Safe City Monitoring System (SCMS) GIS Web Based Application in Crime Monitoring in Malaysia
Federal Department Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia & Royal Malaysian Police

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
Major problems and issues to be addressed: 1. Reducing Crime Malaysia was grappling with increasing high crime rate, whereby the overall index crime increased from 746 reported crime per 100,000 population in 2006 to 767 in 2007 and 2008 - a rise of nearly 3%. In light of these increases, and the importance of this issue to the public at large, the country's economy and to build public confidence on personal safety, the Malaysian government was determined to reduce crime through actions focussed on delivering these outcomes: reduced the overall reported index crimes, with the focus on street crime and improved public perception of public safety. A yearly 5% reduction in overall reported crime index and annual street crimes reduction by 20% based on the 2009 street crimes index were set; and safety perception was to be increased from 45% in 2009 to 57.3% in 2012. 2. Lack of sharing of crime data and information Prior to 2010, crime prevention in any forms rested mainly on the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and information sharing on crime data with relevant agencies and the public was at minimum level. The Federal Town and Country Planning Department (FDTCP) and Local Authorities (LAs) had no access to crime information as crime data and information is regarded too sensitive to be revealed to other government agencies as it could compromise on the security of the country. Thus crime prevention measures (physical interventions) were done independently, in silo by RMP, FDTCP and the respective LAs, resulting in ineffectiveness in reducing crime rates and wastage of resources. 3. Conventional and unscientific approach on crime data management Though computerised Police Reporting System (PRS) existed since 2002, it could only provide crime statictics in textual form, not easily understood by the local authorities (LAs) as the implementing agencies, and the FDTCP as the planning agency. Visualisation of crime locations, distribution and patterns were done manually using hardcopy pin-maps, displayed on the walls of District Polices' operation rooms and not to be shared by others. Often the pin-maps were discarded or misplaced, leading to loss of valuable informations. The SCMS has transformed the conventional pin-map approach in digital form for more systematic approach in crime data management, archives and analyses, thus enabling: i. Modernising of the PRS, whereby crime locations can be geo-coded accurately as when the crime victims made police reports at the police stations via RMP private network ii. Crime statistics, existing and potential crime patterns and hotspots be generated quickly, visualised and shared with the participating LAs, FDTCP and RMP iii. Enhance collaborative decision-makings among the stakeholders, thus strategic, integrated and efficient measures in combating crime can be executed iv. The monitoring on the effectiveness of crime prevention measures under Safe City Programme

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Proposing Agency The Federal Department Town and Country Planning (FDTCP) and currently system administrator. Main end-users Personnel of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) at Federal, States, Districts and local police stations, and LLAs. Target audiences 70% urban population especially at crime hot spots and black spots within 151 LAs Initiative Summary Safe City Monitoring System (SCMS) developed on GIS Web Based Aplication on enterprise scale (Nationwide), is the nerve centre to enhance the sharing of crime data and information, and to monitor the effectivenes of crime prevention measures undertaken by the RMP, LAs, FDTCP and other related agencies. SCMS integrates two major existing systems i.e. Police Reporting System (PRS) owned by RMP with mapping system on GIS platform owned by FDTCP. It provides a more systematic approach in crime data sharing, management and analysis, thus enabling the identification of existing and potential crime patterns and hotspots for strategic implementation of crime prevention measures. Strategies for solution Strategy #1: Formation of smart-partnership between RMP, DTCP and LAs An agreement was reached for the RMP to share sensitive crime information with FDTCP and LAs to facilitate and fasten the development of SCMS. RMP also agreed for DTCP to leverage on its Police Reporting System (PRS) which record crime statistics and attributes, while, FDTCP agreed to share GIS mapping facilities with RMP and LAs. Strategy #2: Integration of Geograhical Information System (GIS) Crime mapping into PRS The initial idea of SCMS was to manually capture crime locations gathered from the PRS onto the GIS maps. However due to limited funding, time and with the availaibility of the latest information technology, and to simplify crime data procurement, FDTCP decided to develop SCMS on GIS platform and web-based application to allow crime incidents be captured on GIS map online. GIS crime mapping is integrated into the PRS, and SCMS acts as the engine integrating the two systems. Crime Data Capturing Tool (CDCT) is developed in the SCMS mainframe to locate crime incidents with coordinates (WGS 84) at local police stations. Crime