4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
1- Putting the action plan (Project Implementation plan).
2- Detailed requirements gathering.
3- Analyzing the requirements.
4- Prepare the solution design including the interface design.
5- Configuring the CAS server:
a. Server Setup.
i. Prepare hosting environment.
ii. Install OS.
b. Integrate systems.
6- Training IT admins to administrate and use the system.
7- Testing the various components to ensure users satisfaction, quality and readiness.
8- Deploy on production environment based on business approval.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
This project was collaborative efforts between SEU IT team and trusted partner ITS (system integrator)
SEU provided the requirements through several analysis session, ITS developed technical requirements and agreed on the full design with SEU.
Full engagement of SEU IT team all over the implementation duration till the last phase which SEU IT team got the needed training and handover to support the production of the system.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
1- SEU IT team:
a. Project Manager(1)
b. System Admin (4)
c. IT & Network Admin (1)
2- ITS
a. Project Manager(1)
b. Technical engineer (2)
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Following systems used in the learning and administration are accessed from single location and with the same password.
Ellucian Banner as SIS system,
BlackBoard as a virtual learning environment and course management system,
Other systems/applications like In-house developed and support systems,
Microsoft Office 365,
vBulletin Forum environment.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Electronic Business committee asked to monitor SSO Service. This committee is composed from different SEU members category technical, business and senior management.
Also IT deanship launched new project to implement a system that can monitor usage and availability of SSO automatically.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Main obstacle was time required to launch the services before academic year start. Time reduced due to internal decision in SEU to have new look on the start of the academic year.
It was overcome by close work between project managers from SEU and ITS the partner. Decision taken by project team to increase number of people, working hours and reduce test time.