4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
- MOF has been deploying modified cash accounting for long time, Tasdeed was introduced to enhance accounting receivables for services provided by Government agencies.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
- MOF Ministry Of Finance
- CAIT – Central Authority of Information Technology
- Individuals/customers (Kuwaiti Citizens, Residence), corporations
- Government agencies / Service providers / Billers
- Payment Service Provider
- Central Bank of Kuwait
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Tasdeed project management office formed multiple teams with adequate qualification and experienced personnel and resources to carry out they responsibilities effectively, these teams are :-
- Project management Team.
- Government agencies readiness assessment team.
- System testing team.
- Deployment team.
- Integration Team.
- Advertising Team.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
- Tasdeed makes possible 24/7/365 from anywhere for individuals/customers (Kuwaiti Citizens, Residence, corporations and government entities); the option of transacting payment with the government agencies easily (service providers/the billers) by electronic means.
- Increase non-oil revenue.
- Kuwaiti Citizens, Residence, corporations and government entities to Pay due bills easily from anywhere at any time
- Issuance of E- Payment regulations, financial policies and procedures.
- Oversee and manages the governmental E-Payment system
- Mange transfer of payment transaction money between payee, commercial bank and KNB.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
- Sign the E-Payment services agreement with a supplier has a current secured and trusted E-Payment infrastructure .
- Choose five varied E-Payment Channels to start with.
- Issuing MOF Curricula's to regulate governmental E-Payment services procedures and e-STAMP
- Issued standards and guidelines for bill presentment and E-Payment applications.
- Coordination & follow up with government agencies
- Build awareness & communication plan for Public & Government.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
- Establishing a secured infrastructure for governmental E- Payment.
- Accepting Credit Card for payment
- Accepting e-Cheque for payment
- Provide easy to reach and use E-Payment channels
- Existence of issuing claims and bill presentment services on the internet by government agencies .
- Cooperation with government agencies .
- Awareness & trust building for public to use E-payment channels .