data attributes and coordinates are then fed to SCMS server on weekly basis for archiving and analysis This strategy shortened the time taken to complete the development of SCMS and its content within 5 months, which normally would need between two to three years. At the initial stage, RMP allowed 3 types of street crimes to be geo-coded and subsequently increased to 13 crime types. Strategy #3: Develop tools for analysis, systematic crime data management and seamless crime information sharing between RMP, DTCP and LAs SCMS is designed with full fledge GIS and web application capabilities. The GIS functions as the engine to store, manipulate multi-layered data, visualize, correlate and perform spatial analysis. It has 13 customized analysis such as crime patterns, hotspots, crime prone areas, repeat location finder, aoristic and timeline analysis, identify suitable locations for safe city measures, police beats and patrolling, etc. Designed with web-based application, SCMS enables DTCP, RMP and LAs full access of the system via internet. SCMS provides a platform for seamless information sharing among stakeholders, enabling better correlation in determining existing and future trends and crime patterns with suitable crime prevention measures and programmes from the respective agencies simultaneously. Monitoring of the effectiveness of crime prevention measures can also be carried out online. Strategy #4: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Training SOPs for SCMS administration, GIS and internet applications were prepared to facilitate transfer of technology (TOT) to registered users from RMP, and LAs. Continuous and intensive training were given to the users due large turnover of police personnel and low literacy level of GIS technology and internet application.

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
1. Integration of Geograhical Information System (GIS) Crime mapping into PRS Enable to: i. Modernise the PRS. CDCT tools in SCMS is accessible via PRS network to police stations to geo-code crime locations reported by the victims. In comparison with other agencies/ local authorities around the world, crime locations are captured manually and periodically at local level. ii. Transform the conventional pin-map approach in digital form. Crime statistics and locations can be visualised spatially on map for better understanding by users other than the police iii. Provide high bandwidth connection between SCMS and PRS servers from local level police stations SCMS is a centralised system for crime data management and developed at the national level (Enterprise Scale). Unlike in other countries, crime data management is carried out at district/county/local authority level. 2. Smart Partnership: Sharing of Crime information Sharing of GIS-based crime information and safe city initiatives towards coherent and effective crime prevention measures by all stakeholders. Currently there are 692 agencies involved including 2 ministries, 2 federal departments, 121 local authorities, 554 district police stations and 13 State Police Contingents. 3. Full-fledged GIS Web Application in public sector - first in Malaysia Designed with web based application capability, and full fledge GIS at workstations level. It provides real time analysis using geo-processing and spatial data (land use, roads and safe city measures) updates from the LAs. SCMS has high processing capabilities and currently catering for 2,110 registered users. Enable to transform crime data analyses in spatial dimension for better understanding by all stakeholders.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
SCMS is developed in five phases (2010 to 2014): Phase 1 (2010) 1) Main system development: strategy, concept and design using GIS platform mapping, and web application 2) Hardware and software procurement. 3) Database development using Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) approach to capture 3 types of street crime (unarmed gang robbery, unarmed robbery and snatch theft) accompanied by 13 types of crime data attributes. 4) Stakeholders: 12 LAs and 42 police stations labelled as street crime hotspots. They contributed 70% of total street crime in Malaysia in 2009. 5) The critical parts of the development are: • Develop GIS maps (building footprints, street names, etc.) • Initiate integration of GIS maps in SCMS into PRS of RMP data centre located 1.5km from SCMS data centre. 6) Produced Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for system administration, GIS application and crime location capture using PRS 7) Training System is fully operational on the 1st January 2011 Phase 2 (2011) 1) Upgrade SCMS system application and hardware. 2) User interface were upgraded to flex (flash support) for better multitasking tools and visualization. 3) Expanded to 9 police stations. 4) Captured 7 crime types (motorcycle theft, car theft, van/lorry/heavy, break-in (night), break-in (day), armed robbery and armed gang robbery) 5) GIS database development for additional police stations 6) Training Phase 3 (2012) - 1) Major upgrading on hardware and network bandwidth. The upgrading was to achieve speedier and better geo-processing execution to accommodate high concurrent users and high speed bandwidth using fibre optics connecting the SCMS and PRS servers. 2) Expansion to additional 23 LAs and 168 police stations. 3) Training Phase 4 (2013) 1) Major expansion to include additional 74 LAs and 198 police stations. 