4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
Several activities conducted in the planning stage include:
a. Building a strong mutual relationship among the Banjarbaru City Authorities, the LPMs, and the communities in order to hold the trust from the public to donate their land for the program. The actions were done through several informal meetings and gatherings;
b. Involving various stakeholders ranging from community leaders, religious leaders, municipality and village leaders, and landowners to plan the opening of new roads and the widening of access to existing roads;
c. Establishing an implementation team coordinated by the Community Empowerment Institution(LPM). The team actively conducts the socialization and persuasive approach to landowners affected by the program;
d. Involving the communities in the planning process in a way to accommodate the aspirations of the people in the targeted locations.
Implementation Phase:
a. The intensive meetings and visits from the Municipal Head to societies, not only at some informal gatherings but also at semi-formal meetings at religious moments. Theauthorities instill the pride feeling to the communities for the good initiative of donating the land for the great cause of helping the government;
b. Settling an agreement and contracts with the landowners by accommodating the small compensation for the taken land. Such compensation sometimes takes the form of crop replacements;
c. Actively involve the community in the implementation activities.
Residents are encouraged to participate more on the activities conducted in this phase, including performing the measurements on the land affected by the opening or widening of roads, installing boundary markers for the road, as well as making the trenches. The residents along with the LPM, and Municipal Head also do land clearing.
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
a. The Initiator: This activity started from the desire of the Government of Banjarbaru City to promote economic growth, social and cultural rights as well as basic services such as education, health and housing in order to achieve a balance of regional development and equitable development.
b. The Actors: The main actors of this program are the Community Empowerment Institution (LPM) at District and Municipality levels, The Neighborhood and Residents Apparatus Forum, and the communities’ leaders.
c. The Stimulators: Through BAPPEDA (Regional Development Planning Agency) and the Department of Public Works (Public Works Department), sub-district and village officials, Chairman of RT / RW and community leaders as well as the government of South Kalimantan also provide advice for grants for this activity.
The following parties are involved in this program:
No. Parties Roles Actions
1. Community Empowerment Institution (LPM) The Coordinator of The Execution Team Encouraging communities’ mutual aid
2. Neigborhood and Residence Leaders Forum Actively involved in the program designing Collecting the list of landowners and scheduling the socialization activities
3. Community and Religious Leaders Actively involved in the socialization activities and persuasive approach to landowners Mediating the socialization activities
4. PT. Angkasa Pura II and other private parties Partners of the program Providing supporting access for the program
5. Landowners The main donators of the program Donating the land required for the program voluntarily without any monetary compensation
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Government Banjarbaru programmed the road widening and new roads construction to improve accessibility of Banjarbaru society by allocating either through the local budget or special allocation fund for road infrastructure.
The government of South Kalimantan Province appreciated the plan by allocating the grants of IDR 2.5 billion (± USD 204,867.66) to be managed by the community. The government of Banjarbaru city also give the stimulant grants of IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) (USD 40,973.53) from the local budget of Banjarbaru City in 2012 and 2013.
The fund is managed to finance such activities for heavy equipment rental, the cost for landfill, the culverts, and the crops replacement belonging to communities affected by road and field operating costs. The community provides the land for the construction and road widening without monetary compensation.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
a. The total width of the road widened from 2000 to 2014 is 1,415,194 m2 or 141.52 Ha;
b. The new road openings from 2000-2014 managed to connect 20 villages through 73 access roads;
c. The total public participation in the form of land donation is worth IDR 212,279,100,000 (two hundred and twelve billion two hundred and seventy-nine million one hundred thousand) (assuming the land price of IDR 150,000/m2);
d. The width of the road expanded from 8-10 meters to 10-22 meters;
e. The number of residents donating their land is as much as 2,000;
f. The advanced innovationin LandasanUlin District, in cooperation with the Community Empowerment Institution (LPM), managed to receivethe grants from the Banjarbaru Authorities with the amount of IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million) used as a stimulant in developing new areas surrounding the Syamsudin Noor Airport;
g. The successful opening of the new roads has covered the area of 89,250 m2 as well as the 30,000 m2 for public facilities, making the total land donation of 119,250 m2. Assuming the land price of IDR 150,000/m2, the total donation is worth IDR 17,887,500,000 (seventeen billion eight hundred eighty seven million five hundred thousand);
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Evaluation Phase:
a. Conducting evaluation along with the communities in order to publicly inform the whole development of the program as well as elaborating the possible constraints and visible solutions.
b. Performing direct observation or inspection to achieve actual information and to find immediate solution to some problems found in the field.
c. Preparing reports for all activities to support the openness and the accountability of the program.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
• The main constraint is that people are reluctant to donate their land because they fear that this activity will not soon be realized;
• The decreasing trend of public trust to government officials due to the past experiences or impressions;
• The Community Leaders who become community role models tend to be the mouthpiece of disapproval to the program.
Below are the community members who have been the agents of the program:
a. Haji ZUHDI
Haji Zuhdi(who were underprivileged and in need of fund to pay his kids education) owned the land of 3.5 hectares planned for the future assurance of his kids’ education at the college level. Although he had to postpone his kids’ education, he decided to donate his land for the program.The land was then utilized for schools and roads. Now his life has been very good and he is even able to pay for his kids’ college tuition. This fact inspired many other residents to be aware and to participate on the program.
b. Ustadz MUHAMMAD
At first, Ustadz Muhammad, as a role model of the society and the spokesman for the community, was not sure about the program success and sustainability. He then directly involved in the program and ensured the public participation in it. He volunteered to be the spokesman and became one of the motivators to the public so the program is finally implemented.