funds went only for equipment purchases; KFSD made its effort to surround the project with its best local resources. Specialists from KFSD with different disciples were recruited to engage in the implementation of the project, project manager, IT consultants, business and system analysts, system designers, web designers, database developers and administrators, implementers.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
The initiative successfully produced impressive outputs, first of, an electronic document database; this database contributes in many ways of use including search, archiving, and project study. Second, a database of the disabled and people with special needs, greatly beneficial for the firefighting and recue sector; this data gives the advantage to prepare for a special type operation. Third, the systems provide statistical and reporting tools to decision making. Last but not the least, the system framework gives the vision and the mechanism for to develop and transform the remaining manual services to electronic ones.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
As part of the implementation plan, KFSD have set the points where check cycles take place, in these cycles progress can be measured, and need for enhancement can be decided. This method of monitoring gave a vision of the overall rate of progress and throttle to control and guide the project.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
As expected with any type of project implementation, there were problems had to be solved in order to progress. Some problems were expected, some were just surprises; for this particular project we can define the main obstacles encountered and have been overcome.
Communication was an obstacle, as the individual contributors to the initiative are scattered. As a solution, work groups formation was made to coordinate between team and stakeholders, that to ease the circulation of information and access to the desired quality. Moreover, paper forms of document metadata were prepared to ease document handling and management. Last in the solution, database was created to store contacts data and information in ways that connect different authorities related.
User e-culture obstacle, new system usually faced fear and rejection by the end users due to their distant to technology at work; to close this gap, KFSD provided training plan that includes orientation and on job training, technical support through phone call and email is available, and printed user guide to e-services was provided.
Lack of publicity, to increase the use and the utilization of the e-services, KFSD has steadily marketed it services through the media, public conferences, events, and through the official state web portal.