2) Upgrading of SCMS architecture to respond and correspond seamlessly between the application of GIS software and hardware (server) to optimize system performance and to cater for high concurrent users' accessibility. 3) 3 additional crime types: assault, rape and murder 4) Introduced more user-friendly interface. 5) Training Phase 5 (2014) - Final phase development. 1) Expanded to additional 12 LAs and 137 police stations. 2) Develop new application for the public viewing for 12 LAs hotspots (Phase 1). This new application provides better means and mileage for RMP and FDTCP to share crime information on GIS maps with the public. The objectives are: • to create better understanding of crime situations at the neighbourhood and community level • to obtain public confidence and trust on crime situation and statistics, as the government is more transparent on its actions • to improve safety perception • to forge smart partnership between RMP, LAs and the community in combating crime 3) Hardware procurement to sustain capability until 2018 4) Training Currently SCMS has over 2,110 registered users Total coverage:121 (80%) LAs of 151 LAs, and 554 (73%) of 764 police stations. 13 crime types

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
i. NKRA Safe City Task Force Team, FDTCP This team conceptualised the design of SCMS, develop the system and administer its development. Currently the administrator of the system. Comprised of 5 Town Planners who have expertise in : • GIS technology, spatial modelling and analysis frameworks • Networking and system architecture designs • System configuration (Hardware and Software) • Web design and User Interface Layout • Trainers ii. Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) • Network and PRS administrator • Desk Officer in integration and programme collaboration • Coordinator, training the police personnel • Provider of training premises • Trainers • End-user iii. Local Authorities (LAs): end-user Town Planners at the local authority level assisted in the updating of GIS mapping. Uses SCMS findings to collaborate with other agencies to strategize and execute crime prevention measures iv. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) UTM is a public university in Malaysia. Uni-Technologies Sdn Bhd. a commercial company of UTM was hired to provide services and supply system softwares/hardwares: • Supplying Software (GIS, Web Platform and SQL) • Supplying Hardware (Server, SAN, Router and network) • Provide services in programming and software customization for system integration • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for system administrator, GIS application for RPM and LAs and Capturing Crime locations in PRS for RMP at Police stations • Provide training v. Training (Transfer of Technology) Training involves both personnel from LAs and RMP nationwide. Training segments include: i. Training on the use of Crime Data Capturing Tool in PRS to RMP personnel ii. Hands-on training on the use of SCMS interface and analysis to RMP Personnel and LA officers iii. Annual meetings with SCMS users to provide updates, advice, tips and identify issues and technical problems.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
Total cost of SCMS development: USD7.99million (RM27million), inclusive of data procurement, hardware and software purchasing, programming and training Funding : from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) i. MOHA • Owner of NKRA Reducing Crime and all its initiatives • Provides funding of SCMS development ii. NKRA Safe City Task Force Unit, FDTCP, MUHLG • Project manager and developer of SCMS • Designed both application and network integration • System Administrator and owner of the system iii. Royal Malaysian Police • End-user and co-owner of SCMS • Provide services for crime data geo-coding (data capturing) using CDCT through Police Reporting System (PRS) interface at 554 police stations. • Sub-administrator within RMP level (registering and monitoring personnel users) iv. Local Authorities • End-users • Provide and supply spatial data on roads, land use and commercial premises and licenses etc • Update safe city measures implementation v. Public (only in 2015 onwards) • End-user to view crime information within their local neighbourhood areas

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
Top five concrete outputs :- i. Spatial analysis tool to detect the effectiveness of crime prevention measures This tool analyses the effectiveness of the measures by comparing the number of street crimes recorded in the PRS before and after the implementation of the crime preventions measures. This analysis proved valuable for the LAs to decide whether to continue or discontinue implementing safe cite measures at crime hotspots. ii. Hotspots and Repeat Location Finder (RLF) Crime hot spots identification and RLF proved to be useful to RMP, and LAs to undertake strategic and cohesive crime prevention actions. RMP has better understanding on crime patterns and trends, thus able to make accurate decisions on human resource deployment and tactical operations on local and national scale. iii. PRS Executive tool The availability of Crime Data Capturing Tool and PRS Executive tool monitoring tools in the PRS surprisingly, have assisted RMP to be more efficient in detecting the inefficiency of Investigation Officers (IOs) at Local Police Stations in the opening of Investigation Papers (IPs). The result of this exercise, the number of IPs have increased by 56.4% in 2011, from 2,382 IPs in 2010 to 5,464 IPs in 2011. In 2011, SCMS had been accessed more than 10,000 times iv. Decision Support Tools Two decision-support tools were developed for SCMS: 1) Tool to identify suitable Locations for police beats and patrolling Decision Support Tool has been developed for SCMS by the team in 2010 to identify areas most needed to undertake crime prevention measures under the Safe City Programme. The function of this tool has been further expanded to support RMP in identifying priority areas to establish police beat base and patrolling. 2) Tool to identify suitable location for safe city measures Local Authorities (LAs) are responsible to implement Safe City measures by installing lighting, CCTVs, safety mirrors, safety alarms, safety mirrors etc. in crime hotspots. SCMS provides tools to support LAs in identifying suitable locations for Safe City measures implementation. This strategy could generate big result fast in terms of crime prevention. v. Aoristic and Timeline Aoristic and Timeline analyses are to identify crime trend in relation to frequency of crime incidents at specific times (hourly basis). It is visualized interactively using bar chart on the GIS map to locate specific crime location at a specific hour. It provides findings to RMP and LAs to make better decision on crime prevention programmes.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
Approach to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategy : i. SCMS Technical Working Committee Ensure the SCMS development follows the terms of requirements of the stakeholders. Address technical issues and problems, find solutions to the problems and endorse major changes or deviations if contribute to the betterment of the SCMS. Meetings were conducted at every main stages of SCMS development (at least 3 times annually). ii. SCMS Steering Committee Advise on policy matters focussing on strategic collaboration, security, future planning and endorsement on major development changes and system administration. iii. Safe City Programme Steering Committee, Ministry of Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government, Malaysia (MUHLG) Monitor the overall progress of Safe City Programmes (including SCMS). Ensure its effectiveness in achieving the national agenda in reducing crime. iv. Outcome Evaluation Committee, Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU), Prime Minister's Office This committee evaluates selected projects with the objective to assess public sector's projects give big impact to the public. The Safe City Programme which includes the SCMS has been evaluated by the committee in ensuring the effectiveness of the system in pursuing the national agenda NKRA reducing crime. It in turns has recommended to the government that the safe city programme and SCMS to be continued in the 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2016). v. Technical Workshops Workshops are conducted for Users Acceptance Test (UAT) and Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) to avoid glitches on the system operations. vi Training SCMS is also monitored and evaluated during training on the application of the system vii. Monitoring tool - PRS Executives The availability of Crime Data Capturing Tool and monitoring tools in the PRS surprisingly, have assisted RMP to be more efficient in detecting the inefficiency of Investigation Officers (IOs) at Local Police Stations in the opening of Investigation Papers (IPs). This tool helps to the police officers more attentive and effective.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
i. RMP network has low bandwidth speed RMP network (LAN) bandwidth speed is generally low, ranging from 2 Mbps to 128 Kbps causing slow website downloads from internet, and "timeout" issue. This issue is addressed by: • Upgrading bandwidth capabilities at 218 police stations from 128 Kbps to 2 Mbps. RMP is planning to upgrade bandwidth capability to all participating police stations (554) in 2015. • CDCT tool is designed as lite application during browsing the mapping contents. To ensure better download time, hardware servers have been improved with better memory cache and system optimization. ii. High concurrent users' accessibility. SCMS contains high graphical mapping web and real time processing (geo-processing). Optimization is carried out annually, by: • restructuring the programming application and reconstructing better access to database through Relational Database System Management (RDBSM). • Upgrading and innovating method of clustering (computing) to optimize and reduce time taken for geo-processing • Restructuring services (Windows Services Applications), and upgrading cache memory through RAM expansion and user interface based on customization and add-on tools. iii. Low level of GIS literacy amongst end-users and high turnover of RMP personnel SCMS is designed to be user-friendly particularly to users with minimum GIS literacy. However continuous training programs nationwide are carried out annually to ensure sustainability of SCMS. Currently 3,500 end-users from the LAs and RMP have been trained.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
Key Benefits i. Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) SCMS had successfully transformed and modernized the PRS, which used the static pin-map and textual output onto GIS platform. Crime data information can now be retrieved, visualised, analysed and administered systematically. This automation process helps to reduce crime data dispute by the public released by RMP. The number of participating Local Police Stations have increased to 554 (2014) making constant data feed, reporting, and application of GIS in their routine jobs more evidence now. Findings generated by the SCMS such as hotspots, aoristic, timeline and repeat location finder have been utilized in the decision-making process for strategic deployment of RMP's resources in crime prevention activities such as patrolling, omnipresence, neighbourhood watch and identification of police beat base at the District Police Stations throughout Malaysia. ii. Local Authorities SCMS is being accessed by 2,110 registered users from 121 participating LAs in 2014. SCMS findings have been used as basis to streamline the implementation of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and the appropriate Safe City measures (CCTV, Lightings, Safety Mirrors, Separation of Pedestrian Footpath from motorways, Safety Alarms Motorcycle Locking facilities, etc.) at the appropriate locations by the LAs. Analytical Module has been developed specifically for the SCMS in assessing the effectiveness of Safe City measures undertaken by LAs and Ministry of Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government. The findings show positive results in reducing crime in such areas. iii. Improving public service delivery system End-users' satisfaction survey on the system was conducted on 300 end-users (14% samples from 2,110 registered users) in September - October 2014. 77% of users were satisfied with the simplicity of system, and SCMS has actually improved work performance of 79% of the users in relation to crime prevention activities. iv. Enhance smart partnership and collaboration amongst stakeholders The availability of data sharing via SCMS has promoted smart partnership and enhanced the collaborative effort between RMP, LAs and other related agencies in reducing crime in the cities. SCMS helps other agencies in understanding the crime prevention efforts undertaken by the RMP and also the necessity to undertake pre-emptive measures under Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). v. Overall impact Findings generated by the SCMS such as crime hotspots and trends have been used as basis by the LAs to implement holistic and appropriate crime prevention measures under the safe city programme such as CCTV, lightings, safety mirror, panic button, walkways, etc since 2011. Street crimes at areas where safe city measures were implemented have been reduced by 23%-27% in 2012 compared with street crimes percentage in 2010. Holistic implementation of Crime Prevention program spearheaded by Ministry of Home Affairs, RMP and other agencies including FDTCP, has reduced the overall reported Index Crime to 4.3% and house break-ins 6.5% for year 2013 (reduction from baseline 2012) (source: GTP Annual Report 2013). vi. Cost effective Significant cost saving in crime data capturing and development of GIS Crime Mapping for 121 Local Authorities has been achieved between 2010-2014. Total cost of SCMS development was RM27 million compared with RM386.9 million if the SCMS is developed individually by each Local Authorities. vii. International Recognition The innovations developed for SCMS has contributed significantly in the improvement of public service delivery system in terms of information technology application, and modernisation of the PRS. SCMS won 4 international awards: 1) Special Achievement in GIS Awards 2012, ESRI User Conference, San Diego, California 2) Future City of the Year Award 2012 by FutureGov, Chiang Mai, Thailand 3) Geospatial World Excellence Award For Application of Geospatial Technology in Public Safety Category, at Geospatial World Forum 2014, Geneva, Switzerland 4) Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM) Awards 2014, for Innovative Use of Technology in Public Sphere, Putrajaya, Malaysia (22nd October 2014)

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
Sustainability i. Complete integration of SCMS and PRS at all local police stations and LAs in Malaysia. At RMP level: It is the intention of RMP to modernise the PRS by integrating the SCMS with all police stations in Malaysia. Due to limited funding and logistic problem, the integration was carried out in phases. Police stations labelled as crime hotspot were given priority, followed by other police stations in the subsequent phases. Currently only 554 (73%) of the total 764 police stations have access to this system. The integration of SCMS at the remaining police will be carried out by system administrator (DTCP) and RMP in the near future subject to the availability of GIS data and internet access. Currently, SCMS is mandatory for all EO and IO at police stations during police reporting system. At LA level: The inclusion of LAs is also based on high crime rates and normally coincided with crime hotspots police stations. Finally all the 151 LAs will have access to SCMS, currently only 121 (80%) LAs have the SCMS. ii. Reliability and Consistency of Crime Statistics in Malaysia Crime statistics and information in Malaysia is governed by RMP under the Secrecy Act. Prior to the development of SCMS, crime statistics are generated by PRS and the public has reservation on this statistic. SCMS will be more relevant and when crime incidents at all police stations are recorded via SCMS, consistent and reliable crime statistics for the nation can generated and published for public viewing. iv. Integration of other RMP system with SCMS RMP planned to integrate SCMS to include its other systems such as MERS 999, C4i, Narcotic, trafic etc. v. Dynamic platform and system architecture The development of SCMS utilises prime software and infrastructures (servers). Currently it supports 13 customised functions. It has high capability to expand its functions and accommodate more customized decision-support tools. vi. Basis for executing strategic crime prevention measures SCMS will remain relevant, as its findings will be used as basis by all stakeholders to execute holistic, integrated and effective crime preventions, and strategising the use of limited human resource and funding. vii. Funding supports for system maintenance Government of Malaysia gives full support on SCMS. Budget has been allocated in the next 5 years for system administration and maintenance, and upgrading of hardware and software in line the latest technology and big data approach. Transferability As crime information is a sensitive matter, the development of SCMS is dedicated to sharing of crime information within the environment of RMP, registered users from LAs, FDTCP and the public. Therefore the system cannot be transferred to other agencies in Malaysia nor outside Malaysia. Replication However the development concept of SCMS can be replicated to other agencies such as police departments and local authorities outside Malaysia. A few local authorities outside Malaysia have indicated interest to develop similar system, provided ready environments existed such as excellent internet penetration, GIS database and computerised crime recording system.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
i. Simple problem can be solved by simple solution That simple problem is : RMP is reluctant to share crime statistics and information with other government agencies. Information sharing needs strict protocol and the clearance of Inspector General of Police. Public outcry: High crime rates in the urban areas especially street crime and house break-ins. Blamed the FDTCP and LAs for not providing adequate crime prevention measures in the town centres and neighbourhood areas to reduce crime incidents. FDTCP and LAs urgent needs: crime hot spots and exact crime locations by types at street and neighbourhood level. This information is valuable for the FDTCP and LAs to plan and implement immediate and suitable physical crime prevention measures under the safe city programme : separation of walkway/ safety alarms/ CCTV/ lightings/ railing etc. That simple solution is : to integrate the PRS with GIS crime mapping and web application. This integration allows crime locations to be geo-coded online in PRS and improve crime data management for RMP. The integration of SCMS and PRS using full-fledged GIS and web based applications on a national scale for public services is an innovation. Unlike in other countries, crime data management is carried out at district/county/local authority level and crime locations are captured manually and periodically. ii. Cost effective SCMS development is cheap and fast. Utilisation of existing resources available at various government agencies, e.g. availability of GIS mapping at FDTCP and LAs, ready internet service throughout Malaysia, and the PRS within RMP local network. Total cost of SCMS development was RM27 million compared with RM386.9 million if the SCMS is developed individually by each LAs and police stations. iii. Local talents SCMS development involved local talents : • Town planners from FDTCP who have knowledge on GIS technology, spatial analysis, decision-making tools application, system development and design, and networking. • Local consultants mainly Town Planners from UTM • RMP personnel from Information Technology Division. iv. Total commitment and smart partnership Total commitment at all level of RMP, LAs and FDTCP in terms of policy, funding, continuous training and human resource deployment is crucial in SCMS development. v. Moving forward: sharing crime information with the public To achieve this goal, SCMS Phase 5 development (2014) is designing an application specifically for public and internet surfers to access crime mapping to: • foster better collaboration or partnership between the public and police force in strengthening community policing. • Motivate individuals and communities to initiate crime preventions programmes • better understanding on the safety level in neighbourhoods • gain confidence from the public on crime data • increase transparency and credibility on Governments effort in crime prevention.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Federal Department Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia & Royal Malaysian Police
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Siow Suan Neo
Title:   Chief of NKRA Safe City Task Force Team, FDTCP  
Telephone/ Fax:   +60322650757/+60322650771
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Federal Department Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia, Jalan Cenderasari
Postal Code:   50646
City:   Kuala Lumpur
State/Province:   Wilayah Persekutuan

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